Literature of Molidae

ˆê‰žAŠÔˆá‚¢‚Ì–³‚¢‚悤‚É‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·‚ªA‚à‚µ‚©‚µ‚½‚çŠÔˆá‚¢‚ª‚ ‚é‚©‚à‚µ‚ê‚Ü‚¹‚ñB
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Journal Title Abbreviations‚ªŽGŽ‚ÌÈ—ª‚𒲂ׂ鎞‚É•Ö—˜
MSSi•¡”Œ`j‚Ímanuscripts‚Ì—ªŒêiƒ‰ƒeƒ“Œê‚Å‚Ímanu scriptumjmanuscript‚Ì’P”Œ`‚Å‚ÍMS‚Æ‚È‚éB


ˆ¢šƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‰ÈMolidae @ƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‘®Mola@ ¢ƒNƒTƒrƒtƒO‘®Ranzania@ šƒ„ƒŠƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‘®Masturus@ ƒ¶‰»Îfossil


@Plinius Secundus, Gaius (Pliny the Elder).1469(or 77). Naturalis Historia, 32: 606-621. }–³‚µ? 5E9E19Í(pdf‚Ì608p). (A.D. 77-79‚Ì•S‰ÈŽ–“T‚ð1469”N‚ÉVenice‚ňóü‚µ‚½‚à‚ÌE‰pŒê”Å‚àŒ‹\‚ ‚é)™718™
@’˜ŽÒ•sÚD1469Dß—pWi–¾‰ž–{jD2Šª. [1]i㊪jDiˆÉ¨–{ŒnjDƒy[ƒW”–³‚µi59ƒRƒ}j™1569™


@Plinius Secundus G. 1497. C. Plinii Secundi Historiae hi storiarum libri XXXVII. e castigationibus hermolai barba ri quam emen datissime editi (ˆø—p‚ÌÚׂ͌ã“ú)™1207™


@Rondelet, Guillaume. 1554. Libri de piscibus marinis, in quibus verae piscium effigiens expressae sunt. Quae in tota piscium historia contineantur, indicat elenchus pagina nona et decima. Postremo accesserunt indices necessarii. Lugdunum (Lyon): Matthias Bonhomme. p.424-427ipdf‚Ì439pj™662™
@Salviani, Ippolito. 1554. Aquatilium animalium historiae, liber primus : cum eorumdem formis, aere excusis. 153-156. ƒ‰ƒeƒ“Œê ³Ž®‚ȃ^ƒCƒgƒ‹‚ÍŒã“ú’²‚ׂéB™708™


@Boussuet, François (Bousseti, Francisci). 1558. De natura aquatilium carmen. Matthiam Bonhome(o”Å), Lugduni.‚Ìp.179. ™920™
@Gesner K. 1558. Historiae animalium, Liber IV. Qui est de piscium & aquatilium animantium natura. Tigurum (Zurich). p.754-756(pdf‚Ì791) (“¯‚¶“à—eConradi Gesneri medici Tigurini Historiae animalium liber IV : qui est De piscium & aquatilium animantium natura : cum iconibus singulorum ad viuum expressis fere omnibus DCCXII (1604)‚Å‚Í640p.)™663™
@Rondelet, Guillaume. 1558. La Premiere (- La seconde) Partie de l'Histoire entiere des poissons, Composee premierement en Latin par maistre Guilaume (sic) Rondelet... Maintenant traduites (sic) en François... (par Laurent Joubert). o”ÅŽÐPar Mace Bonhomme. ‚Ì326-328p.ƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒXŒê™898™


@Gessner, Conrad and Forer Conrad. 1575 (1563 ver. also). Fischbůch: das ist ein kurtze doch vollkom[m]ne Beschreybung aller Fischen so in dem Meer und süssen Wasseren seen, flüssen, oder anderen Bächen jr wonung habend, sampt jrer waaren Conterfactur : zů nutz vnd gůtem allen Artzeten, Maleren, Weydleüten vnd Köchen gestelt : insonders aber denen so ein lust habend zů erfaren vnd betrachten Gottes wunderbare Werck in seinen Geschöpfften. bey Christoffel Froschower(o”Å), Zürychio”ÅêŠj. ƒhƒCƒcŒê@@i‚±‚Ì–{‚̉o‚Í1563”NAGesner, 1604‚̃hƒCƒcŒê–|–óƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚¾‚©‚ç“Ç‚Þ•K—v‚È‚¢‚©‚à 85-86pj™998™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Coenensz van Schilperoort, Adriaen. 1577-1581. Visboeck. Scheveningen. (150rƒy[ƒW–Ú)™859™




@Plinius Secundus G. 1608. C. Plinii Secundi Historiae mundi libri XXXVII. Cum castigationibus et adnotationibus doctiss. & variis praeterea lectionibus ex mss. compluribus ad oram paginarum accurate indicatis. Ex nouissima & laboriosissima editione Iacobi Dalechampii, medici, Cadomensis. Cum indice duplici, vtroque locupletissimo. Accedunt iam primum Pauli Cigalini Comensis praelectiones duae eruditiss. Vna De vera patriae nostri Plinii: altera De fide & auctoritate ipsius. Claud. Marnium & heredes Joan. Aubrij, Francofurti™1208™


¢@Aldrovandi, Ulyssis. 1613. De piscibus libri V et De cetis lib. unus. Dellagamba Bononiae, 759pp. ‚Ì410-414.™715™


@Plinius Secundus G. 1631. C. Plinij Secvndi Historiae Mundi Libri XXXVII. Opus Omni Quidem Commendatione Maius, Sed Nullis Ad Hunc Diem Editionibus, Nvila Cvius- quam singulari vel industria, a mendis, quae aut temporum iniquitate, aut superiorum atatum negligentia, inter Latino prima nota scriptorem hactenus | occuparunt, satis vnquam emaculatum suesit. Nunc Denvo Qvanta Praestari potuit side, euta & diligentia, tam ex vetustibimorum & aliorum hactenus excusorum, quam plurium etiam manuscriptorum codicum attentibma collatione; idque post ultimam defuncts de- ctissmi D. Iacobi Dalecampii praestantisimi medici manum, ita saeliciter repurg atum. | Variis Qvoqve Sigism Gelenii Fredenandi | pintiani, & aliorum Lectionibus, Castigationibus & Adnotationibus eruditissimis ornatum; vt nihil posthac huic operi desi- derari posse videatur. | Accesere itidem Indices vtiles & necessarij. (ˆø—p‚ÌÚׂ͌ã“ú)™1209™


Jonston, Jan. 1632. Ioh. Ionstoni Thavmatographia natvralis, in decem classes distincta, in quibus admiranda I coeli. II elementorvm. III meteororvm. IV fossilivm. V plantarvm. VI avivm. VII qvadrvpedvm. VIII exangvivm. IX piscivm. X hominis. 501pp.‚Ì419-421. (“à—e‚Í“¯‚¶Joh. Jonstoni Thaumatographia naturalis in decem classes distincta (1665 ver.) p.417-418.)@ƒ‰ƒeƒ“Œê™726™


@Aldrovandi, Ulysses. 1638. De piscibus libri quinque, de cetis liber unus. Joannes Cornelius Vterverius collegit, Marcus-Antonius Bernia in lucem restituit. Nicolaus Thebaldinus(o”ÅŽÐ), Bononiae(êŠ).‚Ì410-414. (Aldrovandi, 1613‚Æ‘S‚­“¯‚¶“à—e)@™888™


@’˜ŽÒ•sÚ(1643)D—¿—•¨ŒêD (Š°‰i“ñ\”N”Å)™969™






¢@Jonston, Jan. 1650.Historiae naturalis De piscibus et cetis libri V[-De exanguibus aquaticis libri IV].29-30p.Œã“ú‚¿‚á‚ñ‚Æ’²‚ׂé™713™


¢@Jonston, Jan. 1657.Historiae naturalis de quadrupedibus libri : cum aeneis figuris.17-18p.(TabIX)(pdf‚Ì25,185)™712™




¢@Jonston, John. 1660. Naeukeurige beschryving van de natuur der viervoetige dieren, vissen en bloedlooze water-dieren, vogelen, kronkel-dieren, slangen en draken. I. I. Schipper, Amsterdam@‚Ì2Šª‚Ì19ƒy[ƒW™778™


@Charleton, Walter. 1668. Onomasticon zoicon, plerorumque animalium differentias & nomina propria pluribus linguis exponens. Cui accedunt mantissa anatomica; et quaedam de variis fossilium generibus. Autore Gualtero Charletono, M.D. Caroli II. Magnae Britanniae Regis, medico ordinario, & Collegii Medicorum Londinensium Socio.129.(pdf‚Ì171)}–³‚µ™717™
@Plinius Secundus G. 1668. C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis historiae, tomus primus [-tertius] Cum commentariis & adnotationibus Hermolai Barbari, Pintiani, Rhenani, Gelenii, Dalechampii, Scaligeri, Salmasii, Is. Vossii, & variorum. Accedunt praeterea variae lectiones ex mss. compluribus ad oram paginarum accurate indicatae. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, Roterodami, apud Hackios(ˆø—p‚ÌÚׂ͌ã“ú)™1210™


@Redi, Francesco. 1684. Osservazioni intorno agli animali viventi che si trovano negli animali viventi. 166-168.‚­‚ç‚¢™711™


@Willughby, Francis. 1686. Francisci Willughbeii armig. De historia piscium libri quatuor, jussu & sumptibus Societatis Regiae londinensis editi. In quibus non tantum de piscibux in genere agitur sed & species omnes, tum ab aliis traditae, tum novae & nondum editae bene multae, naturae ductum servante methodo dispositae, accurate describuntur. Earumque effigies, quotquot haberi potuere, vel ad vivum delineatae, vel ad optima exemplaria impressa; artifici manu elegantissime in aes incisae, ad descriptiones illustrandas exhibentur. Cum Appendice historias & observationes in supplementum operis collatas complectente. Totum opus recognovit, coaptavit, supplevit, librum etiam primum & secundum integros adjecit Johannes Raius e Societate regia. e Theatro Sheldoniano. p.151. Tab.I.26. (pdf‚Ì157p.)ƒ‰ƒeƒ“Œê@ƒCƒMƒŠƒX‚Ì‹›Ray, John‚ªŽdã‚°‚½™707™


@Jacobaeus, Oliger. 1696. Museum regium, seu, Catalogus rerum tam naturalium, quam artificialium, quae in basilica bibliothecae augustissimi Daniae Norvegiaeq[ue] monarchae Christiani Quinti, Hafniae asservantur. Joachim Schmetgen, Hafniae [Copenhagen]. ‚Ì16p, fig.3™897™


@lŒ©•K‘åi’OŠx–ì•K‘åç—¢jD1697D楂‹›Din –{’©HŠÓC•½–쉮Ÿ¶‰q–åE•½–쎙B¶‰q–åC12(9), 26-27. (‘S46pp.)™970™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@ŠLŒ´‰vŒ¬D1709D‘å˜a–{‘C13: 1-49pp. (41,43.)˜a–¼‰™339™


@Ruysch, Frederik. 1710. Thesaurus animalium primus: cum figuris aeneis = Het eerste cabinet der dieren. 42pp.(26,‚à“à—eˆê)@™741™


@Ray, John. 1713. Synopsis methodica avium & piscium : opus posthumum. 51-52.(pdf‚Ì288)}–³‚µ™716™


@•½ZêˆÁiHirazumi Senanji•ÒjD1714D•ª—ތ̎–—vŒê@Šª”V”ªi‹×b–åjD‘å–ì–ØŽs•ºåÊE“։ꉮ‹ã•ºåÊio”ÅŽÐjC1’šƒI-29’šƒEDiƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚Íu13’šƒIvj™1870™


@Ίےè—ÇD1721DŠª”V‹ã@”õ‘Oš ”V“àƒˆƒŠ’¿•~•¨oƒ‹Ž–D”õ—z‹LD‘S94ƒy[ƒW‚Ì42ƒy[ƒW–ÚD™1066™








¢@Artedi, Peter. 1738. Ichthyologia sive opera omnia de piscibus scilicet: Bibliotheca ichthyologica. Philosophia ichthyologica. Genera piscium. Synonymia specierum. Descriptiones specierum. Omnia in hoc genere perfectiora quam antea ulla posthuma vindicavit, recognovit, coaptavit et editit Carolus Linnaeus. "Wishoff, Lugduni Batavorumo”ÅŽÐ". (pdf‚Ì274p, 504-505). Ú×”Å@uPetri Artedi sueci Genera Piscium. in quibus systema totum ichthyologiae proponitur cum classibus, ordinibus, generum characteribus, specierum differentiis, observationibus plurimis. redactis speciebus 242 ad genera 52. Ichthyologiae pars III. Conradum Wishoff, Lugduni Batavorum. 88pp. (pdf‚Ì206-301) =Gen.61vuPetri Artedi sueci Descriptiones specierum piscium. quos vivos praesertim disseguit et examinavit, inter quos primario pisces regni sueciae facile omnes accuratissime describuntur cum non paucis aliis exoticis. Ichthyologiae Pars V. Conradum Wishoff, Lugduni Batavorum. 118pp.(pdf‚Ì418-539) =syn.83v™714™




H@Klein, Jacob Theodor. 1742. Historiae piscium naturalis promovendae missus tertius, De piscibus per branchias occultas spirantibus ad justum numerum et ordinem redigendis, cum observationibus circa partes genitales rajae maris, et ovarium galei. Part 3, 48pp.(pdf‚Ì135p.)Ú׌ã“ú‚Ìp.23. n.31.™737™


¢@Bianchi, Giovanni . 1746. Jani Planci Ariminensis De Mola pisce ad Josephum Montium bononiensem. De Bononiensi Scientiarum Et Artium Instituto Atque Academia Commentarii. 2(2): 297-303. ƒ‰ƒeƒ“Œê™706™
@Smith, Charles. 1746. The ancient and present state of the county and city of Waterford: Being a natural, civil, ecclesiastical, historical and topographical description thereof. A. Reilly(o”Å), Dublin.@‚Ì271p.™927™


@De Hondt(o”ŎЂ݂½‚¢). 1747. Histoire générale des voyages, ou nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre: qui ont été publiées jusqu' à présent dans les différentes langues de toutes les nations connues ... pour former un système complet d'histoire et de géographie moderne .... Voyages au long des côtes occidentales d'Afrique, depuis le Cap-Blanco jusqu'à Sierra-Leona. 4. 614pp. (pdf‚Ì350p. p.320.fig.1.Ed.Hag.)™738™


@Hill, J. 1751. A review of the works of the royal society of London, R. Griffiths, London. ‚Ì127-130™885™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Hill, J. 1752. An history of animals. Containing descriptions of the birds, beasts, fishes, and insects, of the several parts of the world; and including accounts of the several classes of animalcules, visible only by the assistance of microscopes. In these the characters, qualities, and forms of the several creatures are described, the names by which they are commonly known, as well as those by whichauthors, who have written on the subject, have called them, are explained:and each is reduced to the class to which it naturally belongs. Thomas Osborne, London. 584pp.‚Ì pdf292p.™780™


¢@Gronovius, Laurentius Theodorus. 1754. Museum ichthyologicum, sistens piscium indigenorum & quorumdam exoticorum, qui in Museo Laurentii Theodori Gronovii, J. U. D. adservantur, descriptiones ordine systematico, accedunt nonnullorum exoticorum piscium icones aeri incisae. [1]. - pp. [1-9], 1-70, Tab. I-IV [= 1-4]. Lugduni Batavorum. (Haak).‚Ìpdf66p.™720™


Bianchi, Giovanni. 1755. Jani Planci Ariminensis De Mola pisce. Epistola altera ad Josephum Montium bononiensem. De Bononiensi Scientiarum Et Artium Instituto Atque Academia Commentarii. 3: 331-334. ƒ‰ƒeƒ“Œê™705™


¢@Bianchi, Giovanni. 1757. Beschreibung des Klumpfisches. Hamburgisches Magazin, oder gesammlete Schriften, aus der Naturforschung und den angenehmen Wissenschaften überhaupt, 18: 3-18.™743™


@Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae, ed. X. (Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata.) Holmiae [Stockholm]. i-ii + 1-824. ‚Ì334p@@ƒ‰ƒeƒ“Œê@@™595™

¢@Borlase, William. 1758. The natural history of Cornwall: The air, climate, waters, rivers, lakes, sea and tides ... Of the inhabitants, their manners, customs, plays or interludes, exercises, and festivals; the Cornish language, trade, tenures, and arts. Oxford.‚Ìp.267-268p,263B


¢H@Gronovius, Lorenz Theodor. 1760. Animalium in Belgio Habitantium centuria prima. Acta Helvetica, physico-mathematico-anatomico-botanico-medica, 4: 243-270. ‚Ìp.269-270. n. 195.


@ŸŠÔ —³…(ÎŽõŠÏG‘ •Ò?)E G‘D1762DŠC‚ÌKD‰ºŠªi’n‚ÌŠªjC15p.Œã“úˆø—pŠm”F™1053™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


¢@Gronovius, Laurentius Theodorus. 1763. Zoophylacii Gronoviani Fasciculus primus exhibens Animalia Quadrupeda, Amphibia atque Pisces, quae in Museo suo adservat, rite examinavit, systematice, disposuit, descripsit, atque iconibus illustravit. Lugduni Batavorum. [i-iv] + 1-136 pp.‚Ì50p.


@—ÑŽ©Œ©D1764DwŽGà”X˜bxŠª”V‰º––A16pp. (no 14p) ™1397™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Koelreuter, I. T. 1766 . Piscium rariorum e Museo Petropolitano exceptorum descriptiones continuatae. Novi commentarii Academiae scientiarum imperialis petropolitanae. v. 10 (1764): 329-351, Pl. 8. }8(654)‚Æ337-340 @ƒ‰ƒeƒ“Œê ™593™

@Linnaeus, C. 1766a. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio duodecima, reformata. pp. 1-532. Holmiae. (Salvius)ied.12, Vol. 1, part 1j‚Ì412p.™733™


@Brünnich, Morten. T. 1768. Ichthyologia Massiliensis: sistens Piscium descriptiones eorumque apud incolas nomina: accedunt spolia Maris Adriatici. ‚Ì8p.No.16™740™


@Pallas, P. S. 1770. Spicilegia Zoologica quibus novae imprimis et obscurae animalium species iconibus, descriptionibus atque commentariis illustrantur. Berolini, Gottl. August. Lange. v. 1 (fasc. 8): 1-56, Pls. 1-5.@i367-368,389j@@ƒ‰ƒeƒ“Œê ™607™


@Œã“¡—œtD1771DŠÏŽÊ^D‹›•”4Šª .™1054™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@—⌎ˆÁ’J…D1773Dw—¿—ˆÉ˜C”g•÷’šxŽOA17•Åi‹gˆäŽnŽqiŠÄCj1978w—¿—•ª—ވɘC”g•÷’šxinw]ŒËŽž‘ã—¿—–{W¬@Ž‘—¿•Ñ ‘æ1›ãx—Õì‘“Xj™1396™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Müller, Philipp Ludwig Statius. 1774. Des Ritters Carl von Linné vollständiges Natursystem: Th. Von den Amphibien(vol.3). Gabriel Nicolaus Raspe(o”Å)@‚Ì318-321.‚Ætab. 8. Fig.6. ƒŠƒ“ƒl‚̃hƒCƒcŒê–|–ó‚Û‚¢D™900™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Smith, Charles. 1774. The ancient and present state of the county and city of Waterford. Containing a natural, civil, ecclesiastical, historical and topographical description thereof. 2nd edition, with additions. W. Wilson(o”Å), Dublin.@‚Ì270p.™928™


@Forsskål, P. 1775. Descriptiones animalium avium, amphibiorum, piscium, insectorum, vermium; quae in itinere orientali observavit . . . Post mortem auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Hauniae [Copenhagen]. 1-20 + i-xxxiv + 1-164, map. ‚Ìp.44(xviii)ƒ‰ƒeƒ“Œê@@™592™
@‘·•º‰q?D1775DŒä—p‹F“˜Šo”V’ Dƒy[ƒW”•s–¾iƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚é‹Lq‚Í2ƒy[ƒW‚Ù‚ÇBj™1741™midoku


¢@Pennant, T. 1776. British zoology. 4th edition. London. vol.3 4ÍFish p.125,129-132.@™382™ ¡36@@


@Cetti, Francesco. 1777. Anfibi e pesci di Sardegna. ‚Ì202p. @ƒCƒ^ƒŠƒAŒê(I Quadrupedi, gli Uccelli, Anfibi e Pesci di Sardegna, vol.3@(Storia naturale di SardegnaƒVƒŠ[ƒY3Šª–Ú)).™899™

@Duhamel du Monceau, Henri Louis. 1777. Traité général des pesches, et histoire des poissons qu'elles fournissent, tant pour la subsistance des hommes, que pour plusieurs autres usages qui ont rapport aux arts et au commerce. vol.3. (306-307p).™770™

@Pallas, P. S. 1777. Naturgeschichte merkwürdiger Thiere, in welcher vornehmlich neue und unbekannte Thierarten durch Kupferstiche, Beschreibungen und Erklärungen erläutert werden. Durch den Verfasser verteutscht. Achte Sammlung. pp. 1-60, pl. 1-5. Berlin, Stralsund. ‚Ì41p‚Æpl.4™882™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Meuschen, Friedrich Christian. 1778. Museum Gronovianum sive index rerum naturalium tam mammalium amphibiorum piscium insectorum conchyliorum zoophytorum plantarum et mineralium exquisitissimorum quam arte factarum nonnullarum. (inter quae eminet herbarius siccus plantarum a Tournefortio, Claitonio, Linnaeo aliisque botanicis collectarum. Quae omnia multa cura et magnis sumptibus sibi comparavit vir amplissimus et celeberrimus Laur. Theod. Gronovius.) Th. Haak & Socios, J. Meerburg, Lugdunum Batavorum(=Leiden). ‚Ì23,55p.™931™


Fantuzzi, Giovanni. 1784. Notizie degli scrittori bolognesi raccolte da Giovanni Fantuzzi. Tomo primo nono 4 (1784)‚Ì138p.‚½‚Ô‚ñ‚±‚Ì•¶Œ£@Salvianus‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚é‹Lq‚Û‚¢Aƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚é˜_•¶‚Å‚Í‚È‚¢‚©‚à ™890™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


¢@Retzius, A. J. 1785. Tetrodon mola. Kongliga Vetenskaps Academiens Nya Handlingar, Stockholm v. 6 (for 1785): 115-121, Pl. 4. i‚Ì122|134, 350j@ƒhƒCƒcŒê™603™


Bloch, Marcus Elieser. 1786. Ichtyologie, ou histoire naturelle, générale et particulière des poissons: Avec des figures enluminées, dessinées d'après nature. Part 3. page 83. tabel. 128.™709™


@Daubenton, Louis Jean-Marie. 1787. Encyclopédie méthodique: Les poissons.‚Ì240-241p.™747™


Bonnaterre, abbé (Pierre Joseph). 1788. Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique des trois règnes de la nature : dédié et présenté a M. Necker, ministre d'Etat & directeur général des Finances. 313p(Plane.17.fig.54.).25pƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒXŒê™710™
H@Gmelin, Johann Friedrich. 1788. Caroli a Linné. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae : secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tom.1 Pars 3. 1033-1516.(‚Ì1452p‚ ‚½‚è)™742™
@’ѺŸÈˆÁD1788Dá‚Ì‚Ó‚é‚Ý‚¿(ŒÃ“¹)D2Šª .(pdf‚Ì5p)™1055™ŠŽ–¢“Ç




‰¼@Linck, H. F. 1790. Versuch einer Eintheilung der Fische nach den Zahnen. Magazin fur das Neueste aus der Physik und Naturgeschichte. v. 6 (no. 3): 28-38. (‚Ìp.449-459) @ ƒhƒCƒcŒê@(p.37 ‘®ƒŒƒxƒ‹j™594™


@Valmont de Bomare, J.-C. 1791. Dictionnaire raisonné universel d'histoire naturelle. Vol. 8. ip.533-537‚ ‚½‚è)™878™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


¢@Walbaum, J. J. 1792. Petri Artedi sueci genera piscium in quibus systema totum ichthyologiae proponitur cum classibus, ordinibus, generum characteribus, specierum differentiis, observationibus plurimis. Redactis speciebus 242 ad genera 52. Ichthyologiae, pars iii. Anton Ferdinand Rose, Grypeswaldiae [Greifswald]. Pt. 3: 1-723, Pls. 1-3. (‚Ì600) @ ƒ‰ƒeƒ“ŒêHƒhƒCƒcŒêH@@™602™


¢ Dryander, Jona. 1796. Catalogus bibliothecae historico-naturalis Josephi Banks baroneti, balnei equitis, regiae societatis praesidis, caet. Tomus II (Zoologi). o”ÅŽÐTypis gui bulmer et soc., o”Å’nLondini™1361™


@Cuvier, G. i1797Hj1798. Tableau elementaire de lfhistoire naturelle des animaux. Paris. i-xvi + 1-710, Pls. 1-14.‚Ìp.323-324 ¡8@ƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒXŒê@™611™
¢@Lacepède, B. G. E. 1798. Histoire naturelle des poissons. v. 1: 1-8 + i-cxlvii + 1-532, Pls. 1-25, 1 table. (‚Ì461pA509-519)•¶Œ£È—ª‹L†ˆê———L™745™


@Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de .1799.Histoire naturelle generale et particuliere, ‘æ 97 Šª .‚Ì125-139p. 106p ™744™ŠŽ–¢“Ç

š@‹g“cŒïFi•ÒjD1799-1801D’OŒã‘–Ø‹›‚Ì}D‚Ü–Æ‚È‚­‚³Diƒy[ƒW”‚È‚µ‚¾‚ª•¶Žš‚ª‘‚©‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚é‚Ì‚Í‘S86pp;ƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚Í38p(–{•¶‚Ì‚Ý‚Í80pp‚Ń}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚Í32p)jRishu Yoshida(ed).1799-1801.Mamenakusa™1388™


¢? Lacepède, B. G. E. 1800. Histoire naturelle des poissons. v. 2: i-lxiv + 1-632, Pls. 1-20. [Publication date: Hureau & Monod 1973, v. 2:323]@:200p i‚­‚³‚Ñ‘®ƒŒƒxƒ‹jƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒXŒê Triurus bougainvillianus ©™579™
@Linnaeus, C. (Retzius, A.J. ed.). 1800. Faunae suecicae a Carolo à Linné equ. inchoatae pars prima : sistens Mammalia, Aves, Amphibia et Pisces Sueciae...‚Ì310p. (Retzius, A. J. 1800. Faunae suecicae a Carolo à Linné equ. inchoatae pars prima sistens mammalia, aves, amphibia et pisces Sueciae quam recognovit, emendavit et auxit. - pp. I-X [= 1-10], 1-362, [1-10], pl. [1]. Lipsiae. (Crusium).) ™759™


¢@Bloch, M. E. and J. G. Schneider. 1801. M. E. Blochii, Systema Ichthyologiae iconibus cx illustratum. Post obitum auctoris opus inchoatum absolvit, correxit, interpolavit Jo. Gottlob Schneider, Saxo. Berolini. Sumtibus Auctoris Impressum et Bibliopolio Sanderiano Commissum: i-lx + 1-584, Pls. 1-110. ƒ‰ƒeƒ“Œê‚Ì510-511 ™598™

¢@Stewart, Charles(, and Carl von Linné). 1801. Elements of natural history: being an introduction to the Systema naturae of Linnaeus : comprising the characters of the whole genera, and most remarkable species, particularly of all those that are natives of Britain, with the principal circumstances of their history and manners : likewise an alphabetical arrangement, with definitions, of technical terms, London: Printed for T. Cadell jun. and W. Davies. vol.1. 409pp.@‚Ìp.291-292™642™


¢@Linnaeus, C. (English ed. by Turton, William) 1802. A general system of nature, through the three grand kingdoms of animals, vegetables, and minerals, systematically divided into their several classes, orders, genera, species, and varieties, with their habitations, manners, economy, structure and peculiarities. vol.1. ‚Ì891-892p.™750™



¢@Donovan, Edward. 1803. The natural history of British fishes, including scientific and general descriptions of the most interesting species and an extensive selection of accurately finished coloured plates, taken entirely from original drawings, purposely Made from the specimens in a recent state, and for the most part whilst living. Vol. II. Rivington, London.™1000™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


¢@Shaw, G. 1804. General zoology or systematic natural history ... with plates from the first authorities and select specimens. G. Kearsley, London. v. 5 (pt. 2): i-vi + 251-463, Pls. 132-182. @@‚Ì‚¤‚¿‚Ìpp.437-440Pl. 175 ™449™



Cuvier, G. 1805. Leçons d'anatomie comparée. vol.5, 316pp.@‚Ì114p.@Š{H™891™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


Duméril, Constant. 1806. Zoologie analytique : ou, Méthode naturelle de classification des animaux ; rendue plus facile a l'aide de tableaux synoptiques. ‚Ì107-109p. ãˆÊ•ª—ÞŒQ™889™ŠŽ–¢“Ç




¢@Rafinesque, C. S. 1810a. Caratteri di alcuni nuovi generi e nuove specie di animali e piante della sicilia, con varie osservazioni sopra i medesimi. (Part 1: [i-iv] + 3-69 [70 blank]; Part 2 [with slightly different title]: ia-iva + 71-105 [106 blank]); Pls. 1-20. i‚Ì17pj@ƒCƒ^ƒŠƒAŒê™604™
¢@Rafinesque, C. S. 1810b.@Indice d'ittiologia siciliana; ossia, catalogo metodico dei nomi latini, italiani, e siciliani dei pesci, che si rinvengono in Sicilia disposti secondo un metodo naturale e seguito da un appendice che contiene la descrizione de alcuni nuovi pesci sicilian. Messina. Indice d'ittiologia siciliana: 1-70, Pls. 1-2. ‚Ì40pƒCƒ^ƒŠƒAŒê@™400™
Risso, Antoine. 1810. Ichthyologie de Nice, ou, Histoire naturelle des poissons du departement des Alpes Maritimes. ‚Ì60|61.@™757™


Mitchill, S. L.. 1815. Transactions of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York. vol.1. ‚Ì471-472.™753™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Rafinesque, C. S. 1815. Analyse de la nature ou Tableau de l'univers et des corps organisés.‚Ì90p™758™


@Cuvier, G. 1817(1816?). Le Regne Animal distribue dfapres son organisation pour servir de base a lfhistoire naturelle des animaux et dfintroduction a lfanatomie comparee. Les reptiles, les poissons, les mollusques et les annelides. Edition 1. v. 2: i-xviii + 1-532 [Pls. 9-10, in v. 4}‚̓nƒŠƒZƒ“ƒ{ƒ“‚µ‚©‚È‚¢‚̂ňӖ¡‚È‚¢].‚Ìp.148-149 i‘®ƒŒƒxƒ‹j™591™
¢@Stewart, Charles 1817. Elements of the Natural History of the Animal Kingdom: Comprising the Characters of the Whole Genera, and of the Most Remarkable Species, Particularly Those That are Natives of Britain; With the Principal Circumstances of their History and Manners, 2nd ed., Edinburgh: Bell and Bradfute; and London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, vol.1. 446pp.@‚Ìp.324™641™


?@Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Etienne. 1818. Philosophie anatomique: pieces osseuses des organes respiratoires. vol.1. ‚Ì469p.™894™ŠŽ–¢“Ç




@Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de. 1822. De l'organisation des animaux, ou Principes d'anatomie comparee. F. G. Levrault(o”Å), Paris. ‚Ì561p.™896™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Naccari FL. 1822. Ittiologia adriatica, ossia, Catalogo de pesci del Golfo e lagune di Venezia. Nelle Stamperia Fusi e Comp, Pavia. (3-26pp. no 21)™1316™


Desmoulins, Antoine . 1824. Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle. Event. vol.6.@‚Ì371-373.@éÒH™893™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@¬Œ´““´D1746-1825(¶–v”N)D‹›•ˆD63— ppDiŒ´–{Gƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚Ì‹Lq‚Í42— -43— A58•\j™1586™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


Cloquet, Hippolyte(Cuvier, G ). 1826. Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles...Poissons...vol.42, 536pp.@‚Ì225p.@Š{H +Pl.57(pdf‚Ì232)(ŠG‚Í•ÊŠª)™892™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Jacob. 1826. Observations respecting the Diodon, or Tetrodon mola, or Short Sun-Fish of Pennant. The Dublin Philosophical Journal, and Scientific Review, 2: 443-448.(pdf.649‚É})™851™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Strack, Friedrich. 1826. Naturgeschichte in Bildern : mit erläuterndem Text. vol. 4. (pdf‚Ì31p,303p.)™752™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Bory de Saint-Vincent, J. B. G. M. 1827(1822-31). [Pisces accounts]. In: Dictionnaire classique dfhistoire naturelle. Vols. 12(1-17).503p.i‘®ƒŒƒxƒ‹j ƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒXŒê @™590™
@”È“c‰ŽRi‚­‚낾 ‚·‚¢‚´‚ñjD1827D…‘°Žu@“ñiŠª‘æŽljD52ppi–Ú˜^ŠÜ‚ß‚½jDiƒy[ƒW”Ô†‚È‚µGu…‘°Žu@“ñv‚ÍŠª‘æŽO‚ÆŠª‘æŽl‚ªŽû˜^‚³‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚邪AŠª‘æŽO‚Ì•û‚̃y[ƒW”‚Í”‚¦‚Ä‚¢‚È‚¢jiŒ´–{Gƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚Ì‹Lq‚ÍŠª‘æŽl‚Ì48`49ƒy[ƒWj™1589™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢@Nardo, G. D. 1827aiD˜_‚Å‚Ícj. Prodromus observationum et disquisitionum ichthyologiae Adriaticae. Isis, oder Encyclopadische Zeitung [von L. Oken]. v. 20 (no. 6): col. 473-489. (254-262) @ƒhƒCƒcŒê ™612™
¢@Nardo, G. D. 1827biD˜_‚Å‚Íaj. Prodromus observationum et disquisitionum Adriaticae ichthyologiae. Giornale di Fisica, Chimica e Storia Naturale, Medicina ed Arti, Pavia Dec. II, v. 10: 22-40. i‚Ì26A35j @ƒ‰ƒeƒ“EƒCƒ^ƒŠƒAŒê ™613™
¢@Nardo, G. D. 1827ciD˜_‚Å‚Íbj. Estratto di una memoria ittiologica inedita. Giornale di Fisica , Chimica, Storia Naturale Medicina ed Arti, Pavia Dec. II, v. 10: 102-105, 209-213. (‚Ì115-118,222-226H) @ƒCƒ^ƒŠƒAEƒ‰ƒeƒ“Œê ™614™
¢@Risso, A. 1827(1826?). Histoire naturelle des principales productions de lfEurope meridionale, et particulierement de celles des environs de Nice et des Alpes maritimes. F. G. Levrault, Paris and Strasbourg. v. 3: i-xvi + 1-480, Pls. 1-16. (‚Ì172-174 p199-201) ƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒXŒê@™600™


@Cuvier, G. 1828. Histoire naturelle des poissons. vol.1. ‚Ì294-297‚Ì295p, 437-438p, 449p. poisson luna.™895™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢@Férussac, A. E. J. and P. J. F. D'Audebard. 1828. Bulletin des sciences naturelles et de géologie. 27 tomes en 11 volumes. Paris, au bureau du Bulletin. @@@Nardo(1828)‚Æ‘S‚­“¯‚¶•¶Œ£‚ðŽw‚·™631™
¢@Fleming, John. 1828. History of British animals. ‚Ì175p.™755™
¢@@Nardo, G. D. 1828. Mémoire sur les genres Mola et Lepadogaster. Bull. Sci. Nat., Ferussac v. 13: 437-438. (450-451)@=@Férussac and D'Audebard. (1828)‚Æ‘S‚­“¯‚¶•¶Œ£‚ðŽw‚·@@™581™
@Mitchill, S. L. 1828. Description of an apparently new species of Diodon. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. v. 2: 264-265. (‚Ì‚¤‚¿275-276)™381™ ¡27@


@@Cuvier, G. 1829. Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation, pour servir de base à l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée. vol.2. Déterville(o”ÅŽÐ), Paris. 406pp. (Œ´•¶369-370p@}–³‚µ)@™862™(= Cuvier 1817b, Regne Anim. ed. 2)


@Lacépède, Étienne de. 1831. Oeuvres du Comte de Lacépède, comprenant l'Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupèdes ovipares, des Serpents, des Poissons et des Cétacés. (Tome VI : Poissons II : 399 pp.) F.D.Pillot, Paris.@‚Ì246-255.™929™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


¢@Traill, T. S. 1832. Description of a new species of Cephalus, which it is proposed to name Cephalus cocherani, Cochranesfs sunfish. Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society. Edinburgh v. 6: 381-383, Pl. 6. ¡51@ ( 418-420, 425)™387™

¢@Bonaparte, C. L. 1832¨1841. Iconografia delle fauna italica per le quattro classi degli animali vertebrati. Tomo III. Pesci. Roma. [Issued in puntate, without pagination; total of 556 pp., 78 pls. Also reorganized in book form without pagination but with table of contents.]. Fasc. 1, puntata 1-6, 2 pls. [published in 1832]. @‚̃Cƒ“ƒgƒ‚̃y[ƒW”–³‚µ‚Ì13p–Úi‚±‚Ì•”•ª‚Í1841”N‚É‘‚©‚ꂽby Sheiko(2013)j@ ™511™




¢@Ranzani C. 1834. Famiglia delle Mole. In: Varietà. Seguito del Rendiconto delle Sessioni ordinarie dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Bologna. A. 1833-34. Bullettino delle Scienze Mediche, 10: 352-357.(“à—e‚ÍRanzani? 1833-1837?‚Æ“¯‚¶)‹™1478™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


¢@Jenyns, Leonard. 1835. A manual of British vertebrate animals: or Descriptions of all the animals belonging to the classes, Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia, Amphibia, and Pisces, which have been hitherto observed in the British Islands: including the domesticated, naturalized, and extirpated species: the whole systematically arranged. Cambridge(John Smith). 596pp.(‰”Å‚Í1835”NAƒfƒWƒ^ƒ‹”Å‚ª2014”N)‚Ì490p™704™

ˆ¢š@Bonaparte, C.L. (1835) Prodromus systematis ichthyologiæ, 21 pp. [Extract from "Nuovi Annali delle Scienze naturali, Bologna, anno 2(tomo 4), 181-196, 272-277, 1840."(PDF no 204p)]™749™


š Liénard (François Liénard?) in Desjardins J. 1836. Septième rapport annuel sur les travaux de la Société d'histoire naturelle de l'île Maurice, lu à la Séance anniversaire du mercredi, 24 Août 1836. Inprimerie du Cernebi: Maurice, 67pp. (no 63p.)™1432™
¢@Yarrell, William. 1836. A history of British fishes. vol.2. ‚Ì350-356.™751™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


¢@Ranzani?. 1833-1837?. Rendiconto delle sessioni ordinarie dell'Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna (Estratto dal Bullettino delle Scienze Mediche). Volume 1. dai Tipi del Nobili e Comp, Bologna.i‚Ì130-135p.j‹™1477™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Swainson, W. 1838. The natural history and classification of fishes, amphibians, and reptiles, or monocardian animals. London. v. 1: i-vi + 1-368. (199 218-219‚ ‚½‚è) ™384™ ¡49@


@Alessandrini, Antonio. 1839. Antonii Alessandrini De piscium apparatu respirationis, tum speciatim orthragorisci: Orthragoriscus Alexandrini Ranzani. Novi commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Instituti Bononiensis:359-382, pis. 31-34.ƒtƒŒƒCƒU[ˆø—p@™640™
š@Lowe RT. 1839. A supplement to a synopsis of the fishes of Madeira. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, (7): 76-92.(Lowe, 1849‚Æ“¯‚¶“à—e)™1518™
@Storer, D. H. 1839. A report on the fishes of Massachusetts. Boston Journal of Natural History, 2 (3-4), 289-558 + Pls. 6-8. ( 515-519 [170-173 of separate], Pl. 3 [= Pl. 8], fig. 1 p.526-530) ™383™ ¡48@

¢@Ranzani, C. 1839 . Dispositio familiae Molarum in genera et in species. Novi commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Instituti Bononiensis . v. 3: 63-82, Pl. 6 + foldout table.@(‚Ì85-107j@ƒCƒ^ƒŠƒAŒêH™596™
@Swainson, W. 1839. The natural history and classification of fishes, amphibians, and reptiles, or monocardian animals. London. v. 2: i-vi + 1-448. (‚Ì‚¤‚¿p.193-195, 329-330)™385™ ¡50@


š@Liénard, E. 1840. Description d'une nouvelle espèce du genre mole (Orthagoriscus, Schn.) découverte à l'île Maurice. Revue Zoologique par la Société Cuvierienne, 3: 291-292. ip.57-65j@ ƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒXŒê@™609™
¢@Nardo, G. D. 1840a. Considerazioni sulla famiglia dei pesci Mola, e sui caratteri che li distinguono. Ann. Sci. R. Lombardo-Veneto, Padova v. 10: 105-112. i110|117j @ƒCƒ^ƒŠƒAŒê ™616™
‰¼@Nardo, G. D. 1840b. Adunanza Quarta. In: Atti della Prima Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani Tenuta in Pisa nellfottobre 1839. Sezione di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata. Tipografia Nistri, Pisa: 189-195. (279-285)@ƒCƒ^ƒŠƒAŒê ™617™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Goodsir J. 1841. On certain peculiarities in the structure of the short sun-fish (Orthagoriscus mola). Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, 30:188-194.™1694™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
š@Liénard, E. 1841. Description d'une nouvelle espèce du genre mole (Orthagoriscus, Schn.) découverte à l'île Maurice et nommée Orthagoriscus lanceolatus. Magasin de Zoologie: d'anatomie comparée et de palaeontologie, 2nd ser., vol. 3(Poissons, Pl.4): 1-8. ƒ„ƒŠ}‚ªÅ(Mag. de Zool.È—ªŒ`)(pdf‚Ì57|65).@ ƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒXŒê@™817™
š¢ Troschel, F. H. 1841. Bericht über die Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der Fische während des Jahres 1840. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 7: 127-145. (Œã”¼‚Ì141-143p)™875™‹à–¾ƒAƒŠ


@DeKay JE. 1842. Zoology of New-York, or the New-York fauna; comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals hitherto observed within the state of New-York, with brief notices of those occasionally found near its borders, and accompanied by appropriate illustrations (Part 4. Fishes). W. & A. White & J. Visscher, Albany, XV + 415 pp. + Pls. 1-79 (plates in separate volume)i‚Ì‚¤‚¿p.330|333‚Æ}‚Ì113,121j™378™ ¡10


@Ranzani, Camillo. 1844. Dispositio familiae Molarum in genera et in species. dissertationes (1-21). (pdf‚Ì91-117)”ŽŽm˜_•¶@iRanzani,1839‚Æ‘S‚­“¯‚¶“à—ej™903™


¢@Richardson, J. 1845. Ichthyology of the voyage of H. M. S. Erebus & Terror, . . . In: J. Richardson and J. E. Gray. The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. gErebus & Terror,h under the command of Captain Sir J. C. Ross . . . during . . . 1839-43. London. v. 2 (2): i-viii + 1-139, Pls. 1-60. (1845‚Ì52D p593 }18-21 p794)™398™¡43@


Bonaparte, CL. 1846. Catalogo metodico dei pesci Europei. Napoli: Stamperia e cartiere del fibreno. ™1281™
Richadson, J. 1846. Report on the Ichthyology of the seas of China and Japan. Report of the fifteenth meeting of the British association for the advancement of science, 187-320. (200p–Ú)™849™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Storer DH. 1846. A synopsis of the fishes of North America. Metcalf and Company, Cambridge (no 242-243).™1314™


@Gay C. 1848. Historia física y política de Chile: segun documentos adquiridos en esta republica durante doce anos de residencia en ella y publicada bajo los auspicios del supremo gobierno. Zoología. II. Chile, en el Museo de historia natural de Santiago,En casa del autor. 370pp.@i‚Ì354-355j™1299™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


š@Lowe RT. 1849. Supplement to "A Synopsis of the Fishes of Madeira.". Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 3(1): 1-20. (Lowe, 1839‚Æ“¯‚¶“à—e)™1519™


@Temminck CJ, Schlegel H. 1850. Pisces (last part(=part 16)). pp. 270-323, pls. 120-143 + suppl. pl. A. :In von Siebold PF (ed.) Fauna Japonica: Sive descriptio animalium, quae in itinere per Japoniam, jussu et auspiciis superiorum, qui summum in India Batava Imperium tenent, suscepto, annis 1823-1830 collegit, notis, observationibus et adumbrationibus illustravit. Apud Arnz et Socios(o”ÅŽÐ), Lugduni Batavorum(=Leideno”Å’n). (‘S‘Ì•\‹LTemminck CJ, Schlegel H. 1842-1850. Pisces, Fauna Japonica (Siebold PF ed.). Lugduni-Batavorum(=Leiden), 323pp + 160 pls. i‘S323ƒy[ƒW‚ŃvƒŒ[ƒg160–‡A‘S16Šª‘‡•\‹Lj)‚Ì@288p.™1042™


@Alessandrini A. 1851. Catalogo degli oggetti e preparati più interessanti del Gabinetto dfAnatomia Comparata di Bologna. Nuovi annali delle scienze naturali, Serie 3, 4: 120-152.iƒCƒ^ƒŠƒAŒêA130pj™1785™ƒEƒV


Bleeker P. 1853. Nalezingen op de ichthyologie van Japan. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 25: 1-56.(PDF no 182) ™1262™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


¢@Gray, J. E. 1854. Catalogue of fish collected and described by Laurence Theodore Gronow, now in the British Museum. London. i-vii + 1-196. ™601™


¢@Kaup, J. J. 1855. Uebersicht uber die Species einiger Familien der Sclerodermen. Arch. Naturgeschichte v. 21 (no. 1): 215-233. @ ƒhƒCƒcŒê ip.221 ‘®ƒŒƒxƒ‹j™610™


@”È“c‚çD1856DŒF–앨ŽY‰Žu 3Šª–Ú™1060™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Pliny the Elder (1857) The natural history of Pliny. Translated, with copious notes and illustrations by the late Bostock J and Riley HT, vol. 6. Henry G. Bohn, London ™773™


@van der Hoeven J. 1858. Handbook of zoology. Volume the second (Vertebrate Animals.). Translated from the second Dutch edition by William Clark. Cambridge: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, London. 775pp. + 24pp.™1765™


@Ayres, W. O. 1859. On new fishes of the Californian coast. Proceedings of the California Academy of Natural Sciences (Series 1), 2: 25-32.i‚Ìp.31,54j™377™ @@¡1

¢@Yarrell W. 1859. (Richardson J ed.) A history of British fishes, 3rd edition. vol. 2. John Van Voorst, London™1317™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Gill, T. 1861. Catalogue of the fishes of the eastern coast of North America, from Greenland to Georgia. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 13 (Suppl.): 1-63. ™510™
@Castelnau, F. L. 1861. Memoire sur les poissons de lfAfrique australe. Paris. i-vii + 1-78.‚Ìp.75-78@ ƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒXŒê ™608™


@Cleland J. 1862. On the anatomy of the short sunfish (Orthragoriscus mola). Natural History Review (London) 2: 170-185.™1364_1™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Turner W. 1862. On the structure and composition of the integument of the Orthragoriscus mola. Natural History Review (London) 2: 185-188.™1364_2™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


Steenstrup JS, Lütken CF. 1863. Oversigt over det Konglige danske videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger og dets Medlemmers Arbejder I Aaret 1963. Moedet den 20. Marts: 36-43. (PDF no 388-390 kurai)™1282™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Swinhoe, R., 1863. A list of the Formosan reptiles; with notes on a few of the species, and some@remarks on a fish (Orthagoriscus, sp.). Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Ser. 3), 12: 219-226. ™783™


ˆ¢š@Harting, P. 1865. Notices zoölogiques, anatomiques et histiologiques sur I'Orthragoriscus ozodura. 1-48p.‘‚«•ûŒã“ú((= Harting P. 1868. Notices zoologiques, anatomiques et histologiques, sur l'Orthragoriscus ozodura; suivies de considérations sur l'ostéogenèse des téléostieus en general. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen 11:1-48. same contents)™843™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Owen R. 1866. On the Anatomy of Vertebrates. Vol. 1. Fishes and reptiles. Longmans, Green and Company, London.™1627™


¢ Couch J. 1867. A history of the fishes of the British Islands, Vol. 4. Groombridge and sons, London, 439pp. (no 377-382 = picture)™1172™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


Aubin F. 1870. A sun-fish (Orthagoriscus sp.), washed on shore at Spring Bay. Monthly Notices of Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania for 1869. ‚Ìpp. 28, 85. iAllport M, Abbott F‚ÌÍHj(ƒ}ƒŠƒAƒ“˜_•¶‚ł̈ø—pRoyal Society of Tasmania. 1870. List of objects presented to the museum during 1869, with names of donors. Monthly Notices of Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 85-87.)™1115™
@Günther. 1870. Catalogue of the Physostomi, Containing the families Gymnotidae, Symbranchidae, Muraenidae, Pegasidae, and of the Lophobranchii, Plectognathi, Dipnoi, Ganoidei, Chondropterygii, Cyclostomata, Leptocardii, in the British Museum. Catalogue of the fishes in the British museum. Volume 8. London, UK: British Museum.‚Ìp.317-320.@™921™


¢@Andrews, William. 1871(?). g Orthagoriscus oblongush(the Oblong Sun-fish). Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Dublin, 6(1): 56-61.@@i—ª Proc.nat.Hist.Soc.Dublinj@™948™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Klunzinger CB. 1871. Synopsis der fische des Rothen Meeres. II. Theil. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen zoologisch-botanischen Gesellchaft in Wien, 21:441-688. (PDF no 376; original 648p.) reprinted 1964 (historiae naturalis classica) same contents ™1213™


Castelnau FL. 1872. Contribution to the ichthyology of Australia. No. I.The Melbourne fish market. Proceedings of The Zoological And Acclimatisation Society of Victoria, 1: 29-242.™1159™
?@Hutton, F.W. 1872. Fishes of New Zealand. Catalogue with diagnoses of the species. James Hughes Printer, Wellington, 133pp., 12pls.™901™
¢ Canestrini G. 1872. Fauna d'Italia. Paete terza. Pesci. Francesco Vallardi, Milano. (no 148-149) (Parte II, Pesci delle acque dolci. pp145-205)™1315™


š@Bleeker, P. 1873. Description et figure d'une espece insulindienne d'Orthagoriscus. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde (Ser. 2) v. 7: 151-153.@ƒ‰ƒeƒ“Eƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒXŒê™597™
Hutton, F.W. 1873. Contributions to the Ichthyology of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 5: 259-272. (‚Ì271)™1117™


š@Bleeker P. 1874. Poissons de Madagascar et de l'ile de la Réunion des collections de MM. Pollen et van Dam. p.1-104(+21 pls). In: Bleeker P, Pollen FPL (eds.). Recherches sur la faune de Madagascar et de ses dépendances, d'après les découvertes de François P.L. Pollen et D.C. van Dam. 4me partie(=Part 4). Poissons et pêches. E.J. Brill(=o”ÅŽÐ), Leydei=o”Å’nLeidenj.™1520™
@Gilpin, J. B. 1874. Orthagoriscus Mola. Couch. Taken Halifax Harbor, Oct. 1873. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, 3 (4), 343 - 344.™235™
@Juan Vilanova y Piera. 1874. La creación: historia natural, escrita por una sociedad de naturalistas. Tom 5(Reptiles y Peces). ‚Ìp.408™911™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


Castelnau FL.1875. Researches on the fishes of Australia. Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition of 1876 (Melbourne, 1875): Official Record. Intercolonial Exhibition Essays, (2): 1-52. ™1160™
Macleay W. 1875. Notes on a series of specimens of Entozoa and Epizoa taken from a sunfish captured by Mr. Brazier at Port Stephens on the 28th of November 1874. The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 1: 12-13.™1161™


š@Bleeker P. 1879. Contribution à la faune ichthyologique de lfîle Maurice. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen (Amsterdam). 18: 1-23.™1521™
Stossich M. 1879. Prospette della Fauna nel mare Adriatico. Bolletino della Società adriatica di scienze naturali in Trieste 5: 18-71 ™1283™ŠŽ–¢“Ç




ƒ¶ Beneden, P.-J. van. 1881. Sur un poisson fossile nouveau des environs de Bruxelles et sur certains corps énigmatiques du crag dfAnvers. Bulletins de lfAcadémie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, (3me série) 1:116-126.@@™766™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


Macleay W. 1882. Descriptive catalogue of the fishes of Australia. Part IV. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 6: 202-387. (‚Ìp.347)™1188™
Tenison-Woods JE. 1882. Fish and fisheries of New South Wales. Thomas Richards, Sydney, 213pp. (1883 ver. reprint maybe)(no 24p.) . ™1241™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


ƒ¶ Beneden, P.-J. van. 1883. Sur quelques formes nouvelles des terrains du pays. Bulletins de lfAcadémie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, (3eme série) 6:132-134.@™767™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢@De Rochebrunne, A.T. 1883. Faune de la Sénégambie, Poissons. Octave Doin, Paris. ‚Ì 180p.™922™

@Johnston RM. 1883. General and critical observations on the fishes of Tasmania. Papers and proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1882: 53-144. (‚Ì137p.) ™1113™
@Giglioli, H. H. 1883. Zoology at the fisheries exhibition. Nature, 28: 313 - 316.™22™ ¡16
Ramsay EP. 1883. Catalogue of the exhibits in the New South Wales Court. Great International Fisheries Exhibition, South Kensington, London, 1883. Taylor and Francis, London, 56pp (or 473p. in Appendix B, Volume 11‚à“¯‚¶“à—e) ™1186-1™


¢ Day F. 1884. The fishes of Great Britain and Ireland, vol.2. Williams and Norgate, London, 388pp. (no 272-277p.)™1170™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
ˆ¢š@Gill, T. N. 1884. Synopsis of the plectognath fishes. Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus. v. 7 (no. 448):411-427. i‚Ìp.424-427j ¡17@™380™
@London International Fisheries Exhibition (1883) (1884) The fisheries exhibition literature, Volume 12, official catalogue, awards of the international juries. William Clowes and Sons, London™861™

@Ramsay EP. 1884. Appendix B. Great International Fisheries Exhibition, South Kensington, London, 1883. Catalogue of the exhibits in the New South Wales Court. In: Legislative Assembly: New South Wales: Fisheries of the colony. Sydner, Government Printer, 17-32(or 463-478) (Fisheries of the colony‘S‘Ì‚Å‚Í ŠÄ¸Quinan J., 1-100p or 447-546) ‚Ìp.27 or p.473™1186-2™


Jordan DS. 1885. A list of the fishes known from the Pacific coast of tropical America, from the tropic of Cancer to Panama. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 8: 361-394. ™1284™
@Ryder, J. A. 1885. The swimming-habits of the sunfish. Science, 6(131): 103-104.™327™
@Ramsay, Edward Pierson. 1885. Appendix XI. Australian Museum Annual Report, 1884. 29-31. ™723™


@Hamilton A 1886. Note on a large sun-fish (Orthagoriscus mola, l.), recently captured at Napier, Hawke's Bay. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 18: 135-136. (Trans. Proc. New Zealand Instit.)™1118™


@Green, W. S. 1887. Spawn of sun-fish(?). Nature, 36(924): 245.™666™


Day, F. 1888. Supplement to The fishes of India; being a natural history of the fishes known to inhabit the seas and fresh waters of India, Burma, and Ceylon. Williams and Norgate, London, 779-816. ™1218™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Hansen A. 1888. Notice of a Giant Sun-fish (Orthagoriscus mola) cast ashore at Cape Campbell. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 20: 447.™1119™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Thompson, DfArcy. W. 1888. On the auditory labyrinth of Orthagoriscus mola L. Anatomischer Anzeiger, Jahrgang. 3: 93 - 96.™41™}‚ ‚è


š Albert Ier Monaco, S. A. S. le Prince. 1889. Poissons lune (Orthagoriscus mola) capturés pendant deux campagnes de lf Hirondelle. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France, 14: 16-18. (1932 is reprinted) ™1163™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
š Day, F. 1889. The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Fishes. Vol.II, Taylor & Francis, London, 509pp. (no 487, 499) ™1216™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
š@Perugia, A. 1889. Sui giovani dellf Orthagoriscus mola. Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova (ser. 2, vol.7), 27: 365-368.ƒCƒ^ƒŠƒAŒê™1697™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Hutton FW 1890. List of the New Zealand Fishes. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 22: 275-285.@i‚Ì285p.j™1120™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Thomson GM 1890. Parasitic Copepoda of New Zealand, with Descriptions of New Species. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 22: 353-376. (‚Ì363p.)™1121™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Van Lidth de Jeude, T. W. 1890. On a large specimen of Orthragoriscus on the Dutch coast. Notes from the Leyden Museum, 12: 189 - 195.™75™ŽÊ^‚ ‚è


Anonymous. 1891. Archi für naturgeschichte. " Volume Jahrg. 57, bd. 2.", Nicolaische verlags, Berlin. i197p, 230p, 236p, 287-288p,ŽŸŠª71-73p, 78p, 82p‚È‚ÇjƒhƒCƒcŒê™863™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Johnston RM. 1891. Further observations upon the fishes and fishing industries of Tasmania, together with a revised list of indigenous species. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1890: 22-46. (‚Ì38p.)™1112™
@[ìˆê‹™•vD1891DãÊŽÔ‹›D•—‘­‰æ•ñC(25): 20.i¦w•—‘­‰æ•ñx‚ÌŽ·•MŽÒ‚͉놂â•Ê–¼j™1746™


@‘Æ쉷i•ÒjD1892D‹›–û˜X•Òi”_¤–±È”_–±‹Ç‘ ”ÅjD—L—ד°C“Œ‹žC139pp.™1553™
Philippi RA. 1892. Algunos peces de Chile. Las rayas, Callorrhynchus i Orthagoriscus Chilenos. Anales del Museo Nacional de Chile. Primera seccion, Zoolojía, (3), 1-16, pls1-6.@(100-105,112) Philippi 1893‚̃XƒyƒCƒ“Œêƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“™605™
@‚‹´ÈŽOi•ÒjD1892Dƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒED¬š –¯. 4(21):26-27.™1097™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Van Lidth de Jeude, T. W. 1892. On Orthragoriscus nasus Ranzani. Notes from the Leyden Museum, 14: 127 - 128.™64™ŽÊ^‚ ‚è


Philippi, R. A. 1893. Abbildung und Beschreibung einiger Chilenischer Fische. Die rochen, Callorrhynchus und Orthagoriscus des Chilenischen meeres. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig. 1-18, Pls. 1-6. ‚Ì15p.((Philippi 1892‚̃hƒCƒcŒêƒo[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“))™618™
@Williams, A. W. L. 1893. On a specimen of sunfish captured at Poverty Bay. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute (1892), 25: 110-111.
™291™ŽÊ^‚ ‚è


@Reuvens, C. L. 1894. Remarks on the genus Orthagoriscus. Notes from the Leyden Museum, 16: 128-130, pl.5.™782™


¢@Jenkins, O. P. 1895. Description of a new species of Ranzania from the Hawaiian Islands. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Ser. 2, 5: 779-784.™352™ ¡19
Jordan DS. 1895. The fishes of Sinaloa. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, series 2,5:377-514.(no 491p.) (or Jordan DS. 1895. The fishes of Sinaloa. Leland Stanford junor university publications. Contributions to biology from the Hopkins laboratory of biology. 1, Leland Stanford junor university, california, 377-514) ™1255™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Grassi, G. B. 1896. The reproduction and metamorphosis of the common eel (Anguilla vulgaris). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 60, 260-271.™280™
@Grassi, G. B. 1896. The reproduction and metamorphosis of the common eel (Anguilla vulgaris). Q. n. microsc. Sci., n.s., 39 (3): 371-385.™280™


Drew SH 1897. Natural history notes. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 29: 284-287.™1122™
Parker TJ 1897. Note on a Specimen of Orthagoriscus mola. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 29: 627. Data from Hamilton (1902)'s list™1123™
Reed, E. 1897. Catálogo de los peces chilenos. An. Univ. de Chile, 98: 653-673. ™1305™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Reuvens, C. L. 1897. Orthragoriscus nasus Ranz. on the Dutch coast. Notes from the Leyden Museum, 18: 209-212+Plate 3.™781™


@Lidth de Jeude, Th. W. van. 1898. Catalogue Ostéologique des Poissons, Reptiles et Amphibies. Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle des Pays-Bas, 10(2):1-54. ƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒX™311™
¢@Jordan, D. S. and B. W. Evermann. 1898. The fishes of North and Middle America: a descriptive catalogue of the species of fish-like vertebrates found in the waters of North America, north of the Isthmus of Panama. Part II. Bull. U. S. Natl. Mus. No. 47: i-xxx + 1241-2183.‚Ìp.1752-1756(564‚©‚ç)@@¡20@™397™

@Ž³ŒËˆê˜YD1898Dƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒEƒmƒeƒtD“®•¨›{ŽGŽ, 10 (112): 58 - 60.™ŽG6™ŽÊ^‚ ‚è
@Žu@‚¢D1898Dƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒEƒmƒVƒ‰ƒ~D“®•¨›{ŽGŽ, 10 (113): 90 - 92.™223™ŽÊ^‚ ‚è
ˆ¢š@Steenstrup, J. and C. Lütken. 1898. Bidrag til kundskab om klump-eller maanefiskene (Molidae). Det Kongelige Danske videnskabernes selskabs skrifter, 6. Raekke, Naturvidenskabelig og mathematisk afdeling, 9(1): 5-102.™798™ŠŽ–¢“Ç@‚¢‚ë‚ñ‚È}‚ª‚ ‚é


ˆ¢š‰¼@Andersson, Lars Gabriel. 1900. Några anteckningar om Orthagoriscus mola (L). Öfversigt af Kongle. Vetenskaps-akademiens förhandlingar, 57(5): 603-633.™981™ŠŽ–¢“ǃXƒEƒF[ƒfƒ“Œê
@Delfín, F. 1900. Catálogo de los pesce de Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 4(3): 29-31. ™872™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Evermann BW, Kendall WC 1900. Check-list of the fishes of Florida. Report of the Commissioner, (25):35-103. (no 88p) or(Evermann BW, Kendall WC 1900. Check-list of the fishes of Florida. United States Fish Commision Report, (25):35-103.) ™1190™
@McAllister, D. E. 1990. A list of the fishes of Canada. Syllogeus No. 64: 1-310. [In English and French.]y227pz™582™
@’˜ŽÒ•sÚD1900”N‘ã‚ÆŽv‚¤io”Å”N•s–¾jD‹›–¼’ÊâiDo”ŎЕs–¾C220pp. ™987™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


¢Jordan DS, Snyder JO. 1901. A preliminary check list of the fishes of Japan. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses, 3(2-3): 31-159. (manbo gakumei, 97p) ™1268™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Linton, E. 1901 . Fish parasites collected at Woods Hole in 1898. Bulletin of the United States fish commission, 19: 267-304.™312™
@Lydekker, R., R. B. Sharpe, H. A. MacPherson, F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, W.R. Ogilvie Grant, C.J. Gahan, F.A. Bather, Edgar A. Smith, R.I. Pocock, M. Bernard, H. Bernard, R. Kirkpatrick, and J. A. Allen. 1901. Sun-fishes. The new natural history. Merrill and Baker, New York, 5: 430.™229™


¢@Jordan DS, Snyder JO. 1902. A review of the gymnodont fishes of Japan. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 24(1254): 229-264.™1695™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Hamilton A 1902. List of Papers on New Zealand Fishes and Fishing. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 34: 539-546.™1124™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@¬‘(•Ò)(–ìŒûŸˆê•¡ŽÊH)D1902Dí—¤‘Ž : ŒÃ¡—ÞãÚi’†jDˆïéˆóü‡Ž‘‰ïŽÐHC53-108p (no 64p). ™1398™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


Bean TH. 1903. Catalogue of the fishes of New York. Bulletin of the New York State Museum, 60 (Zoology 9):1-784. (no 629-631) ™1191™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Michailovskij MN. 1903. Sur un exceptionellement grand Orthagoriscus mola L. Pisces. Annuaire du Musée zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg, 8: xlvi-xlvii. (ƒƒVƒAŒê)™1476™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


¢@Aflalo FG, Marston RB. 1904. British salt-water fishes. Hutchinson & Co., London, 328pp. (‚Ìp.13, 21, 272, 297)™1303™
Hutton FW. 1904. Index faunae Novae Zelandiae. Dulau & Co., London, 372pp. (no 53) ™1286™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Meek, A. 1904. Notes on the auditory organ and the orbit of Orthagoriscus mola. Anat. Anz. Band, 25: 217-219.™341™
Porter C. 1904. Sobre el Orthagoriscus mola. Revista chilena de historia natural, 8(6): 238-239. ™1306™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


¢ Jordan DS, Evermann BW. 1905. The aquatic resources of the Hawaiian Islands. Part I. - The shore fishes of the Hawaiian Islands, with a general account of the fish fauna. Bulletin of the United States fish commission (for 1903), 23 (1): 1-574. (no 439-440) ™1231™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Collett R. 1906. Meddelelser om Norges fiske i aarene 1884-1901. III. Christiania Videnskabs Selskabs Forhandlinger Aar 1905, pp. 1-173. Christiania: A.W. Brøgger.™1444™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢ Jordan DS, Seale A. 1906. The fishes of Samoa: Description of the species found in the Archipelago, with a provisional check-list of the fishes of Oceania. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, 25 (for 1905): 173-455. ™1228™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Stead DG. 1906. Fishes of Australia: a popular and systematic guide to the study of the wealth within our waters. William Brooks • Co, Sydney, 278pp. (no 22, 227-228) ™1239™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Thomson GM 1906. The Portobello Marine Fish-hatchery and Biological Station. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 38: 529-558. (552p.)™1125™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@ŒoÏŽGŽŽÐD1907D‘å—Q‰@“aŒäŽÀ‹IŠª˜Z\ŽOi³•ÛŽO”N³ŒŽ-ŽlŒŽjin: “¿ìŽÀ‹I ‘æ‚Q•ÒDŒoÏŽGŽŽÐC“Œ‹žC815-828. (‹Lq‚ª‚ ‚é‚Ì‚Í818)™972™
Smith HM. 1907. The fishes of North Carolina. vol 2. North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey, Raleigh, 453pp. (no 352p)™1349™
Waite ER 1907. A basic list of the fishes of New Zealand. Records of the Canterbury Museum, 1(1): 3-39. (34) (Rec. Canterbury Mus.)™1126™


@Wilton, D.W., Brown, R.N.R. 1908. Zoological log of S.Y. Scotia, 1902-04. Report on the scientific results of the voyage of S.Y. "Scotia". 4(1):1-84. @ (Wilton, D.W., Pirie, J.H. and R.N.R.Brown, 1908. Zoological log of the S.Y. Scotia, 1902-04. Rep.Scot.nat.antarct.Exped., 4, Pt. 1, 1-84.)(‘S‘Ìv.4 Zoology, pt.1 Zoological log., Scottish Oceanographical Laboratoryio”Åj, Edinburgh.) ™1032™


@Anonymous. 1909. Notes and exhibits. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 33: 797-800. ™1626™


@_‹{Ži’¡.1910.ƒEƒLR in wŒÃŽ–—Þ‰‘@“®•¨•”@‹›E‰ºxC18:1529-1530.(ˆø—p‚±‚ê‚Å‚¢‚¢H)iJingushicho.1910. Koji ruien. Dobutsubu. (S.I.): Jingushicho. Tokyo, Japan pp. 1698.j™338™
@ŠÝ㊙‹gD1910D‚Ü‚ñ‚Ú‚¤‚Æ‘åŽLD­”N. (82) :51-55.™1098™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@¼‰Y”ŒŽÝ‰Æ(¼‰YÃŽR)D1910DwbŽq–é˜b@‘æ1xD‘‘Š§s‰ïC“Œ‹žC551pp. (ƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚Í547ƒy[ƒWi‘æ1 Šª35j‚Ì‚Æ‚±‚ë)iƒIƒŠƒWƒiƒ‹‚Å‚ÍbŽq–é˜b‘æ35Šª‚ÅA1821-1841”N‚É‘‚©‚ꂽ‚à‚Ìj™944™
Holder CF. 1910(or1908). Sport fishing in California and Florida. Bulletin of the Bureau of fishes. 28 (Part 1): 201-207. ™1490™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@The Wide World Magazine (Pitt-Kethley, H (ed)). 1910. Odds and ends. The Wide World Magazine. vol 26(No.152): 204-208. ™673™
ˆ¢šWeber M, Beaufort LF de. 1911. The fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. I index of the ichthyological papers of P. Bleeker (vol. 1). E.J.Brill, Leiden, 410pp.(no 282p) ™1263™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Whitehouse, R.H. 1910. The caudal fin of fishes (preliminary paper). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character, 82(553): 134-143.™1862™


Murray SJ, Hjort J. 1912. The depths of the ocean: a general account of the modern science of oceanography based largely on the scientific researches of the Norwegian steamer Michael Sars in the North Atlantic. Macmillan, London, 821pp. (no 119, 607, 615, 697p) ™1287™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢@Pellegrin, J. 1912. Sur la presence d'un banc de Ranzania truncata Retzius a la Martinique. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France, 37: 228-231. ™840™ŠŽ–¢“Ç‚Ø‚®‚è‚È
@Quijada, B. 1912. Catálogo de la colección de los Peces chilenos i estranjeros del Museo Nacional (I). Boletĺn del Museo Nacional de Chile, 4(1): 69-113.™913™
@Rennie J, Reid A. 1912. The Cestoda of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the scientific results of the voyage of S.Y. "Scotia". 6(8):239-256. (Šñ¶’Ž p.244) ™1033™


@Dean, B. 1913. A record sunfish. American Museum Journal , 13 (8): pp. 370 - 371.™69™ŽÊ^‚ ‚è
¢@Jordan, D. S., S. Tanaka and J. O. Snyder, 1913. A catalogue of the fishes of Japan. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of. Tokyo, 33(1)F1-497.™455™
š@McCulloch AR.@1913.@A description and figures of three specimens of Molacanthus from the central Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 37(143): 553-555, pls lviii, lix.™1300™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Quijada, B. 1913. Catálogo ilustrado i descriptivo de los peces Chilenos i estranjeros consevados en el museo nacional. Boletĺn del Museo Nacional de Chile, 5(1): 7-130.™914™
@Rosén, N. 1913. Studies on the Plectognaths. 4. The body muscles. Arkiv for Zoologi (Stockholm), 8 (18):1 - 14.™227™
@Scott, T. and Scott, A. 1913. The British parasitic Copepoda. Vol.1 and Vol.2 (Orthagoriscus or mola‚ÅŒŸõ)Šñ¶’Ž™879™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢@Snyder, J. O. 1913. Notes on Ranzania makua Jenkins and other species of fishes of rare occurrence on the California coast. Proceedings of The United States National Museum, 44(1961): 455-460.@™799™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Sumner FB, Osburn RC, Cole LJ. 1913. A biological survey of the waters of Woods Hole and vicinity. Part II. Section III. A catalogue of the marine fauna of Woods Hole and vicinity. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor., 31(2):549-794. (no 763, parasite 643) ™1199™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Waite ER 1913. Notes on New Zealand fishes: No.3. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 45:215-224.™1127™


D. W. T. (Thompson, D'Arcy WentworthŠm’è)1914. The life-history of the eel1. Nature, 93(2320): 164-166.™668™
@’J’Ã’¼GD1914Dƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚ÌH•¨D“®•¨›{ŽGŽ, 26 (304): 91.™220™


Evermann, Barton Warren. 1915. Note on an unusually large ocean sunfish. Copeia, (20): 17-18.@™678™


Anonymous. 1916. Museum Notes. The American Museum Journal. 16(3): 208-212. ™1489™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Έäd”üD1916aDƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚Ìuƒyƒ“ƒlƒ‰vD“®•¨›{ŽGŽ, 28 (327): 40 - 43.™222™
@Έäd”üD1916bDƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚ÌuƒI[ƒTƒSƒŠƒVƒRƒ‰vD“®•¨›{ŽGŽ, 28 (329): 111 - 113.™221™
@’Ò–{ŸÞŠÛD1916Dƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒEŠÌ–û‹yƒMƒ“ƒUƒŠÌ–û‚ÉA‚ÄDH‹Æ‰»ŠwŽGŽC19(8): 723-727.™1394™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


ˆ¢š@Dean, B. 1917. A bibliography of fishes. Vol. 2. The American Museum of Natural History, New York, 702pp.(˜_•¶W@mola‚ÅŒŸõ‚·‚é‚Ƙ_•¶–¼‚ªƒqƒbƒg‚·‚é)™947™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
š@ŠÝ㊙‹gD1917DƒVƒr—Þ‚ÌH•¨D…ŽY›{˜ð•ñi…ŽYŠw‰ï•ñjC2(1): 106-108.™1295™
@Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth. 1917. On the theory of transformations, or the comparison of related forms. On growth and form. 719-777.‚Ì (7, 751,788 pdf) 751, 775, 777™670™
@Tremoleras J. 1917. A propósito de la aparición del pez luna (Mola mola) en aguas del Rĺo de la Plata. Physis 3, 96-97.™777™


Nichols JT. 1918. Fishes of the vicinity of New York City. American Museum of Natural History Handbook Series, No. 7. American Museum of Natural History, New York, 118 pp. (no 85, 114pp.) ™1256™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢ Thompson, W. Wardlaw. 1918. Catalogue of fishes of the cape province. Marine biological report. Union of South Africa, 4: 75-177.™725™
@Townsend CH. 1918. The great ocean sunfish (Mola mola). Zoological Society Bulletin, 21(6): 1677-1679.™1348-1™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Townsend CH. 1918. Sea lions and the fishery industries. Zoological Society Bulletin, 21(6): 1679-1682.™1348-2™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


Phillipps, W. J 1919. Report of Mr. W. J. Phillips [on the fish collections] In Report of the director, Dominion Museum In Department of Internal Affairs (annual report of the) for the year ended 31st March, 1919. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives 1919 Session I, H-22: 30. (Phillipps, W. J 1919. Report of Mr. W. J. Phillips [on the fish collections]. In Report of the director, Dominion Museum. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives 1919 Session I, H-22: 30.) ™1187™ŠŽ–¢“ǃ^ƒCƒgƒ‹‘Ò‚¿
@Townsend CH. 1919. Guide to the New York Aquarium. New York Zoological Society, New York, 170pp. (no 91-92)Ž”ˆç™1378™


@Heilner, Van Campen. 1920. Notes on the taking of an ocean sunfish (Mola mola) off Santa Catalina island, California, September 3, 1919. Zoological Society Bulletin, 23(6):126-127. (pdf‚Í156p)™675™


ˆ¢š Lahille F. 1921. Enumeracion de los peces cartilaginosos plectognatos y gimnotidos encontrados en las aguas argentinas, en Publicaciones de la Direccion de Laboratorios e Investigaciones Agricolo-Ganaderas. Ministerio de Agricultura de la Nacion, pp. 1-41. (no 36-38, table) ™1184™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
ˆ¢š@Schmidt, J. 1921a. New studies of sun-fishes made during the gDanah Expedition,1920. Nature, 107: 76 - 79.™56™ŽÊ^‚ ‚è
ˆ¢š@Schmidt, J. 1921b. Contributions to the knowledge of the young of the sun-fishes (Mola and Ranzania). Meddeleser Fra Kommissionen For Havundersøgelser, 4(6): 1-13™359™ŽÊ^‚ ‚è@ˆê•”ƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒXŒêˆÈŠO‚ ‚è
Thomson GM, Anderton T. 1921. History of the Portobello marine fish-hatchery and biological station. Dominion of New Zealand, Board of Science and Art, bulletin, (2): 1-131. (In :The fishes of otago harbour and Neighbouring Seas, 67-96 )™1128™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Waite, Edgar R. 1921. Catalogue of the fishes of South Australia. Records of the South Australian Museum, 2: 1-208.‚Ì198@•ÊŽí™774™


@Damant, G. C. C. and Boycott, A. E. 1922. The bouyancy of the sun-fish. Nature, 109(2740): 578.™283™ŽÊ^‚ ‚è
@Fowler, Henry W. 1922. Records of Fishes for the Eastern and Southern United States. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 74: 1-27.™679™
Latham R. 1922. 1921 fish notes from Orient, Long island. Copeia, 1922(112):81-82. ™1279™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
ˆ¢š Jordan DS, Jordan EK. 1922. A list of the fishes of Hawaii, with notes and descriptions of new species. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum, 10(1): 1-92. (no 88-89)™1226™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@McCulloch, A.R. 1922a. Check list of the fishes and fish-like animals of New South Wales. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Sydney, 104pp. ™883™
McCulloch AR. 1922b. Checklist of the fish and fish-like animals of New South Wales. Part 3. Australian Zoologist. 2: 86-130.™1178™


@Lord, C. E. 1923. A list of the fishes of Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1922: 60-73.™829™
Waite ER. 1923. The Fishes of South Australia. Government Printer, Adelaide, 243pp.™1162™


¢@Herre A.W.C.T. 1924. Poisonous and worthless fishes: An account of the Philippine plectognaths. Philippine Journal of Science. 25 (4): 415-511. ™1536™ƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚Í‚¢‚é‚ÆŽv‚¤‚ª‹L˜^‚Í‚È‚¢‚Æ‘‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚é
Wollebæk A. 1924. Norges fisker. Utgitt på foranstaltning av Zoologisk museum. A.W. Brøggers boktrykkeri A/S, Kristiania, 239pp. (no 224-225p.)™1165™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Bigelow, H. B., and Welsh, W. W. 1925. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries, 40 (Part1): 567pp.@i301-303pˆø—pŽ©M–³‚µj™218™}‚ ‚è
@Damant, G.C. C. 1925. Locomotion of the sunfish. Nature, 116(2919): 543.™282™}‚ ‚è
@Žs“‡‰F”ªD1925D•xŽRãpŽY‹›—Þ–Ú錄‚ÉA‚ÄD…ŽY›{ŽGŽC(28): 32-38.@™546™
@‰Fˆä–D‘ D1925D‹IB‹›•ˆD‹IŒ³ŽÐC“Œ‹žC281pp.@(ƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚Í217p)™975™


@“ú–ìŠÞi‚Ђ̂¢‚킨jD1926DŽï–¡Œ¤‹†F“®•¨—d‰öæD—{Œ«“°C“Œ‹žC469pp.i‰Í“¶Dpp. 140-160‚Ìp.159j™1871™
@Phillipps WJ 1926. The sunfish (Mola mola) in New Zealand waters. New Zealand journal of science and technology, 8(3): 169-172.™1129™
ˆ¢š@Schmidt, J. 1926. Further studies of sun-fishes made during the Dana Expedition, 1921 - 1922. Nature, 117 (2933): 80 - 81.™89™}‚ ‚è
@“c’†–ΕäD1926DH—p‹›—Þ‹y‘´—p“r(The food fishes of Japan and their gastronomical value)D“ìxŽÐC“Œ‹žC180+310pp. ™988™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


ˆ¢š@Barnard, K. H. 1927. A monograph of the marine fishes of South Africa. Part II. (Teleostei\\Discocephali to end. Appendix.) Annals of The South African Museum, 21: 419-1065. ‚Ìp.984-990™908™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢@Jordan DS, Evermann BW, Tanaka S. 1927. Notes on new or rare fishes from Hawaii. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 4th series, 16(20): 649-680, pls 22-24. (no p.680)™1629™
McCulloch AR (+Whitley GP). 1927. The fishes and fish-like animals of New South Wales. 2nd edition. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Sydney, 104pp. (104p) (McCulloch 1922 same content) ™1242™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Phillipps, W. J. 1927. Bibliography of New Zealand Fishes. New Zealand Marine Department, Fisheries bulletin, (1): 1-68. (‚Ì57p) (1971 reprinted some contents)™1130™ŠŽ–¢“ǃVƒmƒjƒ€ƒŠƒXƒg


@’©‘q‹TŽOD1928D“V‘RŠï•¨•Ñ@ˆÙ峋›ê inwŒ©¢•¨Œ¤‹†xDt—z“°C“Œ‹žC211-215. (‘S296pp.)™1041™
@Burr, H.S. 1928. The central nervous system of Orthagoriscus mola. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 45: 33 - 128.™237™}‚ ‚è ˆø—p•Û—¯
ˆ¢š@Fowler HW. 1928. The fishes of Oceania. Memoirs of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 10: 1-540. ‚Ì473-475(Fowler(1967)‚Å“Ç‚ñ‚¾)™923™
@Gudger, E. W. 1928. Capture of an ocean sunfish. The Science Monthly 26: 257-261.™674™


@Fletcher JJ 1929. The society's heritage from the Macleays. Part ii. The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 54(232): 185-272. (pp.225-226)™1114™


¢@Jordan DS, Evermann BW, Clark HW. 1930. Check list of the fishes and fishlike vertebrates of North and Middle America north of the northern boundary of Venezuela and Columbia. Report of the United States Commissioner of Fisheries for the Fiscal Year 1928 with appendixes, Part II. United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 670 pp. (no p.503-504).™1630™
¢@McCulloch, Allan R., 1930. A check-list of the fishes recorded from Australia. Part III. Australian Museum Memoir(Memoirs of the Australian Museum) 5: 329-436.™722™
Myers GS, Wales JH. 1930. On the occurrence and habits of ocean sunfish (Mola mola) in Monterey Bay, Calofornia. Copeia, 1930(1):11. ™1280™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Oliver Schneider, C. 1930. Algunas observaciones sobre el pez luna (Mola mola (Linn) Gilbert). Revista chilena de historia natural, 34: 200-207.™1176™


@D'Ancona, U. (1931). Teleostei Plectognathi-Molidae: Mola mola (Linnaeus 1758). Faune ichthyologique de l'Atlantique Nord, No.408(17?). Conseil Permanent International pour l'Exploration de la Mer: Copenhagen. 1 leaf pp. ™1105™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
š@Hubbs, C. L. and L. Giovannoli. 1931. Records of the rare sunfish Masturus lanceolatus for Japan and Florida. Copeia, (3): 135-137.™272™
¢@‹e’rŠ¨¶‰q–åD1931D•xŽRàs‹›—Þ–Ú˜^i•xŽRàs¶•¨’²¸–Ú˜^IIIjD•xŽR‹³ˆçC(206): 1|34.™917™
¢@Tanaka, S. 1931. On the distribution of Fishes in Japanese waters. Jornal of the faculty of science imperial university of Tokyo section 4 zoology. 3(1): 1-90.(Chapter 4 ‚ÌA. List of the marine fishes in southern Japan area).™572™
@Whitley, Gilbert P. 1931. Studies in Ichthyology. No.4. Records of the Australian Museum, 18(3): 96-133.™696™


Breder, CM. Jr. 1932. Fish notes for 1931 and 1932 from Sandy Hook Bay. Copeia, 1932(4):180. ™1278™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Huxley, J.S. 1932. Problems of relative growth. Butler and Tanner Ltd., London, Great Britain.276pp. (pdf‚Ì24,132-133(104),250(222).)™841™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
š@Smedley, N. 1932a. An ocean sunfish in Malaysian waters. Nature, 130(3270): 22.™259™}‚ ‚è
š@Smedley, N. 1932b. An ocean sunfish, Mola lanceolata (Lienard), in Malaysian waters. waters. Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, (7):17-21.™335™
@‹g“c’–‘¾˜Yi•ÒjD1932D‚¤‚ë‚­‚Ãw‹›‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚é“W——˜ðx‹L”O錄D‘åãŽs‹›Žsê—ü‡˜ð•Ò, à_“c³•vD202ppD‚Ìp.153 ™465™


@Dons C. 1933. Notes on fishes I. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab Forhandlinger@VI, 78-81.™1445™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Gregory, W. K. 1933. Fish skulls: A study of the evolution of natural mechanisms. Transactions of The American Philosophical Society, 23: 75-481.(ƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚é‹Lq‚Í294|295A441)™329™}‚ ‚è
@Stead, David G. 1933. The Mighty sunfish in Giants and pigmies of the deep: a story of Australian sea denizens. The Shakespeare Head Press, Sydney. p72-75 (pp. 108).™660™
¢@“c’†–ΕäD1933D‹›—ÞDin: —L—pE—LŠQEæVÜF…ŽY“®A•¨š¤àD‘å’n‘‰@C“Œ‹žC74-338.(‘S‘Ì‚Í607+46pp.)™1018™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
ˆ¢š@Whitley, G. P. 1933a. Sunfishes. The Victorian Naturalist, 49(9): 207-213.™792™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢@Whitley, G. P. 1933b. Studies in ichthyology. No. 7. Records of the Australian Museum, 19(1): 60-112, pls 11-15.™793™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


Gregory WK, La Monte F. 1934. The world of fishes: Guide to the fish collections of the american museum of natural history. American Museum of Natural History Guide Leaflet Series, no. 81. 1-90. (no 49p.) ™1195™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Gregory, W. K., and H. C. Raven. 1934. Notes on the anatomy and relationship of the ocean sunfish (Mola mola). Copeia, 4: 145 - 151.™228™
š@Fowler, H. W. 1934. The fishes of Oceania-supplement II. Memoirs of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 11(6): 385-466.‚Ì450D(Fowler(1967)‚Å“Ç‚ñ‚¾)™924™
@Š™Œ´‹ËŽR(–kM‹½“y‘p‘Š§s˜ð •Ò)D1934D‚Ü‚ñ‚Ú‚¤i’©—zŠÙ–Ÿ•M ™É”V\ˆêjin: –kM‹½“y‘p‘‘æ2™ÉDpp. 288-289C–kM‹½“y‘p‘Š§s˜ðC’·–쌧DiƒIƒŠƒWƒiƒ‹uŠ™Œ´‹ËŽRD1810. ‚Ü‚ñ‚Ú‚¤. ’©—zŠÙ–Ÿ•M ™É”V\ˆê. ƒy[ƒW”–³‚µvj™1804™
McCulloch AR (+Whitley GP). 1934. The fishes and fish-like animals of New South Wales. 3rd edition. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Sydney, 104pp. (104p) ™1247™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@”’ˆäŒõ‘¾˜YD1934D‰ü’ùú•â@“ú–{”Ž•¨›{”N•\D‘剪ŽR‘“XC“Œ‹žC437pp.ino 275p. ‘æ“ñŠú@œä—p”Ž•¨›{Žž‘ã”N•\ji‘—§‘‰ï}‘ŠÙ175ƒRƒ}–Új(¦”’ˆä(1941)‚ƃy[ƒW‚à“à—e‚à“¯‚¶)™1864™
@“c’†–ΕäD1934aD‹›‚Æl¶DžÙ˜Q‘‰@C“Œ‹žC461pp. ™989™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢š@“c’†–ΕäD1934bDŠï‹›’¿‹›D‹»Šw‰ïo”Å•”C“Œ‹žC210pp. ™990™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Pozzi AJ, Bordale LF. 1935. Cuadro sistematico de los peces marinos de la Republica Argentina. Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, 120: 145-189. ™1185™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@’˜ŽÒ•sÚD1934D‹›‘°•ûŒ¾WDo”ŎЕs–¾C68pp. ¦“£ŽÊ”Å™986™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


ˆ¢š@Barnard, K. H. 1935. Notes on South African marine fishes. Annals of The South African Museum, 30: 645-658.™906™
š@Gudger, E. W. 1935. A photograph and description of Masturus lanceolatus taken at Tahiti, May 1930, the sixteenth adult specimen on record. American Museum Novitates, (778): 1-7.™824™
šGudger EW. 1935b. Some undescribed young of the pointed-tailed ocean sunfish, Masturus lanceolatus. Copeia, 1935(1): 35-38. ™1277™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
ˆ¢ššGudger, E. W. and MacDonald, S. M. 1935. The rarest of the ocean sunfishes. Sci. Month. 41: 396-408.™1367™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Îì@¹D1935DwŠâ”g“®•¨›{熓TxD’J’Ã’¼GE‰ª“cœ\ˆê˜Y•Ò, Šâ”g‘“XC“Œ‹žDp506D™267™
¢@“c’†–ΕäD1935(1911-1914)D‘•â‰ü’ù@“ú–{ŽY‹›—Þš¤àD‘å’n‘‰@D16|30: ???-557+27pls.iTanaka, S. 1935(1911-1914). Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan, including Riukiu Island, Bonin Island, Formosa, Kurile Island, Korea, and Southern Sakhalin 2nd ed. revised. Daichi Shoin. vols. 16-30: ???-557+27pls.((Tanaka, S. 1911-1930. Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan. Vols. I-XLVIII@“¯‚¶‚à‚Ì‚ðŠª”‚̈Ⴄ–{‚É‚µ‚½‚¾‚¯@i“c’†C1951‚Æ‘S‚­“¯‚¶“à—ej))™467™
¢ Whitley, G. P. 1935a. The oblong sunfish (Ranzania) in the Indian Ocean. Nature, 136: 338.™665™
@Whitley, G. P. 1935b. Ichthyological genotypes. Australian Zoologist . v. 8 (pt. 2): 136-139. ¡53@‚Ìp.137™399™


@Barnhart, P.S. 1936. Marine fishes of Southern California. University of California Press, Berkeley, Calif., 209pp.™997™
Devincenzi GJ, Legrand D. 1936. Álbum ictiológico del Uruguay. Anales del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo, supl. (3.a serie.) 5(5): XXV-XXXVI pl. ™1179™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢ Fowler HW. 1936. The marine fishes of West Africa: Based on the collection of the American Museum Congo Expedition,1909-1915. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 70(2): 607-1493.

(no 1103, 1120-1124, 1333) ™1205™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
ˆ¢šJenkins JT. 1936. The fishes of the British Isles both fresh water and salt. Second edition. Frederick Warne ?and Co, London, 408pp (no 212-214) ™1273™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
š¢Gudger, E. W. 1936a. From atom to colossus. Natural History, 38(1): 26-30.™676™
¢@Gudger, E. W. 1936b. The earliest published figures (1613-1758) of the oblong or truncate-tailed ocean sun-fish, Ranzania truncata. Nature 137: 947-948.™779™
š@Palmer, R. H. 1936. Ocean sunfish in Habana waters. Science, 83(2164): 597.™88™
š@Rivero, L.H. 1936. Six records of the pointed-tailed ocean sunfish near Havana, Cuba. The American Naturalist, 70(726): 92-95.™1107™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


š@Gudger, E. W. 1937b. The natural history and geographical distribution of the pointed-tailed ocean sunfish (Masturus lanceolatus), with notes on the shape of the tail. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., A107(3): 353-396.™362™
@Sato, Shin-ichi. 1937. The fauna of Akkeshi Bay. VI. Pisces. Journal of the faculity of science Hokkaido Imperial University Series VI. Zoology, 6(1): 13-34. –kŠC“¹’éš ‘å›{—›{•”‹I—v™492™


ˆ¢š@‰ª“cœ\ˆê˜YE¼Œ´Šì‘ã¼D1938D“ú–{ŽY‹›—ÞžûõDŽOÈ“°D(Okada, Y and K. 1938. Matsubara. Key to the fishes and fish-like animals of Japan. Sanseido.)584pp™452™
Fowler HW. 1938. The fishes of the george vanderbilt south pacific expedition, 1937. Monographs. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, (2):1-349. ™1225™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Froese, H. 1938. Vergleichend-anatomische Studien über das Knochenfischlabyrinth. dotoral thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, 643.@i¦”ŽŽm˜_•¶‚Û‚¢‘‚«•ûŽ©M–³‚µjƒhƒCƒcŒê™78™
¢@ Powell AWB 1938. Marine Fishes new to New Zealand; including the Description of a new species of Halieutaea. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 67: 80-82.™1131™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


š@Brimley, H. H. 1939. The ocean sun-fishes on the North Carolina coast. The pointedtailed Masturus lanceolatus and the roundtailed Mola mola. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, 55(2): 295-303.™839™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Graham DH 1939. Fishes of Otago Harbour and Adjacent Seas with Additions to Previous Records. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 68: 399-419.(‚Ì418p.)™1132™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
š@Gudger, E. W. 1939. Three six-inch pointed-tailed ocean sunfish, Masturus lanceolatus, the largest post-larvae on record. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, 55(2): 305-313.™825™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢@Raven, H. C. 1939b. Notes on the anatomy of Ranzania truncata, a Plectognath fish. American Museum novitates, (1038): 1-7. ™345™
š@Raven, H. C. 1939c. On the anatomy and evolution of the locomotor apparatus of the nipple-tailed ocean sunfish (Masturus lanceolatus). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 76: 143-150.™357™


authorlessi’˜ŽÒ‚Ì‹Lq–³‚µj. 1940. Aquaria societies' difficulties. Nature, 145(3662): 21.™667™
š@Kuronuma, K. 1940. A young of ocean sunfish, Mola mola, taken from the stomach of Germo germo, and a specimen of Masturus lanceolatus as the second record from Japanese waters. Bulletin of the biogeographical society of Japan , 10(2): 25-28.“ú–{¶•¨’n—Šw‰ï‰ï•ñ@ƒ}ƒOƒ‚̈ݓà—e•¨‚©‚瓾‚ç‚ꂽƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚Ì’t‹›‚¨‚æ‚Ñ“ú–{Žü•ÓŠCˆæ‚©‚瓾‚ç‚ꂽ2ŒÂ‘̖ڂ̃„ƒŠƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE™271™
Miller, L. 1940. Observations on the black-footed albatross. Condor, 42: 229-238.™685™
@van Roon, J. M. and ter Pelkwijk, J. J. 1940. Mechanism of the Jaw and Body Muscles of Orthagoriscus mola. Zoologische Mededeelingen, 22: 65-75.™351™
¢Whitley GP. 1940?. Solvol fish book: the life and habits of 80 Australian fishes. J. Kitchen & Sons, Sydney, 19pp. (no 16p) ™1243™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Jensen AS, 1941. Mola rotunda ved de danske Kyster. Videnskabelige meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk forening i Københaven, 104: 319-321. (Vidensk. Medd. fra Dansk Naturh. Foren.)™1106™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@”’ˆäŒõ‘¾˜YD1941D‰ü’ùú•â@“ú–{”Ž•¨›{”N•\i2üjD‘剪ŽR‘“XC“Œ‹žC437pp.ino 275p. ‘æ“ñŠú@œä—p”Ž•¨›{Žž‘ã”N•\ji‘—§‘‰ï}‘ŠÙ176ƒRƒ}–Új(¦”’ˆä(1934)‚ƃy[ƒW‚à“à—e‚à“¯‚¶)™1865™
¢@“c’†–ΕäD1941D‹›‚̉ț{D…ŽYŽÐC“Œ‹žC290pp. ™991™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Suyehiro, Y. 1942. A study on the digestive system and feeding habits of fish. Japanese Journal of Zoology, 10(1): 1-303., 15 pls., textfigs. 190, (no pp. 192 - 194)™54™—ŽÊ^‚ ‚è
¢ Phillipps WJ 1942. New or Rare Fishes of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 71: 241-246.™1133™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Roon, van J. M. 1942. Some additional notes on external features and on the jaw muscles of Orthragoriscus mola (L.). Zoologische Mededelingen, 23(16): 313-317.™292™—ŽÊ^‚ ‚è
¢àFàVŒhŽOD1942D“ú–{‹›–¼WæT@‘æˆê•”DƒAƒ`ƒbƒNƒ~ƒ…[ƒ[ƒAƒ€œb•ñ, 52F1-490p.™957™ (1958”N‚Ì‚à‚Ì‚Æ“à—e‚àƒy[ƒW”‚à“¯‚¶)
@“c’†–ΕäD1942D笕M‹›‚ÌŠáDŸNˆä‘“XC“Œ‹žC196pp. ™992™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@‘å“à’nŽR(•Ò)D1943Dˆï錧…ŽYŽi‘æ1•Ò …ŽYŽjŽÀ‚Ìl¸jDˆï錧…ŽY‰ïC…ŒËC291pp.@i‚Ì16-17j™1045™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Fowler HW. 1943. Fishes of Chile systematic catalog. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 47: 275-343. (no 342-343) (([Fowler, H. 1945. Fishes of Chile. Systematic catalog. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., (I and II). 1-171 p.] is reprinted from "Revta. Chil.Hist.Nat.,vol45-47 of 1934-1944", and new pagination of 1944.))™1177™
ˆ¢š@Fraser-Brunner, A. 1943. Notes on the plectognath fishes. -VIII. The classification of the suborder Tetraodontoidea, with a synopsis of the genera. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (11)10: 1-18.™557™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
ˆ¢š@J.R.ƒmƒ‹ƒ}ƒ“ iüKÀŸ‘¢æ¡jD1943D‹›‚Ì”Ž•¨›{D‘å“ú–{o”ÅD582pp.™494™
àFàVŒhŽOD1943D“ú–{‹›–¼WæT@‘æŽO•”@‹›–¼‚Éè‚·‚éŽáŠ±‚ÌlŽ@D“ú–{í–¯•¶‰»Œ¤‹†Šœb•ñ, 59F1-329p. ™959™
¢@“c’†–ΕäD1943aD‘æ\ŽµÍ@ƒMƒ}AƒJƒƒnƒMAƒ}ƒtƒOAƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒIAƒnƒRƒtƒOAƒ‚ƒ“ƒKƒ‰ƒnƒM—Þ@in H—p‹›‚Ì–¡‚Æšz—{DŽž‘ãŽÐD103-109.™506™
@“c’†–ΕäD1943bD‹›‚Ì펯D–kŒõ‘–[C“Œ‹žC244pp. ™993™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


¢@––œA‹±—YD1944D‹›—Þ‚ÌÁ‰»Œn‚̉ð–U‚ƶ—D¶•¨Šw‚Ìi•à ‘æ2SD289-338.i–쑺Žµ˜^, ŽR‰H‹V•ºŠÄCjD‹¤—§o”Åi‘S629ppj™521™
ˆ¢š@Tinker, S.W. 1944. Hawaiian Fishes, a handbook of the fishes found among the islands of the central Pacific ocean. Tongg publishing company, Hawaii.425pp‚­‚ç‚¢ (Plate 1,370-374p)™850™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢àFàVŒhŽOD1944D“ú–{‹›–¼WæT@‘æ“ñ•”D“ú–{í–¯•¶‰»Œ¤‹†Šœb•ñ, 58F1-358p. @iƒAƒ`ƒbƒNƒ~ƒ…[ƒ[ƒAƒ€‚ª“ú–{í–¯•¶‰»Œ¤‹†Š‚É–¼‘O‚ª•Ï‚í‚Á‚½‚¾‚¯‚Å“¯‚¶ƒVƒŠ[ƒYj™958™ (1958”N‚Ì‚à‚Ì‚Æ“à—e‚àƒy[ƒW”‚à“¯‚¶)


¢@Grey, M. 1945. Regalecus, Lampris, Mola and Ranzania−Four of the strangest fishes to be found in the sea. Chicago Natural History Museum Bulletin, Formerly Feild Museum News, 16: 5.i¦ˆø—p‚Ì•`‚«•ûŽ©M–³‚µj™215™ŽÊ^‚ ‚è
Nichols JT, Bartsch P. 1945. Fishes and shells of the Pacific world. The Macmillan company, New York, 201pp. (1946 reprinted) (no 51-54p) ™1233™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


Clemens WA, Wilby GV. 1946. Fishes of the Pacific coast of Canada. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Bulletin (68):1?368. (no 330-332) ™1196™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


ˆ¢š@Barnard, K. H. 1947. Ocean sun-fishes. Pages 210-215. in A pictorial guide to South African fishes: marine and freshwater. Maskew Miller, Cape Town.™325™ŽÊ^‚ ‚è
Boeseman M. 1947. Revision of the fishes collected by Burger and Von Siebold in Japan. Zoologische Mededeelingen, 28: 1-242.(no 206p) ™1269™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
ˆ¢š@Breder CM Jr, Clark E. 1947. A contribution to the visceral anatomy, development, and relationships of the Plectognathi. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 88: 287-319.™1473™‚Ü‚¾“r’†
Gregory WK, La Monte FR. 1947. The world of fishes: a survey of their habits, relationships, and history, and a guide to the fish collections of the American Museum of Natural History. American Museum of Natural History, New York, 96pp. (no 68-69) ™1194™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Medcof JC, Schiffman FS. 1947. Recent records of the sea sunfish (Mola mola L.) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Acadian Naturalist, 2(7):63-66.™1110™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Norman JR. 1947. A history of fishes. third edition. Ernest Benn, London, 463pp. (iroiro) ™1271™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Poll M. 1947. Faune de Belgique: poissons marins. Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, Bruxelles, 452pp. (no 404-407p.)™1168™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢@“c’†–ΕäD1947D‚­‚³‚Ñ‚Ü‚ñ‚΂¤ inw‰ü’ù‘•â “ú–{“®•¨š¤ŠÓxC–k—²ŠÙC“Œ‹žDp374Di‚Ü‚ñ‚΂¤@‚Í@p373G@“à“cŒb‘¾˜YD1947D‚Ü‚ñ‚΂¤ƒmƒ}ƒ‰ƒJƒ“ƒgƒDƒX—cŠú inw‰ü’ù‘•â “ú–{“®•¨š¤ŠÓxC–k—²ŠÙC“Œ‹žDp1754Dj™96™ŽÊ^‚ ‚è


@Andrews, A. C. 1948. Greek and Latin mouse-fishes and pig-fishes. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, 79: 232-253.™772™ŒÃ‘ãŒêŒ¹
š@Barnard, K. H. 1948. Further notes on South African marine fishes. Annals of The South African Museum, 36(5): 341-406. ‚Ì401-403™907™
@Fish, M.P. 1948. Sonic fishes of the Pacific. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachussetts. 144pp. ((47-48, 128-129, 132))™870™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Roedel PM. 1948. Common marine fishes of California. Department of Natural Resources. Division o f Fish and Game Bureau of Marine Fisheries. Fish Bulletin, (68): 1-150. (no 24, 141p.) ™1197™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
“c’†–ΕäD1948D‚Ü‚ñ‚΂¤ inw›{¶”Å@“ú–{“®•¨š¤ŠÓxD“à“cûC”V•i’˜jC–k—²ŠÙC“Œ‹žDp68DiEdition for students illustrated encyclopedia of the fauna of Japanj™266™ŽÊ^‚ ‚è


Hefford AE 1949. Oceanography of The New Zealand Seas. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 77: 212-221. (218p.)™1134™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
š@üK“c’·âX(•“c’·—ç)D1949Dƒ}ƒ“ƒoƒE‚ƃ„ƒŠƒ}ƒ“ƒoƒE‚Æ‚ÉA‚ÄD¶•¨C4(5-6): 206-208.iKuroda, N. 1949. Notes on Mola mola (Linnaeus) and Masturus lanceolatus (Liénard). Seibutu, 4(5-6): 206-208.j™263™ŽÊ^‚ ‚è
@Norman J. R. and F. C. Fraser, 1949,w Field book of giant fishesx, G. P. Putnam and Sons, New York, New York, 376pp.i¦ˆø—p‚Ì•`‚«•ûŽ©M–³‚µj™90™ŽÊ^‚ ‚è


Clothier CR. 1950. A key to some Southern California fishes: based on vertebral characters. California Department of Fish and Game, Fish Bulletin, (79):1-83. (no 79) ™1253™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢@Dartevelle, E. 1950. un "Sun-fish" Mola mola (linné), à Banane. Zooleo, Nouvelle Serie, 8: 35-40.™1109™Šï–­‚ÈŒ`ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢@Š—Œ´ –«Ž¡D1950bD“y²‹y‚Ñ‹IB‚Ì‹›—ÞD‚’mãp•¶‹³‹¦‰ïD368ppD@@iDescription of the fishes from the provinces of Tosa and Kishu, Japanj™489™
@‘qŒõÝlD1950Duƒ}ƒ“ƒUƒCv‚͉‹N‹›D–¯ŠÔ“`³D14(3): 40.™1719™
@•D“c–L•FD1950D•¬‰Î˜p‚Ì‹›‘Š‚ÉA‚¢‚Ä (I)D–kŠC“¹‚³‚¯E‚Ü‚·‚Ó‰»êŒ¤‹†•ñC5: 127-139.™493™
@Morrow, J. E. Jr. and Mauro, A. 1950. Body temperatures of some marine fishes. Copeia, (2): 108-116.™332™}‚ ‚è
ˆ¢š Smith JLB. 1950. The sea fishes of southern Africa. 2nd impression. Centaral News Agency, South Africa, (no 421-422) ™1211™
š@–î•””ŽD1950Dƒ„ƒŠƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚Ì—c‹›D“ú–{…ŽY›{˜ðŽC16(2): 40 - 42.(Yabe, H. 1953. Juvenile of the pointedtailed ocean sunfish, Masturus lanceolatus [in Japanese].Contrib. Nankai Reg. Fish Res. Lab. (1) Contrib. 4: 40-42.)
™127™}‚ ‚è
@–öˆä—²ˆêD1950DŽR‰A‚Ì‹›—ÞD“®•¨ŠwŽGŽ, 59(1): 17-22.™1442™


ˆ¢š@Fraser-Brunner, A. 1951. The ocean sunfishes (Family Molidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 1 (6): 87 - 121. ™254™ ¡15
Fowler, H. 1951. Analysis of the fishes of Chile. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 51-53: 263-326. ™1304™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Hikita T. 1951. Fishes of Volcano Bay in Hokkaido. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 1(5): 306-313.™1852™
š@King, J. E. 1951. Notes: Two juvenile pointed-tailed ocean sunfish, Masturus lanceolatus, from Hawaiian waters. Pacific Science, 5(1): 108-109.™258™
¢@“c’†–ΕäD1951D‘•â‰ü’ù@“ú–{ŽY‹›—Þš¤à@Ž©@‘æšã™É@ŽŠ@‘æŽOE™ÉD•—ŠÔ‘–[D557pp.iTanaka, S. 1951. Fifures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan Vols. I to XXX. Kazamashobo. 557pp.) ¦’†g‚Í•¶‚àŠG‚à“c’†–ΕäD1935(1911-1914)‚Æ‚Ü‚Á‚½‚­“¯‚¶Ä”Ì‚Æ‘‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚é@™542™
š@ŽR–{FŽ¡D1951Dúm”n‰«‚©‚çÌW‚³‚ꂽ–¢‹L錄‹›‚Ì“ñAŽO‚ÉA‚¢‚ÄD•ºŒÉ¶•¨C1(5): 74, 84-85.™1795™


@–{ŠÔ‹`Ž¡D1952DVŠƒãp‹›—Þ–Ú˜^i‘±‚«jD‹›—ÞŠwŽGŽC2(4/5): 220-229.i{–{ŠÔ‹`Ž¡D1956DVŠƒŒ§‹›—Þ–Ú˜^•â’ùiIVjD‹›—ÞŠwŽGŽC5(1/2): 59-60.©@‚È‚ñ‚ňø—p‚µ‚½‚Ì‚©•s–¾j™527™
š@üK“c’·âXD1952Dx‰Í˜p‹›—ޒljÁi‘æ10•ñjD“®•¨ŠwŽGŽC61(6): 169-177.™529™
Titcomb, M. 1952. Native use of fish in Hawaii. Memoir No. 29. Polynesian Sciety, Wellington, 162pp. (no 79, 83) ™1224™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
šFunderburg, J.B. & Eaton, T.H. (Jr.). 1952. "A New Record of the Pointed-Tailed Ocean Sunfish, Masturus lanceolatus, from North Carolina". Copeia 1952 (3): 200. ™1276™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


ˆ¢šBigelow HB, Schroeder WC. 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. First revision. fishey Bulletin 74. Fishery Bulletin of the fish and wildlife service 53: 1-577. (no 528-532) (1964 maybe reprinted) ™1258™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Fell HB, Garrick JAF, Sorensen JH, Stephenson SK, Stout VM, Sullivan GE. 1953. The First Century of New Zealand Zoology, 1769-1868: Comprising Abstracts and Extracts from the Early Works on the New Zealand Fauna. The Department of Zoology, Victoria University College. Wellington. no page number™1135™ŠŽ–¢“Ç‚­‚Á‚­
@Graham DH 1953. A treasury of New Zealand fishes. A.H.&A.W.Reed, Wellington, 404 pp. ™1136™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Hammerstad ME. 1953. Månefisk@(Mola mola) i Oslofjorden. Fauna 6, 44.™1446™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
š¢@Herre, A.W. 1953. Check list of Philippine fishes. U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Research Report 20, Washington DC, USA. 977 pp.(‚Ìp.850-851@ƒ„ƒŠƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE2ƒgƒ“)™1514™
@Hoar, W.S. 1953. Control and timing of fish migrations. Biological Reviews, 28:437-452.™653™
Roedel PM. 1953. Common ocean fishes of the California coast. California Department of Fish and Game, Fish Bulletin, (91):1-184 (no 149) ™1252™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Žž‰ª@—²D1953D‹ž“s‘åŠw£ŒË—ÕŠCŽÀŒ±ŠU‹»‰ï…‘°ŠÙŒŽ•ñ, (7): 1-6. (³Šm‚ɂ̓y[ƒW”‚ª–³‚¢)™974™
¢š@–÷“c—mˆê.1953.ƒ}ƒOƒƒJƒWƒL—ނ̈ݓà—e•¨(¬Š}Œ´‹ßŠC) .“ìŠC‹æ…ŽYŒ¤‹†Š‹ÆÑWC (1) ‹ÆєԆ15: 1-6D™1376™


Andriashev AP. 1954. Fishes of the northern seas of the USSR. Keys to the fauna of the USSR. Zool.lnst.USSR Acad.Sci., 53. Moscow-Leningrad, 617pp. (Transl. for Smithsonian Inst. and Nat.Sci.Found. by Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1964, 554-557p.) (original, 1954 is 566pp. in 515-517) ™1222™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢@üK“c’·âXD1954Dx‰Í˜p‹›—ޒljÁ‹y‚Ñ’ù³i‘æ11jD‹›—ÞŠwŽGŽC3(2): 64-67.™530™
Mann G. 1954. Vida de los peces en aguas chilenas. Instituto de Investigaciones Veterinarias y Universidad de Chile, Santiago, 342 pp. (no 38,79, 323-324) ™1181™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
’¬“cŽu’ÃŽqD1954D‚Ü‚ñ‚Ú‚¤ŽLDin uŽW@—HŠE’ÊMvDŽžŠÔŽÐC“Œ‹žCpp. 16-19.i˜_•¶‚¶‚á‚È‚­‚ÄŽj™945™
@Shiino, S. M. 1954. Copepods parasitic on Japanese fishes 6. Two species of the family Cecropidae. Report of Faculty of Fisheries, Prefectural University of Mie, 1 (3); 333 - 345. ™26™Šñ¶’Ž}‚ ‚è
¢@•xŽRˆê˜YEˆ¢•”@–¾D1954D“ú–{ŽY‹›—Þ}àD‘æ50ŠªD7ppi?j.Kagama Shobo.™483™
¢@’ÂŒ“‘PEäiàs‹âsãSàZŒ¤‹†Žºi•ÒjD1954Dwäiàs‹›—ÞŽxäiàsŒ¤‹†‘pŠ§‘æ27ŽíD126ppD‚Ì114p™440™Šñ¶’Ž}‚ ‚è
¢@Whitley, G. P. 1954. More new fish names and records. Australian Zoologist. 12(1): 57-62, Pl.3. ™509™


š@Barnard, K. H. 1955. South African parasitic Copepoda. Annals of The South African Museum, 41: 223-312. Šñ¶’Ž™909™
ˆ¢š@¼Œ´Šì‘ã¼D1955Dƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒEˆŸ–ÚDInF‹›—Þ‚ÌŒ`‘Ô‚Æžûõ II ‘æ1”ÅDÎè‘“XC“Œ‹žCpp.1025-1033.i“à—e‚àƒy[ƒW”‚à1979”N‚Ì‚à‚Ì‚Æ“¯‚¶j™915™
@Guinness Superlatives. 1955. The Guinness Book of Records. Guinness Superlatives Ltd, London, 210pp.™1435™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Limbaugh, C. 1955. Fish life in the kelp beds and the effects of kelp harvesting. IMR Reference 55-9. University of California Institute of Marine Resources, San Diego. ii + 156 pp.™1833™
Manter HW 1955. Some Digenetic Trematodes from Fishes of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 82: 475-568.@i‚Ì533p.Šñ¶’Žj™1137™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Munro ISR. 1955. The marine and fresh water fishes of Ceylon. Department of External Affairs, Canberra, 351pp. (no 284) ™1261™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@‘å‹È‹î‘ºi•ÒjD1955aDì–ö‘厫“T ㊪D“ú•¶ŽÐC“Œ‹žC16+962 pp.™1875™
@‘å‹È‹î‘ºi•ÒjD1955bDì–ö‘厫“T ‰ºŠªD“ú•¶ŽÐC“Œ‹žC920+41+7+2 pp.™1876™


@ó–ì’·—YD1956Dˆï錧ŠCŽY‹›—Þ‚Ì•ûŒ¾‚ɂ‚¢‚ÄD‹›—ÞŠwŽGŽC5(1/2): 19-51.™528™
Graham DH. 1956. A treasury of New Zealand fishes, Second edition. A.H.&A.W.Reed, Wellington, 424 pp. (1974 ver. mo nakamihaonaji)™1138™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Guinness, Rupert. 1956. The Guinness book of superlatives (First impression). Superlatives inc., New York, 224pp.™1399™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
ˆ¢š@‰Á“¡Œ¹Ž¡D1956D@“ú–{ŠCŠCŽY‹›—Þ–Ú˜^D“ú–{ŠC‹æ…ŽYŒ¤‹†ŠŒ¤‹†•ñC4: 311-331.™534™
š@Xˆ×ŽOD1956DŽR‰A’n‹æ‰BŠòŒQ“‡‚ðŠÜ‚Þ‹y‚Ñ‚»‚Ì•‹ßŠCˆæ‚Ì‹›—Þ‚ÉA‚ÄD•ºŒÉ”_‰È‘å›{‹I—vC 2(3): 1-62.(Mori T, 1956. Fishes of San-in District including Oki Islands and its adjacent waters (southern Japan Sea). Memoirs of the Hyogo University of Agriculture (Biological Series No.2), 2(3): 1-62. (In Japanese.))™1441™
@Žž‰ª@—²D1956D…‘°ŠÙ‹LŽ–D‹ž“s‘åŠw£ŒË—ÕŠCŽÀŒ±ŠU‹»‰ï…‘°ŠÙŒŽ•ñ, (42): 45-46.i‘S‘Ì‚Í43-48pj.™973™
¢šTortonese E. 1956. Family Molidae. In: S. LoBianco (ed.). Uova, larve e stadÎ giovanili di Teleostei: Fauna e Flora del Golfo di Napoli, Monografia, 38(4): 965-971. ™1539™


š@Honma, Y. 1957a. A list of the fishes found in the Vicinity of Sado Marine Biological Station. III. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Niigata University. Series II, Biology, geology and mineralogy 2(4): 111-116. (VŠƒ‘åŠw—Šw•”Œ¤‹†•ñ. “ñ—Þ, ¶•¨Šw,’nŽ¿Šw,z•¨Šw)™1290™
@Kemp, R. J., Jr. 1957. Occurrences of the ocean sunfish, Mola mola (Linnaeus), in Texas, Copeia(3): 250-251.™328™
@Le Danois, E., Jacques, M., Théodore, M., and Paul B. 1957 .Fishes of the World. Countryman Press, Woodstock, Vermont, 190 pp.(¦92p ‘‚«•ûŽ©M–³‚µ ’˜ŽÒ‚Ì–¼‘O‹t‚©‚à)™196™
ˆ¢š@ˆ¢•”@–¾D1957D}à—L—p‹›—ÞçŽí\‘±•Ò\DX–ko”ÅC“Œ‹žC383+85pp.iƒy[ƒW”‚ͳ•Ò‚©‚ç‚Ì‘±‚«‚Å295-383‚Å‚ ‚éA‚Ń}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE—Þ‚Ì‹Lq‚Í–¼‘O‚¾‚¯‚Å1-85‚Ì•û‚É‚ ‚éj™1011™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Royce, W. F. 1957. Observation on the spearfishes of the central pacific. U. S. Fish Wildll. Serv., Fish. Bull., 57(124): 497-554.™308™
@‹g“c—TEˆÉ“¡Œ’¶D1957D“ú–{ŠC‚Ì‹›—Þ‘ŠD”_—ÑÈ…ŽYuKŠŒ¤‹†•ñ, 6(2): 113-122i’ÊŠª‚¾‚Æ261-270j.™1763™


¢ Furnestin, J., J. Dardignac, C. Maurin, A. Vincent, R. Coupé, H. Boutiére. 1958. Données nouvelles sur les poissons du Maroc atlantique. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Peches Maritimes, 22(4): 379-493.(406-407p, pdf28p)™852™
@Green, L.G. 1958. Fish Lore In: South African Beachcomber, Howard Timmins, South Africa.™854™
¢@Kamohara, T. 1958. A catalogue of fishes of Kochi Prefecture(Province, Tosa), Japan. Report of Usa Marine Biological Station, 5(1): 1-76. ‰F²—ÕŠCŽÀŒ±ŠŒ¤‹†•ñ@™543™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@•ÐŽR³•vE“¡‰ª–LD1958.‘哇ŒS‹ßŠC‚Ì‹›—Þ (‘哇ŒSŠwp’²¸•ñ14).ŽRŒû‘åŠw”_Šw•”Šwp•ñ, (9): 1147-1168. (no p.1161)™1761™
š@¼‘ºŽO˜YD1958D”M‘Ñ¥ˆŸ”M‘Ñ«“®•¨|“Á‚É‹›—Þ|‚Ì“ú–{ŠC‚Ö‚Ì—¬“ü‚È‚ç‚Ñ‚É‚»‚Ì“à•”‚É‚¨‚¯‚éˆÚ“®‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚éˆêlŽ@D“ú–{ŠC‹æ…ŽYŒ¤‹†ŠŒ¤‹†”N•ñC(4): 113-119.™1289™
@‘¾“c“¡Žl˜YD1958Dã”㸑—Þœn ‘æE‹ãS‰ºi—V‹Y•”EˆùH•”jD㔌Q‘—ÞœnŠ®¬˜ðC“Œ‹žC524ppi‚½‚Ô‚ñj.@i‚±‚Ì’†‚ÉŠÜ‚Ü‚ê‚Ä‚¢‚é—¿—•¨Œê‚Í20”N“x”Åj™968™

ˆ¢š•xŽRˆê˜YCˆ¢•”@–¾CŽž‰ª—²(Tomiyama, I., T. Abe and T. Tokioka)1958DŒ´F“®•¨‘å}ŠÓ IID–k—²ŠÙC“Œ‹žCxiv+392+86pp. (no 6-7p) ™1267™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@“y‰®GŽl˜YD1958DˆÉ¨‹g‹™Žt•·‘iˆêj\Š™‘qŽs˜‰z\D–¯‘­i‘Š–Í–¯‘­Šw‰ïjC(27): 7.™1721_1™


ˆ¢š@Cadenat, J. 1959. Notes d'ichtyologie ouest-africaine : 24. Molidae ouest-africains avec la description d'une espece nouvelle : Pseudomola lassarati de Cote d'Ivoire. Bulletin de l'IFAN.Serie A : Sciences Naturelles, 1959, 21 (3), p. 1112-1118(1122?). ƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒXŒê @@™599™
Gregory, W. K. 1959. Fish skulls, a study of the evolution of natural mechanisms. Eric Lundberg, Laurel, Florida. 481pp. (294-295, 321, 441p)™842™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
ˆ¢š@‰ª“cœ\ˆê˜YEˆÉ²ŽŸ˜YD1959D‹›|DPages 33-117 in ‰ª“cœ\ˆê˜Y•ÒD‰«“êŽY“®•¨–Ú˜^D‰«“궕¨‹³ˆçŒ¤‹†‰ïC“ß”eD™577™
Poll M. 1959. Poissons. IV. - Téléostéens acanthoptérygiens (deuxième partie).Expédition océanographique belge dans les eaux côtières africaines de l'Atlantique sud (1948-1949), 4(3B):3-417. ™1214™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Robinson, E. S. 1959. Records of cestodes from marine fishes of New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 86(1): 143 - 153. ™206™


ˆ¢šBriggs JC. 1960. Fishes of worldwide (circumtropical) distribution. Copeia, 1960 (3):171-180. ™1275™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
–k “m•vD1960DƒAƒtƒŠƒJ‰«‚Ƀ}ƒOƒ‚ð’Ç‚¤DinFw‚Ç‚­‚Æ‚éƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒEqŠC‹LxDV’ª•¶ŒÉC“Œ‹žCpp.87-97. (ƒGƒbƒZƒC)™935™
ˆ¢š Gosline WA, Brock VE. 1960. Handbook of Hawaiian fishes. University of Hawaii press, Honolulu, 372pp. (no 303, 345) ™1227™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢@‹v•Û—YˆêE•“¡N”ŽD1960Dˆó“x—m‚É‚¨‚¯‚éƒ}ƒOƒ,ƒJƒWƒL—ނ̈ݓà—e•¨‚ɂ‚¢‚Äi‘æ1•ñjDˆï錧…ŽYŽŽŒ±êŽŽŒ±•ñCº˜a33”N“x: 56-60.™1667™
š ¼‘ºŽO˜YD1960. 1959-60”N‚Ì“~CVŠƒŒ§‚ÌŠCŠÝ‚É•Y’…‚µ‚½’¿“®•¨6‘èDÌW‚ÆŽ”ˆçC22(7): 213-216.™1292™
¢ Parrott AW. 1960. The queer and the rare fishes of New Zealand. Hodder & Stoughton, London, 192 pp.™1139™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Schweigger E. 1960. Fenomenos hidrograficos y biologicos en el sur del Peru y en el norte de Chile. Revista de biologia marina, 10(1-3): 51-68. ™1183™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@rìD–žE‰v“cM”VD1961Dƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚̶‘ÔD“®•¨‰€…‘°ŠÙŽGŽC3(4): 95 - 97.™170™
š@Chyung, M.K.(“A•¶Šî) 1961. Illustrated encyclopedia: The fauna of Korea (2) Fishes. Central Book Publishing Co., Seoul, 861pp. ™1023™ŠŽ–¢“ÇiŠØ‘Œêj
@Gotshall, D. W. 1961. Observations on a die-off of molas (Mola mola) in Monterey Bay. California Fish and Game, 47(4): 339-341.™310™
Œ@“cG”VD1961D“ú–{ŽYdœ‹›—Þ‚Ì’†Ž²œéŽ‚Ì”äŠrŒ¤‹†D”_—Ñ…ŽY‹Zp‰ï‹cŽ––±‹ÇŒ¤‹†¬‰ÊC(5): 1-155 + 1-10 + 69 pls.(Hotta H. 1961. Comparative study of the axial skeleton of Japanese Teleostei. Norin-Suisan Gijutsu Kaigi, Contr. (5), 1-155 + 1-10 + 69 pls.(no 129, 97p.)) ™1270™
‹T’J —¹E–ìX•”t“oE–ØŒ´ —ÎE‹T’Jr–çD1961DPennella orthagorisci Wright‚̈ê—áD–Ú•Šñ¶’ŽŠÙŒŽ•ñC(23):2.™689™
@Limbaugh, C. 1961. Cleaning symbiosis. Scientific American, 205(2): 42-49. ™1834™
@McCann, C. 1961. The sunfish, Mola mola (L.) in New Zealand waters. Records of the Dominion Museum, 4(2): 7 - 20.™224™}—L‚è
¢@Sherman, K. 1961. Occurrence of early developmental stages of the oblong ocean sunfish Ranzania laevis (Pennant) in the central North Pacific. Copeia. (4): 467-470.™356™}‚ ‚è
@Š—Œ´–«Ž¡D1961DwŒ´F“ú–{‹›—Þ}ŠÓ@ƒ‰ü’è”Å„‰œ•txD•ÛˆçŽÐC‘åãCp.50.iColored of illustrations of the fishes of Japan(I)j™102™}‚ ‚è
¢@Š—Œ´–«Ž¡D1961Dw‘±Œ´F“ú–{‹›—Þ}ŠÓ@‰œ•txD•ÛˆçŽÐC‘åãCp.44.iColored of illustrations of the fishes of Japan(I)j ™103™}‚ ‚è
¢@Nikol'skii G. V. 1961. Special Ichthyology 2nd revised and enlarged edition, National Science Foundation, Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 538 pp.™568™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
š@Perlmutter, A. 1961. Guide to marine fishes. New York University Press, 431pp.™569™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@‘q“c—m“ñE’†ì­’jD1962DŽO‘‚Ì‹›—Þ‘Š‚Æ‹™Šl—Êi‘æ‚P•ñjIn: ŽO‘…ŽYŠJ”­Ž–‹Æ•ñiIIjD“Œ‹ž“s…ŽYŽŽŒ±ê’²¸Œ¤‹†—v•ñC30: 19-38. (“Œ…ŽŽo”Å•¨’ÊŠ§no.150)™1807™
¢ Scott TD. 1962. The marine and freshwater fishes of South Australia. Goverment printer, Adelaide, 338pp. (no 299-302p) ™1235™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
š@¼‘ºŽO˜YE…‘ò˜Z˜YD1962D1960-61”N“xVŠƒŒ§‰ˆŠÝ‚ŕߊl‚³‚ꂽŠO—ˆ“®•¨‚Ì‹L˜^DÌW‚ÆŽ”ˆçC24(3): 32-35.™1731™
ˆ¢š Weber, M., De Beaufort, E.J. 1962. Family Molidae in: wThe fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. XI : Scleropareti, Hypostomides, Pediculati, Plegtognathi, Opisthomi, Discocephali, Xenopterygii.x E.J. Brill, Leiden, 416 - 423.@(¦‘‚«•ûŽ©M–³‚µ) ™239™
@HŒ³@–sE•“c³•FE‹{è˜a”VE‘å’ËŠì‹v—YE‘å‰Y•Û–푾E’†‘º˜alE–L‰i’¼”VD1962D‚Ü‚ñ‚Ú‚¤(Mola mola@Linne)‚ðŒ´ˆöH‚Æ‚·‚éW’cH’†“Å—á‚ɂ‚¢‚ÄD’·èŒ§‰q¶ŒöŠQŒ¤‹†Š•ñ, (4): 34-35.™130™
ŽéŒ³“CC?tèÁC¬?‘וÒ. 1963. ?ŠC??Ž.‰ÈŠwo”ÅŽÐ, –k‹ž, 642pp.(ŽéŒ³“C, ‹–. 1963.?–Ú.in:ŽéŒ³“CC?tèÁC¬?‘וÒ. 1963. ?ŠC??Ž.‰ÈŠwo”ÅŽÐ, –k‹ž, 546-579.) (no 570, 578-579)™1266™ŠŽ–¢“ÇÚ׈ø—pŒã“ú


@Bahamonde N (1963) Pez luna (Mola ramsayi) en Chiloé. Noticiario Mensual, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural , Chile, (82): 4-8.™1346™
@Carlström, D. 1963. A crystallographic study of vertebrate otoliths. Biological Bulletin, 125: 441 - 463.™202™
@ˆî—t–¾•F(•Ò)D1963D£ŒË“àŠC‚̶•¨‘ŠDL“‡‘åŠw—Šw•”•t‘®Œü“‡—ÕŠCŽÀŒ±Š, L“‡Œ§C352 pp + 6 plsD™1751™
¢@²“¡‹›…D1963D‹›‘ñ\ÎŽž‹L‚Æì‚è•û\D“à“c˜V’ß•ÞC“Œ‹žC188+xii pp.™1007™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Moreland JM. 1963. Native sea fishes. Nature in New Zealand Series. A.H.&A.W.Reed, Wellington, 64pp.™1140™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢ Šoljan, T. 1963. Fishes of the Adriatic (Ribe Jadrana), Fauna et Flora of the Adriatica, Volumen 1, Pisces (Vol. I of: Fauna and Flora of the Adriatic). [Translated from Serbo-Croatian (reviesd and Englarged for the English edition) by Marija Hayer]. Nolit Publishing House, Belgrade, 428pp. (no 401p.) ™1171™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@X‰ÈŒ¹‘ D1963D‚Ü‚ñ‚Ú‚¤‚͉»‚¯•¨‚¾‚Á‚½Dpp. 120-121. In ƒAƒCƒk–¯˜bWD–k‘–[, ŽD–yD™1728™
Smith JLB, Smith MM. 1963. The fishes of seychelles. The Department of Ichthyology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown (South Africa), 215pp. (no 62p) ™1215™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


@Caldwell, D. K. and D. H. Brown. 1964. Tooth wear as a correlate of described feeding behavior by the killer whale, with notes on a captive specimen, Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, 63 (3): 128 - 140. @i¦@137p‚ÌMold mold‚̓}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚Ì‚±‚Æ‚ÆŽv‚í‚ê‚éj™199™
¢@Kamohara, T. 1964. Revised catalogue of fishes of Kochi Prefecture, Japan. Report of Usa Marine Biological Station, 11(1): 1-99. ‰F²—ÕŠCŽÀŒ±ŠŒ¤‹†•ñ@™544™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@¬¼—N”V•i•ÒjD1964D‚Ú‚­‚͉ö‹›ƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚É•‚¯‚ç‚ꂽIDƒ{[ƒCƒYƒ‰ƒCƒt. 2(4):62-65. ™1085™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@¬ŽR“àGD1964D‚Ü‚ñ‚Ú‚¤‚É‚½‚·‚¯‚ç‚ꂽ‚µ‚傤‚Ë‚ñDƒfƒBƒYƒj[ƒ‰ƒ“ƒh. 1(3):97-100. ™1086™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@ŠOèGŽiD1964Dƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚Éæ‚Á‚Ä—ˆ‚½­”ND•wl¶ŠˆD18(8):339. ™1084™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢ Marshall TC. 1964. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and coastal waters of Queensland. Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 566pp. (no 501-503, 491) ™1236™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
ƒƒVƒAŒê.1964.599pp. ™1219™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


ˆ¢š@ˆ¢•”@–¾D‚­‚³‚Ñ‚Ó‚®i{‚â‚è‚Ü‚ñ‚Ú‚¤{‚Ü‚ñ‚Ú‚¤jD1965DinF‰ª“c—v E“à“c´”V•E“à“c ‹œ(ŠÄC)wV“ú–{“®•¨}ŠÓk‰ºlxD–k—²ŠÙC“Œ‹žCpp.421 - 422.(New illustrated encyclopedia of the fauna of JapankIIIl)™99™}‚ ‚è
Bullis HR, Thompson JR. 1965. Collections by the exploratory fishing vessels Oregon, Silver Bay, Combat, and Pelican made during 1956-1960 in the southwestern North Atlantic. United States Department of interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Special Scientific Report-Fisheries (510): 1-130. (no 62) ™1251™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
š Dawson, C. E. (1965)@Records of two headfishes (family Molidae) from the North-Central Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences, 28:86-89.™669™}‚ ‚è
“¡–{•Eó–ì’·—YD1965Dˆï錧ŽY‹›—Þ‚Ì•ûŒ¾‚ɂ‚¢‚Äi‘æ1•ñjDˆï錧…ŽYŽŽŒ±êŽŽŒ±•ñCº˜a38”N“x(1965)(no.2): 23-53.™1771™
@Ίےè—ÇD1965DŠª”V‹ã@”õ‘O‘”V“àƒˆƒŠ’¿•~•¨oƒ‹Ž–D”õ—z‹LD“ú–{•¶‹³o”ÅC‰ªŽRC243-244. i‚±‚Ì–{‘S‘Ì‚Í791pp.@’r“c‰Æ•¶ŒÉŠ‘ ‚ÌŒ´–{‚𔪒OK”ªŽ‚ªò‘‚µ‚½‚à‚Ì‚ð“ú–{•¶‹³o”Å‚ª‚»‚Ì‚Ü‚ÜÄ”Ìj™976™
š@Nishimura, S., 1965. The zoogeographical aspects of the Japan Sea. Part I. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 13(1):35-79. ™833™
@‰œ–ì—Ç”V•D1965Dƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚ÌŽ”ˆç—áD“®•¨‰€…‘°ŠÙŽGŽC7(4): 88 - 89.™166™}‚ ‚è
ˆ¢š Smith JLB. 1965. The sea fishes of southern Africa. 5th edition. Centaral News Agency, South Africa, (no 421-422) ™1212™
@‘½X—ÇŒOE–kX—Ç”V‰îE‰i“cŽ÷ŽOE…ŒË•qE—Ñ’m•vEH“¡W“ñ,1965.£ŒË“àŠC‹™‹ÆU‹»’²¸Œ‹‰Ê‚É‚æ‚飌˓àŠC‚¨‚æ‚Ñ—×Ú‘å—¤’I‚É‚¨‚¯‚é‹›—Þ–Ú˜^ •tE“î‘Ì“®•¨–Ú˜^.“àŠC‹æ…ŽYŒ¤‹†ŠŠ§s•¨CS,3:77-123.™1753™
@“à“c ‹œD1965D‹›—Þ :in w“®•¨Œn“•ª—Þ‚ÌŠî‘bxDPages 251-261D–k—²ŠÙC“Œ‹žD™692™
Garrick JAF?. 1965?. Do you know this fish? A ford selection of South African sea fishes. JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, no pages. ™1202™ŠŽ–¢“Ç’˜ŽÒ”N‘ã‚æ‚­‚í‚©‚ç‚È‚¢
McWhirter N and McWhirter R (eds). 1965. The guinness book of records (12th edition). Guinness Superlatives Ltd., London, 336pp. (ƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚ªƒMƒlƒX‚ÉÚ‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚È‚©‚Á‚½Žž‘ã)™1482-1484+ŽGƒtƒHƒ‹ƒ_™


ó–ì’·—YE“¡–{•D1966Dˆï錧ŽY‹›—Þ‚Ì•ûŒ¾‚ɂ‚¢‚Äi‘æ2•ñjDˆï錧…ŽYŽŽŒ±êŽŽŒ±•ñCº˜a39E40”N“x(1966)(no.11): 89-164. (no 115, 137, 138, 140(4m), 155, 163, )™1499™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Cervigon, F. M. 1966. Los peces marinos de Venezuela (2 Tomos) Tomo II.@(Monografía No.12 o”ÅŽÐ, Caracas, ‚æ‚­‚í‚©‚ç‚È‚¢).449-951pp. ‚Ìy947-948z@ƒXƒyƒCƒ“Œê™561™ Cervigon, M. F. 1966. Los peces marinos de Venezuela. Estacion Investigaciones marinas de Margarita, Caracas. Nos. 11, 12., 951pp.
š@Glover, C. J. M., 1966 Three fishes previously unrecorded from South Australia. Records of the South Australian Museum, 15: 353-355.™683™
¢Š—Œ´–«Ž¡D1966Dw•W€Œ´F}ŠÓ‘SW ‹›/ ‘æ4ŠªxD•ÛˆçŽÐC‘åãCp.96(+PLATE48)D(‘Sƒy[ƒW176pp. Common Fishes of Japan in Colorj™364™
Leim AH, Scott WB. 1966. Fishes of the Atlantic Coast of Canada. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Bulletin, (155): 1-485 (no 417-419) ™1192™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Marshall TC. 1966. Tropical fishes of the Great Barrier Reef. Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 239pp. (no 222p.)™1244™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
Sanches JG .1966. Peixes de angola (Teleósteos). Notas mimeografadas do Centro de Biologia Piscatória (Lisboa), (46): 1-227. (no 195p) ™1200™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢ Smith JLB, Smith MM. 1966. Fishes of the Tsitsikama Coastal National Park. National Parks Board, Pretoria, 161pp. (no 149-150) ™1204™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢@ã–ì’BŽ¡D1966D–kŠC“¹‹ßŠC‚Ì‹›@16DƒtƒOEƒJƒƒnƒMEƒnƒRƒtƒOEƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE—ÞD–k…ŽŽŒŽ•ñ •ÊûC23(5):212-226D™491™
@“à“cŒb‘¾˜YD1966Dƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒI in w‚³‚©‚Ȉٖ¼´xD’©“úV•·ŽÐC“Œ‹žC199D™249™


Šñ¶@Atria, G. 1967. Un ectoparásito del pez luna (Mola@ramsayi, Giglioli) Pennella cf. filosa L. (Crustacea,@Copepoda). Noticiario Mensual del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile,131: 3-5.™1344™
ˆ¢š@Fowler, H. W. 1967. The fishes of Oceania. authorized reprint. Johnson reprint corporation, New York.(ƒIƒŠƒWƒiƒ‹•¶–³‚µ@Fowler(1928)‚ÆFowler(1934)‚Ì“à—e‚ð•ïŠ‡‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚邾‚¯) ™923-924™
@Gotshall D. W. 1967. Cleaning symbiosis in Monterey Bay, California. California Fish and Game, 53(2): 125-126. ™06™
@Threlfall, W. 1967. Some parasites recovered from ocean sunfish, Mola mola (L.), in Newfoundland. The Canadian field-naturalist, 81 (3): 168-172.™1831™‘Ç•h‹ò‚¢‚‚­Šñ¶’Ž
@Žž“c@#37063;E¬—ÑŠì—YD1967D“à‘ºŠÓŽO‚Ì“ú–{‹›—Þ–Ú˜^i1884”NC–¢”­•\j‚ɂ‚¢‚ÄD–kŠC“¹‘åŠw…ŽYŠw•”Œ¤‹†œb•ñC18: 137-182.™1006™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@•x‰i·Ž¡˜ND1967DwŒÜ•SŽí‹›‘̉ð–U}ài“ñE‰ðàjiàFàVŒhŽOŠÄCjxCŠpì‘“XC1-312pp. (153 - 155)™155™
@Kamohara, T. 1967. Fishes of Japan in color(first ed.). Hoikusha publishing co., LTD.135pp.™563™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Zimbelman, E. 1967. Mola mola go to the cleaners. Sea Frontiers: Magazine of the International Oceanographic Foundation, 13(2): 120-122. ™1841™


@Moseley JW (ed.). 1968. No title. Saucer News, 14(4): 1.™1301™

¢@Robins, C. R. 1968. The molid fish Ranzania laevis in the western Atlantic. Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy of Sciences, 29(4): 287-289.™330™

@“à“cŒb‘¾˜YD1968Dƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚̘bDŽ©‘R. 23(11)(’ÊŠª271):56-57.™1092™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Whitley, G. P. 1968. A check-list of the fishes recorded from the New Zealand region. The Australian Zoologist, 15(1):1-102. ‚Ì51p‚Æ92p.™794™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
ƒƒVƒAŒê‚P.1968.63pp. ™1220™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
ƒƒVƒAŒê‚QŽGŽ.1968.7:128-138. ™1221™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
ƒƒVƒAŒê‚R.1968 .jornal. 15(2):47-85. ™1223™ŠŽ–¢“Ç


Aboussouan,A. 1969. Sur une petite collection de larves Téléostéens recolte au large du Brésil (Campagne "Calypso" 1962). Vie et Millieu, Serie A, 20(3-A): 595-610.Ú׌ã“ú™853™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
¢@Fitch, J. E. 1969. A second record of the slender mola, Ranzania laevis (Pennant), from California. Bulletin So. Calif. Academy of Sciences, 68(2): 115-118.™333™}
š@ƒtƒ‰ƒ“ƒVƒXEƒIƒ}ƒj[D1969Dwƒ‰ƒCƒt‘厩‘RƒVƒŠ[ƒY\\3 ‹›—Þiƒ‰ƒCƒt•ÒW•”i•Òj––œA‹±—Y–ójxDƒ^ƒCƒ€@ƒ‰ƒCƒt@ƒCƒ“ƒ^[ƒiƒVƒ‡ƒiƒ‹C“Œ‹žC253pp.+xxiiiipp.96,142,170,175j.™369™}
@Hobson, E. S. 1969. Comments on certain recent generalizations regarding cleaning symbiosis in fishes. Pacific Science, 23: 35-39.™1839™•¶Œ£ˆø—p‚Ì‚Ý
@Lighthill, M. J. 1969. Hydromechanics of aquatic animal propulsion. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 1: 413 - 446.™76™‹A‚Á‚Ä‚©‚ç}
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@Scott, E. O. G. 1969. Observations on some Tasmanian fishes: Part XVI. The Australian Zoologist, 15(2):160-177. ‚Ì161p.™795™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
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Wood G. L. 1976. The Guinness book of animal facts and feats (2nd edition). Guinness Superlatives, Middlesex, 255pp. (no 147-148)™1471™


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Šñ¶@ Figueiredo NCde, Lima JTAXde, Freitas CI, Silva CGda. 2018. Check List of the parasites of the ocean sunfish (Mola mola: Molidae) fish in the world. Pubvet: medicina, veterinaria e zootecnia, 12(3)a42, 1-9.™1449™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
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š¢Jawad LA. 2018. Dangerous fishes of the Eastern and Southern Arabian Peninsula. Springer International Publishing, Gewerbestrasse (Switzerland), XII+322pp. (Poisonous Fishes, p.155-229)™1447™midoku
Šñ¶’Ž@Kazachenko VN, Matrosova IV, Shakhova YaA. 2018. Representatives of parasitic crustaceans (crustacea) of lune-fish molidae (tetraodontiformes). Scientific works of Dalrybvtuz(ƒƒVƒAŒê‚ÅŽGŽ–¼‚à‚µ‚©‚µ‚½‚çˆá‚¤‚©‚à), 2(45): 5-19.™1485™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@‰Í–ìŒõ‹vEš X‘ñ–çE”nêr“TD2018DŽRŒûŒ§£ŒË“àŠCŽY‹›—ÞH˜^i—\•ñjDŽRŒûŒ§…ŽYŒ¤‹†ƒZƒ“ƒ^[Œ¤‹†•ñC(15): 35-43.™1766™
š@¬Ž}Œ\‘¾D2018DƒtƒO–Úƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‰ÈDIn:¬Ž}Œ\‘¾E”¨°—ËEŽR“cŽç•FE–{‘º_”Vi•ÒjD•’ª‚ ‚½‚鎭Ž™“‡‚ÌŠC@“à”V‰Y‹™`‚É…—g‚°‚³‚ê‚é‹›‚½‚¿D Ž­Ž™“‡‘åŠw‘‡Œ¤‹†”Ž•¨ŠÙC Ž­Ž™“‡ŽsD494-496. i‘S520 pp., 1059 figs.j™1439™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@¬¼‰plD2018Dƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‰ÈD570p. In: ŽÊ^’TõE’Þ‹›1400Ží}ŠÓDKADOKAWAC“Œ‹ži‘S847pp.@‘¼18, 80, 89, 97, 681, 720, 739, 742, 783, 788, 792, 802, 805, 809, 833j™1542™
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@Guinness World Records. 2018a. Guinness World Records 2019. Guinness World Records, London, 256 pp. (US ver. 2018.8.28 published)™1422™
@MacLeod ID, Moore GI, Gomez S. 2018. Glycerol impregnation of a formaldehyde fixed bump-head sunfish Mola alexandrini. Records of the Western Australian Museum, 33(Part 2): 171-180.™1448™midoku
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@Moritz T, Augustin CB, Winkler HM, Pagel H-J. 2018. Records of the Ocean Sunfish (Mola mola, Tetraodontiformes) in the German Baltic Sea. Bulletin of Fish Biology, 17(1/2): 45-51.@àVˆäŽí”»•ÊŽg—p™1415™
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@Nyegaard M, Sawai E, Gemmell N, Gillum J, Loneragan NR, Yamanoue Y, Stewart A. 2018a. Hiding in broad daylight: molecular and morphological data reveal a new ocean sunfish species (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) that has eluded recognition. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 182: 631-658.™1359™VŽíƒJƒNƒŒƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE
š@Nyegaard M, Loneragan N, Hall S, Andrew J, Sawai E, Nyegaard M. 2018b. Giant jelly eaters on the line: Species distribution and bycatch of three dominant sunfishes in the Southwest Pacific. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 207: 1-15.™1403™
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@Sawai E, Chang YC. 2018. A rare record of the bump-head sunfish, Mola alexandrini (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) with a 117 kg ovary from Hualien, Taiwan. Biogeography, 20: 73-77. ™1459™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Sawai E, Yamanoue Y, Sonoyama T, Ogimoto K, Nyegaard M. 2018b. A new record of the bump-head sunfish Mola alexandrini (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) from Yamaguchi Prefecture, western Honshu, Japan. Biogeography, 20: 51-54. ™1460™ŠŽ–¢“Ç
@Sawai E, Yamanoue Y, Nyegaard M, Sakai Y. 2018. Redescription of the bump-head sunfish Mola alexandrini (Ranzani 1839), senior synonym of Mola ramsayi (Giglioli 1883), with designation of a neotype for Mola mola (Linnaeus 1758) (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae). Ichthyological Research, 65(1):142-160.™1375™
@Scientific American (=Main D)D2018D‰ä‚±‚»Å‘å@Å‘å‚Ìdœ‹›‚̓EƒVƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒED“úŒoƒTƒCƒGƒ“ƒXC48(5)=(’ÊŠª563†): 23.™1404™
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@Amer MA, El-Sadek A, Fathallah A, Omar HA, Eltoutou MM. 2019. First record for the sunfish Mola mola (Molidae: Tetradontiformes) from the Egyptian coasts, Aqaba Gulf, Red Sea, with notes on morphometrics and levels of major skeletal components. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 23(2): 563-574.™1528™ ¶B‘B‚Ì”»’fƒ~ƒX
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@Baptista M, Couto A, Paula J, Raimundo J, Queiroz N, Rosa R. 2019a. Seasonal variations in the abundance and body size distribution of the ocean sunfish Mola mola in coastal waters off southern Portugal. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 99(5): 1197-1203.™1452™
@Baptista M, Azevedo O, Figueiredo C, Paula JR, Santos MT, Queiroz N, Rosa R, Raimundo J. 2019b. Body size and seasonality influence elemental distribution in tissues of ocean sunfish Mola mola juveniles. Chemosphere. xx: xx-xx.™1496™
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@Francis FT, Howard BR, Berchtold AE, Branch TA, Chaves LCT, Dunic JC, Favaro B, Jeffrey KM, Malpica-Cruz L, Maslowski N, Schultz JA, Smith NS, Côté IM. 2019. Shifting headlines? Size trends of newsworthy fishes. PeerJ, 7:e6395.™1469™
@Guinness World Records. 2019. Guinness World Records 2020. Guinness World Records, London, 256 pp. (US ver. 2019.9.3 published)¢ŠEÅd—Êdœ‹›‚ªƒEƒVƒ}ƒ“ƒ{ƒE‚ɉ•ÏX™1502™
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š¢@Hellenbrecht LM, Freese M, Pohlmann J-D, Westerberg H, Blancke T, Hanel R. 2019. Larval distribution of the ocean sunfishes Ranzania laevis and Masturus lanceolatus (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) in the Sargasso Sea subtropical convergence zone. Journal of Plankton Research, 41(5): 595-608. ™1515™
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@Mosnier A, Gosselin J-F, Lawson J, Plourde S, Lesage V. 2019. Predicting seasonal occurrence of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in eastern Canadian waters from turtle and ocean sunfish (Mola mola) sighting data and habitat characteristics. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 97(5):464-478.™1543 midoku™
@Nyegaard M, Andrzejaczek S, Jenner CS, Jenner M-NM. 2019. Tiger shark predation on large ocean sunfishes (Family Molidae) - two Australian observations. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 102(12): 1559-1567.™1523™
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¢š@Psomadakis PN, Thein H, Russell BC, Tun M. 2019. Field identification guide to the living marine resources of Myanmar. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. FAO and MOALI, Rome, 840 pp. (no p. 269, 628-629)™1529™
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6Í@Forsgren, K., R. S. McBride, T. Nakatsubo, T. M. Thys, C. D. Carson, E. K. Tholke, L. Kubicek, I. Potter. 2020. Reproductive biology of the ocean sunfishes, pp. 87-104. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.™1821™
7Í@Thys, T.M., M. Nyegaard, J.L. Whitney, J.P. Ryan, I. Potter, T. Nakatsubo, M. Freese, L. M. Hellenbrecht, R. Kelly, K. Tsukamoto, G. Shinohara, T. Mowatt-Larssen, L. Kubicek. 2020a. Ocean sunfish larvae: Detections, identification and predation, pp. 105-128. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.™1822™
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@Gomes-Pereira, J.N., Pham, C.K., Miodonski, J., Santos, M.A.R., Dionísio, G., Catarino, D., Nyegaard, M., Sawai, E., Carreira, G.P., Afonso, P. 2023. The heaviest bony fish in the world: a 2744 kg giant sunfish Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) from the North Atlantic. Journal of Fish Biology, 102(1): 290-293. ™1781™
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@Nyegaard M, Braun CD, Welly M, Djohani R, Arostegui MC. 2023c. Overcoming challenging telemetry data of giant sunfish Mola alexandrini (Molidae) in Bali, Indonesia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 722: 157-175. ™1815™
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