Literature of Molidae



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∴◎△★マンボウ科Molidae  ◎マンボウ属Mola  △クサビフグ属Ranzania  ★ヤリマンボウ属Masturus  Ω化石fossil


◎ Plinius Secundus, Gaius (Pliny the Elder).1469(or 77). Naturalis Historia, 32: 606-621. 図無し? 5・9・19章(pdfの608p). (A.D. 77-79の百科事典を1469年にVeniceで印刷したもの・英語版も結構ある)☆718☆
◎ 著者不詳.1469.節用集(明応本).2巻. [1](上巻).(伊勢本系).ページ数無し(59コマ)☆1569☆
◎ 著者不詳.1469-1487.節用集.(ページ数、発行所不明)☆956☆


◎ Plinius Secundus G. 1497. C. Plinii Secundi Historiae hi storiarum libri XXXVII. e castigationibus hermolai barba ri quam emen datissime editi (引用の詳細は後日)☆1207☆


◎ Rondelet, Guillaume. 1554. Libri de piscibus marinis, in quibus verae piscium effigiens expressae sunt. Quae in tota piscium historia contineantur, indicat elenchus pagina nona et decima. Postremo accesserunt indices necessarii. Lugdunum (Lyon): Matthias Bonhomme. p.424-427(pdfの439p)☆662☆
◎ Salviani, Ippolito. 1554. Aquatilium animalium historiae, liber primus : cum eorumdem formis, aere excusis. 153-156. ラテン語 正式なタイトルは後日調べる。☆708☆


◎ Boussuet, François (Bousseti, Francisci). 1558. De natura aquatilium carmen. Matthiam Bonhome(出版), Lugduni.のp.179. ☆920☆
◎ Gesner K. 1558. Historiae animalium, Liber IV. Qui est de piscium & aquatilium animantium natura. Tigurum (Zurich). p.754-756(pdfの791) (同じ内容Conradi Gesneri medici Tigurini Historiae animalium liber IV : qui est De piscium & aquatilium animantium natura : cum iconibus singulorum ad viuum expressis fere omnibus DCCXII (1604)では640p.)☆663☆
◎ Rondelet, Guillaume. 1558. La Premiere (- La seconde) Partie de l'Histoire entiere des poissons, Composee premierement en Latin par maistre Guilaume (sic) Rondelet... Maintenant traduites (sic) en François... (par Laurent Joubert). 出版社Par Mace Bonhomme. の326-328p.フランス語☆898☆


◎ Gessner, Conrad and Forer Conrad. 1575 (1563 ver. also). Fischbůch: das ist ein kurtze doch vollkom[m]ne Beschreybung aller Fischen so in dem Meer und süssen Wasseren seen, flüssen, oder anderen Bächen jr wonung habend, sampt jrer waaren Conterfactur : zů nutz vnd gůtem allen Artzeten, Maleren, Weydleüten vnd Köchen gestelt : insonders aber denen so ein lust habend zů erfaren vnd betrachten Gottes wunderbare Werck in seinen Geschöpfften. bey Christoffel Froschower(出版), Zürych(出版場所). ドイツ語  (この本の初出は1563年、Gesner, 1604のドイツ語翻訳バージョンだから読む必要ないかも 85-86p)☆998☆所持未読


◎ Coenensz van Schilperoort, Adriaen. 1577-1581. Visboeck. Scheveningen. (150rページ目)☆859☆




◎ Plinius Secundus G. 1608. C. Plinii Secundi Historiae mundi libri XXXVII. Cum castigationibus et adnotationibus doctiss. & variis praeterea lectionibus ex mss. compluribus ad oram paginarum accurate indicatis. Ex nouissima & laboriosissima editione Iacobi Dalechampii, medici, Cadomensis. Cum indice duplici, vtroque locupletissimo. Accedunt iam primum Pauli Cigalini Comensis praelectiones duae eruditiss. Vna De vera patriae nostri Plinii: altera De fide & auctoritate ipsius. Claud. Marnium & heredes Joan. Aubrij, Francofurti☆1208☆


◎△ Aldrovandi, Ulyssis. 1613. De piscibus libri V et De cetis lib. unus. Dellagamba Bononiae, 759pp. の410-414.☆715☆


◎ Plinius Secundus G. 1631. C. Plinij Secvndi Historiae Mundi Libri XXXVII. Opus Omni Quidem Commendatione Maius, Sed Nullis Ad Hunc Diem Editionibus, Nvila Cvius- quam singulari vel industria, a mendis, quae aut temporum iniquitate, aut superiorum atatum negligentia, inter Latino prima nota scriptorem hactenus | occuparunt, satis vnquam emaculatum suesit. Nunc Denvo Qvanta Praestari potuit side, euta & diligentia, tam ex vetustibimorum & aliorum hactenus excusorum, quam plurium etiam manuscriptorum codicum attentibma collatione; idque post ultimam defuncts de- ctissmi D. Iacobi Dalecampii praestantisimi medici manum, ita saeliciter repurg atum. | Variis Qvoqve Sigism Gelenii Fredenandi | pintiani, & aliorum Lectionibus, Castigationibus & Adnotationibus eruditissimis ornatum; vt nihil posthac huic operi desi- derari posse videatur. | Accesere itidem Indices vtiles & necessarij. (引用の詳細は後日)☆1209☆


◎Jonston, Jan. 1632. Ioh. Ionstoni Thavmatographia natvralis, in decem classes distincta, in quibus admiranda I coeli. II elementorvm. III meteororvm. IV fossilivm. V plantarvm. VI avivm. VII qvadrvpedvm. VIII exangvivm. IX piscivm. X hominis. 501pp.の419-421. (内容は同じJoh. Jonstoni Thaumatographia naturalis in decem classes distincta (1665 ver.) p.417-418.) ラテン語☆726☆


◎ Aldrovandi, Ulysses. 1638. De piscibus libri quinque, de cetis liber unus. Joannes Cornelius Vterverius collegit, Marcus-Antonius Bernia in lucem restituit. Nicolaus Thebaldinus(出版社), Bononiae(場所).の410-414. (Aldrovandi, 1613と全く同じ内容) ☆888☆


◎ 著者不詳(1643).料理物語. (寛永二十年版)☆969☆


◎? 郭璞・蒋應鎬.出版年不明(276-1644?).山海經.巻之六(海外南経:6オ,7ウ),巻之十一(海内西経:6オ),巻之十四(大荒東経:5ウ),巻之十五(大荒南経:2ウ,7オ)※視肉@中国語☆1872☆


◎ 松江重頼.1645.毛吹草(原本未入手;写本入手なぜか1638年版)☆966☆


◎△ Jonston, Jan. 1650.Historiae naturalis De piscibus et cetis libri V[-De exanguibus aquaticis libri IV].29-30p.後日ちゃんと調べる☆713☆


◎△ Jonston, Jan. 1657.Historiae naturalis de quadrupedibus libri : cum aeneis figuris.17-18p.(TabIX)(pdfの25,185)☆712☆


◎ 林羅山.1659.梅村載筆 (原本未入手;写本入手;神谷克1848年写本完成「16ウ」)☆967☆


◎△ Jonston, John. 1660. Naeukeurige beschryving van de natuur der viervoetige dieren, vissen en bloedlooze water-dieren, vogelen, kronkel-dieren, slangen en draken. I. I. Schipper, Amsterdam の2巻の19ページ☆778☆


◎ Charleton, Walter. 1668. Onomasticon zoicon, plerorumque animalium differentias & nomina propria pluribus linguis exponens. Cui accedunt mantissa anatomica; et quaedam de variis fossilium generibus. Autore Gualtero Charletono, M.D. Caroli II. Magnae Britanniae Regis, medico ordinario, & Collegii Medicorum Londinensium Socio.129.(pdfの171)図無し☆717☆
◎ Plinius Secundus G. 1668. C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis historiae, tomus primus [-tertius] Cum commentariis & adnotationibus Hermolai Barbari, Pintiani, Rhenani, Gelenii, Dalechampii, Scaligeri, Salmasii, Is. Vossii, & variorum. Accedunt praeterea variae lectiones ex mss. compluribus ad oram paginarum accurate indicatae. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, Roterodami, apud Hackios(引用の詳細は後日)☆1210☆


◎ Redi, Francesco. 1684. Osservazioni intorno agli animali viventi che si trovano negli animali viventi. 166-168.くらい☆711☆


◎ Willughby, Francis. 1686. Francisci Willughbeii armig. De historia piscium libri quatuor, jussu & sumptibus Societatis Regiae londinensis editi. In quibus non tantum de piscibux in genere agitur sed & species omnes, tum ab aliis traditae, tum novae & nondum editae bene multae, naturae ductum servante methodo dispositae, accurate describuntur. Earumque effigies, quotquot haberi potuere, vel ad vivum delineatae, vel ad optima exemplaria impressa; artifici manu elegantissime in aes incisae, ad descriptiones illustrandas exhibentur. Cum Appendice historias & observationes in supplementum operis collatas complectente. Totum opus recognovit, coaptavit, supplevit, librum etiam primum & secundum integros adjecit Johannes Raius e Societate regia. e Theatro Sheldoniano. p.151. Tab.I.26. (pdfの157p.)ラテン語 イギリスの魚Ray, Johnが仕上げた☆707☆


◎ Jacobaeus, Oliger. 1696. Museum regium, seu, Catalogus rerum tam naturalium, quam artificialium, quae in basilica bibliothecae augustissimi Daniae Norvegiaeq[ue] monarchae Christiani Quinti, Hafniae asservantur. Joachim Schmetgen, Hafniae [Copenhagen]. の16p, fig.3☆897☆


◎ 人見必大(丹岳野必大千里).1697.楂魚.in 本朝食鑑,平野屋勝左衛門・平野氏傳左衛門,12(9), 26-27. (全46pp.)☆970☆所持未読


◎ 貝原益軒.1709.大和本草,13: 1-49pp. (41,43.)和名初☆339☆


◎ Ruysch, Frederik. 1710. Thesaurus animalium primus: cum figuris aeneis = Het eerste cabinet der dieren. 42pp.(26,も内容一緒) ☆741☆


◎ Ray, John. 1713. Synopsis methodica avium & piscium : opus posthumum. 51-52.(pdfの288)図無し☆716☆
◎ 寺島良安.1713.倭漢三才圖會,51:ページ数不明.(和漢三才図会)☆965☆


◎ 平住専庵(Hirazumi Senan)(編).1714.分類故事要語 巻之八(禽獣門).大野木市兵衞・敦賀屋九兵衞(出版社),1丁オ-29丁ウ.(マンボウは「13丁オ」)☆1870☆


◎ 石丸定良.1721.巻之九 備前國之内ヨリ珍敷物出ル事.備陽記.全94ページの42ページ目.☆1066☆


◎ 著者不詳.1723.紀州熊野浦諸鯨之圖.☆979☆


◎ 松岡恕庵.1732?.魚鳥写生図.☆1395☆所持未読


◎ 著者不詳.1736.御領内産物留.☆1049☆


◎△ Artedi, Peter. 1738. Ichthyologia sive opera omnia de piscibus scilicet: Bibliotheca ichthyologica. Philosophia ichthyologica. Genera piscium. Synonymia specierum. Descriptiones specierum. Omnia in hoc genere perfectiora quam antea ulla posthuma vindicavit, recognovit, coaptavit et editit Carolus Linnaeus. "Wishoff, Lugduni Batavorum出版社". (pdfの274p, 504-505). 詳細版 「Petri Artedi sueci Genera Piscium. in quibus systema totum ichthyologiae proponitur cum classibus, ordinibus, generum characteribus, specierum differentiis, observationibus plurimis. redactis speciebus 242 ad genera 52. Ichthyologiae pars III. Conradum Wishoff, Lugduni Batavorum. 88pp. (pdfの206-301) =Gen.61」「Petri Artedi sueci Descriptiones specierum piscium. quos vivos praesertim disseguit et examinavit, inter quos primario pisces regni sueciae facile omnes accuratissime describuntur cum non paucis aliis exoticis. Ichthyologiae Pars V. Conradum Wishoff, Lugduni Batavorum. 118pp.(pdfの418-539) =syn.83」☆714☆


◎★ 神田玄泉.1741.日東魚譜.巻5.(11らへん)☆1050☆所持未読
◎ 野呂元丈.1741.阿蘭陀本草和解.巻二(20らへん).☆1051☆所持未読


◎? Klein, Jacob Theodor. 1742. Historiae piscium naturalis promovendae missus tertius, De piscibus per branchias occultas spirantibus ad justum numerum et ordinem redigendis, cum observationibus circa partes genitales rajae maris, et ovarium galei. Part 3, 48pp.(pdfの135p.)詳細後日のp.23. n.31.☆737☆


△ Bianchi, Giovanni . 1746. Jani Planci Ariminensis De Mola pisce ad Josephum Montium bononiensem. De Bononiensi Scientiarum Et Artium Instituto Atque Academia Commentarii. 2(2): 297-303. ラテン語☆706☆
◎ Smith, Charles. 1746. The ancient and present state of the county and city of Waterford: Being a natural, civil, ecclesiastical, historical and topographical description thereof. A. Reilly(出版), Dublin. の271p.☆927☆


◎ De Hondt(出版社みたい). 1747. Histoire générale des voyages, ou nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyages par mer et par terre: qui ont été publiées jusqu' à présent dans les différentes langues de toutes les nations connues ... pour former un système complet d'histoire et de géographie moderne .... Voyages au long des côtes occidentales d'Afrique, depuis le Cap-Blanco jusqu'à Sierra-Leona. 4. 614pp. (pdfの350p. p.320.fig.1.Ed.Hag.)☆738☆
◎ 丹羽正伯(編).1747.増補庶物類纂 鱗属 巻之五(庶物類纂411-412).☆1076☆所持未読


◎ Hill, J. 1751. A review of the works of the royal society of London, R. Griffiths, London. の127-130☆885☆所持未読


◎ Hill, J. 1752. An history of animals. Containing descriptions of the birds, beasts, fishes, and insects, of the several parts of the world; and including accounts of the several classes of animalcules, visible only by the assistance of microscopes. In these the characters, qualities, and forms of the several creatures are described, the names by which they are commonly known, as well as those by whichauthors, who have written on the subject, have called them, are explained:and each is reduced to the class to which it naturally belongs. Thomas Osborne, London. 584pp.の pdf292p.☆780☆


△ Gronovius, Laurentius Theodorus. 1754. Museum ichthyologicum, sistens piscium indigenorum & quorumdam exoticorum, qui in Museo Laurentii Theodori Gronovii, J. U. D. adservantur, descriptiones ordine systematico, accedunt nonnullorum exoticorum piscium icones aeri incisae. [1]. - pp. [1-9], 1-70, Tab. I-IV [= 1-4]. Lugduni Batavorum. (Haak).のpdf66p.☆720☆


◎Bianchi, Giovanni. 1755. Jani Planci Ariminensis De Mola pisce. Epistola altera ad Josephum Montium bononiensem. De Bononiensi Scientiarum Et Artium Instituto Atque Academia Commentarii. 3: 331-334. ラテン語☆705☆


◎△ Bianchi, Giovanni. 1757. Beschreibung des Klumpfisches. Hamburgisches Magazin, oder gesammlete Schriften, aus der Naturforschung und den angenehmen Wissenschaften überhaupt, 18: 3-18.☆743☆


◎ Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae, ed. X. (Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata.) Holmiae [Stockholm]. i-ii + 1-824. の334p  ラテン語  ☆595☆

◎ 阿部照任.1758.採薬使記(巻中(or巻二)).26-27p(29らへん).☆1052☆所持未読
◎△ Borlase, William. 1758. The natural history of Cornwall: The air, climate, waters, rivers, lakes, sea and tides ... Of the inhabitants, their manners, customs, plays or interludes, exercises, and festivals; the Cornish language, trade, tenures, and arts. Oxford.のp.267-268p,263。


◎△? Gronovius, Lorenz Theodor. 1760. Animalium in Belgio Habitantium centuria prima. Acta Helvetica, physico-mathematico-anatomico-botanico-medica, 4: 243-270. のp.269-270. n. 195.


◎ 勝間 竜水(石寿観秀国 編?)・ 秀国.1762.海の幸.下巻(地の巻),15p.後日引用確認☆1053☆所持未読


△◎ Gronovius, Laurentius Theodorus. 1763. Zoophylacii Gronoviani Fasciculus primus exhibens Animalia Quadrupeda, Amphibia atque Pisces, quae in Museo suo adservat, rite examinavit, systematice, disposuit, descripsit, atque iconibus illustravit. Lugduni Batavorum. [i-iv] + 1-136 pp.の50p.


◎ 林自見.1764.『雑説嚢話』巻之下末、16pp. (no 14p) ☆1397☆所持未読


◎ Koelreuter, I. T. 1766 . Piscium rariorum e Museo Petropolitano exceptorum descriptiones continuatae. Novi commentarii Academiae scientiarum imperialis petropolitanae. v. 10 (1764): 329-351, Pl. 8. 図8(654)と337-340  ラテン語 ☆593☆

◎ Linnaeus, C. 1766a. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio duodecima, reformata. pp. 1-532. Holmiae. (Salvius)(ed.12, Vol. 1, part 1)の412p.☆733☆


◎ Brünnich, Morten. T. 1768. Ichthyologia Massiliensis: sistens Piscium descriptiones eorumque apud incolas nomina: accedunt spolia Maris Adriatici. の8p.No.16☆740☆


◎ Pallas, P. S. 1770. Spicilegia Zoologica quibus novae imprimis et obscurae animalium species iconibus, descriptionibus atque commentariis illustrantur. Berolini, Gottl. August. Lange. v. 1 (fasc. 8): 1-56, Pls. 1-5. (367-368,389)  ラテン語 ☆607☆


◎ 後藤梨春.1771.随観写真.魚部4巻 .☆1054☆所持未読


◎ 冷月庵谷水.1773.『料理伊呂波庖丁』三、17頁(吉井始子(監修)1978『料理分類伊呂波庖丁』in『江戸時代料理本集成 資料篇 第1帙』臨川書店)☆1396☆所持未読


◎ Müller, Philipp Ludwig Statius. 1774. Des Ritters Carl von Linné vollständiges Natursystem: Th. Von den Amphibien(vol.3). Gabriel Nicolaus Raspe(出版) の318-321.とtab. 8. Fig.6. リンネのドイツ語翻訳ぽい.☆900☆所持未読
◎ Smith, Charles. 1774. The ancient and present state of the county and city of Waterford. Containing a natural, civil, ecclesiastical, historical and topographical description thereof. 2nd edition, with additions. W. Wilson(出版), Dublin. の270p.☆928☆


◎ Forsskål, P. 1775. Descriptiones animalium avium, amphibiorum, piscium, insectorum, vermium; quae in itinere orientali observavit . . . Post mortem auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Hauniae [Copenhagen]. 1-20 + i-xxxiv + 1-164, map. のp.44(xviii)ラテン語  ☆592☆
◎ 孫兵衛?.1775.御用祈祷覚之帳.ページ数不明(マンボウに関する記述は2ページほど。)☆1741☆midoku


◎△ Pennant, T. 1776. British zoology. 4th edition. London. vol.3 4章Fish p.125,129-132. ☆382☆ ■36  


◎ Cetti, Francesco. 1777. Anfibi e pesci di Sardegna. の202p.  イタリア語(I Quadrupedi, gli Uccelli, Anfibi e Pesci di Sardegna, vol.3 (Storia naturale di Sardegnaシリーズ3巻目)).☆899☆

◎ Duhamel du Monceau, Henri Louis. 1777. Traité général des pesches, et histoire des poissons qu'elles fournissent, tant pour la subsistance des hommes, que pour plusieurs autres usages qui ont rapport aux arts et au commerce. vol.3. (306-307p).☆770☆

◎ Pallas, P. S. 1777. Naturgeschichte merkwürdiger Thiere, in welcher vornehmlich neue und unbekannte Thierarten durch Kupferstiche, Beschreibungen und Erklärungen erläutert werden. Durch den Verfasser verteutscht. Achte Sammlung. pp. 1-60, pl. 1-5. Berlin, Stralsund. の41pとpl.4☆882☆所持未読


◎ Meuschen, Friedrich Christian. 1778. Museum Gronovianum sive index rerum naturalium tam mammalium amphibiorum piscium insectorum conchyliorum zoophytorum plantarum et mineralium exquisitissimorum quam arte factarum nonnullarum. (inter quae eminet herbarius siccus plantarum a Tournefortio, Claitonio, Linnaeo aliisque botanicis collectarum. Quae omnia multa cura et magnis sumptibus sibi comparavit vir amplissimus et celeberrimus Laur. Theod. Gronovius.) Th. Haak & Socios, J. Meerburg, Lugdunum Batavorum(=Leiden). の23,55p.☆931☆


Fantuzzi, Giovanni. 1784. Notizie degli scrittori bolognesi raccolte da Giovanni Fantuzzi. Tomo primo nono 4 (1784)の138p.たぶんこの文献 Salvianusに関する記述ぽい、マンボウに関する論文ではないかも ☆890☆所持未読


◎△ Retzius, A. J. 1785. Tetrodon mola. Kongliga Vetenskaps Academiens Nya Handlingar, Stockholm v. 6 (for 1785): 115-121, Pl. 4. (の122−134, 350) ドイツ語☆603☆


◎ Bloch, Marcus Elieser. 1786. Ichtyologie, ou histoire naturelle, générale et particulière des poissons: Avec des figures enluminées, dessinées d'après nature. Part 3. page 83. tabel. 128.☆709☆


◎ Daubenton, Louis Jean-Marie. 1787. Encyclopédie méthodique: Les poissons.の240-241p.☆747☆


◎ Bonnaterre, abbé (Pierre Joseph). 1788. Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique des trois règnes de la nature : dédié et présenté a M. Necker, ministre d'Etat & directeur général des Finances. 313p(Plane.17.fig.54.).25pフランス語☆710☆
◎? Gmelin, Johann Friedrich. 1788. Caroli a Linné. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae : secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tom.1 Pars 3. 1033-1516.(の1452pあたり)☆742☆
◎ 津村淙庵.1788.雪のふるみち(古道).2巻 .(pdfの5p)☆1055☆所持未読


◎ 後藤光生(編).1752-1789a-c.『本草綱目補物品目録 後編』.巻之中(2巻).42コマ目.☆1735☆


◎仮 Linck, H. F. 1790. Versuch einer Eintheilung der Fische nach den Zahnen. Magazin fur das Neueste aus der Physik und Naturgeschichte. v. 6 (no. 3): 28-38. (のp.449-459)   ドイツ語 (p.37 属レベル)☆594☆


◎ Valmont de Bomare, J.-C. 1791. Dictionnaire raisonné universel d'histoire naturelle. Vol. 8. (p.533-537あたり)☆878☆所持未読


◎△ Walbaum, J. J. 1792. Petri Artedi sueci genera piscium in quibus systema totum ichthyologiae proponitur cum classibus, ordinibus, generum characteribus, specierum differentiis, observationibus plurimis. Redactis speciebus 242 ad genera 52. Ichthyologiae, pars iii. Anton Ferdinand Rose, Grypeswaldiae [Greifswald]. Pt. 3: 1-723, Pls. 1-3. (の600)   ラテン語?ドイツ語?  ☆602☆


◎△ Dryander, Jona. 1796. Catalogus bibliothecae historico-naturalis Josephi Banks baroneti, balnei equitis, regiae societatis praesidis, caet. Tomus II (Zoologi). 出版社Typis gui bulmer et soc., 出版地Londini☆1361☆


◎ Cuvier, G. (1797?)1798. Tableau elementaire de l’histoire naturelle des animaux. Paris. i-xvi + 1-710, Pls. 1-14.のp.323-324 ■8 フランス語 ☆611☆
△ Lacepède, B. G. E. 1798. Histoire naturelle des poissons. v. 1: 1-8 + i-cxlvii + 1-532, Pls. 1-25, 1 table. (の461p、509-519)文献省略記号一覧有☆745☆


◎ Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de .1799.Histoire naturelle generale et particuliere, 第 97 巻 .の125-139p. 106p ☆744☆所持未読

★ 吉田鯉洲(編).1799-1801.丹後国木魚の図.ま免なくさ.(ページ数なしだが文字が書かれているのは全86pp;マンボウは38p(本文のみは80ppでマンボウは32p))Rishu Yoshida(ed).1799-1801.Mamenakusa☆1388☆


△? Lacepède, B. G. E. 1800. Histoire naturelle des poissons. v. 2: i-lxiv + 1-632, Pls. 1-20. [Publication date: Hureau & Monod 1973, v. 2:323] :200p (くさび属レベル)フランス語 Triurus bougainvillianus ←☆579☆
◎ Linnaeus, C. (Retzius, A.J. ed.). 1800. Faunae suecicae a Carolo à Linné equ. inchoatae pars prima : sistens Mammalia, Aves, Amphibia et Pisces Sueciae...の310p. (Retzius, A. J. 1800. Faunae suecicae a Carolo à Linné equ. inchoatae pars prima sistens mammalia, aves, amphibia et pisces Sueciae quam recognovit, emendavit et auxit. - pp. I-X [= 1-10], 1-362, [1-10], pl. [1]. Lipsiae. (Crusium).) ☆759☆


◎△ Bloch, M. E. and J. G. Schneider. 1801. M. E. Blochii, Systema Ichthyologiae iconibus cx illustratum. Post obitum auctoris opus inchoatum absolvit, correxit, interpolavit Jo. Gottlob Schneider, Saxo. Berolini. Sumtibus Auctoris Impressum et Bibliopolio Sanderiano Commissum: i-lx + 1-584, Pls. 1-110. ラテン語の510-511 ☆598☆

◎△ Stewart, Charles(, and Carl von Linné). 1801. Elements of natural history: being an introduction to the Systema naturae of Linnaeus : comprising the characters of the whole genera, and most remarkable species, particularly of all those that are natives of Britain, with the principal circumstances of their history and manners : likewise an alphabetical arrangement, with definitions, of technical terms, London: Printed for T. Cadell jun. and W. Davies. vol.1. 409pp. のp.291-292☆642☆


◎△ Linnaeus, C. (English ed. by Turton, William) 1802. A general system of nature, through the three grand kingdoms of animals, vegetables, and minerals, systematically divided into their several classes, orders, genera, species, and varieties, with their habitations, manners, economy, structure and peculiarities. vol.1. の891-892p.☆750☆

◎ 原南陽.1802.『査魚志』.(ページ番号無し)☆1082☆所持未読日本最古のマンボウ本


◎△ Donovan, Edward. 1803. The natural history of British fishes, including scientific and general descriptions of the most interesting species and an extensive selection of accurately finished coloured plates, taken entirely from original drawings, purposely Made from the specimens in a recent state, and for the most part whilst living. Vol. II. Rivington, London.☆1000☆所持未読
◎ 著者不詳.1802-1803?.査魚図解.7pp(写本;ページ番号なし).☆1736☆所持未読
◎ 著者不詳.1802-1803?.楂魚真図.5pp(写本;ページ番号なし).☆1737☆所持未読
◎ 著者不詳.1803.まんぼう一件.7pp(原本?;ページ番号なし).☆1583☆所持未読


◎△ Shaw, G. 1804. General zoology or systematic natural history ... with plates from the first authorities and select specimens. G. Kearsley, London. v. 5 (pt. 2): i-vi + 251-463, Pls. 132-182.   のうちのpp.437-440Pl. 175 ☆449☆

◎ 小野蘭山.1804.飲膳摘要.(pdfの39p)☆1056☆


Cuvier, G. 1805. Leçons d'anatomie comparée. vol.5, 316pp. の114p. 顎?☆891☆所持未読


Duméril, Constant. 1806. Zoologie analytique : ou, Méthode naturelle de classification des animaux ; rendue plus facile a l'aide de tableaux synoptiques. の107-109p. 上位分類群☆889☆所持未読


◎ 曽槃士攷.1809.占春斎魚品.巻2☆1057☆所持未読


◎△ Rafinesque, C. S. 1810a. Caratteri di alcuni nuovi generi e nuove specie di animali e piante della sicilia, con varie osservazioni sopra i medesimi. (Part 1: [i-iv] + 3-69 [70 blank]; Part 2 [with slightly different title]: ia-iva + 71-105 [106 blank]); Pls. 1-20. (の17p) イタリア語☆604☆
◎△ Rafinesque, C. S. 1810b. Indice d'ittiologia siciliana; ossia, catalogo metodico dei nomi latini, italiani, e siciliani dei pesci, che si rinvengono in Sicilia disposti secondo un metodo naturale e seguito da un appendice che contiene la descrizione de alcuni nuovi pesci sicilian. Messina. Indice d'ittiologia siciliana: 1-70, Pls. 1-2. の40pイタリア語 ☆400☆
◎ Risso, Antoine. 1810. Ichthyologie de Nice, ou, Histoire naturelle des poissons du departement des Alpes Maritimes. の60−61. ☆757☆


◎ Mitchill, S. L.. 1815. Transactions of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York. vol.1. の471-472.☆753☆所持未読
◎ Rafinesque, C. S. 1815. Analyse de la nature ou Tableau de l'univers et des corps organisés.の90p☆758☆


◎ Cuvier, G. 1817(1816?). Le Regne Animal distribue d’apres son organisation pour servir de base a l’histoire naturelle des animaux et d’introduction a l’anatomie comparee. Les reptiles, les poissons, les mollusques et les annelides. Edition 1. v. 2: i-xviii + 1-532 [Pls. 9-10, in v. 4図はハリセンボンしかないので意味ない].のp.148-149 (属レベル)☆591☆
◎△ Stewart, Charles 1817. Elements of the Natural History of the Animal Kingdom: Comprising the Characters of the Whole Genera, and of the Most Remarkable Species, Particularly Those That are Natives of Britain; With the Principal Circumstances of their History and Manners, 2nd ed., Edinburgh: Bell and Bradfute; and London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, vol.1. 446pp. のp.324☆641☆


◎? Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Etienne. 1818. Philosophie anatomique: pieces osseuses des organes respiratoires. vol.1. の469p.☆894☆所持未読


◎ 石川元混.1820.日養食鑑☆1058☆


◎ Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de. 1822. De l'organisation des animaux, ou Principes d'anatomie comparee. F. G. Levrault(出版), Paris. の561p.☆896☆所持未読
◎Naccari FL. 1822. Ittiologia adriatica, ossia, Catalogo de pesci del Golfo e lagune di Venezia. Nelle Stamperia Fusi e Comp, Pavia. (3-26pp. no 21)☆1316☆


Desmoulins, Antoine . 1824. Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle. Event. vol.6. の371-373. 鰓?☆893☆所持未読


∴◎△★ 栗本丹洲.1825.『翻車考』.自筆本☆877☆
◎ 小原桃洞.1801-1825.魚品圖.32pp(原本;ページ番号なし;折り畳みは1ページとカウントして2ページとしない).(マンボウの記述は27〜28ページ)☆1585☆所持未読
◎ 小原桃洞.1746-1825(生没年).魚譜.63裏pp.(原本;マンボウの記述は42裏-43裏、58表)☆1586☆所持未読
◎ 翻刻者不明.出版年不明(1825年〜明治前期;直筆).魚譜 小原桃洞録 三.52pp.(ページ番号なし)(原本;マンボウの記述は49〜49ページ)☆1587☆所持未読
◎ 翻刻者不明.出版年不明(1825年〜明治前期;直筆).魚譜 小原桃洞録 四.60pp.(ページ番号なし)(原本;マンボウの記述は43〜44ページ)☆1588☆所持未読


Cloquet, Hippolyte(Cuvier, G ). 1826. Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles...Poissons...vol.42, 536pp. の225p. 顎? +Pl.57(pdfの232)(絵は別巻)☆892☆所持未読
◎ Jacob. 1826. Observations respecting the Diodon, or Tetrodon mola, or Short Sun-Fish of Pennant. The Dublin Philosophical Journal, and Scientific Review, 2: 443-448.(pdf.649に図)☆851☆所持未読
◎ Strack, Friedrich. 1826. Naturgeschichte in Bildern : mit erläuterndem Text. vol. 4. (pdfの31p,303p.)☆752☆所持未読


◎ Bory de Saint-Vincent, J. B. G. M. 1827(1822-31). [Pisces accounts]. In: Dictionnaire classique d’histoire naturelle. Vols. 12(1-17).503p.(属レベル) フランス語  ☆590☆
◎ 畔田翠山(くろだ すいざん).1827.水族志 二(巻第四).52pp(目録含めた).(ページ番号なし;「水族志 二」は巻第三と巻第四が収録されているが、巻第三の方のページ数は数えていない)(原本;マンボウの記述は巻第四の48〜49ページ)☆1589☆所持未読
◎△ Nardo, G. D. 1827a(D論ではc). Prodromus observationum et disquisitionum ichthyologiae Adriaticae. Isis, oder Encyclopadische Zeitung [von L. Oken]. v. 20 (no. 6): col. 473-489. (254-262)  ドイツ語 ☆612☆
◎△ Nardo, G. D. 1827b(D論ではa). Prodromus observationum et disquisitionum Adriaticae ichthyologiae. Giornale di Fisica, Chimica e Storia Naturale, Medicina ed Arti, Pavia Dec. II, v. 10: 22-40. (の26、35)  ラテン・イタリア語 ☆613☆
◎△ Nardo, G. D. 1827c(D論ではb). Estratto di una memoria ittiologica inedita. Giornale di Fisica , Chimica, Storia Naturale Medicina ed Arti, Pavia Dec. II, v. 10: 102-105, 209-213. (の115-118,222-226?)  イタリア・ラテン語 ☆614☆
◎△ Risso, A. 1827(1826?). Histoire naturelle des principales productions de l’Europe meridionale, et particulierement de celles des environs de Nice et des Alpes maritimes. F. G. Levrault, Paris and Strasbourg. v. 3: i-xvi + 1-480, Pls. 1-16. (の172-174 p199-201) フランス語 ☆600☆


◎ Cuvier, G. 1828. Histoire naturelle des poissons. vol.1. の294-297の295p, 437-438p, 449p. poisson luna.☆895☆所持未読
◎△ Férussac, A. E. J. and P. J. F. D'Audebard. 1828. Bulletin des sciences naturelles et de géologie. 27 tomes en 11 volumes. Paris, au bureau du Bulletin.    Nardo(1828)と全く同じ文献を指す☆631☆
◎△ Fleming, John. 1828. History of British animals. の175p.☆755☆
◎△  Nardo, G. D. 1828. Mémoire sur les genres Mola et Lepadogaster. Bull. Sci. Nat., Ferussac v. 13: 437-438. (450-451) = Férussac and D'Audebard. (1828)と全く同じ文献を指す  ☆581☆
◎ Mitchill, S. L. 1828. Description of an apparently new species of Diodon. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. v. 2: 264-265. (のうち275-276)☆381☆ ■27 


 ◎ Cuvier, G. 1829. Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation, pour servir de base à l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée. vol.2. Déterville(出版社), Paris. 406pp. (原文369-370p 図無し) ☆862☆(= Cuvier 1817b, Regne Anim. ed. 2)


◎ Lacépède, Étienne de. 1831. Oeuvres du Comte de Lacépède, comprenant l'Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupèdes ovipares, des Serpents, des Poissons et des Cétacés. (Tome VI : Poissons II : 399 pp.) F.D.Pillot, Paris. の246-255.☆929☆所持未読


△ Traill, T. S. 1832. Description of a new species of Cephalus, which it is proposed to name Cephalus cocherani, Cochranes’s sunfish. Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society. Edinburgh v. 6: 381-383, Pl. 6. ■51  ( 418-420, 425)☆387☆

◎△ Bonaparte, C. L. 1832→1841. Iconografia delle fauna italica per le quattro classi degli animali vertebrati. Tomo III. Pesci. Roma. [Issued in puntate, without pagination; total of 556 pp., 78 pls. Also reorganized in book form without pagination but with table of contents.]. Fasc. 1, puntata 1-6, 2 pls. [published in 1832].  のイントロのページ数無しの13p目(この部分は1841年に書かれたby Sheiko(2013))  ☆511☆




◎△ Ranzani C. 1834. Famiglia delle Mole. In: Varietà. Seguito del Rendiconto delle Sessioni ordinarie dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Bologna. A. 1833-34. Bullettino delle Scienze Mediche, 10: 352-357.(内容はRanzani? 1833-1837?と同じ)牛☆1478☆所持未読


◎△ Jenyns, Leonard. 1835. A manual of British vertebrate animals: or Descriptions of all the animals belonging to the classes, Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia, Amphibia, and Pisces, which have been hitherto observed in the British Islands: including the domesticated, naturalized, and extirpated species: the whole systematically arranged. Cambridge(John Smith). 596pp.(初版は1835年、デジタル版が2014年)の490p☆704☆

∴◎△★ Bonaparte, C.L. (1835) Prodromus systematis ichthyologiæ, 21 pp. [Extract from "Nuovi Annali delle Scienze naturali, Bologna, anno 2(tomo 4), 181-196, 272-277, 1840."(PDF no 204p)]☆749☆


★ Liénard (François Liénard?) in Desjardins J. 1836. Septième rapport annuel sur les travaux de la Société d'histoire naturelle de l'île Maurice, lu à la Séance anniversaire du mercredi, 24 Août 1836. Inprimerie du Cernebi: Maurice, 67pp. (no 63p.)☆1432☆
◎△ Yarrell, William. 1836. A history of British fishes. vol.2. の350-356.☆751☆所持未読


◎△ Ranzani?. 1833-1837?. Rendiconto delle sessioni ordinarie dell'Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna (Estratto dal Bullettino delle Scienze Mediche). Volume 1. dai Tipi del Nobili e Comp, Bologna.(の130-135p.)牛☆1477☆所持未読


◎ Swainson, W. 1838. The natural history and classification of fishes, amphibians, and reptiles, or monocardian animals. London. v. 1: i-vi + 1-368. (199 218-219あたり) ☆384☆ ■49 


◎ Alessandrini, Antonio. 1839. Antonii Alessandrini De piscium apparatu respirationis, tum speciatim orthragorisci: Orthragoriscus Alexandrini Ranzani. Novi commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Instituti Bononiensis:359-382, pis. 31-34.フレイザー引用 ☆640☆
★ Lowe RT. 1839. A supplement to a synopsis of the fishes of Madeira. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, (7): 76-92.(Lowe, 1849と同じ内容)☆1518☆
◎ Storer, D. H. 1839. A report on the fishes of Massachusetts. Boston Journal of Natural History, 2 (3-4), 289-558 + Pls. 6-8. ( 515-519 [170-173 of separate], Pl. 3 [= Pl. 8], fig. 1 p.526-530) ☆383☆ ■48 

◎△ Ranzani, C. 1839 . Dispositio familiae Molarum in genera et in species. Novi commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Instituti Bononiensis . v. 3: 63-82, Pl. 6 + foldout table. (の85-107) イタリア語?☆596☆
◎ Swainson, W. 1839. The natural history and classification of fishes, amphibians, and reptiles, or monocardian animals. London. v. 2: i-vi + 1-448. (のうちp.193-195, 329-330)☆385☆ ■50 


★ Liénard, E. 1840. Description d'une nouvelle espèce du genre mole (Orthagoriscus, Schn.) découverte à l'île Maurice. Revue Zoologique par la Société Cuvierienne, 3: 291-292. (p.57-65)  フランス語 ☆609☆
◎△ Nardo, G. D. 1840a. Considerazioni sulla famiglia dei pesci Mola, e sui caratteri che li distinguono. Ann. Sci. R. Lombardo-Veneto, Padova v. 10: 105-112. (110−117)  イタリア語 ☆616☆
◎仮 Nardo, G. D. 1840b. Adunanza Quarta. In: Atti della Prima Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani Tenuta in Pisa nell’ottobre 1839. Sezione di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata. Tipografia Nistri, Pisa: 189-195. (279-285) イタリア語 ☆617☆所持未読


◎ Goodsir J. 1841. On certain peculiarities in the structure of the short sun-fish (Orthagoriscus mola). Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, 30:188-194.☆1694☆所持未読
★ Liénard, E. 1841. Description d'une nouvelle espèce du genre mole (Orthagoriscus, Schn.) découverte à l'île Maurice et nommée Orthagoriscus lanceolatus. Magasin de Zoologie: d'anatomie comparée et de palaeontologie, 2nd ser., vol. 3(Poissons, Pl.4): 1-8. ヤリ図が最(Mag. de Zool.省略形)(pdfの57−65).  フランス語 ☆817☆
◎★△ Troschel, F. H. 1841. Bericht über die Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der Fische während des Jahres 1840. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 7: 127-145. (後半の141-143p)☆875☆牛説明アリ


◎ DeKay JE. 1842. Zoology of New-York, or the New-York fauna; comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals hitherto observed within the state of New-York, with brief notices of those occasionally found near its borders, and accompanied by appropriate illustrations (Part 4. Fishes). W. & A. White & J. Visscher, Albany, XV + 415 pp. + Pls. 1-79 (plates in separate volume)(のうちp.330−333と図の113,121)☆378☆ ■10


◎ Ranzani, Camillo. 1844. Dispositio familiae Molarum in genera et in species. dissertationes (1-21). (pdfの91-117)博士論文 (Ranzani,1839と全く同じ内容)☆903☆


△ Richardson, J. 1845. Ichthyology of the voyage of H. M. S. Erebus & Terror, . . . In: J. Richardson and J. E. Gray. The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. “Erebus & Terror,” under the command of Captain Sir J. C. Ross . . . during . . . 1839-43. London. v. 2 (2): i-viii + 1-139, Pls. 1-60. (1845の52. p593 図18-21 p794)☆398☆■43 


◎Bonaparte, CL. 1846. Catalogo metodico dei pesci Europei. Napoli: Stamperia e cartiere del fibreno. ☆1281☆
◎ Richadson, J. 1846. Report on the Ichthyology of the seas of China and Japan. Report of the fifteenth meeting of the British association for the advancement of science, 187-320. (200p目)☆849☆所持未読
◎ Storer DH. 1846. A synopsis of the fishes of North America. Metcalf and Company, Cambridge (no 242-243).☆1314☆


◎ Gay C. 1848. Historia física y política de Chile: segun documentos adquiridos en esta republica durante doce anos de residencia en ella y publicada bajo los auspicios del supremo gobierno. Zoología. II. Chile, en el Museo de historia natural de Santiago,En casa del autor. 370pp. (の354-355)☆1299☆所持未読


★ Lowe RT. 1849. Supplement to "A Synopsis of the Fishes of Madeira.". Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 3(1): 1-20. (Lowe, 1839と同じ内容)☆1519☆


◎ Temminck CJ, Schlegel H. 1850. Pisces (last part(=part 16)). pp. 270-323, pls. 120-143 + suppl. pl. A. :In von Siebold PF (ed.) Fauna Japonica: Sive descriptio animalium, quae in itinere per Japoniam, jussu et auspiciis superiorum, qui summum in India Batava Imperium tenent, suscepto, annis 1823-1830 collegit, notis, observationibus et adumbrationibus illustravit. Apud Arnz et Socios(出版社), Lugduni Batavorum(=Leiden出版地). (全体表記Temminck CJ, Schlegel H. 1842-1850. Pisces, Fauna Japonica (Siebold PF ed.). Lugduni-Batavorum(=Leiden), 323pp + 160 pls. (全323ページでプレート160枚、全16巻総合表記))の 288p.☆1042☆


◎ Alessandrini A. 1851. Catalogo degli oggetti e preparati più interessanti del Gabinetto d’Anatomia Comparata di Bologna. Nuovi annali delle scienze naturali, Serie 3, 4: 120-152.(イタリア語、130p)☆1785☆ウシ


◎Bleeker P. 1853. Nalezingen op de ichthyologie van Japan. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 25: 1-56.(PDF no 182) ☆1262☆所持未読


◎△ Gray, J. E. 1854. Catalogue of fish collected and described by Laurence Theodore Gronow, now in the British Museum. London. i-vii + 1-196. ☆601☆


△ Kaup, J. J. 1855. Uebersicht uber die Species einiger Familien der Sclerodermen. Arch. Naturgeschichte v. 21 (no. 1): 215-233.   ドイツ語 (p.221 属レベル)☆610☆
◎ 奥倉辰行.1855.『魚仙水族写真 上』.22.☆1083☆所持未読


◎ 畔田ら.1856.熊野物産初志 3巻目☆1060☆所持未読


◎ Pliny the Elder (1857) The natural history of Pliny. Translated, with copious notes and illustrations by the late Bostock J and Riley HT, vol. 6. Henry G. Bohn, London ☆773☆


◎ van der Hoeven J. 1858. Handbook of zoology. Volume the second (Vertebrate Animals.). Translated from the second Dutch edition by William Clark. Cambridge: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, London. 775pp. + 24pp.☆1765☆


◎ Ayres, W. O. 1859. On new fishes of the Californian coast. Proceedings of the California Academy of Natural Sciences (Series 1), 2: 25-32.(のp.31,54)☆377☆   ■1

◎△ Yarrell W. 1859. (Richardson J ed.) A history of British fishes, 3rd edition. vol. 2. John Van Voorst, London☆1317☆所持未読


◎ Gill, T. 1861. Catalogue of the fishes of the eastern coast of North America, from Greenland to Georgia. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 13 (Suppl.): 1-63. ☆510☆
◎ Castelnau, F. L. 1861. Memoire sur les poissons de l’Afrique australe. Paris. i-vii + 1-78.のp.75-78  フランス語 ☆608☆


◎ 阪尚教.1865?.三州山海異品☆1062☆所持未読
◎ Cleland J. 1862. On the anatomy of the short sunfish (Orthragoriscus mola). Natural History Review (London) 2: 170-185.☆1364_1☆所持未読
◎ Turner W. 1862. On the structure and composition of the integument of the Orthragoriscus mola. Natural History Review (London) 2: 185-188.☆1364_2☆所持未読


◎Steenstrup JS, Lütken CF. 1863. Oversigt over det Konglige danske videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger og dets Medlemmers Arbejder I Aaret 1963. Moedet den 20. Marts: 36-43. (PDF no 388-390 kurai)☆1282☆所持未読
◎ Swinhoe, R., 1863. A list of the Formosan reptiles; with notes on a few of the species, and some remarks on a fish (Orthagoriscus, sp.). Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Ser. 3), 12: 219-226. ☆783☆


∴◎△★ Harting, P. 1865. Notices zoölogiques, anatomiques et histiologiques sur I'Orthragoriscus ozodura. 1-48p.書き方後日((= Harting P. 1868. Notices zoologiques, anatomiques et histologiques, sur l'Orthragoriscus ozodura; suivies de considérations sur l'ostéogenèse des téléostieus en general. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen 11:1-48. same contents)☆843☆所持未読


◎ Owen R. 1866. On the Anatomy of Vertebrates. Vol. 1. Fishes and reptiles. Longmans, Green and Company, London.☆1627☆


◎△ Couch J. 1867. A history of the fishes of the British Islands, Vol. 4. Groombridge and sons, London, 439pp. (no 377-382 = picture)☆1172☆所持未読


◎ Aubin F. 1870. A sun-fish (Orthagoriscus sp.), washed on shore at Spring Bay. Monthly Notices of Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania for 1869. のpp. 28, 85. (Allport M, Abbott Fの章?)(マリアン論文での引用Royal Society of Tasmania. 1870. List of objects presented to the museum during 1869, with names of donors. Monthly Notices of Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 85-87.)☆1115☆
◎ Günther. 1870. Catalogue of the Physostomi, Containing the families Gymnotidae, Symbranchidae, Muraenidae, Pegasidae, and of the Lophobranchii, Plectognathi, Dipnoi, Ganoidei, Chondropterygii, Cyclostomata, Leptocardii, in the British Museum. Catalogue of the fishes in the British museum. Volume 8. London, UK: British Museum.のp.317-320. ☆921☆


◎△ Andrews, William. 1871(?). “ Orthagoriscus oblongus”(the Oblong Sun-fish). Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Dublin, 6(1): 56-61.  (略 Proc.nat.Hist.Soc.Dublin) ☆948☆所持未読
◎ Klunzinger CB. 1871. Synopsis der fische des Rothen Meeres. II. Theil. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen zoologisch-botanischen Gesellchaft in Wien, 21:441-688. (PDF no 376; original 648p.) reprinted 1964 (historiae naturalis classica) same contents ☆1213☆


◎ Castelnau FL. 1872. Contribution to the ichthyology of Australia. No. I.The Melbourne fish market. Proceedings of The Zoological And Acclimatisation Society of Victoria, 1: 29-242.☆1159☆
◎? Hutton, F.W. 1872. Fishes of New Zealand. Catalogue with diagnoses of the species. James Hughes Printer, Wellington, 133pp., 12pls.☆901☆
◎△ Canestrini G. 1872. Fauna d'Italia. Paete terza. Pesci. Francesco Vallardi, Milano. (no 148-149) (Parte II, Pesci delle acque dolci. pp145-205)☆1315☆


★ Bleeker, P. 1873. Description et figure d'une espece insulindienne d'Orthagoriscus. Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde (Ser. 2) v. 7: 151-153. ラテン・フランス語☆597☆
◎ Hutton, F.W. 1873. Contributions to the Ichthyology of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 5: 259-272. (の271)☆1117☆


◎★ Bleeker P. 1874. Poissons de Madagascar et de l'ile de la Réunion des collections de MM. Pollen et van Dam. p.1-104(+21 pls). In: Bleeker P, Pollen FPL (eds.). Recherches sur la faune de Madagascar et de ses dépendances, d'après les découvertes de François P.L. Pollen et D.C. van Dam. 4me partie(=Part 4). Poissons et pêches. E.J. Brill(=出版社), Leyde(=出版地Leiden).☆1520☆
◎ Gilpin, J. B. 1874. Orthagoriscus Mola. Couch. Taken Halifax Harbor, Oct. 1873. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, 3 (4), 343 - 344.☆235☆
◎ Juan Vilanova y Piera. 1874. La creación: historia natural, escrita por una sociedad de naturalistas. Tom 5(Reptiles y Peces). のp.408☆911☆所持未読


◎ Castelnau FL.1875. Researches on the fishes of Australia. Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition of 1876 (Melbourne, 1875): Official Record. Intercolonial Exhibition Essays, (2): 1-52. ☆1160☆
◎ Macleay W. 1875. Notes on a series of specimens of Entozoa and Epizoa taken from a sunfish captured by Mr. Brazier at Port Stephens on the 28th of November 1874. The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 1: 12-13.☆1161☆


★ Bleeker P. 1879. Contribution à la faune ichthyologique de l’île Maurice. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen (Amsterdam). 18: 1-23.☆1521☆
◎Stossich M. 1879. Prospette della Fauna nel mare Adriatico. Bolletino della Società adriatica di scienze naturali in Trieste 5: 18-71 ☆1283☆所持未読


◎ 森関山.1880.水族圖譜 四.58pp.(原本;マンボウの記述は53ページ)☆1590☆所持未読


Ω Beneden, P.-J. van. 1881. Sur un poisson fossile nouveau des environs de Bruxelles et sur certains corps énigmatiques du crag d’Anvers. Bulletins de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, (3me série) 1:116-126.  ☆766☆所持未読


◎ 河原田盛美.1882.水産小学(上)☆1063☆所持未読
◎ Macleay W. 1882. Descriptive catalogue of the fishes of Australia. Part IV. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 6: 202-387. (のp.347)☆1188☆
◎ Tenison-Woods JE. 1882. Fish and fisheries of New South Wales. Thomas Richards, Sydney, 213pp. (1883 ver. reprint maybe)(no 24p.) . ☆1241☆所持未読


Ω Beneden, P.-J. van. 1883. Sur quelques formes nouvelles des terrains du pays. Bulletins de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, (3eme série) 6:132-134. ☆767☆所持未読
△ De Rochebrunne, A.T. 1883. Faune de la Sénégambie, Poissons. Octave Doin, Paris. の 180p.☆922☆

◎ Johnston RM. 1883. General and critical observations on the fishes of Tasmania. Papers and proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1882: 53-144. (の137p.) ☆1113☆
◎ Giglioli, H. H. 1883. Zoology at the fisheries exhibition. Nature, 28: 313 - 316.☆22☆ ■16
◎ Ramsay EP. 1883. Catalogue of the exhibits in the New South Wales Court. Great International Fisheries Exhibition, South Kensington, London, 1883. Taylor and Francis, London, 56pp (or 473p. in Appendix B, Volume 11も同じ内容) ☆1186-1☆


◎△ Day F. 1884. The fishes of Great Britain and Ireland, vol.2. Williams and Norgate, London, 388pp. (no 272-277p.)☆1170☆所持未読
∴◎△★ Gill, T. N. 1884. Synopsis of the plectognath fishes. Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus. v. 7 (no. 448):411-427. (のp.424-427) ■17 ☆380☆
◎ London International Fisheries Exhibition (1883) (1884) The fisheries exhibition literature, Volume 12, official catalogue, awards of the international juries. William Clowes and Sons, London☆861☆

◎ Ramsay EP. 1884. Appendix B. Great International Fisheries Exhibition, South Kensington, London, 1883. Catalogue of the exhibits in the New South Wales Court. In: Legislative Assembly: New South Wales: Fisheries of the colony. Sydner, Government Printer, 17-32(or 463-478) (Fisheries of the colony全体では 監査Quinan J., 1-100p or 447-546) のp.27 or p.473☆1186-2☆
◎ 畔田ら.1884.水族志☆1061☆所持未読


◎Jordan DS. 1885. A list of the fishes known from the Pacific coast of tropical America, from the tropic of Cancer to Panama. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 8: 361-394. ☆1284☆
◎ Ryder, J. A. 1885. The swimming-habits of the sunfish. Science, 6(131): 103-104.☆327☆
◎ Ramsay, Edward Pierson. 1885. Appendix XI. Australian Museum Annual Report, 1884. 29-31. ☆723☆


◎ Hamilton A 1886. Note on a large sun-fish (Orthagoriscus mola, l.), recently captured at Napier, Hawke's Bay. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 18: 135-136. (Trans. Proc. New Zealand Instit.)☆1118☆


◎ Green, W. S. 1887. Spawn of sun-fish(?). Nature, 36(924): 245.☆666☆


◎ Day, F. 1888. Supplement to The fishes of India; being a natural history of the fishes known to inhabit the seas and fresh waters of India, Burma, and Ceylon. Williams and Norgate, London, 779-816. ☆1218☆所持未読
◎ Hansen A. 1888. Notice of a Giant Sun-fish (Orthagoriscus mola) cast ashore at Cape Campbell. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 20: 447.☆1119☆所持未読
◎ Thompson, D’Arcy. W. 1888. On the auditory labyrinth of Orthagoriscus mola L. Anatomischer Anzeiger, Jahrgang. 3: 93 - 96.☆41☆図あり


◎ 藤川三渓.1889.水産図解(上)☆1064☆所持未読
★ Albert Ier Monaco, S. A. S. le Prince. 1889. Poissons lune (Orthagoriscus mola) capturés pendant deux campagnes de l’ Hirondelle. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France, 14: 16-18. (1932 is reprinted) ☆1163☆所持未読
★ Day, F. 1889. The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Fishes. Vol.II, Taylor & Francis, London, 509pp. (no 487, 499) ☆1216☆所持未読
★ Perugia, A. 1889. Sui giovani dell’ Orthagoriscus mola. Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova (ser. 2, vol.7), 27: 365-368.イタリア語☆1697☆所持未読


◎ Hutton FW 1890. List of the New Zealand Fishes. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 22: 275-285. (の285p.)☆1120☆所持未読
◎ Thomson GM 1890. Parasitic Copepoda of New Zealand, with Descriptions of New Species. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 22: 353-376. (の363p.)☆1121☆所持未読
◎ Van Lidth de Jeude, T. W. 1890. On a large specimen of Orthragoriscus on the Dutch coast. Notes from the Leyden Museum, 12: 189 - 195.☆75☆写真あり


◎ Anonymous. 1891. Archi für naturgeschichte. " Volume Jahrg. 57, bd. 2.", Nicolaische verlags, Berlin. (197p, 230p, 236p, 287-288p,次巻71-73p, 78p, 82pなど)ドイツ語☆863☆所持未読
◎ Johnston RM. 1891. Further observations upon the fishes and fishing industries of Tasmania, together with a revised list of indigenous species. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1890: 22-46. (の38p.)☆1112☆
◎ 深川一漁夫.1891.飜車魚.風俗画報,(25): 20.(※『風俗画報』の執筆者は雅号や別名)☆1746☆


◎ 柁川温(編).1892.魚油蝋編(農商務省農務局蔵版).有隣堂,東京,139pp.☆1553☆
◎Philippi RA. 1892. Algunos peces de Chile. Las rayas, Callorrhynchus i Orthagoriscus Chilenos. Anales del Museo Nacional de Chile. Primera seccion, Zoolojía, (3), 1-16, pls1-6. (100-105,112) Philippi 1893のスペイン語バージョン☆605☆
◎ 高橋省三(編).1892.マンボウ.小國民. 4(21):26-27.☆1097☆所持未読
◎ Van Lidth de Jeude, T. W. 1892. On Orthragoriscus nasus Ranzani. Notes from the Leyden Museum, 14: 127 - 128.☆64☆写真あり


◎Philippi, R. A. 1893. Abbildung und Beschreibung einiger Chilenischer Fische. Die rochen, Callorrhynchus und Orthagoriscus des Chilenischen meeres. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig. 1-18, Pls. 1-6. の15p.((Philippi 1892のドイツ語バージョン))☆618☆
◎ Williams, A. W. L. 1893. On a specimen of sunfish captured at Poverty Bay. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute (1892), 25: 110-111.


◎ Reuvens, C. L. 1894. Remarks on the genus Orthagoriscus. Notes from the Leyden Museum, 16: 128-130, pl.5.☆782☆


△ Jenkins, O. P. 1895. Description of a new species of Ranzania from the Hawaiian Islands. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Ser. 2, 5: 779-784.☆352☆ ■19
◎Jordan DS. 1895. The fishes of Sinaloa. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, series 2,5:377-514.(no 491p.) (or Jordan DS. 1895. The fishes of Sinaloa. Leland Stanford junor university publications. Contributions to biology from the Hopkins laboratory of biology. 1, Leland Stanford junor university, california, 377-514) ☆1255☆所持未読


◎ Grassi, G. B. 1896. The reproduction and metamorphosis of the common eel (Anguilla vulgaris). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 60, 260-271.☆280☆
◎ Grassi, G. B. 1896. The reproduction and metamorphosis of the common eel (Anguilla vulgaris). Q. n. microsc. Sci., n.s., 39 (3): 371-385.☆280☆


◎ Drew SH 1897. Natural history notes. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 29: 284-287.☆1122☆
◎ Parker TJ 1897. Note on a Specimen of Orthagoriscus mola. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 29: 627. Data from Hamilton (1902)'s list☆1123☆
◎ Reed, E. 1897. Catálogo de los peces chilenos. An. Univ. de Chile, 98: 653-673. ☆1305☆所持未読
◎ Reuvens, C. L. 1897. Orthragoriscus nasus Ranz. on the Dutch coast. Notes from the Leyden Museum, 18: 209-212+Plate 3.☆781☆


◎ Lidth de Jeude, Th. W. van. 1898. Catalogue Ostéologique des Poissons, Reptiles et Amphibies. Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle des Pays-Bas, 10(2):1-54. フランス☆311☆
◎△ Jordan, D. S. and B. W. Evermann. 1898. The fishes of North and Middle America: a descriptive catalogue of the species of fish-like vertebrates found in the waters of North America, north of the Isthmus of Panama. Part II. Bull. U. S. Natl. Mus. No. 47: i-xxx + 1241-2183.のp.1752-1756(564から)  ■20 ☆397☆

◎ 宍戸一郎.1898.マンボウノテフ.動物學雑誌, 10 (112): 58 - 60.☆雑6☆写真あり
◎ 志 い.1898.マンボウノシラミ.動物學雑誌, 10 (113): 90 - 92.☆223☆写真あり
∴◎△★ Steenstrup, J. and C. Lütken. 1898. Bidrag til kundskab om klump-eller maanefiskene (Molidae). Det Kongelige Danske videnskabernes selskabs skrifter, 6. Raekke, Naturvidenskabelig og mathematisk afdeling, 9(1): 5-102.☆798☆所持未読 いろんな図がある


∴◎△★仮 Andersson, Lars Gabriel. 1900. Några anteckningar om Orthagoriscus mola (L). Öfversigt af Kongle. Vetenskaps-akademiens förhandlingar, 57(5): 603-633.☆981☆所持未読スウェーデン語
◎ Delfín, F. 1900. Catálogo de los pesce de Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 4(3): 29-31. ☆872☆所持未読
◎ Evermann BW, Kendall WC 1900. Check-list of the fishes of Florida. Report of the Commissioner, (25):35-103. (no 88p) or(Evermann BW, Kendall WC 1900. Check-list of the fishes of Florida. United States Fish Commision Report, (25):35-103.) ☆1190☆
◎ McAllister, D. E. 1990. A list of the fishes of Canada. Syllogeus No. 64: 1-310. [In English and French.]【227p】☆582☆
◎ 著者不詳.1900年代と思う(出版年不明).魚名通稱.出版社不明,220pp. ☆987☆所持未読


◎△Jordan DS, Snyder JO. 1901. A preliminary check list of the fishes of Japan. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses, 3(2-3): 31-159. (manbo gakumei, 97p) ☆1268☆所持未読
◎ Linton, E. 1901 . Fish parasites collected at Woods Hole in 1898. Bulletin of the United States fish commission, 19: 267-304.☆312☆
◎ Lydekker, R., R. B. Sharpe, H. A. MacPherson, F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, W.R. Ogilvie Grant, C.J. Gahan, F.A. Bather, Edgar A. Smith, R.I. Pocock, M. Bernard, H. Bernard, R. Kirkpatrick, and J. A. Allen. 1901. Sun-fishes. The new natural history. Merrill and Baker, New York, 5: 430.☆229☆


◎△ Jordan DS, Snyder JO. 1902. A review of the gymnodont fishes of Japan. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 24(1254): 229-264.☆1695☆所持未読
◎ Hamilton A 1902. List of Papers on New Zealand Fishes and Fishing. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 34: 539-546.☆1124☆所持未読
◎ 小宅生順(編)(野口勝一複写?).1902.常陸国誌 : 古今類聚(中).茨城印刷合資会社?,53-108p (no 64p). ☆1398☆所持未読


◎ Bean TH. 1903. Catalogue of the fishes of New York. Bulletin of the New York State Museum, 60 (Zoology 9):1-784. (no 629-631) ☆1191☆所持未読
◎ Michailovskij MN. 1903. Sur un exceptionellement grand Orthagoriscus mola L. Pisces. Annuaire du Musée zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg, 8: xlvi-xlvii. (ロシア語)☆1476☆所持未読


◎△ Aflalo FG, Marston RB. 1904. British salt-water fishes. Hutchinson & Co., London, 328pp. (のp.13, 21, 272, 297)☆1303☆
◎Hutton FW. 1904. Index faunae Novae Zelandiae. Dulau & Co., London, 372pp. (no 53) ☆1286☆所持未読
◎ Meek, A. 1904. Notes on the auditory organ and the orbit of Orthagoriscus mola. Anat. Anz. Band, 25: 217-219.☆341☆
◎ Porter C. 1904. Sobre el Orthagoriscus mola. Revista chilena de historia natural, 8(6): 238-239. ☆1306☆所持未読


△ Jordan DS, Evermann BW. 1905. The aquatic resources of the Hawaiian Islands. Part I. - The shore fishes of the Hawaiian Islands, with a general account of the fish fauna. Bulletin of the United States fish commission (for 1903), 23 (1): 1-574. (no 439-440) ☆1231☆所持未読


◎ Collett R. 1906. Meddelelser om Norges fiske i aarene 1884-1901. III. Christiania Videnskabs Selskabs Forhandlinger Aar 1905, pp. 1-173. Christiania: A.W. Brøgger.☆1444☆所持未読
△ Jordan DS, Seale A. 1906. The fishes of Samoa: Description of the species found in the Archipelago, with a provisional check-list of the fishes of Oceania. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, 25 (for 1905): 173-455. ☆1228☆所持未読
◎ Stead DG. 1906. Fishes of Australia: a popular and systematic guide to the study of the wealth within our waters. William Brooks & Co, Sydney, 278pp. (no 22, 227-228) ☆1239☆所持未読
◎ Thomson GM 1906. The Portobello Marine Fish-hatchery and Biological Station. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 38: 529-558. (552p.)☆1125☆所持未読


◎ 経済雑誌社.1907.大猷院殿御実紀巻六十三(正保三年正月-四月)in: 徳川実紀 第2編.経済雑誌社,東京,815-828. (記述があるのは818)☆972☆
◎ Smith HM. 1907. The fishes of North Carolina. vol 2. North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey, Raleigh, 453pp. (no 352p)☆1349☆
◎ Waite ER 1907. A basic list of the fishes of New Zealand. Records of the Canterbury Museum, 1(1): 3-39. (34) (Rec. Canterbury Mus.)☆1126☆


◎ Wilton, D.W., Brown, R.N.R. 1908. Zoological log of S.Y. Scotia, 1902-04. Report on the scientific results of the voyage of S.Y. "Scotia". 4(1):1-84.   (Wilton, D.W., Pirie, J.H. and R.N.R.Brown, 1908. Zoological log of the S.Y. Scotia, 1902-04. Rep.Scot.nat.antarct.Exped., 4, Pt. 1, 1-84.)(全体v.4 Zoology, pt.1 Zoological log., Scottish Oceanographical Laboratory(出版), Edinburgh.) ☆1032☆


◎ Anonymous. 1909. Notes and exhibits. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 33: 797-800. ☆1626☆


◎ 神宮司庁.1910.ウキヽ in 『古事類苑 動物部 魚・下』,18:1529-1530.(引用これでいい?)(Jingushicho.1910. Koji ruien. Dobutsubu. (S.I.): Jingushicho. Tokyo, Japan pp. 1698.)☆338☆
◎ 岸上鎌吉.1910.まんぼうと大鮫.少年. (82) :51-55.☆1098☆所持未読
◎ 松浦伯爵家(松浦静山).1910.『甲子夜話 第1』.国書刊行会,東京,551pp. (マンボウは547ページ(第1 巻35)のところ)(オリジナルでは甲子夜話第35巻で、1821-1841年に書かれたもの)☆944☆
◎ Holder CF. 1910(or1908). Sport fishing in California and Florida. Bulletin of the Bureau of fishes. 28 (Part 1): 201-207. ☆1490☆所持未読
◎ The Wide World Magazine (Pitt-Kethley, H (ed)). 1910. Odds and ends. The Wide World Magazine. vol 26(No.152): 204-208. ☆673☆
∴◎△★Weber M, Beaufort LF de. 1911. The fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. I index of the ichthyological papers of P. Bleeker (vol. 1). E.J.Brill, Leiden, 410pp.(no 282p) ☆1263☆所持未読
◎ Whitehouse, R.H. 1910. The caudal fin of fishes (preliminary paper). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character, 82(553): 134-143.☆1862☆


◎Murray SJ, Hjort J. 1912. The depths of the ocean: a general account of the modern science of oceanography based largely on the scientific researches of the Norwegian steamer Michael Sars in the North Atlantic. Macmillan, London, 821pp. (no 119, 607, 615, 697p) ☆1287☆所持未読
△ Pellegrin, J. 1912. Sur la presence d'un banc de Ranzania truncata Retzius a la Martinique. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France, 37: 228-231. ☆840☆所持未読ぺぐりな
◎ Quijada, B. 1912. Catálogo de la colección de los Peces chilenos i estranjeros del Museo Nacional (I). Boletĺn del Museo Nacional de Chile, 4(1): 69-113.☆913☆
◎ Rennie J, Reid A. 1912. The Cestoda of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Report on the scientific results of the voyage of S.Y. "Scotia". 6(8):239-256. (寄生虫 p.244) ☆1033☆


◎ Dean, B. 1913. A record sunfish. American Museum Journal , 13 (8): pp. 370 - 371.☆69☆写真あり
◎△ Jordan, D. S., S. Tanaka and J. O. Snyder, 1913. A catalogue of the fishes of Japan. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of. Tokyo, 33(1):1-497.☆455☆
★ McCulloch AR. 1913. A description and figures of three specimens of Molacanthus from the central Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 37(143): 553-555, pls lviii, lix.☆1300☆所持未読
◎ Quijada, B. 1913. Catálogo ilustrado i descriptivo de los peces Chilenos i estranjeros consevados en el museo nacional. Boletĺn del Museo Nacional de Chile, 5(1): 7-130.☆914☆
◎ Rosén, N. 1913. Studies on the Plectognaths. 4. The body muscles. Arkiv for Zoologi (Stockholm), 8 (18):1 - 14.☆227☆
◎ Scott, T. and Scott, A. 1913. The British parasitic Copepoda. Vol.1 and Vol.2 (Orthagoriscus or molaで検索)寄生虫☆879☆所持未読
△ Snyder, J. O. 1913. Notes on Ranzania makua Jenkins and other species of fishes of rare occurrence on the California coast. Proceedings of The United States National Museum, 44(1961): 455-460. ☆799☆所持未読
◎ Sumner FB, Osburn RC, Cole LJ. 1913. A biological survey of the waters of Woods Hole and vicinity. Part II. Section III. A catalogue of the marine fauna of Woods Hole and vicinity. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor., 31(2):549-794. (no 763, parasite 643) ☆1199☆所持未読
◎ Waite ER 1913. Notes on New Zealand fishes: No.3. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 45:215-224.☆1127☆


◎D. W. T. (Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth確定)1914. The life-history of the eel1. Nature, 93(2320): 164-166.☆668☆
◎ 谷津直秀.1914.マンボウの食物.動物學雑誌, 26 (304): 91.☆220☆


◎ Evermann, Barton Warren. 1915. Note on an unusually large ocean sunfish. Copeia, (20): 17-18. ☆678☆


◎ Anonymous. 1916. Museum Notes. The American Museum Journal. 16(3): 208-212. ☆1489☆所持未読
◎ 石井重美.1916a.マンボウの「ペンネラ」.動物學雑誌, 28 (327): 40 - 43.☆222☆
◎ 石井重美.1916b.マンボウの「オーサゴリシコラ」.動物學雑誌, 28 (329): 111 - 113.☆221☆
◎ 辻本滿丸.1916.マンボウ肝油及ギンザメ肝油に就て.工業化学雑誌,19(8): 723-727.☆1394☆所持未読


∴◎△★ Dean, B. 1917. A bibliography of fishes. Vol. 2. The American Museum of Natural History, New York, 702pp.(論文集 molaで検索すると論文名がヒットする)☆947☆所持未読
★ 岸上鎌吉.1917.シビ類の食物.水産學會報(水産学会報),2(1): 106-108.☆1295☆
◎ Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth. 1917. On the theory of transformations, or the comparison of related forms. On growth and form. 719-777.の (7, 751,788 pdf) 751, 775, 777☆670☆
◎ Tremoleras J. 1917. A propósito de la aparición del pez luna (Mola mola) en aguas del Rĺo de la Plata. Physis 3, 96-97.☆777☆


◎Nichols JT. 1918. Fishes of the vicinity of New York City. American Museum of Natural History Handbook Series, No. 7. American Museum of Natural History, New York, 118 pp. (no 85, 114pp.) ☆1256☆所持未読
◎△ Thompson, W. Wardlaw. 1918. Catalogue of fishes of the cape province. Marine biological report. Union of South Africa, 4: 75-177.☆725☆
◎ Townsend CH. 1918. The great ocean sunfish (Mola mola). Zoological Society Bulletin, 21(6): 1677-1679.☆1348-1☆所持未読
◎ Townsend CH. 1918. Sea lions and the fishery industries. Zoological Society Bulletin, 21(6): 1679-1682.☆1348-2☆所持未読


◎ Phillipps, W. J 1919. Report of Mr. W. J. Phillips [on the fish collections] In Report of the director, Dominion Museum In Department of Internal Affairs (annual report of the) for the year ended 31st March, 1919. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives 1919 Session I, H-22: 30. (Phillipps, W. J 1919. Report of Mr. W. J. Phillips [on the fish collections]. In Report of the director, Dominion Museum. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives 1919 Session I, H-22: 30.) ☆1187☆所持未読タイトル待ち
◎ Townsend CH. 1919. Guide to the New York Aquarium. New York Zoological Society, New York, 170pp. (no 91-92)飼育☆1378☆


◎ Heilner, Van Campen. 1920. Notes on the taking of an ocean sunfish (Mola mola) off Santa Catalina island, California, September 3, 1919. Zoological Society Bulletin, 23(6):126-127. (pdfは156p)☆675☆


∴◎△★ Lahille F. 1921. Enumeracion de los peces cartilaginosos plectognatos y gimnotidos encontrados en las aguas argentinas, en Publicaciones de la Direccion de Laboratorios e Investigaciones Agricolo-Ganaderas. Ministerio de Agricultura de la Nacion, pp. 1-41. (no 36-38, table) ☆1184☆所持未読
∴◎△★ Schmidt, J. 1921a. New studies of sun-fishes made during the “Dana” Expedition,1920. Nature, 107: 76 - 79.☆56☆写真あり
∴◎△★ Schmidt, J. 1921b. Contributions to the knowledge of the young of the sun-fishes (Mola and Ranzania). Meddeleser Fra Kommissionen For Havundersøgelser, 4(6): 1-13☆359☆写真あり 一部フランス語以外あり
◎ Thomson GM, Anderton T. 1921. History of the Portobello marine fish-hatchery and biological station. Dominion of New Zealand, Board of Science and Art, bulletin, (2): 1-131. (In :The fishes of otago harbour and Neighbouring Seas, 67-96 )☆1128☆所持未読
◎ Waite, Edgar R. 1921. Catalogue of the fishes of South Australia. Records of the South Australian Museum, 2: 1-208.の198 別種☆774☆


◎ Damant, G. C. C. and Boycott, A. E. 1922. The bouyancy of the sun-fish. Nature, 109(2740): 578.☆283☆写真あり
◎ Fowler, Henry W. 1922. Records of Fishes for the Eastern and Southern United States. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 74: 1-27.☆679☆
◎Latham R. 1922. 1921 fish notes from Orient, Long island. Copeia, 1922(112):81-82. ☆1279☆所持未読
∴◎△★ Jordan DS, Jordan EK. 1922. A list of the fishes of Hawaii, with notes and descriptions of new species. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum, 10(1): 1-92. (no 88-89)☆1226☆所持未読
◎ McCulloch, A.R. 1922a. Check list of the fishes and fish-like animals of New South Wales. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Sydney, 104pp. ☆883☆
◎ McCulloch AR. 1922b. Checklist of the fish and fish-like animals of New South Wales. Part 3. Australian Zoologist. 2: 86-130.☆1178☆


◎ Lord, C. E. 1923. A list of the fishes of Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1922: 60-73.☆829☆
◎ Waite ER. 1923. The Fishes of South Australia. Government Printer, Adelaide, 243pp.☆1162☆


◎△ Herre A.W.C.T. 1924. Poisonous and worthless fishes: An account of the Philippine plectognaths. Philippine Journal of Science. 25 (4): 415-511. ☆1536☆マンボウはいると思うが記録はないと書いている
◎ Wollebæk A. 1924. Norges fisker. Utgitt på foranstaltning av Zoologisk museum. A.W. Brøggers boktrykkeri A/S, Kristiania, 239pp. (no 224-225p.)☆1165☆所持未読


◎ Bigelow, H. B., and Welsh, W. W. 1925. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries, 40 (Part1): 567pp. (301-303p引用自信無し)☆218☆図あり
◎ Damant, G.C. C. 1925. Locomotion of the sunfish. Nature, 116(2919): 543.☆282☆図あり
◎ 市島宇八.1925.富山縣産魚類目錄に就て.水産學雑誌,(28): 32-38. ☆546☆
◎ 宇井縫蔵.1925.紀州魚譜.紀元社,東京,281pp. (マンボウは217p)☆975☆


◎ 日野巌(ひのいわお).1926.趣味研究:動物妖怪譚.養賢堂,東京,469pp.(河童.pp. 140-160のp.159)☆1871☆
◎ Phillipps WJ 1926. The sunfish (Mola mola) in New Zealand waters. New Zealand journal of science and technology, 8(3): 169-172.☆1129☆
∴◎△★ Schmidt, J. 1926. Further studies of sun-fishes made during the Dana Expedition, 1921 - 1922. Nature, 117 (2933): 80 - 81.☆89☆図あり
◎ 田中茂穂.1926.食用魚類及其用途(The food fishes of Japan and their gastronomical value).南郊社,東京,180+310pp. ☆988☆所持未読


∴◎△★ Barnard, K. H. 1927. A monograph of the marine fishes of South Africa. Part II. (Teleostei――Discocephali to end. Appendix.) Annals of The South African Museum, 21: 419-1065. のp.984-990☆908☆所持未読
△ Jordan DS, Evermann BW, Tanaka S. 1927. Notes on new or rare fishes from Hawaii. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 4th series, 16(20): 649-680, pls 22-24. (no p.680)☆1629☆
◎ McCulloch AR (+Whitley GP). 1927. The fishes and fish-like animals of New South Wales. 2nd edition. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Sydney, 104pp. (104p) (McCulloch 1922 same content) ☆1242☆所持未読
◎ Phillipps, W. J. 1927. Bibliography of New Zealand Fishes. New Zealand Marine Department, Fisheries bulletin, (1): 1-68. (の57p) (1971 reprinted some contents)☆1130☆所持未読シノニムリスト
◎△ 田中茂穂.1927.日本動物図鑑.北隆館,394-395.☆486☆


◎ 朝倉亀三.1928.天然奇物篇 異蟲魚龜 in『見世物研究』.春陽堂,東京,211-215. (全296pp.)☆1041☆
◎ Burr, H.S. 1928. The central nervous system of Orthagoriscus mola. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 45: 33 - 128.☆237☆図あり 引用保留
∴◎△★ Fowler HW. 1928. The fishes of Oceania. Memoirs of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 10: 1-540. の473-475(Fowler(1967)で読んだ)☆923☆
◎ Gudger, E. W. 1928. Capture of an ocean sunfish. The Science Monthly 26: 257-261.☆674☆


◎ Fletcher JJ 1929. The society's heritage from the Macleays. Part ii. The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 54(232): 185-272. (pp.225-226)☆1114☆


◎△ Jordan DS, Evermann BW, Clark HW. 1930. Check list of the fishes and fishlike vertebrates of North and Middle America north of the northern boundary of Venezuela and Columbia. Report of the United States Commissioner of Fisheries for the Fiscal Year 1928 with appendixes, Part II. United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 670 pp. (no p.503-504).☆1630☆
◎△ McCulloch, Allan R., 1930. A check-list of the fishes recorded from Australia. Part III. Australian Museum Memoir(Memoirs of the Australian Museum) 5: 329-436.☆722☆
◎Myers GS, Wales JH. 1930. On the occurrence and habits of ocean sunfish (Mola mola) in Monterey Bay, Calofornia. Copeia, 1930(1):11. ☆1280☆所持未読
◎ Oliver Schneider, C. 1930. Algunas observaciones sobre el pez luna (Mola mola (Linn) Gilbert). Revista chilena de historia natural, 34: 200-207.☆1176☆


◎ D'Ancona, U. (1931). Teleostei Plectognathi-Molidae: Mola mola (Linnaeus 1758). Faune ichthyologique de l'Atlantique Nord, No.408(17?). Conseil Permanent International pour l'Exploration de la Mer: Copenhagen. 1 leaf pp. ☆1105☆所持未読
◎ 海老名謙一.1931.日本重要魚類圖集.樂水會,東京,180+10+8pp.☆1017☆所持未読
★ Hubbs, C. L. and L. Giovannoli. 1931. Records of the rare sunfish Masturus lanceolatus for Japan and Florida. Copeia, 1931(3): 135-137.☆272☆
◎△ 菊池勘左衛門.1931.富山灣魚類目録(富山灣生物調査目録III).富山教育,(206): 1−34.☆917☆
△ Tanaka, S. 1931. On the distribution of Fishes in Japanese waters. Jornal of the faculty of science imperial university of Tokyo section 4 zoology. 3(1): 1-90.(Chapter 4 のA. List of the marine fishes in southern Japan area).☆572☆
◎ Whitley, Gilbert P. 1931. Studies in Ichthyology. No.4. Records of the Australian Museum, 18(3): 96-133.☆696☆


◎Breder, CM. Jr. 1932. Fish notes for 1931 and 1932 from Sandy Hook Bay. Copeia, 1932(4):180. ☆1278☆所持未読
◎ Huxley, J.S. 1932. Problems of relative growth. Butler and Tanner Ltd., London, Great Britain.276pp. (pdfの24,132-133(104),250(222).)☆841☆所持未読
★ Smedley, N. 1932a. An ocean sunfish in Malaysian waters. Nature, 130(3270): 22.☆259☆図あり
★ Smedley, N. 1932b. An ocean sunfish, Mola lanceolata (Lienard), in Malaysian waters. waters. Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, (7):17-21.☆335☆
◎ 吉田猪太郎(編).1932.うろくづ『魚に関する展覧會』記念錄.大阪市魚市場聯合會編, 濱田正夫.202pp.のp.153 ☆465☆


◎ Dons C. 1933. Notes on fishes I. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab Forhandlinger VI, 78-81.☆1445☆所持未読
◎ Gregory, W. K. 1933. Fish skulls: A study of the evolution of natural mechanisms. Transactions of The American Philosophical Society, 23: 75-481.(マンボウに関する記述は294−295、441)☆329☆図あり
◎ 大島正滿.1933.動物物語.大日本雄辯會講談社,東京,251 pp.(眞珠介を探る in 征破す南太平洋 pp. 157-161) 海底ケーブル☆1906☆
◎ Stead, David G. 1933. The Mighty sunfish in Giants and pigmies of the deep: a story of Australian sea denizens. The Shakespeare Head Press, Sydney. p72-75 (pp. 108).☆660☆
◎△ 田中茂穂.1933.魚類.in: 有用・有害・觀賞:水産動植物圖説.大地書院,東京,74-338.(全体は607+46pp.)☆1018☆所持未読
∴◎△★ Whitley, G. P. 1933a. Sunfishes. The Victorian Naturalist, 49(9): 207-213.☆792☆所持未読
△ Whitley, G. P. 1933b. Studies in ichthyology. No. 7. Records of the Australian Museum, 19(1): 60-112, pls 11-15.☆793☆所持未読


◎ Gregory WK, La Monte F. 1934. The world of fishes: Guide to the fish collections of the american museum of natural history. American Museum of Natural History Guide Leaflet Series, no. 81. 1-90. (no 49p.) ☆1195☆所持未読
◎ Gregory, W. K., and H. C. Raven. 1934. Notes on the anatomy and relationship of the ocean sunfish (Mola mola). Copeia, 4: 145 - 151.☆228☆
★ Fowler, H. W. 1934. The fishes of Oceania-supplement II. Memoirs of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 11(6): 385-466.の450.(Fowler(1967)で読んだ)☆924☆
◎ 鎌原桐山(北信郷土叢書刊行會 編).1934.まんぼう(朝陽館漫筆 卷之十一)in: 北信郷土叢書第2卷.pp. 288-289,北信郷土叢書刊行會,長野県.(オリジナル「鎌原桐山.1810. まんぼう. 朝陽館漫筆 卷之十一. ページ数無し」)☆1804☆
◎McCulloch AR (+Whitley GP). 1934. The fishes and fish-like animals of New South Wales. 3rd edition. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Sydney, 104pp. (104p) ☆1247☆所持未読
◎ 白井光太郎.1934.改訂摯竅@日本博物學年表.大岡山書店,東京,437pp.(no 275p. 第二期 應用博物學時代年表)(国立国会図書館175コマ目)(※白井(1941)とページも内容も同じ)☆1864☆
◎ 田中茂穂.1934a.魚と人生.樂浪書院,東京,461pp. ☆989☆所持未読
◎△★ 田中茂穂.1934b.奇魚珍魚.興学会出版部,東京,210pp. ☆990☆所持未読
◎ Pozzi AJ, Bordale LF. 1935. Cuadro sistematico de los peces marinos de la Republica Argentina. Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, 120: 145-189. ☆1185☆所持未読
◎ 著者不詳.1934.魚族方言集.出版社不明,68pp. ※謄写版☆986☆所持未読


∴◎△★ Barnard, K. H. 1935. Notes on South African marine fishes. Annals of The South African Museum, 30: 645-658.☆906☆
★ Gudger, E. W. 1935. A photograph and description of Masturus lanceolatus taken at Tahiti, May 1930, the sixteenth adult specimen on record. American Museum Novitates, (778): 1-7.☆824☆
★Gudger EW. 1935b. Some undescribed young of the pointed-tailed ocean sunfish, Masturus lanceolatus. Copeia, 1935(1): 35-38. ☆1277☆所持未読
∴◎△★★Gudger, E. W. and MacDonald, S. M. 1935. The rarest of the ocean sunfishes. Sci. Month. 41: 396-408.☆1367☆所持未読
◎石川 昌.1935.『岩波動物學辭典』.谷津直秀・岡田彌一郎編, 岩波書店,東京.p506.☆267☆
△ 田中茂穂.1935(1911-1914).増補改訂 日本産魚類圖説.大地書院.16−30: ???-557+27pls.(Tanaka, S. 1935(1911-1914). Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan, including Riukiu Island, Bonin Island, Formosa, Kurile Island, Korea, and Southern Sakhalin 2nd ed. revised. Daichi Shoin. vols. 16-30: ???-557+27pls.((Tanaka, S. 1911-1930. Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan. Vols. I-XLVIII 同じものを巻数の違う本にしただけ (田中,1951と全く同じ内容)))☆467☆
△ Whitley, G. P. 1935a. The oblong sunfish (Ranzania) in the Indian Ocean. Nature, 136: 338.☆665☆
◎ Whitley, G. P. 1935b. Ichthyological genotypes. Australian Zoologist . v. 8 (pt. 2): 136-139. ■53 のp.137☆399☆


◎ Barnhart, P.S. 1936. Marine fishes of Southern California. University of California Press, Berkeley, Calif., 209pp.☆997☆
◎ Devincenzi GJ, Legrand D. 1936. Álbum ictiológico del Uruguay. Anales del Museo de Historia Natural de Montevideo, supl. (3.a serie.) 5(5): XXV-XXXVI pl. ☆1179☆所持未読
◎△ Fowler HW. 1936. The marine fishes of West Africa: Based on the collection of the American Museum Congo Expedition,1909-1915. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 70(2): 607-1493.

(no 1103, 1120-1124, 1333) ☆1205☆所持未読
∴◎△★Jenkins JT. 1936. The fishes of the British Isles both fresh water and salt. Second edition. Frederick Warne ?and Co, London, 408pp (no 212-214) ☆1273☆所持未読
★△Gudger, E. W. 1936a. From atom to colossus. Natural History, 38(1): 26-30.☆676☆
△ Gudger, E. W. 1936b. The earliest published figures (1613-1758) of the oblong or truncate-tailed ocean sun-fish, Ranzania truncata. Nature 137: 947-948.☆779☆
★ Palmer, R. H. 1936. Ocean sunfish in Habana waters. Science, 83(2164): 597.☆88☆
★ Rivero, L.H. 1936. Six records of the pointed-tailed ocean sunfish near Havana, Cuba. The American Naturalist, 70(726): 92-95.☆1107☆所持未読
∴◎△★ 田中茂穂.1936.『日本の魚類』.大日本圖書株式會社,東京,pp.220-221(全ページ334+10pp.)☆365☆


★ Gudger, E. W. 1937b. The natural history and geographical distribution of the pointed-tailed ocean sunfish (Masturus lanceolatus), with notes on the shape of the tail. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., A107(3): 353-396.☆362☆
◎ Sato, Shin-ichi. 1937. The fauna of Akkeshi Bay. VI. Pisces. Journal of the faculity of science Hokkaido Imperial University Series VI. Zoology, 6(1): 13-34. 北海道帝國大學理學部紀要☆492☆
◎ 遠山宣雄.1937.『小笠原群島近海生物に就て』.東京府小笠原支廳.93(92?)pp.☆373☆


∴◎△★ 岡田彌一郎・松原喜代松.1938.日本産魚類檢索.三省堂,東京.xi + 584 pp.(Okada, Y and K. 1938. Matsubara. Key to the fishes and fish-like animals of Japan. Sanseido.)☆452☆
◎ Fowler HW. 1938. The fishes of the george vanderbilt south pacific expedition, 1937. Monographs. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, (2):1-349. ☆1225☆所持未読
◎ Froese, H. 1938. Vergleichend-anatomische Studien über das Knochenfischlabyrinth. dotoral thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, 643. (※博士論文ぽい書き方自信無し)ドイツ語☆78☆
△  Powell AWB 1938. Marine Fishes new to New Zealand; including the Description of a new species of Halieutaea. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 67: 80-82.☆1131☆所持未読


◎★ Brimley, H. H. 1939. The ocean sun-fishes on the North Carolina coast. The pointedtailed Masturus lanceolatus and the roundtailed Mola mola. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, 55(2): 295-303.☆839☆所持未読
◎ Graham DH 1939. Fishes of Otago Harbour and Adjacent Seas with Additions to Previous Records. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 68: 399-419.(の418p.)☆1132☆所持未読
★ Gudger, E. W. 1939. Three six-inch pointed-tailed ocean sunfish, Masturus lanceolatus, the largest post-larvae on record. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, 55(2): 305-313.☆825☆所持未読
△ Raven, H. C. 1939b. Notes on the anatomy of Ranzania truncata, a Plectognath fish. American Museum novitates, (1038): 1-7. ☆345☆
◎★ Raven, H. C. 1939c. On the anatomy and evolution of the locomotor apparatus of the nipple-tailed ocean sunfish (Masturus lanceolatus). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 76: 143-150.☆357☆


◎authorless(著者の記述無し). 1940. Aquaria societies' difficulties. Nature, 145(3662): 21.☆667☆
◎★ Kuronuma, K. 1940. A young of ocean sunfish, Mola mola, taken from the stomach of Germo germo, and a specimen of Masturus lanceolatus as the second record from Japanese waters. Bulletin of the biogeographical society of Japan , 10(2): 25-28.日本生物地理学会会報 マグロの胃内容物から得られたマンボウの稚魚および日本周辺海域から得られた2個体目のヤリマンボウ☆271☆
◎ Miller, L. 1940. Observations on the black-footed albatross. Condor, 42: 229-238.☆685☆
∴◎△★ 大島正滿.1940.脊椎動物体系 魚.三省堂.東京.☆476☆
◎△ 田中茂穂.1940.九 河豚類.in『魚』.創元社,東京,pp.65-70(全ページ354pp.)☆497☆
◎ van Roon, J. M. and ter Pelkwijk, J. J. 1940. Mechanism of the Jaw and Body Muscles of Orthagoriscus mola. Zoologische Mededeelingen, 22: 65-75.☆351☆
△Whitley GP. 1940?. Solvol fish book: the life and habits of 80 Australian fishes. J. Kitchen & Sons, Sydney, 19pp. (no 16p) ☆1243☆所持未読


◎ Jensen AS, 1941. Mola rotunda ved de danske Kyster. Videnskabelige meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk forening i Københaven, 104: 319-321. (Vidensk. Medd. fra Dansk Naturh. Foren.)☆1106☆所持未読
◎ 白井光太郎.1941.改訂摯竅@日本博物學年表(2刷).大岡山書店,東京,437pp.(no 275p. 第二期 應用博物學時代年表)(国立国会図書館176コマ目)(※白井(1934)とページも内容も同じ)☆1865☆
◎ 宇田道隆.1941.海と魚――潮目の話――.岩波書店.223pp.☆504☆
◎△ 田中茂穂.1941.魚の科學.水産社,東京,290pp. ☆991☆所持未読


◎ Suyehiro, Y. 1942. A study on the digestive system and feeding habits of fish. Japanese Journal of Zoology, 10(1): 1-303., 15 pls., textfigs. 190, (no pp. 192 - 194)☆54☆@写真あり
△ Phillipps WJ 1942. New or Rare Fishes of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 71: 241-246.☆1133☆所持未読
◎ Roon, van J. M. 1942. Some additional notes on external features and on the jaw muscles of Orthragoriscus mola (L.). Zoologische Mededelingen, 23(16): 313-317.☆292☆@写真あり
◎△澁澤敬三.1942.日本魚名集覽 第一部.アチックミューゼアム彙報, 52:1-490p.☆957☆ (1958年のものと内容もページ数も同じ)
◎ 田中茂穂.1942.隨筆魚の眼.櫻井書店,東京,196pp. ☆992☆所持未読


◎ 大内地山(編).1943.茨城県水産誌(第1編 水産史実の考査).茨城県水産会,水戸,291pp. (の16-17)☆1045☆所持未読
◎ Fowler HW. 1943. Fishes of Chile systematic catalog. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 47: 275-343. (no 342-343) (([Fowler, H. 1945. Fishes of Chile. Systematic catalog. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., (I and II). 1-171 p.] is reprinted from "Revta. Chil.Hist.Nat.,vol45-47 of 1934-1944", and new pagination of 1944.))☆1177☆
∴◎△★ Fraser-Brunner, A. 1943. Notes on the plectognath fishes. -VIII. The classification of the suborder Tetraodontoidea, with a synopsis of the genera. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (11)10: 1-18.☆557☆所持未読
∴◎△★ J.R.ノルマン (K沼勝造譯).1943.魚の博物學.大日本出版.582pp.☆494☆
◎澁澤敬三.1943.日本魚名集覽 第三部 魚名に關する若干の考察.日本常民文化研究所彙報, 59:1-329p. ☆959☆
◎△ 田中茂穂.1943a.第十七章 ギマ、カワハギ、マフグ、マンボオ、ハコフグ、モンガラハギ類 in 食用魚の味と營養.時代社.103-109.☆506☆
◎ 田中茂穂.1943b.魚の常識.北光書房,東京,244pp. ☆993☆所持未読


◎△ 末廣恭雄.1944.魚類の消化系の解剖と生理.生物学の進歩 第2輯.289-338.(野村七録, 山羽儀兵監修).共立出版(全629pp)☆521☆
∴◎△★ Tinker, S.W. 1944. Hawaiian Fishes, a handbook of the fishes found among the islands of the central Pacific ocean. Tongg publishing company, Hawaii.425ppくらい (Plate 1,370-374p)☆850☆所持未読
◎△澁澤敬三.1944.日本魚名集覽 第二部.日本常民文化研究所彙報, 58:1-358p.  (アチックミューゼアムが日本常民文化研究所に名前が変わっただけで同じシリーズ)☆958☆ (1958年のものと内容もページ数も同じ)


◎△ Grey, M. 1945. Regalecus, Lampris, Mola and Ranzania−Four of the strangest fishes to be found in the sea. Chicago Natural History Museum Bulletin, Formerly Feild Museum News, 16: 5.(※引用の描き方自信無し)☆215☆写真あり
◎ Nichols JT, Bartsch P. 1945. Fishes and shells of the Pacific world. The Macmillan company, New York, 201pp. (1946 reprinted) (no 51-54p) ☆1233☆所持未読


◎ Clemens WA, Wilby GV. 1946. Fishes of the Pacific coast of Canada. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Bulletin (68):1?368. (no 330-332) ☆1196☆所持未読


∴◎△★ Barnard, K. H. 1947. Ocean sun-fishes. Pages 210-215. in A pictorial guide to South African fishes: marine and freshwater. Maskew Miller, Cape Town.☆325☆写真あり
◎Boeseman M. 1947. Revision of the fishes collected by Burger and Von Siebold in Japan. Zoologische Mededeelingen, 28: 1-242.(no 206p) ☆1269☆所持未読
∴◎△★ Breder CM Jr, Clark E. 1947. A contribution to the visceral anatomy, development, and relationships of the Plectognathi. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 88: 287-319.☆1473☆まだ途中
◎ Gregory WK, La Monte FR. 1947. The world of fishes: a survey of their habits, relationships, and history, and a guide to the fish collections of the American Museum of Natural History. American Museum of Natural History, New York, 96pp. (no 68-69) ☆1194☆所持未読
◎ Medcof JC, Schiffman FS. 1947. Recent records of the sea sunfish (Mola mola L.) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Acadian Naturalist, 2(7):63-66.☆1110☆所持未読
◎Norman JR. 1947. A history of fishes. third edition. Ernest Benn, London, 463pp. (iroiro) ☆1271☆所持未読
◎ Poll M. 1947. Faune de Belgique: poissons marins. Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, Bruxelles, 452pp. (no 404-407p.)☆1168☆所持未読
◎ Rumiantzev, AI. 1947. On changes in the composition of warm-water ichthyofauna of the coast waters of the Japanese Sea. Zoologitsheskij Journal(=Zoologitsheskij Zhurnal), 26(1): 47-52. (オリジナルのロシア語表記 Румянцев А.И. 1947. Об изменениях в составе тепловодной ихтиофауны приморских вод Японского моря. Зоологический журнал. 26(1): 47-52. )☆1930☆
◎△ 田中茂穂.1947.くさびまんばう in『改訂増補 日本動物圖鑑』,北隆館,東京.p374.(まんばう は p373; 内田恵太郎.1947.まんばうノマラカントゥス幼期 in『改訂増補 日本動物圖鑑』,北隆館,東京.p1754.)☆96☆写真あり


◎ Andrews, A. C. 1948. Greek and Latin mouse-fishes and pig-fishes. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, 79: 232-253.☆772☆古代語源
◎★ Barnard, K. H. 1948. Further notes on South African marine fishes. Annals of The South African Museum, 36(5): 341-406. の401-403☆907☆
◎ Fish, M.P. 1948. Sonic fishes of the Pacific. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachussetts. 144pp. ((47-48, 128-129, 132))☆870☆所持未読
◎ Roedel PM. 1948. Common marine fishes of California. Department of Natural Resources. Division o f Fish and Game Bureau of Marine Fisheries. Fish Bulletin, (68): 1-150. (no 24, 141p.) ☆1197☆所持未読
◎田中茂穂.1948.まんばう in『學生版 日本動物圖鑑』.内田C之助(著),北隆館,東京.p68.(Edition for students illustrated encyclopedia of the fauna of Japan)☆266☆写真あり


◎ Hefford AE 1949. Oceanography of The New Zealand Seas. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 77: 212-221. (218p.)☆1134☆所持未読
◎★ K田長禮(黒田長礼).1949.マンバウとヤリマンバウとに就て.生物,4(5-6): 206-208.(Kuroda, N. 1949. Notes on Mola mola (Linnaeus) and Masturus lanceolatus (Liénard). Seibutu, 4(5-6): 206-208.)☆263☆写真あり
◎ Norman J. R. and F. C. Fraser, 1949,『 Field book of giant fishes』, G. P. Putnam and Sons, New York, New York, 376pp.(※引用の描き方自信無し)☆90☆写真あり


◎Clothier CR. 1950. A key to some Southern California fishes: based on vertebral characters. California Department of Fish and Game, Fish Bulletin, (79):1-83. (no 79) ☆1253☆所持未読
◎△ Dartevelle, E. 1950. un "Sun-fish" Mola mola (linné), à Banane. Zooleo, Nouvelle Serie, 8: 35-40.☆1109☆奇妙な形所持未読
◎ 蒲原稔治.1950.『深海の魚族』.岩岡書籍印刷株式會社,大阪,p.36(全ページ189+9pp.)☆366☆
◎△ 蒲原 稔治.1950b.土佐及び紀州の魚類.高知縣文教協会.368pp.  (Description of the fishes from the provinces of Tosa and Kishu, Japan)☆489☆
◎ 倉光設人.1950.「マンザイ」は縁起魚.民間伝承.14(3): 40.☆1719☆
◎ 疋田豊彦.1950.噴火湾の魚相に就いて (I).北海道さけ・ますふ化場研究報告,5: 127-139.☆493☆
◎ Morrow, J. E. Jr. and Mauro, A. 1950. Body temperatures of some marine fishes. Copeia, (2): 108-116.☆332☆図あり
∴◎△★ Smith JLB. 1950. The sea fishes of southern Africa. 2nd impression. Centaral News Agency, South Africa, (no 421-422) ☆1211☆
★ 矢部博.1950.ヤリマンボウの幼魚.日本水産學會誌,16(2): 40 - 42.(Yabe, H. 1953. Juvenile of the pointedtailed ocean sunfish, Masturus lanceolatus [in Japanese].Contrib. Nankai Reg. Fish Res. Lab. (1) Contrib. 4: 40-42.)
◎ 柳井隆一.1950.山陰の魚類.動物学雑誌, 59(1): 17-22.☆1442☆


∴◎△★ Fraser-Brunner, A. 1951. The ocean sunfishes (Family Molidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 1 (6): 87 - 121. ☆254☆ ■15
◎ Fowler, H. 1951. Analysis of the fishes of Chile. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 51-53: 263-326. ☆1304☆所持未読
◎ Hikita T. 1951. Fishes of Volcano Bay in Hokkaido. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 1(5): 306-313.☆1852☆
★ King, J. E. 1951. Notes: Two juvenile pointed-tailed ocean sunfish, Masturus lanceolatus, from Hawaiian waters. Pacific Science, 5(1): 108-109.☆258☆
△ 田中茂穂.1951.増補改訂 日本産魚類圖説 自 第壹卷 至 第三拾卷.風間書房.557pp.(Tanaka, S. 1951. Fifures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan Vols. I to XXX. Kazamashobo. 557pp.) ※中身は文も絵も田中茂穂.1935(1911-1914)とまったく同じ再販と書いている ☆542☆
★ 山本孝治.1951.m馬沖から採集された未記錄魚の二、三に就いて.兵庫生物,1(5): 74, 84-85.☆1795☆


◎ 本間義治.1952.新潟縣魚類目録(続き).魚類学雑誌,2(4/5): 220-229.(+本間義治.1956.新潟県魚類目録補訂(IV).魚類学雑誌,5(1/2): 59-60.← なんで引用したのか不明)☆527☆
★ K田長禮.1952.駿河湾魚類追加(第10報).動物学雑誌,61(6): 169-177.☆529☆
◎ Titcomb, M. 1952. Native use of fish in Hawaii. Memoir No. 29. Polynesian Sciety, Wellington, 162pp. (no 79, 83) ☆1224☆所持未読
★Funderburg, J.B. & Eaton, T.H. (Jr.). 1952. "A New Record of the Pointed-Tailed Ocean Sunfish, Masturus lanceolatus, from North Carolina". Copeia 1952 (3): 200. ☆1276☆所持未読


∴◎△★Bigelow HB, Schroeder WC. 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. First revision. fishey Bulletin 74. Fishery Bulletin of the fish and wildlife service 53: 1-577. (no 528-532) (1964 maybe reprinted) ☆1258☆所持未読
◎ Fell HB, Garrick JAF, Sorensen JH, Stephenson SK, Stout VM, Sullivan GE. 1953. The First Century of New Zealand Zoology, 1769-1868: Comprising Abstracts and Extracts from the Early Works on the New Zealand Fauna. The Department of Zoology, Victoria University College. Wellington. no page number☆1135☆所持未読くっく
◎ Graham DH 1953. A treasury of New Zealand fishes. A.H.&A.W.Reed, Wellington, 404 pp. ☆1136☆所持未読
◎ Hammerstad ME. 1953. Månefisk (Mola mola) i Oslofjorden. Fauna 6, 44.☆1446☆所持未読
◎★△ Herre, A.W. 1953. Check list of Philippine fishes. U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Research Report 20, Washington DC, USA. 977 pp.(のp.850-851 ヤリマンボウ2トン)☆1514☆
◎ Hoar, W.S. 1953. Control and timing of fish migrations. Biological Reviews, 28:437-452.☆653☆
◎Roedel PM. 1953. Common ocean fishes of the California coast. California Department of Fish and Game, Fish Bulletin, (91):1-184 (no 149) ☆1252☆所持未読
◎ 時岡 隆.1953.京都大学瀬戸臨海実験所振興会水族館月報, (7): 1-6. (正確にはページ数が無い)☆974☆
△★ 薮田洋一.1953.マグロカジキ類の胃内容物(小笠原近海) .南海区水産研究所業績集, (1) 業績番号15: 1-6.☆1376☆


◎ Andriashev AP. 1954. Fishes of the northern seas of the USSR. Keys to the fauna of the USSR. Zool.lnst.USSR Acad.Sci., 53. Moscow-Leningrad, 617pp. (Transl. for Smithsonian Inst. and Nat.Sci.Found. by Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1964, 554-557p.) (original, 1954 is 566pp. in 515-517) ☆1222☆所持未読
△ K田長禮.1954.駿河湾魚類追加及び訂正(第11).魚類学雑誌,3(2): 64-67.☆530☆
◎ Mann G. 1954. Vida de los peces en aguas chilenas. Instituto de Investigaciones Veterinarias y Universidad de Chile, Santiago, 342 pp. (no 38,79, 323-324) ☆1181☆所持未読
◎町田志津子.1954.まんぼう鮫.in 「詩集 幽界通信」.時間社,東京,pp. 16-19.(論文じゃなくて詩)☆945☆
◎ Shiino, S. M. 1954. Copepods parasitic on Japanese fishes 6. Two species of the family Cecropidae. Report of Faculty of Fisheries, Prefectural University of Mie, 1 (3); 333 - 345. ☆26☆寄生虫図あり
△ 富山一郎・阿部宗明.1954.日本産魚類図説.第50巻.7pp(?).Kagama Shobo.☆483☆
◎△ 陳兼善・臺灣銀行經濟研究室(編).1954.『臺灣魚類誌』臺灣研究叢刊第27種.126pp.の114p☆440☆寄生虫図あり
△ Whitley, G. P. 1954. More new fish names and records. Australian Zoologist. 12(1): 57-62, Pl.3. ☆509☆


◎★ Barnard, K. H. 1955. South African parasitic Copepoda. Annals of The South African Museum, 41: 223-312. 寄生虫☆909☆
∴◎△★ 松原喜代松.1955.マンボウ亜目.In:魚類の形態と檢索 II 第1版.石崎書店,東京,pp.1025-1033.(内容もページ数も1979年のものと同じ)☆915☆
◎ Guinness Superlatives. 1955. The Guinness Book of Records. Guinness Superlatives Ltd, London, 210pp.☆1435☆所持未読
◎ Limbaugh, C. 1955. Fish life in the kelp beds and the effects of kelp harvesting. IMR Reference 55-9. University of California Institute of Marine Resources, San Diego. ii + 156 pp.☆1833☆
◎ Manter HW 1955. Some Digenetic Trematodes from Fishes of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 82: 475-568. (の533p.寄生虫)☆1137☆所持未読
◎Munro ISR. 1955. The marine and fresh water fishes of Ceylon. Department of External Affairs, Canberra, 351pp. (no 284) ☆1261☆所持未読
◎ 大曲駒村(編).1955a.川柳大辞典 上巻.日文社,東京,16+962 pp.☆1875☆
◎ 大曲駒村(編).1955b.川柳大辞典 下巻.日文社,東京,920+41+7+2 pp.☆1876☆
∴◎△★ 田中茂穂・阿部宗明.1955.図説有用魚類千種.森北出版,東京,294+12pp.☆1009☆所持未読


◎ 浅野長雄.1956.茨城県海産魚類の方言について.魚類学雑誌,5(1/2): 19-51.☆528☆
◎ Graham DH. 1956. A treasury of New Zealand fishes, Second edition. A.H.&A.W.Reed, Wellington, 424 pp. (1974 ver. mo nakamihaonaji)☆1138☆所持未読
◎ Guinness, Rupert. 1956. The Guinness book of superlatives (First impression). Superlatives inc., New York, 224pp.☆1399☆所持未読
∴◎△★ 加藤源治.1956. 日本海海産魚類目録.日本海区水産研究所研究報告,4: 311-331.☆534☆
◎★ 森為三.1956.山陰地区隠岐群島を含む及びその附近海域の魚類に就て.兵庫農科大學紀要, 2(3): 1-62.(Mori T, 1956. Fishes of San-in District including Oki Islands and its adjacent waters (southern Japan Sea). Memoirs of the Hyogo University of Agriculture (Biological Series No.2), 2(3): 1-62. (In Japanese.))☆1441☆
◎ 時岡 隆.1956.水族館記事.京都大学瀬戸臨海実験所振興会水族館月報, (42): 45-46.(全体は43-48p).☆973☆
◎△★Tortonese E. 1956. Family Molidae. In: S. LoBianco (ed.). Uova, larve e stadÎ giovanili di Teleostei: Fauna e Flora del Golfo di Napoli, Monografia, 38(4): 965-971. ☆1539☆
◎ 内田恵太郎.1956.さかな――日常生活と魚類――.慶応通信.201pp.☆507☆


★ Honma, Y. 1957a. A list of the fishes found in the vicinity of Sado Marine Biological Station. III. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Niigata University. Series II, Biology, geology and mineralogy 2(4): 111-116. (新潟大学理学部研究報告. 二類, 生物学,地質学,鉱物学)☆1290☆
★ 本間義治.1957b.新潟県魚類目録補訂(V).魚類学雑誌,6(4/5/6):109-112.☆1291☆
◎ Kemp, R. J., Jr. 1957. Occurrences of the ocean sunfish, Mola mola (Linnaeus), in Texas, Copeia(3): 250-251.☆328☆
◎ Le Danois, E., Jacques, M., Théodore, M., and Paul B. 1957 .Fishes of the World. Countryman Press, Woodstock, Vermont, 190 pp.(※92p 書き方自信無し 著者の名前逆かも)☆196☆
∴◎△★ 田中茂穂・阿部宗明.1957.図説有用魚類千種―正編― 第2版.森北出版,東京,294+12pp.(内容もページ数も1955年と全く同じ)☆1010☆所持未読
∴◎△★ 阿部宗明.1957.図説有用魚類千種―続編―.森北出版,東京,383+85pp.(ページ数は正編からの続きで295-383である、でマンボウ類の記述は名前だけで1-85の方にある)☆1011☆所持未読
◎ Royce, W. F. 1957. Observation on the spearfishes of the central pacific. U. S. Fish Wildll. Serv., Fish. Bull., 57(124): 497-554.☆308☆
◎ 吉田裕・伊藤健生.1957.日本海の魚類相.農林省水産講習所研究報告, 6(2): 113-122(通巻だと261-270).☆1763☆


◎△ Furnestin, J., J. Dardignac, C. Maurin, A. Vincent, R. Coupé, H. Boutiére. 1958. Données nouvelles sur les poissons du Maroc atlantique. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Peches Maritimes, 22(4): 379-493.(406-407p, pdf28p)☆852☆
◎ Green, L.G. 1958. Fish Lore In: South African Beachcomber, Howard Timmins, South Africa.☆854☆
◎△ Kamohara, T. 1958. A catalogue of fishes of Kochi Prefecture(Province, Tosa), Japan. Report of Usa Marine Biological Station, 5(1): 1-76. 宇佐臨海実験所研究報告 ☆543☆所持未読
◎ 片山正夫・藤岡豊.1958.大島郡近海の魚類 (大島郡学術調査報告14).山口大学農学部学術報告, (9): 1147-1168. (no p.1161)☆1761☆
◎★ 西村三郎.1958.熱帯・亜熱帯性動物−特に魚類−の日本海への流入ならびにその内部における移動に関する一考察.日本海区水産研究所研究年報,(4): 113-119.☆1289☆
◎ 太田藤四郎.1958.續羣書類從 第拾九輯下(遊戯部・飲食部).續群書類從完成會,東京,524pp(たぶん). (この中に含まれている料理物語は20年度版)☆968☆
◎△澁澤敬三.1958.日本魚名集覧 第一部.角川書店.☆453☆

∴◎△★富山一郎,阿部宗明,時岡隆(Tomiyama, I., T. Abe and T. Tokioka)1958.原色動物大図鑑 II.北隆館,東京,xiv+392+86pp. (no 6-7p) ☆1267☆所持未読
◎ 土屋秀四郎.1958.伊勢吉漁師聞書(一)―鎌倉市腰越―.民俗(相模民俗学会),(27): 7.☆1721_1☆


∴◎△★ Cadenat, J. 1959. Notes d'ichtyologie ouest-africaine : 24. Molidae ouest-africains avec la description d'une espece nouvelle : Pseudomola lassarati de Cote d'Ivoire. Bulletin de l'IFAN.Serie A : Sciences Naturelles, 1959, 21 (3), p. 1112-1118(1122?). フランス語   ☆599☆
◎ Gregory, W. K. 1959. Fish skulls, a study of the evolution of natural mechanisms. Eric Lundberg, Laurel, Florida. 481pp. (294-295, 321, 441p)☆842☆所持未読
∴◎△★ 岡田彌一郎・伊佐次郎.1959.魚鋼.Pages 33-117 in 岡田彌一郎編.沖縄産動物目録.沖縄生物教育研究会,那覇.☆577☆
◎ Poll M. 1959. Poissons. IV. - Téléostéens acanthoptérygiens (deuxième partie).Expédition océanographique belge dans les eaux côtières africaines de l'Atlantique sud (1948-1949), 4(3B):3-417. ☆1214☆所持未読
◎ Robinson, E. S. 1959. Records of cestodes from marine fishes of New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 86(1): 143 - 153. ☆206☆


∴◎△★Briggs JC. 1960. Fishes of worldwide (circumtropical) distribution. Copeia, 1960 (3):171-180. ☆1275☆所持未読
◎北 杜夫.1960.アフリカ沖にマグロを追う.in:『どくとるマンボウ航海記』.新潮文庫,東京,pp.87-97. (エッセイ)☆935☆
∴◎△★ Gosline WA, Brock VE. 1960. Handbook of Hawaiian fishes. University of Hawaii press, Honolulu, 372pp. (no 303, 345) ☆1227☆所持未読
△ 久保雄一・武藤康博.1960.印度洋におけるマグロ,カジキ類の胃内容物について(第1報).茨城県水産試験場試験報告,昭和33年度: 56-60.☆1667☆
★ 西村三郎.1960. 1959-60年の冬,新潟県の海岸に漂着した珍動物6題.採集と飼育,22(7): 213-216.☆1292☆
◎△ Parrott AW. 1960. The queer and the rare fishes of New Zealand. Hodder & Stoughton, London, 192 pp.☆1139☆所持未読
◎ Schweigger E. 1960. Fenomenos hidrograficos y biologicos en el sur del Peru y en el norte de Chile. Revista de biologia marina, 10(1-3): 51-68. ☆1183☆所持未読


◎ 荒川好満・益田信之.1961.マンボウの生態.動物園水族館雑誌,3(4): 95 - 97.☆170☆
◎★ Chyung, M.K.(鄭文基) 1961. Illustrated encyclopedia: The fauna of Korea (2) Fishes. Central Book Publishing Co., Seoul, 861pp. ☆1023☆所持未読(韓国語)
◎ Gotshall, D. W. 1961. Observations on a die-off of molas (Mola mola) in Monterey Bay. California Fish and Game, 47(4): 339-341.☆310☆
◎掘田秀之.1961.日本産硬骨魚類の中軸骨骼の比較研究.農林水産技術会議事務局研究成果,(5): 1-155 + 1-10 + 69 pls.(Hotta H. 1961. Comparative study of the axial skeleton of Japanese Teleostei. Norin-Suisan Gijutsu Kaigi, Contr. (5), 1-155 + 1-10 + 69 pls.(no 129, 97p.)) ☆1270☆
◎★ 伊藤祐方.1961.日本近海におけるマイワシの漁業生物学的研究.日本海区水産研究所研究報告,(9): 1-277.☆1932☆
◎ 亀谷 了・野々部春登・木原 緑・亀谷俊也.1961.Pennella orthagorisci Wrightの一例.目黒寄生虫館月報,(23):2.☆689☆
◎ Limbaugh, C. 1961. Cleaning symbiosis. Scientific American, 205(2): 42-49. ☆1834☆
◎ McCann, C. 1961. The sunfish, Mola mola (L.) in New Zealand waters. Records of the Dominion Museum, 4(2): 7 - 20.☆224☆図有り
△ Sherman, K. 1961. Occurrence of early developmental stages of the oblong ocean sunfish Ranzania laevis (Pennant) in the central North Pacific. Copeia. (4): 467-470.☆356☆図あり
◎ 蒲原稔治.1961.『原色日本魚類図鑑 <改定版>奥付』.保育社,大阪,p.50.(Colored of illustrations of the fishes of Japan(I))☆102☆図あり
△ 蒲原稔治.1961.『続原色日本魚類図鑑 奥付』.保育社,大阪,p.44.(Colored of illustrations of the fishes of Japan(I)) ☆103☆図あり
◎△ Nikol'skii G. V. 1961. Special Ichthyology 2nd revised and enlarged edition, National Science Foundation, Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 538 pp.☆568☆所持未読
◎★ Perlmutter, A. 1961. Guide to marine fishes. New York University Press, 431pp.☆569☆所持未読


◎★ 中国科学院動物研究所・中国科学院海洋研究所・上海水産学院主編.1962.南海魚類誌.科学出版社,北京,xlii+1184pp.☆548☆所持未読
◎ 知里真志保.1962.日本常民文化研究所彙報第87 分類アイヌ語辞典 第2巻 動物篇(遺稿).日本常民文化研究所,東京,18+235+105 pp.☆1883☆
◎ 倉田洋二・中川政男.1962.三宅島の魚類相と漁獲量(第1報)In: 三宅島水産開発事業報告(II).東京都水産試験場調査研究要報,30: 19-38. (東水試出版物通刊no.150)☆1807☆
◎△ Scott TD. 1962. The marine and freshwater fishes of South Australia. Goverment printer, Adelaide, 338pp. (no 299-302p) ☆1235☆所持未読
◎★ 西村三郎・水沢六郎.1962.1960-61年の冬,新潟県沿海で捕獲された外来動物の記録.採集と飼育,24(3): 32-35.☆1731☆
∴◎△★ Weber, M., De Beaufort, E.J. 1962. Family Molidae in: 『The fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. XI : Scleropareti, Hypostomides, Pediculati, Plegtognathi, Opisthomi, Discocephali, Xenopterygii.』 E.J. Brill, Leiden, 416 - 423. (※書き方自信無し) ☆239☆
◎ 秋元 穆・黒田正彦・宮崎和之・大塚喜久雄・大浦保弥太・中村和人・豊永直之.1962.まんぼう(Mola mola Linne)を原因食とする集団食中毒例について.長崎県衛生公害研究所報, (4): 34-35.☆130☆
◎朱元鼎,?春霖,成?泰編. 1963. ?海??誌.科学出版社, 北京, 642pp.(朱元鼎, 許. 1963.?目.in:朱元鼎,?春霖,成?泰編. 1963. ?海??誌.科学出版社, 北京, 546-579.) (no 570, 578-579)☆1266☆所持未読詳細引用後日


◎ Bahamonde N (1963) Pez luna (Mola ramsayi) en Chiloé. Noticiario Mensual, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural , Chile, (82): 4-8.☆1346☆
◎ Carlström, D. 1963. A crystallographic study of vertebrate otoliths. Biological Bulletin, 125: 441 - 463.☆202☆
◎ 稲葉明彦(編).1963.瀬戸内海の生物相.広島大学理学部付属向島臨海実験所, 広島県,352 pp + 6 pls.☆1751☆
◎△ 佐藤魚水.1963.魚拓―歳時記と作り方―.内田老鶴圃,東京,188+xii pp.☆1007☆所持未読
◎ 露木英男.1963.世界の魚―切手水族館―.河出書房新社,東京,232+14pp.☆1016☆所持未読
◎ Moreland JM. 1963. Native sea fishes. Nature in New Zealand Series. A.H.&A.W.Reed, Wellington, 64pp.☆1140☆所持未読
◎△ Šoljan, T. 1963. Fishes of the Adriatic (Ribe Jadrana), Fauna et Flora of the Adriatica, Volumen 1, Pisces (Vol. I of: Fauna and Flora of the Adriatic). [Translated from Serbo-Croatian (reviesd and Englarged for the English edition) by Marija Hayer]. Nolit Publishing House, Belgrade, 428pp. (no 401p.) ☆1171☆所持未読
◎ 更科源蔵.1963.まんぼうは化け物だった.pp. 120-121. In アイヌ民話集.北書房, 札幌.☆1728☆
◎ Smith JLB, Smith MM. 1963. The fishes of seychelles. The Department of Ichthyology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown (South Africa), 215pp. (no 62p) ☆1215☆所持未読


◎ Caldwell, D. K. and D. H. Brown. 1964. Tooth wear as a correlate of described feeding behavior by the killer whale, with notes on a captive specimen, Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, 63 (3): 128 - 140.  (※ 137pのMold moldはマンボウのことと思われる)☆199☆
◎△ Kamohara, T. 1964. Revised catalogue of fishes of Kochi Prefecture, Japan. Report of Usa Marine Biological Station, 11(1): 1-99. 宇佐臨海実験所研究報告 ☆544☆所持未読
◎ 小西湧之助(編).1964.ぼくは怪魚マンボウに助けられた!.ボーイズライフ. 2(4):62-65. ☆1085☆所持未読
◎ 小山内宏.1964.まんぼうにたすけられたしょうねん.ディズニーランド. 1(3):97-100. ☆1086☆所持未読
◎ 外崎宏司.1964.マンボウに乗って来た少年.婦人生活.18(8):339. ☆1084☆所持未読
◎△ Marshall TC. 1964. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and coastal waters of Queensland. Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 566pp. (no 501-503, 491) ☆1236☆所持未読
◎ 富永盛治朗.1964.魚の生活.角川書店,東京,201pp.☆1021☆所持未読
◎ ロシア語.1964.599pp. ☆1219☆所持未読


∴◎△★ 阿部宗明.くさびふぐ(+やりまんぼう+まんぼう)岡田要 ・内田清之助・内田 亨(監修)『新日本動物図鑑〔下〕』.北隆館,東京,pp.421 - 422.(New illustrated encyclopedia of the fauna of Japan〔III〕)☆99☆図あり
◎Bullis HR, Thompson JR. 1965. Collections by the exploratory fishing vessels Oregon, Silver Bay, Combat, and Pelican made during 1956-1960 in the southwestern North Atlantic. United States Department of interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Special Scientific Report-Fisheries (510): 1-130. (no 62) ☆1251☆所持未読
◎★ Dawson, C. E. (1965) Records of two headfishes (family Molidae) from the North-Central Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences, 28:86-89.☆669☆図あり
◎ 藤本武・浅野長雄.1965.茨城県産魚類の方言について(第1報).茨城県水産試験場試験報告,昭和38年度(1965)(no.2): 23-53.☆1771☆
◎ 石丸定良.1965.巻之九 備前国之内ヨリ珍敷物出ル事.備陽記.日本文教出版,岡山,243-244. (この本全体は791pp. 池田家文庫所蔵の原本を八丹幸八氏が浄書したものを日本文教出版がそのまま再販)☆976☆
◎★ Nishimura, S., 1965. The zoogeographical aspects of the Japan Sea. Part I. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 13(1):35-79. ☆833☆
◎ 奥野良之助.1965.マンボウの飼育例.動物園水族館雑誌,7(4): 88 - 89.☆166☆図あり
∴◎△★ Smith JLB. 1965. The sea fishes of southern Africa. 5th edition. Centaral News Agency, South Africa, (no 421-422) ☆1212☆
◎ 多々良薫・北森良之介・永田樹三・水戸敏・林知夫・工藤晋二,1965.瀬戸内海漁業振興調査結果による瀬戸内海および隣接大陸棚における魚類目録 付・軟体動物目録.内海区水産研究所刊行物C輯,3:77-123.☆1753☆
◎ 内田 亨.1965.魚類 :in 『動物系統分類の基礎』.Pages 251-261.北隆館,東京.☆692☆
◎ Garrick JAF?. 1965?. Do you know this fish? A ford selection of South African sea fishes. JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, no pages. ☆1202☆所持未読著者年代よくわからない
McWhirter N and McWhirter R (eds). 1965. The guinness book of records (12th edition). Guinness Superlatives Ltd., London, 336pp. (マンボウがギネスに載っていなかった時代)☆1482-1484+雑フォルダ☆


◎ 浅野長雄・藤本武.1966.茨城県産魚類の方言について(第2報).茨城県水産試験場試験報告,昭和39・40年度(1966)(no.11): 89-164. (no 115, 137, 138, 140(4m), 155, 163, )☆1499☆所持未読
◎ Cervigon, F. M. 1966. Los peces marinos de Venezuela (2 Tomos) Tomo II. (Monografía No.12 出版社, Caracas, よくわからない).449-951pp. の【947-948】 スペイン語☆561☆ Cervigon, M. F. 1966. Los peces marinos de Venezuela. Estacion Investigaciones marinas de Margarita, Caracas. Nos. 11, 12., 951pp.
★ Glover, C. J. M., 1966 Three fishes previously unrecorded from South Australia. Records of the South Australian Museum, 15: 353-355.☆683☆
◎△蒲原稔治.1966.『標準原色図鑑全集 魚/ 第4巻』.保育社,大阪,p.96(+PLATE48).(全ページ176pp. Common Fishes of Japan in Color)☆364☆
◎ Leim AH, Scott WB. 1966. Fishes of the Atlantic Coast of Canada. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Bulletin, (155): 1-485 (no 417-419) ☆1192☆所持未読
◎ Marshall TC. 1966. Tropical fishes of the Great Barrier Reef. Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 239pp. (no 222p.)☆1244☆所持未読
◎ Sanches JG .1966. Peixes de angola (Teleósteos). Notas mimeografadas do Centro de Biologia Piscatória (Lisboa), (46): 1-227. (no 195p) ☆1200☆所持未読
◎△ Smith JLB, Smith MM. 1966. Fishes of the Tsitsikama Coastal National Park. National Parks Board, Pretoria, 161pp. (no 149-150) ☆1204☆所持未読
◎△ 上野達治.1966.北海道近海の魚 16.フグ・カワハギ・ハコフグ・マンボウ類.北水試月報 別冊,23(5):212-226.☆491☆
◎ 内田恵太郎.1966.マンボオ in 『さかな異名抄』.朝日新聞社,東京,199.☆249☆


◎寄生 Atria, G. 1967. Un ectoparásito del pez luna (Mola ramsayi, Giglioli) Pennella cf. filosa L. (Crustacea, Copepoda). Noticiario Mensual del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile,131: 3-5.☆1344☆
∴◎△★ Fowler, H. W. 1967. The fishes of Oceania. authorized reprint. Johnson reprint corporation, New York.(オリジナル文無し Fowler(1928)とFowler(1934)の内容を包括しているだけ) ☆923-924☆
◎ Gotshall D. W. 1967. Cleaning symbiosis in Monterey Bay, California. California Fish and Game, 53(2): 125-126. ☆06☆
◎ Threlfall, W. 1967. Some parasites recovered from ocean sunfish, Mola mola (L.), in Newfoundland. The Canadian field-naturalist, 81 (3): 168-172.☆1831☆舵鰭喰いつく寄生虫
◎ 時田 #37063;・小林喜雄.1967.内村鑑三の日本魚類目録(1884年,未発表)について.北海道大学水産学部研究彙報,18: 137-182.☆1006☆所持未読
◎ 富永盛治朗.1967.『五百種魚体解剖図説(一・解説)(澁澤敬三監修)』,角川書店,1-247pp.☆155☆
◎ 富永盛治朗.1967.『五百種魚体解剖図説(二・解説)(澁澤敬三監修)』,角川書店,1-312pp. (153 - 155)☆155☆
◎ 富永盛治朗.1967.『五百種魚体解剖図説(別巻)(澁澤敬三監修)』,角川書店,1-432pp.☆155☆
◎ Kamohara, T. 1967. Fishes of Japan in color(first ed.). Hoikusha publishing co., LTD.135pp.☆563☆所持未読
◎ Zimbelman, E. 1967. Mola mola go to the cleaners. Sea Frontiers: Magazine of the International Oceanographic Foundation, 13(2): 120-122. ☆1841☆


◎ Moseley JW (ed.). 1968. No title. Saucer News, 14(4): 1.☆1301☆

△ Robins, C. R. 1968. The molid fish Ranzania laevis in the western Atlantic. Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy of Sciences, 29(4): 287-289.☆330☆

◎ 内田恵太郎.1968.マンボウの話.自然. 23(11)(通巻271):56-57.☆1092☆所持未読
◎ Whitley, G. P. 1968. A check-list of the fishes recorded from the New Zealand region. The Australian Zoologist, 15(1):1-102. の51pと92p.☆794☆所持未読
◎ ロシア語1.1968.63pp. ☆1220☆所持未読
◎ ロシア語2雑誌.1968.7:128-138. ☆1221☆所持未読
◎ ロシア語3.1968 .jornal. 15(2):47-85. ☆1223☆所持未読


◎ Aboussouan,A. 1969. Sur une petite collection de larves Téléostéens recolte au large du Brésil (Campagne "Calypso" 1962). Vie et Millieu, Serie A, 20(3-A): 595-610.詳細後日☆853☆所持未読
△ Fitch, J. E. 1969. A second record of the slender mola, Ranzania laevis (Pennant), from California. Bulletin So. Calif. Academy of Sciences, 68(2): 115-118.☆333☆図
◎★ フランシス・オマニー.1969.『ライフ大自然シリーズ――3 魚類(ライフ編集部(編)末廣恭雄訳)』.タイム ライフ インターナショナル,東京,253pp.+xxiii(pp.96,142,170,175).☆369☆図
◎ Hobson, E. S. 1969. Comments on certain recent generalizations regarding cleaning symbiosis in fishes. Pacific Science, 23: 35-39.☆1839☆文献引用のみ
◎ Lighthill, M. J. 1969. Hydromechanics of aquatic animal propulsion. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 1: 413 - 446.☆76☆帰ってから図
◎ 村上義威.1969.陸中旅情 飜車魚(マンボウ).水産界. (1016):54-56.☆1099☆所持未読重要
◎ Scott, E. O. G. 1969. Observations on some Tasmanian fishes: Part XVI. The Australian Zoologist, 15(2):160-177. の161p.☆795☆所持未読
◎ Turner, C. H., E.E. Ebert, R.R. Given. 1969. Man-made reef ecology. Fish Bulletin, (146): 1-221. (California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, California, 221 pp.は出版社)☆1838☆図
◎△ Wheeler A. 1969. The fishes of the British Isles and Northwest Europe. Macmillan, London, 613pp. (no 569-572)☆1164☆所持未読


∴◎△★ Blache J, Cadenat J, Stauch A. 1970. Faune Tropicale XVIII. Clés de détermination des poissons de mer signalés dans l'atlantique oriental. Entre le 20° parallèle nord et le 15° parallèle sud. O.R.S.T.O.M.(Office de la recherche scientifique et technique outre mer), Paris, 479 pp. (197-198)☆999☆
∴◎△★Cressey, R. F. and E. A. Lachner. 1970. The parasitic copepod diet and life history of diskfishes (Echeneidae). Copeia, 1970(2):310-318. ☆1274☆所持未読
◎ 読売新聞社.1970.世界新記録を打ち立てたマンボウ君飼育大作戦.週刊読売. 29(33)(通巻1110):36-37.☆1094☆所持未読
◎西村芳博・礒貝高弘・竹内経久・樺沢 洋・三上成次・大井 繁・鈴木英夫・渡部秀実・岸 幸広・池田熊蔵・上田久美子.1970.マンボウ mola molaの飼育.京急油壺マリンパーク水族館年報,(3): 66−69.☆517☆
◎ Norman, J. R. 1970.『定訳 魚の博物学(黒沼 勝造・上野 達治 共訳)』.社会思想社,東京,393pp.☆100☆図あり
◎ 佐藤月二.1970.広島デルタの生物誌.啓林館,33pp. (no 26-27)(「佐藤月二.1968a.デルタの生物誌(24)マンボウ漂着.ヒドラ会会報,5(2): 1」と同じ内容の転載)☆1752☆
◎ 柴田勇夫.1970.相模湾における大型定置網漁業の漁況―II:定置網で漁獲される魚類について. 神奈川県水産試験場相模湾支所資料(=相模湾支所資料),(9): 53-67. (神奈川県水産試験場相模湾支所報告(昭和44年度事業報告))☆1920☆
◎末広恭雄.1970.マンボウの眼瞼について.京急油壺マリンパーク水族館年報,(3): 56.☆516☆
◎ Takegawa Y, Morino H. 1970. Fishes from Wakasa Bay, Japan Sea. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 17(6): 373-392.☆1443☆


△ Faleiro, L.C.C. 1971. Primeira ocorrência de Ranzania truncata (Retzius, 1785) na costa do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil (Tetraodontiformes, Tetraodontoidei, Molidae). Comunicações do Museu de Ciências da PUCRGS, 1: 3-11.☆1108☆所持未読
◎△Fitch JE, Lavenberg RJ. 1971. Marine food and game fishes of California. University of California Press, Berkeley, 179pp. (no 95-98) ☆1250☆所持未読
◎ Hobson, E. S. 1971. Cleaning symbiosis among California inshore fishes. Fishery Bulletin, 69(3), 491-523. ☆1842☆
黒原和男・波部忠重.1971.マンボウガイ高知県に産す.ちりぼたん,6(6): 125.(※名前にマンボウと付いているだけ)☆雑2☆
◎ 丸山 潔.1971.岩手県魚類目録.岩手県水産試験場研究報告,1:1-79. ☆588☆
◎ McWhirter N and McWhirter R (eds). 1971. The Guinness book of records (18th edition). Guinness superlatives ltd., Middlesex, London, 317pp. (イギリス最大硬骨魚1t超え、3億)☆1464☆
∴◎△★ Parin, N. V. 1971. 表層魚の地理学的分布の主要な特性.in:ソ連科学アカデミー海洋研究所(編)『太平洋の魚類(阿部宗明・崎浦治之・油橋重遠・小山譲 共訳)』,ラテイス,東京, pp. 103 - 111.☆116☆図あり
◎ 倉田洋二・三村哲夫・草処孝一.1971.小笠原諸島の魚類相と漁獲量の傾向.小笠原諸島水産開発基礎調査報告II.東京都水産試験場出版物通刊,(216): 1-38.☆374☆
◎ Smith JLB. 1971. Marine fishes. Animal life in southern Africa (Being abstracts from the Standard Encyclopaedia of Southern Africa): 230?261. (no 255) ☆1206☆所持未読
◎ 竹村嘉夫・岡田 稔・小川良徳・堤 俊夫(編).1971.さかな小辞典.共立出版,東京,392pp.☆1004☆所持未読
◎ 上野達治.1971.北海道近海産魚類目録.北海道立水産試験場報告,(13): 61-102.☆1933☆


◎△ 阿部宗明.1972. 魚類 Pisces.Pages 705-797, 1177-1395 in 内田 亨監修『谷津・内田動物分類名辞典』.中山書店.(全1411pp.+xvi) Yatsu and Uchida's Taxonomic dictionary of animals. 1st ed., xvi+1411pp.☆505☆
◎ Burton, Maurice. 1972. The life of fishes: A simple introduction to the way fishes live and behave for younger readers. special reference and projects section. Macdonald and Co, London, 61pp.☆982☆所持未読
◎ Doak, W. 1972. Fishes of the New Zealand region. Hodder and Stoughton, Auckland, 132pp.☆1141☆所持未読
◎ McWhirter N and McWhirter R (eds). 1972. The Guinness book of records (19th edition). Guinness superlatives ltd., Middlesex, London, 317pp. (2t、3億)☆1465☆
◎△ Miller, D. J. and R. N. Lea. 1972. Guide to the coastal marine fishes of California. Calif. Dep. Fish Game Fish Bull. 157.☆195☆図あり
◎ Tabeta O. 1972. An ecological study on the fishes stranded upon the beach of Northern Kyushu. The Journal of the Shimonoseki University of Fisheries, 21(1): 81-151.☆1931☆
△ Topp RW, Girardin DL. 1972. First Gulf of Mexico record of Ranzania laevis. Quarterly journal of the Florida Academy of Sciences, 35(1): 29-30. (Quart. jour. .Florida Acad.Sci.)☆1111☆所持未読
◎△★ 椎野季雄.1972.日本産魚類の英名のリストならびに新名の提案について.志摩マリンランド研究報告,1: 1-209. (Shiino S. 1972. List of English names of Japanese fishes with proposition of new names. Science report of Shima Marineland,1: 1-209.)☆1572☆
◎★ 渡辺恒雄(編).1972.びっくり動物(4).p.113 In: 小学四年生8月号(第51巻第5号)付録 小学四年生科学カラー図鑑 世界の珍獣奇獣.小学館,東京.☆1727☆
◎ Wood G. L. 1972. The Guinness book of animal facts and feats. Guinness Superlatives, Middlesex, 384pp. (no 224-225)☆1470☆


◎ Anderson, W.D. Jr. and D.M. Cupka. 1973. Records of the ocean sunfish, Mola mola, from the beaches of South Carolina and adjacent waters. Chesapeake Science 14(4): 295 - 298.☆52☆@奇形写真
◎ 荒賀忠一・田名瀬英朋・森山惣一・太田満・樫山嘉郎.1973.マンボウの飼育例とその生態の考察.動物園水族館雑誌,15 (2): 27 - 32.☆172☆
◎ 荒賀忠一.1973.マンボウに関する12章.自然,28(8): 68 - 73.☆173☆
◎△蒲生重男・加藤 直.1973.真鶴附近の魚類.横浜国立大学理科紀要. 第二類, 生物学・地学,(20):69−84.☆265☆

◎ Grabda J., 1973. Contribution to knowledge of biology of Cecrops latreillii Leach, 1816 (Caligolida: Cecropidae) the parasite of the ocean sunfish Mola mola (L.). Acta Ichthyologica Et Piscatoria, 3 (1): 61 - 74.☆91☆写真あり
◎ Hart, J. L. 1973. Pacific fishes of Canada. Bulletin Fisheries Research Board of Canada, (180): i-ix+1-740. ☆552☆所持未読
◎ 平野哲也.1973.マンボウ.アニマルライフ:週刊動物の大世界百科,(127)=(通巻8(15)): 3543.☆1578☆所持未読
◎ Hooper, S. N., M. Paradis, and R. G. Ackman. 1973. Distribution of trans-6-hexadecenoic acid, 7-methyl-7-hexadecenoic acid and common fatty acids in lipids of the ocean sunfish Mola mola. Lipids 8(9): 509 - 516.☆86☆
◎ McWhirter N and McWhirter R (eds). 1973. The Guinness book of records (20th edition). Guinness Superlatives Ltd., Middlesex, London, 349pp. ☆1482☆
△ Specchi M, Bussani M. 1973. Cattura di Ranzania laevis laevis (Pennant) nel Porto di Trieste. Atti del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Trieste, 28: 467-469.☆1474☆所持未読
◎末広恭雄・提 俊夫.1973.マンボウの飼育について.京急油壺マリンパーク水族館年報,( 5-6), 12-15.☆514☆
◎ 辰喜洸・御前洋・宮脇逸朗.1973.マンボウの飼育について.動物園水族館雑誌,15(2): 33 - 36.☆171☆@写真

∴◎△★ Tortonese, E. 1973. Molidae. In: Hureau, J. C. and Th. Monod eds. Check-list of the fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and of the Mediterranean. CLOFNAM. Unesco, Paris. CLOFNAM v. 1: i-xxii + 1-683. の649-650. (クサビフグ属の属レベル Centaurusは「Torchio 1973:650 [ref. 6892]」となっているが、「Torchio, M. 1973 [ref. 6892]  Soleidae (pp. 628-634), Cynoglossidae (pp. 635-636). In: Hureau & Monod 1973 [ref. 6590]. CLOFNAM. 」とページ数が矛盾するからたぶん、ミス。実際、Tortoneseの650pにCentaurusが載っている。)☆420☆@写真


◎ Chirichigno NF. 1974. Clave para identificar los peces marinos del Peru. Informes del Instituto del Mar del Peru, (44): 1-387. (no 109-111, 341) ☆1180☆所持未読
◎ 榮川省造.1974.魚名考.甲南出版社,神戸,532pp. ☆994☆所持未読
△ Fowler, H. W. 1974. A catalog of World fishes (XX). Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 27(1/2): 1-132 [catalog v. 2, pp. 479-610].(13p 属レベル)☆415☆

◎△ Kunte, B.G. (ed.). 1974. Gazetteer of India, Maharashtra State Gazetteers, General series (No.9): Fauna. Government of Maharashtra, Bombay, 707pp.(129p)☆855☆
△ 倉場富三郎.1974.長崎大学水産学部(編),p.295,399.『グラバー図譜 第3巻 〔日本西部及び南部魚類図譜〕第14集〜第21集』.長崎大学水産学部,長崎.☆269☆@写真

◎ Logan, VH, Odense PH. 1974. The integument of the ocean sunfish (Mola mola L.) (Plectognathi) with observations on the lesions from two ectoparasites, Capsala martinierei (Trematoda) and Philorthagoriscus serratus (Copepoda). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 52: 1039-1045.☆1840☆
◎ McWhirter N and McWhirter R (eds). 1974. Guinness book of records (21th edition). Guinness Superlatives Ltd., Middlesex, London, 349pp. (タイトルにTheがない。) ☆1483☆
◎寄生虫 椎野季雄.1974.いそうろう動物学 甲殻類の巻 その4.志摩マリンランドクォータリー,(5): 3-5.☆1614☆
∴◎△★ 白井洋平.1974.沖縄の海の生物.風土記社, 那覇.143pp.(のんき者のマンボウ, p.41)☆1296☆
◎△ Winterbottom, R. 1974. The familial phylogeny of the Tetraodontiformes (Acanthopterygii: Pisces) as evidenced by their comparative myology. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 155; 1 - 201.☆247☆@写真


◎ Khan, M. Z.1975. On the sunfish, Mola mola (L) A new record from Indian waters. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 22(1&2): 295-296.☆147☆図あり
◎ 益田 一・荒賀 忠一・吉野 哲夫. 1975.『魚類図鑑 南日本の沿岸魚』.東海大学出版会,東京,379pp.(Coastal Fishes of Southern Japan)☆953☆
◎ 仁井田好古?.1975.紀伊續風土記 第三輯(牟婁・物産・古文書・神社考定).巌南堂書店,東京,444+402(附録)pp.(翻刻本;マンボウの記述は406ページ(巻之九十六 物産第四 魚部))☆1591☆所持未読
∴◎△★ 大島正満.1975.魚 復刻版.金子書店,東京.(1940年の本と内容もページ数も全く同じ)☆476☆
△ Robison, B. H. 1975. Observations on living juvenile specimens of the slender mola, Ranzania laevis (Pisces, Molidae). Pacific Science, 29 (1): 27 - 29.☆83☆図あり

◎ 斎藤守弘.1975.惑星動物の謎.大陸書房,東京,238 pp. (no pp. 234-236 マンボウの人命救助)☆1882☆

∴◎△★ Sokolovskaya, T. S., and A. S. Sokolovskiy. 1975. New data on expansion ofthe area of reproduction of ocean sunfishes (Pisces, Molidae) in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology, 15(4): 675 - 678. ☆45☆図あり
◎★ 鈴木克美.1975.マンボウ.in:『魚の本 意外に知られていない魚の生活・100種』.久保書店,東京,pp. 209 - 210.☆107☆図あり
◎Southcott RV. 1975. Australian venomous and poisonous fishes : a guide to the identification, symptoms and treatment of the effects caused by fishes and some other vertebrate animals of Australian territorial waters. R.V. Southcott, Mitcham, 20pp. (no 16p.) ☆1246☆所持未読
◎ 高谷将夫.1975.マンボウの一二五日.珊瑚礁(高知大学農学部コーラル会), (4): 29-31.☆1079☆
◎△ 吉野哲夫・西島信昇・篠原士郎.1975.琉球列島産魚類目録.琉球大学理工学部紀要. 理学編, 20: 61-118.(Bulletin of Science & Engineering Division, University of Ryukyus. Mathematics and natural sciences)☆531☆


∴◎△★ 阿部宗明.1976.『原色魚類検索図鑑 6版』.図鑑の北隆館,東京,pp.256 - 257.(Key to the Japanese fishes fully illustrated in colors revised sixth edition;初版は阿部宗明. 1963. 原色魚類検索図鑑. 北隆館, 東京. i〜v+1〜358 pp.)☆101☆図あり

◎ Allen GR, Hoese DF, Paxton JR, Randall JE, Russell BC, Starck II WA, Talbot FH, Whitley GP. 1976. Annotated checklist of the fishes of Lord Howe Island. Records of the Australian Museum, 30(15): 365?454. ☆1240☆所持未読
◎ 知里真志保.1976.知里真志保著作集 別巻I(分類アイヌ語辞典 植物編・動物編).平凡社,東京,30+394+18+322 pp.☆1884☆
★ Devaraj, M., Nammalwar, P. and Thiagarajan, R. 1976. Record of the sunfish Masturus oxyuropterus (Bleeker) from the Indian coast. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 18(3): 663-666.☆146☆図あり
◎ McWhirter N and McWhirter R (eds). 1976. Guinness book of records 1977 Edition (23th edition). Guinness Superlatives Ltd., Middlesex, London, 350pp. (タイトルにTheがない。Rossは1975年で亡くなっているがこの表記でいい) ☆1484☆
★ Monod T. 1976. L'ichthyologie à l'île Maurice de 1829 à 1846: autour de Julien Desjardins (1799-1840). Travaux et Documents de l'O.R.S.T.O.M., (47): 11-37. ☆1431☆
∴◎△★ Nelson, J.S. 1976. Fishes of the world. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 416 pp.(no 306-307) ☆1285☆所持未読
◎ Randall, J.E. 1976. The endemic shore fishes of the hawaiian islands, Lord Howe Island and Easter Island. Colloque Commerson, 1973, ORSTOM, Travaux et Documents, 47: 49-73. ☆835☆
◎ Wood G. L. 1976. The Guinness book of animal facts and feats (2nd edition). Guinness Superlatives, Middlesex, 255pp. (no 147-148)☆1471☆


◎ 青海忠久,道津喜衛,柳 昌之.1977.壱岐の魚類.Pages 283-310 in 長崎県生物学会編.壱岐の生物(筑前・沖ノ島を含む) ,長崎県生物学会,長崎.☆578☆
◎ Adeney, R. J. and Hughes, G. M.1977. Some observations on the gills of the oceanic sunfish, Mola mola. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 57(3): 825-837.☆296☆

◎ Bray, R.A. and Gibson, D.I. 1977. The Accacoeliidae (Digenea) of fishes from the north-east Atlantic. The British Museum (Natural History) Zoology, 31(2): 51-99.☆848☆所持未読
◎ Carcasson RH. 1977. A field guide to the coral reef fishes of the Indian and West Pacific Oceans. Collins, London, 320pp. (no 278) ☆1264☆所持未読
◎ Grant, P. T. and Mackie, A. M. 1977. Drugs from the sea-fact or fantasy? Nature, 267: 786-788. どくとの一文☆844☆所持未読すぐ読める
△ Leis, J. M. 1977. Development of the eggs and larvae of the slender mola, Ranzania laevis (Pisces, Molidae). Bulletin of Marine Science, 27(3): 448-466.☆358☆

◎ Muus, B. J. and Dahlstrǿm. 1977. Collins guide to the sea fishes of Britain and North-Western. Collins. Europe.(English ver)の194-195. (1974 ver.もゲット内容同じ)☆565☆所持未読
◎△ Smith MM. 1977. Sea and shore dangers: Their recognition, avoidance and treatment. JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 64pp. (no 32-33, pl.9) ☆1201☆所持未読
◎ 白井祥平.1977.原色沖縄海中動物生態図鑑.新星図書,沖縄,636pp.☆1012☆所持未読
◎ 高谷将夫.1977.桂浜水族館とマンボウ.フィッシュマガジン(1977年6月号): 30-33.☆1080☆
◎ Ursin MJ. 1977. A guide to fishes of the temperate Atlantic Coast. E.P. Dutton, New York, 262pp. (no 234-235) ☆1193☆所持未読
◎ Walsten, D. M.(ed) 1977. "What's the Weight, by the way, of a quarter-trillion locusts ? ".Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, 48 (1): 12-14. (※著者はSlatick, E. R.? 自信無し作者不明。データはギネスブックからと記述あり)☆x6☆
◎★鄭文基.1977.韓國魚圖譜.一志社,ソウル,727pp., 328pls., 142 color pls. (The fishes of Korea) Chyung, M.K. 1977. The fishes of Korea. Ilji-sa, Seoul. 727 p.(In Korean)☆587☆所持未読
◎座間 彰・藤田 清.1977.小笠原諸島魚類目録.Journal of the Tokyo University of Fisheries(東京水産大学研究報告), 63(2):87-138.☆368☆


◎ Doak, W. 1978. Fishes of the New Zealand region, revised edition. Hodder and Stoughton, Auckland, 135pp.☆1142☆所持未読
◎ 平野 満.1978.生活の古典双書18 魚鑑(武井周作).八坂書房,東京,167+11pp. (魚貝能毒品物図考の絵も含まれる)☆1003☆所持未読
∴◎△★ Martin, F. D., and G. E. Drewry . 1978. Family Molidae. in: “ Development of fishes of the Mid-Atlantic Bight. An atlas of egg, larval and juvenile stages. VI. Stromateidae through Ogcocephalida.”, U. S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Prog. FWS/OBS, 78/12: 313 - 338.☆252☆
★財団法人目黒寄生虫館.1978.目黒寄生虫館一般展示室案内(4).目黒寄生虫館ニュース,(131): 1-16.☆1329☆所持未読
◎ ノリス・マクワーター.1978.魚類.in:青木栄一(訳)『ギネスブック−世界記録事典('79年版)』.講談社,pp. 54 - 56.☆113☆
★ 沖縄県水産試験場.1978.昭和52年度沖縄周辺重要水産資源調査.沖縄県水産試験場資料No.31.沖縄県水産試験場,沖縄,64pp.☆1755☆
△ Parenzan, P. 1978. Un reperto ittico eccezionale per il golfo di Taranto: Ranzania laevis (Penn.). Thalassia Salentina, 8:79-86.(イタリア語)☆405☆
◎榊原 茂.1978.マンボウ飼育日記.中央公論(11月特大号),93(1100): 43-44.☆1074☆
◎ 霜山忠行・川村隆.1978.マンボウの飼育に関する2・3の知見.動物園水族館雑誌,20(4): 73 - 77.☆169☆
◎ 末広恭雄・礒貝高弘・竹内経久・平井とき.1978.三浦半島の水産生物について.京急油壺マリンパーク水族館年報(1977年), (9): 11-16.☆1916☆
◎ 高谷将夫.1978.マンボウ飼育記(ぱあとつう).珊瑚礁(高知大学農学部コーラル会), (5): 5-8.☆1081☆
∴◎△★ Tinker SW. 1978. Fishes of Hawaii: A hand book of the marine fishes of Hawaii and the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaiian Service, Honolulu, xxxx+532+XXXVI pp. (no 502-504p) ☆1230☆所持未読


◎ 阿部宗明.まんぼう内田 亨(監修)『新編日本動物図鑑』.北隆館,東京,p.652.(Illustrated encyclopedia of the fauna of Japan newly compiled)☆104☆図有り

◎ 阿部義孝・太田一男・藤田清.1979.黒沼勝造(監修) 学研の図鑑 魚のくらし.学習研究社,東京,144pp.☆1714☆
◎江ノ島水族館.1979.江の島水族館25年のあゆみ.江ノ島水族館,神奈川,183pp.(no 68p) ☆1413☆
◎ Hixon, M. A. 1979. The halfmoon, Medialuna californiensis, as a cleaner fish. California Fish and Game, 65(2):117-118.☆392☆

∴◎△★ 松原喜代松.1979.フグ目.in:『魚類の形態と檢索II 第2版』.石崎書店,東京,pp.969 - 1039.  (∴◎△★ 松原喜代松.1979.『魚類の形態と檢索III(図版) 第2版』.石崎書店,東京,pl.104. Fish morphology and hierarchy partIII(plates) second ed.にクサビフグの図だけある)☆251☆図有り

◎ 榊原茂.1979.マンボウの飼育.さかまた,(13): 2-3(厳密にはページ番号無し).☆1860☆所持未読
◎ 柴田勇夫.1979.神奈川県海域の魚類相および種別研究の現状.pp. 15-25.In: 相模湾資源環境調査報告書−I(総括).神奈川県水産試験場・神奈川県水産試験場相模湾支所,神奈川.☆1914☆
∴◎△★ Tortonese, E. 1979. Molidae. In: Hureau JC. and Monod Th, eds. Check-list of the fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and of the Mediterranean. CLOFNAM. Unesco, Paris. CLOFNAM v. 1: i-xxii + 1-683. の649-650. (second impression, with supplement ver.)☆1173☆所持未読
◎ 内田恵太郎.1979.マンボウのは話 in『私の魚博物誌』,立風書房,東京,p.143-150.(本全体は242pp.)☆964☆
◎△ Wheeler, A. 1979. The sources of Linnaeus's knowledge of fishes. Svenska Linnésällskapets Årsskrift, 1978: 156-211. ☆724☆


◎ 林公義・西山喜徳郎.1980.西湘定置網で漁獲された魚類−相模湾産魚類目録・I−.神奈川自然誌資料,(1): 15-27. ☆1915☆
★礒貝高弘.1980.ヤリマンボウMasturus lanceolatus (LIÉNARD)の幼魚について.京急油壺マリンパーク水族館年報,(10): 17−19.☆515☆
◎ 岩満重孝.1980.百魚歳時記.中央公論社,東京,280pp.☆1706☆
◎木村 重.1980.巨大な紳士達.in:『自然読本 魚』.河出書房新社,東京,pp.185-190. (1971年,緑書房,「魚紳士録」と同じ内容)☆934☆
∴◎△★  Lindberg, G.U., A.S. Heard and T.S. Rass. 1980. Multilingual dictionary of names of marine food-fishes of world fauna. Acad.Acad. Sci. USSR, 562 pp. 世界の動物のなかの漁労用海魚類の名称辞典 原文はロシア語 ☆573☆所持未読
◎ 町中茂.1980.第五節 魚類,pp. 373-418.In: 能都町史編集専門委員会(編)能都町史 第一巻 資料編:自然・民俗・地誌.石川県能都町役場,能都町.(no p.402)☆1607☆
◎ 益田 一・荒賀 忠一・吉野 哲夫(著). 1980. 『改訂版 魚類図鑑 南日本の沿岸魚』.東海大学出版会,東京 382pp(Coastal Fishes of Southern Japan)(マンボウはp140と説明が他のページに。メモミス)☆97☆図有り

◎ 三橋静雄.1980.マンボウ飼育実験.志摩マリンランドクォータリー,(26): 2-3.☆1615☆
◎ ノリス マクワーター(編)・青木栄一(訳).1980.ギネスブック 1980――世界記録事典.講談社, 東京,470pp.(Japanese translation of "McWhirter N (ed). 1979. The Guinness book of records. Guinness superlatives ltd., London.")3億、2t☆1466☆
◎末広恭雄.1980.魚の国の生命のなぞ.in:『自然読本 魚』.河出書房新社,東京,pp.21-39. (1963年,新潮社,「魚の国案内」の「魚の国の生活クイズ」と同じ内容)☆933☆
◎△ 末広恭雄・平井とき.1980.魚の俗用漢字について.京急油壺マリンパーク水族館年報, (10): 12-16.☆1922☆
◎ Thulin, J. 1980. Redescription of Nematobibothrioides histoidii Noble, 1974. (Digenea: Didymozooidea). Zeitschrift fur Parasitenkunde , 63: 213 - 219.☆198☆図有り
∴◎△★ Tyler, J. C. 1980. Osteology, phylogeny, and higher classification of the fishes of the order Plectognathi (Tetraodontiformes). National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular, 434: 1 - 422.☆253☆図有り
◎ 菅野 徹・倉田洋二・柳沢冨雄.1980.小笠原諸島の魚類相概要,pp. 119-155.東京都立大学自然環境現況調査班(編)小笠原諸島自然環境現況調査報告書1.東京都公害局,東京.☆372☆
◎ Román B. 1980. Peces marinos de Venezuela. Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales la Salle: Caracas, Venezuela, 408pp. (no 342p)☆571☆


◎ 青木捨夫.1981.丹生郡越廼村の魚介類方言考.福井市立郷土自然科学博物館研究報告,(28): 25-41.☆1632☆
◎ 越智郡宮窪町中央公民館(編).1981. 北貞光さん巨大マンボウ捕え全国ニュースに出る.館報みやくぼ,(258): 1-10. no4☆1472☆
◎ Gotshall DW. 1981. Pacific coast inshore fishes. Sea Challengers and Western Marine Enterprises Publication, California, 96pp. (no 86-87) ☆1198☆所持未読
◎ 早坂和子.1981.岩手県北漁村の信仰.pp. 27-59. In: 岩崎敏夫(編)東北民俗資料集(十).萬葉堂書店,仙台.(全167pp.)☆1730☆
◎△ 高木正人.1981.方言にちなんだ日本の魚.高木正人(自費出版),佐賀,112+8(第一部), 188+8(第二部)pp.☆1019☆所持未読
◎ 宮田篤彦・岩井 保.1981. 大阪湾産魚類目録(泉南海域を中心に). 未公刊. 20 pp, 11 pls.☆1901☆
∴◎△★ 日本魚類学会編. 1981. 『日本産魚名大辞典』. 三省堂, 東京,[iv]+[iv]+viii+834 pp. ☆152☆
◎ 西口満佐男.1981.水族の体長と体重の関係.動物園水族館雑誌,23(3): 62 - 80.(※著者が正しいか不明)☆167☆
◎ 志摩マリンランド(編).1981.志摩マリンランドクォータリー,(27): 1-8. (窪田毅.1981.新館開館にあたって.志摩マリンランドクォータリー,(27): 4.)☆1616☆
◎ Thompson S. 1981. Fish of the marine reserve: A guide to the identification and biology of common coastal fish of north-eastern New Zealand. University of Auckland, 364pp.☆1143☆所持未読


◎ Ayling T, Cox GJ. 1982. Collins guide to the sea fishes of New Zealand. Collins, Auckland, 343pp.☆1144☆所持未読
◎Edgar GJ, Last PR, Wells MW. 1982. Coastal Fishes of Tasmania and Bass Strait. Cat and Fiddle Press, Hobart, 176 pp.(no 168p.) ☆1249☆所持未読
◎ 榮川省造.1982.新釈魚名考.榮川省造(自費出版),芦屋,606pp. ☆995☆所持未読
◎ 原一郎・黒田一紀.1982.内湾域におけるサンマの異常出現について.水産海洋研究会報,(40): 80-92.☆1928☆
◎ ジェラルド L. ウッド・友国雅章(訳).1982.ギネスワールド 動物.講談社,東京,303pp. (Japanese translation of "Wood GL and Guinness superlatives (eds). 1976. The Guinness book of animal facts and feats. Guinness superlatives ltd., London.")3億、2t☆1467☆
◎ 松下幸子・山下光雄・冨成邦彦・吉川誠次.1982.古典料理の研究 (八) : 寛永十三年「料理物語」について.千葉大学教育学部研究紀要. 第2部.31:181-224.(186,197p.)☆961☆
◎ 西岡顕也.1982.マンボウの飼育.志摩マリンランドクォータリー,(29・30): 2.☆1617☆
◎△ ゲ・ベ・ニコリスキー(高 昭宏訳).1982.系統魚類学 原書第3版・改訂増補.たたら書房.452-454.☆478☆
★ Paulin, C. D., G. Habib, C. L. Carey, P. M. Swanson and G. J. Voss. 1982. New records of Mobula japanica and Masturus lanceolatus, and further records of Luvaris imperialis (Pisces: Mobulidae, Molidae, Louvaridae) from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, (16): 11-17.☆256☆
◎ Sato, N., Yamane, N., and Kawamura, T. 1982. Systematic Citrobacter freundii infection among sunfish Mola mola in Matsushima. Aquarium. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries, 48(11): 1551 - 1557.☆80☆
◎ 土屋秀四郎.1982.伊勢吉漁師聞書(一)―鎌倉市腰越―.p. 327. In: 相模民俗学会(編)民俗(1号〜80号).国書刊行会,東京.(復刻合本、総ページ数が追加されただけで内容は同じ)☆1721_2☆
∴◎△★ 富永義昭・上野輝彌.1982.日本産魚類目録第二次資料.219pp.☆472☆
◎ 鈴木英夫・岸幸広.1982.京急油壺マリンパークにおける採集魚.京急油壺マリンパーク水族館年報, (11): 23-27.☆1918☆
◎ Webb, P. W. 1982. Locomotor patterns in the evolution of actinopterygian fishes. American Zoologist, 22: 329 - 342.☆212☆
◎ Wood, G. L. (1982). Fishes (superclasses Agnatha, Gnathostomata). In The Guinness book of animal facts and feats 3rd Edition (pp. 124-149). Middlesex, UK: Guinness Superlatives. (全252 pp.)☆1633☆


◎ 尼岡邦夫・仲谷一宏.1983.魚類 in 『図鑑 北日本の魚と海藻』.北日本海洋センター.268pp.(Fishes and marine algae of Northern Japan)☆463☆
◎△ Eschmeyer, W.N., Herald, E. S. and Hammann H. 1983. A field guide to Pacific Coast fishes of North America. Peterson Field Guide Series. A field guide to Pacific Coast fishes of North America. No. 28: i-xii + 1-336, Pls. 1-48. (or Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston)のp.300, 160, 301, 324, 334, 119☆437☆
◎ Gaudechox JP, Richer de Forges B. 1983. Inventaire ichtyologique des eaux mauritaniennes. Documents du Centre national de recherche océanographiques et des pêches, (3): 1-22. ☆1203☆所持未読
◎ Gunson D. 1983. Collins guide to the New Zealand seashore. Collins, Auckland, 240pp.☆1145☆所持未読
△ Jardas, I. and Knežević. B. 1983. A contribution to the knowledge of the Adriatic ichthyofauna-Ranzania laevis (Pennant, 1776) (Plectognathi, Molidae). Bilješke-Notes, Institut za oceanografiju i ribarstvo, Split 51: 1-8.☆347☆
◎ 木村 重.1983.鬼ッ子をうむ―マンボウ.in:『魚紳士録 上巻』.緑書房,東京,pp.277 - 288.☆115☆
◎ Last PR, Scott EOG, Talbot FH. 1983. Fishes of Tasmania. Tasmanian Fisheries Development Authority, Hobart☆1356☆
∴◎△★ Love, M.S., and Moser, M. 1983. A checklist of parasites of California, Oregon, and Washington marine and estuarine fishes. NOAA Technical Report NMFS SSRF-777, 432 - 436. (※☆27☆
★ 宮脇逸朗.1983.水族館とぴっくす No.22 ヤリマンボウ.串本海中公園マリンパビリオン,12(5): 5.☆1613☆
◎ 森秀人.1983.MAMBOW BOOKS(マンボウ・ブックス)043 日本縦断 男の釣り―わが釣魚大全―.立風書房,東京,222pp.(大河に漂うマンボウ}p.90-92は蓮魚のこと)☆1802☆
◎ 岡村健作.1983.ジュニア図鑑47 さかな.保育社,大阪,89pp.☆1709☆
◎ Riedl, R. 1983. Fauna und Flora des Mittelmeeres: ein systematischer meeresführer für biologen und naturfreunde, Third Edition. Paul Parey (出版), Hamburg. 836pp. (737-738)☆867☆所持未読
◎ 白井祥平.1983.原色沖縄海中動物生態図鑑 改訂版(第4版).新星図書,沖縄,636pp.(1977年版と内容もページ数も全く同じ)☆1013☆所持未読
◎ 田辺市文化財審議会・田辺市教育委員会(編).1983.万代記(六十八)(六十九).田辺市教育委員会.252pp.(翻刻本)(マンボウの記述は151〜154ページ)☆1584☆所持未読
◎ 宇田道隆・石野誠.1983.海と魚.築地書館,東京,190pp☆1410☆
△ Walker M. 1983. Rare oblong sunfish found in Geographe Bay. Fins, 16(1): 13.☆1475☆所持未読
◎Winterbottom, R. and Tyler, J. C. 1983. Phylogenetic relationships of aracanine genera of boxfishes(Ostraciidae:Tetraodontiforms). Copeia, (4): 903-917. ☆1245☆所持未読あまり重要じゃない


★△ Brock, R. E. 1984. A contribution to the trophic biology of the blue marlin (Makaira nigricans Lacépède, 1802) in Hawaii. Pacific Science, 38 (2): 141 - 149.☆216☆
◎ 益田 一. 1984. フィールド図鑑 海水魚. 東海大学出版会,東京,227pp. (no 195) ☆1229☆所持未読
◎★ 沈世傑.1984a.臺灣近海魚類圖鑑.榮民印刷X.190pp. Shen, S.-C. Castal fishes of Taiwan☆574☆
◎△ 沈 世傑.1984b.『臺灣魚類檢索』.台北南天書局, 台北 台湾語(480p)Synopsis of fishes of Taiwan ☆536☆
★ Dor, M. 1984. Checklist of the fishes of the Red Sea. CLOFRES. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem: i-xxii, map + 1-437. の288p ☆456☆
△ Ebenezer, I. P. and Joel, J. J. 1984. On a large sunfish Ranzania typus from southwest coast. Indian Journal of Fisheries. 31:360-361.☆439☆
∴◎△★ Fischer, W. and G. Bianchi. 1984. FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean (Fishing area 51) (FAO:Rome) Vol.3. Bony fishes Families: Lutjanidae to Scaridae. ページ数とか詳細不明☆562☆所持未読
∴◎△★ Kotlyar, A.N. 1984. Dictionary of names of marine fishes on the six languages. All Union Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography, Moscow, Russia. 288 p. ロシア名☆564☆所持未読
∴◎△★ Leis, J. M. 1984a. Tetraodontoidei: Development. Pages 447-450 in H. G. Moser, W. J. Richards, D. M. Cohen, M. P. Fahay, A. W. Kendall, Jr. and S. L. Richardson, eds. Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Am. Soc. Ichthyol. Herpetol., Spec. Publ. (1).☆763☆
∴◎△★ Leis, J. M. 1984b. Tetraodontiformes: relationships. Pages 459-463 in H. G. Moser, W. J. Richards, D. M. Cohen, M. P. Fahay, A. W. Kendall, Jr. and S. L. Richardson, eds. Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. Am. Soc. Ichthyol. Herpetol., Spec. Publ. (1).☆764☆
∴◎△★ 松浦啓一.1984.マンボウ科.in:益田一・尼岡邦夫・荒賀忠一・上野輝彌・吉野哲夫(編)『日本産魚類大図鑑(解説)』.東海大学出版会,東京,p.352.(※図版はp.334とp370) ☆20☆オリジナル写真あり鰭条情報も →英訳・・・ 【Matsuura, K. 1984. Molidae. Page 352, pls. 334, 370 in H. Masuda, K. Amaoka, C. Araga, T. Uyeno and T. Yoshino eds. The fishes of the Japanes Archipelago. Tokai Univ. Press, Tokyo.】
∴◎△★ Matsuura, K. 1984. Family Molidae. Page 366 in H. Masuda, K. Amaoka, C. Araga, T. Uyeno and T. Yoshino (+Muzik, K. M.)eds. The fishes of the Japanese Archipelago. Tokai Univ. Press, Tokyo.  20番と内容が同じだが、英語ver☆324☆ ■26
◎ Menni RC, Ringuelet RA, Aramburu RA. 1984. Peces marinos de la Argentina y Uruguay. Editorial Hemisferio Sur S.A., Buenos Aires, 359pp. (no 33, 205, 334) ☆1182☆所持未読
◎ 長澤和也.1984.サンマヒジキムシの寄生状況.釧路水試だより,(52): 9-13.☆649☆
∴◎△★ Nelson, J.S. 1984. Fishes of the world. 2nd edition. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 523 pp.☆566☆所持未読
◎ Paulin CD. 1984. A key to families of New Zealand bony fishes. National Museum of New Zealand Miscellaneous Series, (9): 1-30.☆1146☆所持未読
◎★ 内田詮三・フィリピンのジンベエザメ調査.板鰓類研究連絡会報,(18): 4-10.☆1672☆
◎ 渡辺栄一.1984.江戸前の魚.草思社,東京,222 pp. (no 3, 136, 175-180)☆1890☆


◎ 福建鱼类志编写组编.1985.福建鱼类志 下巻.福建科学技术出版社.福州, 中国. (福建魚類志編集組編.1985.福建魚類志 下巻.福建科学技術出版社)☆940☆所持未読
◎ 東 昭.1985.生物の泳法(Ways of swimming in living creatures.).日本航空宇宙学会誌,33(382): 617-625.☆762☆
◎ 日比谷京.1985.マンボウ.in:下中邦彦(編)『大百科事典 14』.平凡社,東京,pp.275 - 276.☆114☆図あり
◎ 石川県水産試験場.1985.石川県魚類方言集.石川県水産試験場.能都,44 pp.☆1605☆
◎ 西源二郎・佐藤猛.1985.泳ぐ機械生物「キカマンボウ」の誕生.博物館研究,20(9): 85 - 88.☆雑4☆
◎★△ 西岡葉子・伊澤正利.1985.魚と野菜のおもしろ事典.省光社.東京.384pp.☆1704☆
◎ Nolf, D.1985. Otolithi Piscium in: H.P. Schultze (ed.). Handbook of Paleoichthyology. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, 10: 145 pp.☆33☆オリジナル図あり
∴◎△★Paulin CD, Stewart AL. 1985. A list of New Zealand teleost fishes held in the National Museum of New Zealand. National Museum of New Zealand Miscellaneous Series, 12, 1-63. ☆1272☆所持未読
◎ Pearcy, W., Fisher, J., Brodeur, R. and Johnson, S. 1985. Effect of the 1983 El Niño on coastal nekton off Oregon and Washington. Pages 188-204. In: El Niño North: Niño Effects in the Eastern Subarctic Pacific Ocean, Wooster, W. S. and Fluharty, D. L. (ed). Washington Sea Grant Program, University of Washington, Seattle. ☆317☆
◎ 佐野淳.1985.ヨシキリザメ55日間飼育.志摩マリンランドクォータリー,(33・34): 5.☆1618☆
◎ 佐藤猛.1985.マンボウ型メカニマルの製作―7月6日,キカマンボウ誕生―.海のはくぶつかん,15(5) : 10.☆雑4☆(雑3はここにはない。キカマンボウ系すべて雑4にした)
◎ Schoener, A. D. and Fluharty, D. 1985. Biological anomalies off Wasginton in 1982-83 and other majar Niño periods. Pages 211-225. In: El Niño North: Niño Effects in the Eastern Subarctic Pacific Ocean, Wooster, W. S. and Fluharty, D. L. (ed). Washington Sea Grant Program, University of Washington, Seattle.☆318☆
◎ 白井祥平.1985.カラー百科 かごしまの魚.新日本教育図書株式会社.191pp.☆484☆
◎ 田口 哲.1985.伊豆・房総の魚たち 水面下に踊る巨魚怪魚美魚の群れ.日本テレビ放送網株式会社.175pp.☆464☆
◎△ 蒲原稔治・岡村収(著).1985.マンボウ(※クサビフグも).in『原色日本海水魚類図鑑II』.保育社,大阪,p.73.(Colored illustrations of the marine fishes of Japan vol. II)☆98☆図あり
◎寄生 Villalba, C. and J. Fernández. 1985. Parásitos de Mola ramsayi (Giglioli, 1883) (Pisces: Molidae) en Chile. Boletĺn de la Sociedad de Biologĺa de Concepción., 56: 71-78. 寄生虫(pdfの461p.)☆828☆
Ω Weems, R. E. 1985. Miocene and Pliocene Molidae (Ranzania, Mold) from Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina (Pisces: Tetraodontiformes). Proc. biol. Soc. Wash., 98(2): 422-438. ☆768☆所持未読


◎△ Anonymous (Roberts, Sandy ed.). 1986. Ocean sunfish from the Miocene of Maryland and Elsewhere. The Ecphora, 2(3):1.☆950☆所持未読
∴◎△★阿部宗明.1986a.『魚資料 I 魚名・図版』.日本水産株式会社,東京.305pp.☆728-1☆
∴◎△★阿部宗明.1986b.『魚資料 II 魚の生態・風俗誌等』.日本水産株式会社,東京.492pp.☆728-2☆
◎★△ 阿部義孝・太田一男.1986.岩井保・久田迪夫(監修) 学研の図鑑 魚.学習研究社,東京,208pp.☆1712☆
★ Kan, T. T. 1986. Occurrences of Masturus lanceolatus (Molidae) in the western Pacific Ocean. Pp. 550-554. In: T. Uyeno, R. Arai, T. Taniuchi and K. Matsuura eds. Indo-Pacific Fish Biology. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Indo-Pacific Fishes. Ichthyological Society of Japan. : i-xii + 1-985. ☆442☆
◎ 金銅義隆.1986.マンボウ(Mola mola)の飼育と展示.ミュージアムちば(千葉県博物館協会研究紀要),17:24-31.☆1028☆
∴◎△★ Heemstra, P. C. 1986. Molidae. Pages 907-908. In Smith, M. M. and P. C. Heemstra eds. Smith's sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.☆445☆
∴◎△★Hutchins B, Swainston R. 1986. Sea fishes of southern Australia: complete field guide for anglers and divers. Swainston Publishing, Perth, 180pp. (no 114, 145p.) ☆1248☆
◎ Huwae, P. H.M. 1986. Over de eerste vondsten van twee Pennella-soorten (Crustacea: Copepoda) en van Conchoderma virgatum (Spengler) (Crustacea: Cirripedia) in Nederland. Zoologische Bijdragen, (35): 1-9.(オランダ語 アブストのみ)☆294☆図あり
◎ 岩井保.1986.『検索入門 魚の図鑑@』.保育社,大阪,p.65.☆132☆図あり
◎ Lee, D.S. 1986. Seasonal, thermal and zonal distribution of ocean sunfish, Mola mola (Linnaeus), off the North Carolina coast. Brimleyana, 12: 75 - 83.☆176☆
◎ 西岡顕也.1986.マンボウNo.14の死亡.志摩マリンランドクォータリー,(38・39・40): 7.☆1619☆
◎ Paul LJ, 1986. New Zealand fishes, an identification guide. Reed Methuen, Auckland, 184pp.☆1147☆所持未読
◎ Peters D. 1986. Giants of land, sea and air: past and present. Alfred A. Knopf: New York, Sierra Club Books: San Francisco, 73pp.☆1463☆
◎ Shirai S. 1986. Ecological encyclopedia of the marine animals of the Indo-Pacific. Volume 1 vertebrata (Mammals-reptiles-fishes). Shin Nippon Kyoiku Tosho, Tokyo, 352pp. (308p) ☆1265☆所持未読
∴◎△★ Tortonese, E. 1986. Molidae. Pages 1348-1350 in P. J. P. Whitehead, M.-L. Bauchot, J.-C. Hureau, J. Nielsen and E. Tortonese eds. Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, vol. 3. UNESCO, Paris. 図鑑 ☆21☆図があり、鰭条情報も
◎★ 酒井敬一.1986.『魚類図鑑 南三陸の沿岸魚』.志津川町役場,宮城.179pp. Coastal fishes of southern Sanriku regions☆550☆
◎ 津崎順.1986.マンボウ『ノロン』海へ帰る。.さかまた,27: 4.☆163☆
◎ 津崎 順.1986b.マンボウの飼育と展示.どうぶつと動物園,38(7): 224-227 (4-7). ☆165☆
◎ 東京都小笠原水産センター.1986.興洋、マグロ漁業調査結果.小笠原の水産,(102): 1.☆370☆
∴◎△★ Robins, C. R. and G. C. Ray. 1986. A field guide to Atlantic coast fishes of North America. Peterson Field Guide Series. Houghton Mifflin, Boston. iii-xi + 1-354. の310-311p.図もあり☆436☆
◎ 吉田英雄・中田 淳・上田吉幸・鳥沢 雅・今井義弘・佐野満廣・鈴内孝行・山下 豊.1986. 1985年道東太平洋海域に出現した珍魚.釧路水試だより.(55): 16-21.☆451☆
◎ ガイウス・プリニウス・セクンドゥス.1986.第32巻 海棲動物から得られる薬剤.中野 定雄・中野 里美・中野 美代(訳),pp. 1297-1326.プリニウスの博物誌 3巻.雄山閣出版,東京.(全1558p;Loebの英訳がソース;特に)☆719☆
◎ 読売新聞社.1986.美味ブーム―究極の味は暖海魚の「マンボウ」.週刊読売. 45(50)(通巻1988):28.☆1095☆所持未読


∴◎△★ 阿部宗明(監修).1987.原色魚類大圖鑑.北隆館,東京.1029 pp.(no p.968)(Illustrated fishes of the world in colour)☆134☆図あり
◎ CMFRI. 1987. Rare sun fish Mola mola caught. CMFRI Newsletter No.35 January- March 1987, (35): 6.☆288☆
★ Harbison, G. R. and Janssen, J. 1987. Encounters with a swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and sharptail mola (Masturus lanceolatus) at depths greater than 600 meters. Copeia, (2): 511-513.☆326☆
◎ 林 凱夫.1987.大阪湾の利用形態からみた魚類相.自然史研究,2(3): 57-63.☆1596☆所持未読
◎ Hogans, W. E. 1987. Description of Pennella filosa L. (Copepoda: Pennellidae) from the ocean sunfish (Mola mola L.) in the Bay of Fundy. Bulletin of Marine Science, 40(1): 59-62.☆319☆
◎ 益田一・ジェラルドRアレン.1987.マンボウ in『Sea fishes of the world 世界の海水魚≪太平洋・インド洋編≫』,p.493・523pp. Masuda H, Allen GR. 1987. Sea fishes of the world:<>. YAMA-KEI Publishers, Tokyo)D山と渓谷社,東京.☆409☆
★◎ 中島東夫・入江正己・丸山清重.1987.和歌山の魚(和歌山県立自然博物館展示解説第5集).和歌山県立自然博物館,和歌山,91pp.☆1380☆
◎落合 明.1987.『魚類解剖学 水産養殖学講座 第1巻』,緑書房,東京.ページ数pp.☆624☆
∴◎△★ Paulin CD, Stewart AL, McMillan PJ. 1987. Species identification keys for New Zealand teleost fishes. Fisheries research division internal report, (59): 1-113+3.☆1148☆所持未読
◎ 佐藤隆平・仲谷一宏・長谷部明石.1987.『原色魚類図鑑―気仙沼市魚市場に水揚げされる魚類 改訂版』.気仙沼市役所,気仙沼市,102pp. (82p.)☆1338☆
◎ 佐藤孝徳(編).1987.いわき地域学會図書1 昔あったんだっち 磐城七浜昔ばなし 三〇〇話.いわき地域学會出版部,いわき市(福島),296pp. ☆1724☆
◎★ Schwartz, F. J. and Lindquist, D. G. 1987. Observations on Mola basking behavior, parasites,echeneidid associations, and body-organ weight relationships. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, 103(1): 14-20.☆295☆
◎ 劉蝉馨・奏克静編.1987.遼寧動物誌,魚類.遼寧科学技術出版社,瀋陽,552pp. ☆541☆所持未読
◎ 辻 幸一・平松 亘.1987.宇和海産魚類目録−II.南予生物,2(1/2): 1-15.☆630☆
◎★ 成庆泰・郑葆珊(主編).1987.中国鱼类系统检索 下册.科学出版社,北京.☆941☆所持未読
◎ 和歌山県立自然博物館(編).1987.和歌山県立自然博物館展示解説第5集 和歌山.和歌山県立自然博物館,和歌山,91pp.☆1005☆所持未読
◎ 和歌山県田辺市教育委員会(編).1987.紀州田辺町大帳 第二巻  (清文堂史料叢書 (第17刊).清文堂出版,大阪市,377pp.(翻刻本;マンボウの記述は195ページ(1738年の話; 田辺町大帳 十二)☆1592☆所持未読


◎△ Ates, R. M. L. 1988. Medusivorous fishes, a review. Zoologische Mededelingen (Leiden), 62(3): 29-42.☆323☆
◎ Bhaskar, R. B., Rao, D P., Murty, M. R., Maheswarudu, G., Prasad, Y. V. K. D., Prakash, K. P. and Kumar, J. D. S. 1988. Rare occurrence of sunfish Mola mola (Linnaeus) from the coastal waters off Visakhapatnam (Bay of Bengal). Journal of The Bombay Natural History Society, 85: 629-631.☆287☆
◎★ Collette, B. B. and Hartel, K. E. 1988. An annotated list of the fishes of Massachusetts Bay. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/NEC-51: 61.☆285☆
∴◎△★ 藤田矢郎.1988.マンボウ科.in:沖山宗雄(編)『日本産稚魚図鑑』.東海大学出版会,東京,pp.993 - 998.(An Atlas of the early stage fishes in Japan)☆119☆
◎ Gladstone W. 1988. Killer whale feeding observed underwater. Journal of Mammalogy, 69(3): 629-630.☆1716☆
◎ 後藤裕康.1988.トピックス(蟹の目) 浜名湖でマンボウが獲れました.はまな,(326): 6.(昭和63年5月号)☆1886☆
∴◎△★Halstesd, B W. 1988. Poisonous and Venomous Marine Animals of the World. pp. 180, 528-529, 542. The Darwin Press. New Jersey.☆394☆
◎稲 若水・丹羽正伯(編).1988.近世歴史資料集成 第1期 庶物類纂 第X巻増補版.科学書院,東京,590pp. (の鱗属 p.239-240; 原本は「増補庶物類纂の鱗属巻五」)☆1075☆
◎ 稲葉明彦(編著).1988.増補改定 瀬戸内海の生物相 II. 広島大学理学部附属向島臨海実験所,広島県向島町,475 pp.☆1749☆
◎提 清樹.1988.大島周辺海域の魚類相について.大島・海のふるさと村ビジターセンター基本計画調査報告書.104−121.☆367☆
◎ Merlen G. 1988. The field guide to the fishes of Galapagos. Wilmot, London, 60pp. (no 18, 54p)☆1175☆所持未読
◎ 東京都小笠原水産センター.1988.興洋、マグロ漁業調査結果.小笠原の水産,(107): 1.☆371☆
◎★ Scott, W. B. and M. G., Scott. 1988. Atlantic fishes of Canada. 『Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences』 No. 219. University of Toronto Press. Atlantic fishes of Canada.: i-xxx + 1-730. の571-573p☆438☆
◎ 水津敏博・前川千尋・青山雅俊.1988.相模湾沿岸定置網漁獲資料のデータベースの作成について.神奈川県水産試験場研究報告, (9): 79-88.☆1649☆
★ 竹内健.1988.日本海の魚たち:覆面のプロレスラー 海流異変による珍客 モンガラカワハギ.あきた,(319): 34.☆1620☆
◎内田詮三(編).1988.水族館動物図鑑 : 沖縄の海の生きもの.海洋博覧会記念公園管理財団,沖縄,205pp. 牛☆729☆


◎ Amaoka K, Nakaya K, Yabe M. 1989. Fishes of Usujiri and adjacent waters in Southern Hokkaido, Japan. Bulletin of the faculty of fisheries Hokkaido University, 40(4): 254-277.☆1561☆
◎ 荒俣 宏.1989.『世界大博物図鑑 第2巻[魚類]』.平凡社,東京,531pp.☆111☆図あり
◎ Bright, M. 1989. What are they? In There are giants in the sea (pp. 165-216). London, UK: Robson Books. (no p. 21, 32, 134, 188-190)☆1631☆
◎ Duarte, C. M. and Alearaz, M. 1989. To produce many small or few large eggs: a size-independent reproductive tactic of fish. Oecologia, 80: 401 - 404 . ☆87☆
◎ 日下部元慰智(くさかべもといち).1989.シリーズ さかな博物誌10 マンボウ.月刊れぢおん青森. 11(127):44. ☆1087☆所持未読
◎ May, J. L. and S. J. M. Blaber. 1989. Benthic and pelagic fish biomass of the upper continental slope off eastern Tasmania. Marine Biology, 101: 11-25.☆831☆
◎ 成瀬宇平・野崎洋光・西ノ宮信一.1989. 図解・魚のさばきかた.柴田書店.東京.286pp.☆1703☆
∴◎△★ Paulin, C., A. Stewart. C. Roberts and P. McMillan. 1989. New Zealand fish a complete guide. National Museum of New Zealand Miscellaneous Series. (19): i-xiv + 1-279, 8 color pls. (unnumbered). の247p☆419☆
◎△ Pequeño, G. 1989. Peces de Chile. Lista sistemática revisada y comentada. Revista de Biologia Marina, Valparaiso. 24(2): 1-132. スペイン語 78-79p.☆435☆
◎ 佐藤猛.1989.メカニマルの製作について.全科協ニュース,19(2) : 10 - 11.☆雑4☆
★ 山田梅芳・入江隆彦.1989.ヤリマンボウ.西海区水産研究所ニュース,(63): 1. 調べた?☆260☆図あり

◎ 末広恭雄.1989.魚の博物辞典.講談社,東京,606pp.(1983年「魚の履歴書(上・下)」と同じ内容:237、253p)☆954☆


◎ Akahori, F., Masaoka, T., Yamada, F., Arai, S, and Kubo, G. 1990. Effects of liver extract from the ocean sunfish (Mola mola) on acute gastric lesions in the rat. The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science, 52 (2): 419 - 421.☆72☆
◎ 古川教元.1990.多産卵No.1はあのマンボウ、少産卵はオナガザメ.in:『ギョッ魚!とびっくり 魚のオモロイ話がいっぱいの本』.ナイスディ・ブックス,東京,p.144.☆雑☆
◎ Gauldie, R. W. 1990. Vaterite otoliths in the opah, Lampris immaculatus, and two species of sunfish, Mola mola and M. ramsayi. Acta Zoologica, Stockholm, 71: 193 - 199.☆32☆オリジナル写真あり
◎ 芳賀啓喜(hagakeiki).1990.三陸南海岸の食.pp. 118-165. In:「日本の食生活全集 宮城」編集委員会(編)日本の食生活全集4 聞き書:宮城の食事.農山漁村文化協会,東京.(全ページ357+8pp.)☆1869☆
◎ 神(Jin)正人.1990.マンボウの飼育について.マリンスノー,(11): 1-2.☆1885☆
§  河村清春・小野田滋・木村哲雄・菊池保孝.1990.関西地方の鉄道における「斜架共」の分布と. その技法に関する研究.土木史研究,(10): 199-210.☆1660☆
◎ 加藤典康・池田富次郎・成清洋子(編).1990.改訂新版・こどものずかん5 うみのいきもの.ひかりのくに,大阪,64pp.☆1711☆
∴◎△★ 中村幸昭.1990.卵の数はギネスレコード マンボウ.in:『タイは恋をすると赤くなる――魚たちのふしぎな夫婦生活』.PHP研究所,pp.41-45.(全220pp)☆1873☆
◎ 落合明.1990.マンボウ.pp. 145, 270.落合明(監修)学研生物図鑑 魚類 改訂版.学習研究社,東京.(全290 pp.)☆1866☆
◎ Roorbach, B. 1990. Mola mola. The Iowa Review, 20(1). 117-127.☆837☆所持未読
◎ 佐々木良輔(編).1990.大海原を都会で再現したら・・・・・・マグロとマンボウを飼ってわかった自然の不思議.現代. 24(1):250-260.☆1091☆所持未読
∴◎△★ Tortonese, E. 1990. Molidae. Pages 1077-1079. In Quero, J.C. , J.C. Hureau, C. Karrer, A. Post and L. Saldanha. Check-list of the fishes of the eastern tropical Atlantic. CLOFETA. UNESCO, Paris, 3 vols. Pp. i-xxxii + 1-1492. Check-list of the fishes of the eastern tropical Atlantic. CLOFETA. [v. 1, pp. i-xxxii + 1-519; v. 2, pp. 520-1080; v. 3, pp. 1081-1492.] 【1078、1077、1079p】☆469☆
◎★△ 津田武美.1990.原色日本海魚類図鑑.桂書房,富山,612pp.(Tsuda, T. 1990. "Fishes of Japan Sea in color". Katsura Shobo, Toyama, 612pp.)(の396-403p) ☆1790☆
◎ 津崎順.1990.マンボウのあれこれ. Pages 123-128 in 鳥羽山照夫編『水族館へ行きたくなる本』.リバティ書房,東京(全276p)☆519☆
◎ 山田和彦.1990.神奈川県三崎魚市場に水揚げされた魚類.神奈川自然誌資料,11:95-102. ☆584☆
◎△ Wilson J. 1990. New Zealand fishing companion. Random Century, Auckland, 376pp.☆1149☆所持未読


◎ Ignell, S. 1991. The Fisheries for Neon Flying Squid (Ommastrephes Bartrami) in the Central North Pacific Ocean. NOAA Technical Report NMFS , 105: 97-111..☆309☆
◎ 前田圭司. 1991.71.マンボウ.in:長澤和也 ・鳥澤雅(編)漁業生物図鑑 北のさかなたち 【教育普及版】.北日本海洋センター,札幌市,pp.220 - 221.☆135☆図あり
◎ 中村幸昭.1991.海の一尾旅がらす マンボウ.漁船機関. 67(774):67-68. ☆1089☆所持未読
◎ Saito, T., T. Noguchi, Y. Shida, T. Abe, and K. Hashimoto. 1991. Screening of tetrodotoxin and its derivatives in puffer related species. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 57 (8): 1573 - 1577. ☆82☆(※雑誌名はNippon Suisan Gakkaishiの英訳でBull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish.でもよい)
∴◎△★ Richard, C. R. C., R. M. Bailey, C. E. Bond, J. R. Brooker, E. A. Lachner, R. N. Lea and W. B. Scott. 1991. Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada 5th ed. 183pp.☆570☆所持未読
◎ 佐藤猛.1991.特集/海洋生物 海の生き物に学ぶ.関西造船協会 らん,13: 19 -23. ☆雑4☆
◎ Thirumilu, P., Pillai, P. K. M. and Poovannan, P.1991. Scientific, popular and local names of common marine living resources along the Coromandal coast with special reference to finfishes and shellfishes. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, (111): 1-16.☆149☆
◎ 塚原 博.1991.大海原の風来坊――マンボウ :in『魚のおもしろ生態学 その生活と行動のなぜ』.Pages 60-62.講談社,東京.☆693☆


◎Cervigón F, Cipriani R, Fischer W, Garibaldi L, Hendrickx M, Lemus AJ, Márquez R, Poutiers JM, Robaina G, Rodríguez B. 1992. Fichas FAO de identificación de especies para los fines de pesca. Guía de campo de las especies comerciales marinas y de aguas salobres de la costa septentrional de Sur América. FAO, Roma, 513pp. (no 250p.)☆1174☆所持未読
◎★ 福田照雄・御前 洋.1992.串本海中公園センターで記録された魚類一覧(2).串本海中公園マリンパビリオン,21 (6): 2-3.☆1935☆
◎ Gauldie, R. W. 1992. 'Plywood' structure and mineralization in the scales of the ocean sunfishes, Mola mola and M. ramsayi. Tissue and Cell, 24 (2): 263 - 266. ☆23☆写真あり
◎ 伊東章夫.1992.末廣恭雄・朝比奈潔(監修)学研まんが ひみつシリーズ 新訂版「魚のひみつ」.学習研究社,東京,144pp. (no p.17, 97,110-111)☆1705☆
◎Kato S. 1992. Ocean sunfish. p.202-203. In: W. S. Leet, C. M. Dewees, and C. W. Haugen ( eds. ). California's living marine resources and their utilization. California Sea Grant Extension Publication UCSGEP-92-12.☆1689☆
◎ 小菅桂子.1992.クジラとマンボウとアンコウと――長い海岸線のめぐみ in 水戸黄門の食卓 元禄の食事情(中央新書1059).中央公論社,東京,138-145. (全212pp.)☆1044☆
◎★ 本間義治.1992.新潟県 海の魚類図鑑.新潟日報事業社.358pp.☆482☆
◎ 井田 齊.1992.カラー百科シリーズ9 岩手の魚 百科.岩手日報社.216pp.☆479☆
◎ Lythgoe J, Lythgoe G. 1992. Fishes of the Sea: The North Atlantic and Mediterranean. The MIT Press, Cambridge, 256pp. (no 247p.)☆1169☆所持未読
◎ 益田 一.1992.山溪フィールドブックスE 海水魚.山と溪谷社,東京,383pp. (357pにマンボウ)☆952☆
◎ McFarlan D, McWhirter ND, McCarthy MD, Young M (eds). 1992. The Guinness book of records 1992 (Bantam edition). Bantam Books, New York, 833pp.☆1468☆
◎ 中村ひろき.1992.僕はマンボウ.in:『詩集 僕はマンボウ』.路上社,青森,pp.13+冒頭.(全78pp)(歌)☆1878☆
◎ 新谷一道.1992.こんな食品知ってるかい? その73 マンボウ.月刊フードケミカル. 8(3)(通巻83号) :ページ数不明(全177pp). ☆1088☆所持未読
Ω∴◎△★ Tyler, J. C. and Bannikov, A. F. 1992. New genus of primitive ocean sunfish with separate premaxillae from the Eocene of Southwest Russia (Molidae, Tetraodontiformes). Copeia, (4): 1014-1023.☆353☆
 山田卓司.1992.Paragraph 39 宇宙マンボウ.吸血鬼にちがいない(ノーラスコミック),4: 37-48(学習研究社、138pp) .(漫画)☆1877☆
◎ 山梨 賢一・伊東 章夫.1992.かわりもののマンボウ.in『魚のひみつ (学研まんが ひみつシリーズ新訂版)』pp.110-111.(漫画)☆423☆


◎青森県営浅虫水族館.1993?.10周年記念誌 青森県営浅虫水族館10年のあゆみ.青森県営浅虫水族館,青森,70pp.(no 23p)☆1414☆
◎ Bianchi G, Carpenter KE, Roux J-P, Molloy FJ, Boyer D, Boyer HJ. 1993. FAO species identification field guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resourcees of Namibia. Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Roma, 250pp. (no 135, 225p) ☆1217☆所持未読
∴◎△★ 陳兼善・于名振(増訂).1993.第二次増訂 臺灣脊椎動物誌(中). vol.II. 臺灣商務印書館.A Synopsis of the vertebrates of Taiwan.☆576☆所持未読
◎ Luque, J. and M. Oliva. 1993. Trematodes of marine fishes from the Peruvian faunistic province (Peru and Chile), with description of Lecithchirium callaoensis n. sp. and new records. Revista de Biologia Marina, Valparaiso, 28(2):271 - 286.☆205☆
◎ 池田博美.1993.南紀州の魚.熊高紀要,(17): 51-62. ☆545☆
◎★ 古川 健.1993.自然百科シリーズ6 宮城の魚.河北新報社.240pp(索引抜いて番号あるのは231pp)☆490☆
◎ Gauldie, R. W. 1993. Polymorphic crystalline structure of fish otoliths. Journal of Morphology, 218:1-28.☆680☆
∴◎△★ 波戸岡清峰.1993.マンボウ科.in:中坊徹次(編)『日本産魚類検索 全種の同定』,東海大学出版会,東京,p.1236.(Fishes of Japan with pictorial keys to the species) ☆262☆
◎ 川上親孝(編).1993.大自然のふしぎ 魚・貝の生態図鑑.学習研究社,東京,160pp.☆1713☆
◎ 宗清正廣(in京都府立海洋センター).1993.丹後の魚ウォッチング.京都新聞社.218pp.☆488☆
◎ 奈須紀幸(監修).1993.No.17 世界一多産なマンボウ.in CLOSE-UP 神秘の海洋 45の謎.世界文化社.全141pp   の51p☆485☆
◎ 西沢邦昭.1993.『図鑑 北の海水魚』,北海道新聞社,174pp.☆629☆
◎ 男鹿市教育委員会(編).1993.男鹿の昔ばなし(昔話・伝説・ほか).男鹿市教育委員会,秋田県,268pp. (浜に打ち寄せられたマンボウと亀.世間話,p.192) ☆1801☆
◎△ Powell AWB, Gill BJ. 1993. Native animals of New Zealand, revised edition. Auckland Institute and Museum, Auckland, 88pp.☆1150☆所持未読
◎★△ 篠崎晃雄.1993.別冊歴史読本(18巻13号)雑学シリーズ おもしろいサカナの雑学事典.新人物往来社,東京,390 pp. (の296-297, 314)☆1879☆ 篠崎(1994)と全く同じ内容
◎ 就実女子大学近世文書解読研究部編(石丸平七郎定良編輯 ).1993「備作之史料(四) 備前記全」.備作史料研究会.307. 巻不明☆1321☆
◎ 沈世傑.1993.翻車魨 in『臺灣魚類誌』.沈世傑 編,國立臺灣大學動物學系,p.609,818(全ページ960pp.+XX)(Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993.Fishes of Taiwan)  マンボウについての説明が書かれているが写真はヤリマンボウで間違い。☆388☆
★ 寺泊町役場総務課(編).1993.水族博物館だより 大海を旅するお医者さん「マンボウ」.てらどまり,(207): 16.☆1438☆所持未読
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∴◎△★ Glover CJM. 1994. Family Molidae. In: Gomon MF, Glover CJM, Kuiter RH (eds) The fishes of Australia's south coast. State Printer, Adelaide, pp 915-920 今までGomon et al. 1994( 992pp.)☆558☆
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◎ 三木徹. 1994.山のうえの魚たち(姫路市立水族館だより),(25): 8. (瀬戸内海マンボウ)☆1510☆
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★ Lindberg, G. U., V. V. Fedorov and Z. V. Krasjukova. 1997. Fishes of the Sea of Japan and the adjacent parts of the Sea of Okhotsk and Yellow Sea. Part 7. Teleostomi. Actinopterygii. Osteichthyes. XXXII. Dactylopteriformes -- XXXVII. Pegasiformes. (CCII. Fam Dactylopteridae -- CCXIX. Fam. Pegasidae). Handbook on the Identification of Animals, Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy No. 168: 1-350. [In Russian.] ロシア語【187、188、183、180p】☆560☆所持未読
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◎Murdy EO, Birdsong RS, Musick JA. 1997. Fishes of Chesapeake Bay. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, 324pp. (no 290) ☆1259☆所持未読
◎ 村越潔.1997.縄文人の青函交流.市立函館博物館研究紀要,(7): 5-14.☆1653☆
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★ Pequeño, G. 1997. Peces de Chile. Lista sistematica revisada y comentada: addendum. Revista de Biologia Marina y Oceanografia v. 32 (no. 2): 77-94. スペイン語 ☆606☆
∴◎△★ Santos, R. S., Porteiro, F. M. and Barreiros, J. P. 1997. Marine fishes of the Azores. Annotated checklist and bibliography. Arquipelago -- Life and Marine Sciences. Arquipelago: Boletim da Universidade dos Acores Suppl. 1: i-xxvii + 1-244. の115p. ☆429☆
∴◎△★ Stewart AL 1997. Sunfishes - sculling superfish. Seafood New Zealand, Jun. 5(5): 89-91.☆1151☆所持未読
◎ 瀬能 宏・御宿昭彦・反田健児・野村智之・松沢陽士.1997.魚類写真資料データベース(KPM-NR)に登録された水中写真に基づく伊豆半島大瀬崎産魚類目録.神奈川自然誌資料,18:83-98. ☆583☆
◎ 水産庁瀬戸内海漁業調整事務所.1997.平成8年 瀬戸内海の赤潮.水産庁瀬戸内海漁業調整事務所,神戸市.46 pp.☆1903☆
★ 山田和彦・工藤孝浩.1997.神奈川県三崎魚市場に水揚げされた魚類・VI.神奈川自然誌資料,18:73-78.☆539☆
◎ 山口隆男.1997.第U部 「ファウナ・ヤポニカ・魚類編」およびその他の図版の原画として活用された川原慶賀の写生図.合津臨海実験所報(Calanus),(12): 88-179.☆1868☆
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◎ Aguilera, O. A. S. 1998. Los peces marinos del occidente de Venezuela [The marine fishes of western Venezuela]. Acta Biologica Venezuelica. 18 (3): 43-57. [Author as Orangel Antonio Aguilera Socorro, but usually cited as above.] 【54p】 スペイン語☆477☆
◎ 北海道立アイヌ民族文化研究センター(編).1998.どのようにして食料を得たのか.ポン カンピソシ 3 イぺ,4−15.☆261☆
◎ Anderson, R. C., J. E. Randall and R. H. Kuiter. 1998. Additions to the fish fauna of the Maldive Islands. Part 2: New records of fishes from the Maldive Islands, with notes on other species. Ichthyological Bulletin of the J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology (67): 20-32, Pls. 1-4.☆412☆
◎△ Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998. Clave para identificar los peces marinos del Perú (Seguenda edición, revidada y actualizada). Instituto del Mar del Perú, Publicación Especial. 1-496, 4 pls.  の137, 140, 424,433p スペイン語☆424☆
◎ Eschmeyer, W. N. (ed) 1998. Catalog of fishes. Vol. 2. Species of fishes, M-Z. California Academy of Science, San Francisco. 959-1820 pp.の1271pミススペルのみ☆444☆
◎△Gill BJ. 1998. Powell's Native Animals of New Zealand, 4th edition. David Bateman , Auckland, 94pp. (no 72) ☆1254☆所持未読
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◎ 岩見哲夫(監修).1998.たなかっちが行くふしぎがいっぱい!びっくりマンボウ.小学二年生. 54(6):85-87.☆1096☆所持未読
∴◎△★ Jennings, G. 1998. Ocean Sunfishes Molidae. Pages 207- 208? in The sea and freshwater fishes of Australia and New Guinea: Part one South-East, South-East, South, South-West Australia and Tasmania(in part) The 1997/8 classified taxonomic checklist. Calypso Publications, London. 中途半端公開?☆315☆
◎ Manojkumar, B., Kizhakudan, K J., Thomas, S. and Dineshbabu, A. P. 1998. A record of sun fish Mola mola from coastal waters at Veraval. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, (157): 21-23.☆289☆
∴◎△★ Matsuura, K., and J. C. Tyler. 1998. Triggerfishes and their allies in: J. R. Paxton, W. N. Eschmeyer,(ed.). Encyclopedia of fishes. Academic Press, San Diego, 227 - 231.☆61☆
◎△ 松浦啓一・山田梅芳.1998.フグ目.in:中坊徹次・望月賢二(編)「日本動物大百科 第6巻 魚類」.平凡社,東京,pp. 188-193. (本全ページは204pp. Nakabo, T. and Mochizuki, K.(eds.)"The Encyclopaedia of Animals in Japan Volume 6 Bony Fishes" Heibonsha Limited, Tokyo)☆942☆所持未読
◎ 御前(misaki) 洋.1998.いそこじき−19− 本州初記録の魚と多量に捕獲されたマンボウについて.串本海中公園マリンパビリオン,27 (3): 4.☆1937☆
◎ Paulin C, Roberts C. 1998. Appendix 9: Fish from Wellington harbour. 163-173. (IN: East Harbour Envirobmental Association (EHRA). 1998. Te Whanganui a tara Wellington harbour. Review of science and technical studies of Wellington harbour, New Zealand to 1997. EHRA, Eastbourne, 200pp.)☆1154☆所持未読
◎ 瀬能 宏・牧内 元・武谷 洋.1998.魚類写真資料データベース(KPM-NR)に登録された水中写真に基づく熱海産魚類目録.神奈川自然誌資料,19:19-28.☆586☆
◎ 椎名 誠.1998.マンボウ解体試食(椎名誠と天幕なべかま団にっぽんどこでも焚火旅 第7回 大波連載/青森県・八戸・種差海岸編).週刊ポスト. 30(37)(通巻1452):130-137.☆1093☆所持未読
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◎ 宮本常一.1999.エビス神.pp. 192-196.In: 吉井良隆(編)えびす信仰事典(神仏信仰事典シリーズ2).戎光祥出版,東京.(全422pp.)☆1645☆
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△ Randall, J. E. 1999. Report on fish collections from the Pitcairn Islands. Atoll Reseach Bulletin No. 461: 1-36 + 14 unnumbered pp (figs.). ☆410☆
◎ Sfakiotakis, M., Lane, D. M., and Davies, J. B. C. 1999. Review of fish swimming modes for aquatic locomotion. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 24(2), 237 - 252.☆197☆
◎ Silvani L., M. Gazo, and A. Aguilar. 1999. Spanish driftnet fishing and incidental catches in the western Mediterranean. Biological Conservation, 90: 79 - 85. ☆02☆
◎△ Smith-Vaniz, W. F., B. B. Collette and B. E. Luckhurst. 1999. Fishes of Bermuda: history, zoogeography, annotated checklist, and identification keys. American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Special Publication No. 4: i-x + 1-424, 1-12. 【357-9p】☆480☆
◎ 杉山節・二平章.1999.茨城の漁業発達史:第1報 江戸時代における茨城漁業.茨城県水産試験場研究報告,(37): 139-187.☆1701☆
◎ 辻井正巳.1999.展示品紹介 マンボウ Mola mola.自然博物館ニュース A・MUSEUM,21:4.☆698☆
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◎★ 伍(wu)漢霖・金鑫波・倪勇.1999.野口玉雄・阿部宗明・荒川修・醍醐絹江・高田欣二・橋本周久(監・訳)中国産有毒魚類および薬用魚類.恒星社厚生閣,東京,xiii + 350 pp. (no pp. 91, )(1983年の中国語の本の和訳版)☆1861☆


◎ Arcos, J. M., Massutí, E., Abelló, P. and Oro, D. 2000 Fish associated with floating drifting objects as a feeding resource for Balearic Shearwaters Puffinus mauretanicus during the breeding season. Ornis Fennica , 77: 177-182.☆217☆
★ Balart, E. F., Castro-Aguirre, J. L. and Amador-Silva, E. 2000. The first eastern Pacific report of the sharptail mola, Mola Lanceolata, (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae). California Fish and Game 86 (2), 156-158. ☆12☆ ■2
∴◎△★ Branch, M. 2000. Sunfish. Page 31-32?? in Coastal and marine life (animals?). 出典不明☆302☆
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∴◎△★ Figueiredo, J.L. and Menezes, N.A. 2000. Manual dos peixes marinhos do Sudeste do Brasil. VI. Teleostei (5). Museu Zoologia Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo. 116pp. (116p図, 79-81p) ☆866☆所持未読
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◎★ Hutchins, J. B. 2000. Molidae. in Randall, J. E. and K. K. P. Lim. Eds.『A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea』. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 8: 569-667.☆402☆
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◎ 日本水産物輸入協会(編).2000.商用魚介名ハンドブック―学名・和名・英名・その他外国名―.成山堂書店,東京,viii+330+4pp.(1977年版と内容もページ数も全く同じ)☆1014☆所持未読
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◎ Villoso, E.P. 2000. Fishes of the Philippines: A guide to the identification of families of fishes found in the Philippine waters. UPV-MNS Contribution No. 2. University of the Philippines Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines. 132 pp. no (page 71)☆396☆
◎ Visser, I. N. 2000. Orca (Orcinus orca)in New Zealand waters. Ph.D. Dissertation(Doctoral dissertation), University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. (in Chapter Four. Foraging behaviour and diet of orca (Orcinus orca) in New Zealand waters), 193pp.☆200☆


◎ Brainerd, E. L., Slutz, S. S., Hall, E. K., and Phillis, R. W. 2001. Patterns of genome size evolution in tetraodontiform fishes. Evolution, 55(11): 2363 - 2368.☆63☆図有り
◎ 舟橋正隆(茨城の海産動物研究会).2001.鹿島灘の魚類.茨城県自然博物館第2次総合調査報告書.397-416.☆471☆
∴◎△★ Hutchins, J. B. 2001b. Molidae. Molas (ocean sunfishes). In: K.E. Carpenter and V. Niem (eds.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Vol. 6. Bony fishes part 4 (Labridae to Latimeriidae), estuarine crocodiles. FAO, Rome, 3966 - 3968. ☆73☆図あり
∴◎△★ Hutchins, J. B. 2001a. Checklist of the fishes of Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement (63) : 9-50.の【48p】☆418☆
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◎ 伊藤勝敏.2001.伊豆の海・海中大図鑑.データハウス,東京,377pp.(マンボウは145ページ)☆1571☆
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◎ Kuiter, RH and T. Tonozuka. 2001. Pictorial Guide to Indonesian Reef Fishes. Part 3. Jawfishes-Sunfishes, Opistognathidae-Molidae. Zoonetics, Australia. 623-893.☆551☆所持未読
◎ 森一行.2001.日米合同マンボウの回遊調査.さかまた,57: 5.☆164☆
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◎ 村井貴史.2001.マンボウ.in: 中坊徹次・町田吉彦・山岡耕作・西田清徳(編)『以布利 黒潮の魚 ジンベエザメからマンボウまで 』.大阪海遊館,大阪,p.280.☆110☆図あり
◎Percell, J.E. and Arai, M.N. 2001. Interactions of pelagic cnidarians and ctenophores with fish: a review. Hydrobiologia, 451:27-44.☆652☆
◎ Porcasi, J. F., and Andrews, S. L. 2001. Evidence for a prehistoric Mola mola fishery on the southern California Coast. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology, 23 (1): 51 - 66.☆44☆
Ω Purdy, R. W., Schneider, V.P., Applegate, S. P., McLellan, J. H., Meyer, R. L. and Slaughter, B. H. 2001. The Neogene sharks, rays, and bony fishes from Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology, (90): 71-202.☆354☆
◎★ 座間 彰.2001.宮城県の魚類相.座間 彰,石巻,153pp.(自費出版)☆547☆所持未読


◎ 秋久俊博.2002.『「マンボウ肝油」で心臓病を完全克服!!』.史輝出版,203pp.☆184☆
◎△ Bilecenoglu, M, E. Taskavak and S. M. Murat kaya. 2002. Checklist of the marine fishes of Turkey. Zootaxa (113): 1-194.☆426☆
◎ Briggs, P. T. and Waldman, J. R. 2002. Annotated List of Fishes Reported From the Marine Waters of New York. Northeastern Naturalist, 9 (1): 47 - 80. (※74pのみ)☆214☆
△ Castro, J. J. and Ramos, A. G.2002. The occurrence of Ranzania laevis off the Island of Gran Canaria, the Canary Islands, related to sea warming. Journal of Fish Biology, 60: 271-273.☆71☆
◎ Chellappa, M. Balasubramanian, T. S. and Arumugam, G. 2002. On the occurrence of sunfish along Gulf of the Mannar. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, (174): 10.☆144☆図有り
◎ Freedman, J. A., and Noakes, D. L. G. 2002. Why are there no really big bony fishes? A point-of-view on maximum body size in teleosts and elasmobranchs. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 12: 403 - 416.☆92☆
◎★ Klein-MacPhee, G. 2002. Order Tetraodontiformes. pp. 589-607. In: B. B. Collette and G. Klein-MacPhee (eds.). Bigelow and Schroeder's Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. Third Edition. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington and London.☆559☆
Ω Hakel, M. and Stewart, J. D. 2002. First fossil Molidae (Actinopterygii:Tetraodontiformes) in western North America, J. Vertebr. Paleontol. 22: 62A. アブスト集 ☆349☆
∴◎△★ Hatooka, K. 2002. Molidae. In: Nakabo T (ed) Fishes of Japan with pictorial keys to the species, English edition. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, pp 1435-1633. ☆19☆イラストあり(他文献引用)鰭条情報も
△ Iddison, P. 2002. A report of the slender sunfish Ranzania laevis (Pennant, 1776) from the UAE East Coast. Tribulus, 12 (1): 22 - 23.☆84☆@写真あり
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◎ 磯野直秀b.2002b.日本博物誌年表.平凡社,東京,937pp(本文837p+索引100p).☆1387☆
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◎ 香川県歴史博物館(編).2002.高松松平家所蔵 衆鱗図 第二帖.香川県歴史博物館友の会博物図譜刊行会,高松,111pp. ☆876☆ 松平頼恭が原本
★ 川上 靖.2002.鳥取県沿岸に多数漂着したヤリマンボウ属(予報)とその他の漂着動物(2000年4月〜2002年3月).鳥取県立博物館研究報告,(39): 37-42.☆156☆図あり
◎ 川島秀一.2002.マンボウの民俗.東北民俗,36; 7 - 15.☆187☆
◎★ Matsumoto, T. and Miyabe, N. 2002. Report of observer program for Japanese tuna longline fishery in the Atlantic Ocean from August 2000 to July 2001. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 54(5): 1741-1762. ☆686☆
∴◎△★ Matsuura, K. 2002. Molidae. Molas (ocean sunfishes, headfishes). In: K.E. Carpenter (ed.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes and American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Special Publication No. 5. The living marine resources of the Western Central Atlantic. Vol. 3: Bony fishes part 2 (Opistognathidae to Molidae), sea turtles and marine mammals, 2014 - 2015. ☆74☆図あり
◎ Mecklenburg, C. W., T. A. Mecklenburg, L. K. Thorsteinson. 2002.『Fishes of Alaska』. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. i-xxxvii + 1-1037. の【852p】図有り☆433☆
∴◎△★ 中村泉.2002.U硬骨魚類の種類判別 in Pages 21-86. 中野秀樹(編).外洋に出現する生物識別ガイド―まぐろはえ縄で観察される生物種― 第2版.遠洋水産研究所 海洋水産資源開発センター.(全183pp).☆487☆
◎ 中坪俊之.2002.マンボウの「モンタン」.さかまた,59: 5.☆161☆
◎ 二宮隆雄.2002.マンボウの海.小説すばる(集英社)2002年9月号:xx-xx.(フィクション小説)☆389☆
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◎ 大鹿達弥.2002.飼育手帳 マンボウ放流大作戦.うみと水ぞく.21(2)(通巻79号): 8.☆1656☆
∴◎△★ 相良恒太郎・小澤貴和.2002a.日本周辺におけるマンボウ類に関するアンケート調査結果.水産海洋研究,66 (3): 164 - 167.☆129☆
∴◎△★ 相良恒太郎・小澤貴和.2002b.4県におけるマンボウ類の漁獲状況.鹿児島大学水産学部紀要,51: 27 - 33.☆49☆
∴◎△★ Santini, F. and Tyler, J. C. 2002. Phylogeny of the ocean sunfishes (Molidae, Tetraodontiformes), a highly derived group of teleost fishes. Italian Journal of Zoology, 69: 37 - 43.☆40☆図あり■46  
★ Seitz, A.C., K.C. Weng, A.M. Boustany, and B.A. Block. 2002. Behaviour of a sharptail mola in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Fish Biology, 60: 1597 - 1602.☆38☆論文ダウンロードして改編の必要あり
◎ Sims, D. W., and Southall, E. J.2002. Occurrence of ocean sunfish, Mola mola near fronts in the western English Channel. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 82: 927 - 928.☆53☆
◎ スタインバーグ ジェニファー.2002.マンボウ その生態の謎を調査.ナショナルジオグラフィック(日本語版),8(11): 132 - 137.( Steinberg, J.2002.Mola! National Geographic (November), 64-69 (Thys,T., 2002. It’s a Mola! National Geographic, November, 64-69. 同じ?).日本語版は持っている)☆193☆
◎ 臼井由治.2002.「地球! ふしぎ大自然 マンボウが跳んだ 東太平洋大追跡」取材記.映画テレビ技術,(594): 26-29.☆255☆
◎★Youn, C.-H. 2002. Fishes of Korea with pictorial key and systematic list. Academic Seojeok, Seoul. 1-747.の【461、702p】(한국어류검색도감 韓国魚類検索図鑑)(In Korean)☆416☆


◎ Allen, G., R., Steen, P., Humann and N., DeLoach. 2003. Reef Fish Identification, Tropical Pacific. New World Publications, Inc., Jacksonville, Florida. 457 pp.☆188☆
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◎ Brito, J. L. 2003. Nuevos registros de Balistes polylepis (Balistidae), Sphoeroides lobatus (Tetraodontidae), Mola mola y M. ramsayi (Molidae) en San Antonio, Chile (Pisces, Tetraodontiformes). Investigaciones Marinas, 31(1): 77 - 83.☆175☆
◎ Humann P, DeLoach N. 2003. Reef fish identification: Galápagos. 2nd edition. New World Publications, Florida, 226 pp.(no 192-193) ☆1232☆所持未読
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∴◎△★ Lyczkowski-Shultz, J. 2003. Preliminary guide to the identification of the early life history stages of molid fishes of the western central North Atlantic. NOAA technical memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-504, 1-10p.(※Lyczkowski-Shultz, 2006と全く同じ内容)☆626☆
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◎★ Matsumoto, T., Saito H. and Miyabe N. 2003. Report of observer program for Japanese tuna longline fishery in the Atlantic Ocean from September 2001 to March 2002. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 55(4): 1679-1718.☆314☆
∴◎△★ Menezes, N. A. 2003. in N. A. Menezes, P. A. Buckup, J. L. de Figueiredo, R. L. de Moura, U. de S. Paulo Eds. Catálogo das espécies de peixes marinhos do Brasil. Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo. 1-160. の【111p】ポルトガル語☆432☆
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◎ 中坪俊之.2003.続、マンボウの回遊調査.さかまた,61: 6.☆162☆
∴◎△★ Parenti, P. 2003. Family Molidae Bonaparte 1832-molas or ocean sunfishes. California Academy of Science, Annotated Checklists of Fishes, 18: 1 - 9.☆28☆
◎Parin, N. V. (2003) An annotated catalogue of fish-like vertebrates and fishes of the seas of Russia and adjacent countries: Part 3. Orders Perciformes (excluding suborders Gobioidei, Zoarcoidei and Stichaeoidei) and Tetraodontiformes. Voprosy Ikhtiologii, 43 (suppl. 1): S1-S40.☆427☆
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◎ McDowall, R. M. 2003. Variation in vertebral number in galaxiid fishes (Teleostei: Galaxiidae): a legacy of life history, latitude and length. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 66, 361-381. ☆211☆マンボウは脊椎骨が引用されただけ。同著者の2008年の論文も同様
∴◎△★ Myers, R. F. and T. J. Donaldson.2003. The fishes of the Mariana Islands. Micronesica. 35-36: 594-648(598-652verもある、中身は同じ).☆417☆
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◎ Roach, J. 2003. World's Heaviest Bony Fish Discovered?. National Geographic News, .(※ニュース)☆207☆
◎△ Santini, F., and Tyler, J. C. 2003. A phylogeny of the families of fossil and extant tetraodontiform fishes (Acanthomorpha, Tetraodontiformes), Upper Cretaceous to recent. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 139: 565 - 617.☆250☆
◎★ Schwartz, F. J. 2003. Additional obsevations of Mola mola and Mola lanceolata(Family Molidae), frequenting North Carolina waters. Journal of North Carolina Academy of Science, 119(2): 57-60.☆331☆
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◎ Silverstein, A. and Silverstein, V. 2003. Layer of the most eggs ――The ocean sunfish. Pages 28-29. in Nature's Champions: The Biggest, the Fastest, the Best. Dover Publications, New York.子供向け☆297☆
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◎ Streelman, J. T., C. Puchulutegui, A. L. Bass, T. Thys, H. Dewar, and S. A. Karl. 2003. Microsatellites from the world's heaviest bony fish, the giant Mola mola. Molecular Ecology Notes, 3: 247 - 249. ☆30☆
◎ Thys, T. 2003. Tracking Ocean Sunfish, Mola mola with Pop-Up Satellite Archival Tags in California Waters, . ☆627☆(※ホームページ)
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◎ Vogelnest, L. 2003. The tale of two ocean sunfish(Mola mola)−an unusual mortality in an unusual species, Wildlife Disease Association Austrasian Section, 2003 Annual Conference, Dec.1 - 5, Healesville Victoria, 30 - 32.☆233☆
◎ 山口隆男・町田吉彦.2003.シーボルトとビュルゲルによって採集され,オランダの国立自然史博物館,ロンドンの自然史博物館ならびにベルリンのフンボルト大学付属自然史博物館に所蔵されている日本産の魚類標本類について.合津マリンステーション報:カラヌス特別号,(4): 87-321.☆1867☆


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◎ Cartamil, D.P., and Lowe, C.G. 2004. Diel movement patterns of ocean sunfish Mola mola off southern California. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 266: 245 - 253. ☆15☆
◎ Coenen, A. (Egmond,F (編),Mason,P(編) , Lankester,K(編)). 2004. The Whale Book: Whales and Other Marine Animals As Described by Adriaen Coenen in 1585. London, Reaktion Books. 224pp.☆860☆所持未読
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∴◎△★ Dennis, G. D., D. Hensley, P. L. Colin and J. J. Kimmel. 2004. New records of marine fishes from the Puerto Rican plateau. Caribbean Journal of Science, 40(1): 70 - 87.☆209☆
★ 土井啓行.2004.山口県の日本海西部沿岸フグ目2003リローテッド!.お魚探検隊,(45):1-4.リンクあり☆537☆
◎ Froese, R. and Luna. S. 2004. No relationship between fecundity and annual reproductive rate in bony fish. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 34(1): 11-20.☆316☆
◎ Grijalba-Bendeck, M. Franco-Herrera, A. Jáuregui, A. and Tigreros, P. 2004. Presencia del pez luna Mola mola (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pisces: Molidae) en el Departamento del Magdalena, Caribe colombiano. Boletĺn de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras, 33: 271-274.☆864☆
◎ Greene, T. F. 2004. Strange Shapes and Behaviors of Fish. Pages 300-301. in Marine Science: Marine Biology and Oceanography second editiopn. Amsco School Publications, New York.☆298☆
◎ Heemstra, P. and E., Heemstra. 2004. Coastal Fishes of Southern Africa. NISC and SAIAB. i-xxiv + 1-488. 【457-458p】☆508☆
◎★ 茨城の海産動物研究会(船橋正隆).2004.茨城県北沿岸域を中心とした魚類.茨城県自然博物館第3次総合調査報告書-阿武隈山地・県北部海岸を中心とした県北東部地域の自然-(2000-02).茨城県自然博物館,429−449.☆273☆
◎ 伊藤寛恵.2004.えりもの海に生きる寄生虫.えりも研究,(1): 33-34.☆1557☆
◎ 木村博.2004.山口県瀬戸内海側で使用されている魚介類の地方名称について.平成15年度山口県水産研究センター事業報告.山口県水産研究センター,173-188.☆1575☆
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∴◎△★ Lopes P.R.D., Oliveira-Silva J.T., Batista R.L.G., Esquivel M. and Olavo G. 2004. Registros da família Molidae (Actinopterygii: Tetraodontiformes) no litoral da Bahia, Brasil (Oceano Atlântico Ocidental). Revista Biociências, 10(4): 205-207. ☆787☆所持未読
◎ Macías, D., Gómez-Vives, M.J. & de la Serna, J.M. (2004). Desembarcos de especies asociadas a la pesquería de palangre de superficie dirigido al pez espada (Xiphias gladius) en el Mediterráneo durante 2001 y 2002. International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic tunas. Collective Volume of Scientific Papers, 56(3): 981-986. (スペイン語)☆638☆
◎ McDowall, R. M. 2004. Vertebral variation in galaxiid fishes, how fish swim and a possible reason for pleomerism. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 13: 247 - 263. (※247pのみ)
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◎ 名越 護.2004.薩摩漂流奇譚.南方新社,鹿児島,189pp. (「珍魚」を捕獲 48-51)☆1030☆
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∴◎△★ Nelson, J. S., C. E. J. Crossman, H. Espinosa-Pérez, L. T. Findley, C. R. Gilbert, R. N. Lea and J. D. Williams. 2004. Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Sixth Edition. American Fisheries Society, Special Publication. 29. Bethesda, Maryland. 1-386pp. 【186p】☆462☆
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Ω◎ 坂本一男.2004.フグとマンボウ―毒を食らう魚.pp. 199-205. In: 上野輝弥・坂本一男.2004.日本の魚:系図が明かす進化の謎.中央公論新社,東京.(上野輝弥・坂本一男.2004.日本の魚:系図が明かす進化の謎.中央公論新社,東京,224 pp.)☆1836☆
∴◎△★Ω Santini, F. and Tyler, J. C. 2004. The importance of even highly incomplete fossil taxa in reconstructing the phylogenetic relationships of the Tetraodontiformes (Acanthomorpha: Pisces). Integr. Comp. Biol., 44: 349-357.☆340☆
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◎ Schultz, K. 2004. Sunfish, Ocean. Page 237(,9). in Ken Schultz's field guide to saltwater fish. John Wiley and Sons, Canada.☆299☆
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◎△Ω 上野輝彌・坂本一男.2004.日本の魚 中公新書1736.中央公論新社,東京,224pp.☆1020☆所持未読
◎ Ward, P., Myers, R. A. and Blanchard, W. 2004. Fish lost at sea: the effect of soak time on pelagic longline catches. Fishery Bulletin, 102: 179 - 195.☆225☆
◎ Yamanoue, Y., M. Miya, K. Matsuura, M. Katoh, H. Sakai, and M. Nishida. 2004. Mitochondrial genomes and phylogeny of the ocean sunfishes (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae). Ichthyological Research, 51: 269 - 273. ☆18☆


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◎ Barans, C. A., Arendt, M. D., Moore, T. and Schmidt, D. 2005. Remote video revisited: A visual technique for conducting long-term monitoring of reef fishes on the continental shelf. Marine Technology Society Journal, 39 (2): 80-88.☆320☆
◎ Barreiros, J. P., and Teves, M. 2005. The sunfish Mola mola as an attachment surface for the lepadid cirriped Lepas anatifera - a previously unreported association. Aqua 10 (1): 1 - 4.☆70☆
∴◎△★ Bass, A. L., H. Dewar, T. Thys, J. T. Streelman, and S. A. Karl. 2005. Evolutionary divergence among lineages of ocean sunfish family, Molidae (Tetraodontiformes). Marine Biology, 148: 405 - 414.☆248☆
△★ Britz, R., and Johnson, G. D. 2005. Occipito-vertebral fusion in ocean sunfishes (Teleostei: Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) and its phylogenetic implications. Journal of Morphology, 266: 74 - 79.☆57☆写真あり
◎ Desjardin, N. A. 2005. Spatial, temporal, and dietary overlap of leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) and ocean sunfishes (family Molidae). Master's thesis, Florida Atlantic University, Florida, 89p.☆240☆
◎ 藤崎聖人.2005.第131話:マンボウとアンコ.ワイルドライフ(小学館),15: 169-188.(漫画)☆355☆
◎ Harrington, J. M., R. A. Myers, and A. A. Rosenberg. 2005. Wasted resources: Bycatch and discards in U. S. Fisheries. MRAG Americas, Inc. for Oceana. 286 pp. (※出版元やや不正確) ☆13☆
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∴◎△★ Holcroft, N. I. 2005. A molecular analysis of the interrelationships of tetraodontiform fishes (Acanthomorpha: Tetraodontiformes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 34: 525 - 544.☆66☆
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◎ 石川澄子.2005.仙台前のおいしい魚たち.大地,(43): 13-14.☆1647☆
△★ Johnson, G. D. and Britz, R. 2005. Leis' conundrum: Homology of the clavus of the ocean sunfishes. 2. Ontogeny of the median fins and axial skeleton of Ranzania laevis (Teleostei, Tetraodontiformes, Molidae). Journal of Morphology, 266: 11 - 21.☆58☆写真あり
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◎ 川上靖・平尾和幸・一澤圭・安藤重敏.2005.島根県温泉津町沖で漁獲された大型マンボウMola molaの記録.鳥取県立博物館研究報告,42: 29 - 30.(Kawakami Y, Hirao K, Ichisawa K, Ando S (2005) A record of the ocean sunfish, Mola mola (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) from Shimane Prefecture, the Sea of Japan. (in Japanese). Bull Tottori Pref Mus 42: 29-30.)☆31☆
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△ 倉場富三郎.2005.長崎大学水産学部(監修)・堀憲昭(編),p.283.『グラバー魚譜200選 Fishes of Southern & Western Japan』.長崎文献社,長崎.)☆270☆
◎ LeBlanc, J. 2005. Ocean sunfish: Record-breaking giants. Hook, line and thinker――The newsletter of the fishermen and scientists research society, (3): 6-7. ☆301☆
◎△ Love, M. S., C. W. Mecklenburg, T. A. Mecklenburg and L. K. Thorsteinson. 2005. "Resource inventory of marine and estuarine fishes of the West Coast and Alaska: A Checklist of North Pacific and Arctic Ocean species from Baja California to the Alaska-Yukon Border", U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, Seattle, Washington, 276 pp.(出版社とかは違うかも)☆85☆
◎ Lydon, G. and Starr, P. 2005, Effect of blue dyed bait on incidental seabird mortalities and fish catch rates on a commercial longliner fishing off East Cape, New Zealand. Unpublished Conservation Services Programme Report, Department of Conservation, New Zealand. 1-21p. ☆822☆所持未読
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∴◎△★ McEachran, J. D. and J. D.Fechhelm. 2005. Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico. Volume 2: Scorpaeniformes to Tetraodontiformes. University of Texas Press, Austin. i-viii +1-1004. のうちの940-942p☆450☆図有り
◎ 森一行.2005.マンボウの幼魚.さかまた,65: ページ数不明.☆158☆
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◎ 太平洋資源開発研究所(編)(白井祥平監修).2005b.全国魚類地方名検索辞典【南日本編】.生物情報社,千葉,984pp.☆1025☆所持未読(韓国語)
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◎ Randall, J.E., Cea E., A. and Meléndez, R. 2005b. Checklist of shore and epipelagic fishes of Easter Island, with twelve new records. Boletĺn del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile, 54: 41-55. の49p.☆912☆
◎ Rock, T. 2005. The deeply mysterious mola. Action Asia, Jan/Feb: 38-42. (41pが抜けてる) ☆808☆所持未読
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△ Wan, Rui-Jing and Zhang, Ren-Zhai. 2005. Spatial distribution and morphological characters of the eggs and larvae of the slender mola Ranzania laevis from the tropical waters of the western Pacific ocean. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 51(6): 1034 - 1043 (In Chinese with English abstract).☆46☆図あり・後日中国の文献記述する
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◎△ Dulčić, J., Beg Paklar. G., Grbec. B., Morovic. M., Matic. F., and Lipej. L. 2007. On the occurrence of ocean sunfish Mola mola and slender sunfish Ranzania laevis in the Adriatic Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 87: 789 - 796.☆208☆
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∴◎△★ Fulling, G. L., D. Fertl, K. Knight, and W. Hoggard. 2007. Distribution of Molidae in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf and Caribbean Research, 19 (2): 53 - 67.☆177☆
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◎ Liang, Min-Hwang. 2007. Ocean Sun Fish Festival : A Discuss on Sustainable Fishery. NAAEE(Nov 13, 2007), Virginia, 7pp, (※引用やや不正確)☆65☆
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◎ Manojkumar, P. P. and Pavithran, P. P. 2007. First record of ocean sunfish, Mola mola from Malabar coast. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series, (192): 15-16.☆140☆
∴◎△★ McAuliffe, J. A., Itano, D. G. and Arceneaux, S. 2007. Sunfishes Family: Molidae. Pages 86-91. in Photographic identification guide for billfish, sharks, rays, tuna-like and non-tuna finfish taken in WCPO pelagic longline fisheries (v1). Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission. Honolulu, USA.☆306☆図有り
◎ 水野芳嗣.2007.魚病OUTLOOK  第46回  水槽で飼育したマンボウの寄生虫症.養殖,44 (3): 30 - 33.☆192☆図有り
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◎ Nakae, M and Sasaki, K. 2007. Review of spino-occipital and spinal nerves in Tetraodontiformes, with special reference to pectoral and pelvic fin muscle innervation. Ichthyol. Res., 54: 333-349.☆343☆
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◎ 中坪俊之・廣瀬一美.2007b.飼育下におけるマンボウの成長.水産増殖,55 (3): 403 - 407.☆242☆
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◎ Nakatsubo, T. 2008. A study on the reproductive biology of ocean sunfish Mola mola. Doctoral dissertation, Nihon Univ., Tokyo, 107p.☆244☆
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∴◎△★ Wirtz P., Fricke R. and Biscoito M.J. 2008. The coastal fishes of Madeira Island - new records and an annotated check-list. Zootaxa, 1715: 1-26.☆905☆

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Ω Gagnaison C, Bouilly P. 2009. Le premier poisson-lune fossile dans les faluns miocènes de Channay-sur-Lathan (Indre-et-Loire, France) : Orthagoriscus (Mola) lathanicus nov. sp. Symbioses, nouvelle série, 23: 64-67.☆1856☆
Ω Gregorova. R., Schultz. O., Harzhauser, M., Kroh, A., and Ćorić, S. 2009. A giant Early Miocene sunfish from the North Alpine Foreland Basin (Austria) and its implication for molid phylogeny.Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 29 (2): 359 - 371.☆238☆
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◎ Sims, D. W., Queiroz, N., Doyle, T. K., Houghton, J.D.R., and Hays, G.C. 2009a. Satellite tracking of the World's largest bony fish, the ocean sunfish (Mola mola L.) in the North East Atlantic. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 370: 127 - 133. ☆16☆
◎ Sims DW, Queiroz N, Humphries NE, Lima FP, Hays GC (2009b) Long-Term GPS Tracking of Ocean Sunfish Mola mola Offers a New Direction in Fish Monitoring. PLoS ONE 4(10): e7351. ☆37☆図あり
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◎ Nakae, M and Sasaki, K. 2010. Lateral line system and its innervation in Tetraodontiformes with outgroup comparisons: Descriptions and phylogenetic implications. Journal of Morphology, 271, 559-579. ☆813☆所持未読
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◎ Orsi Relini, L. Lanteri, L. and Garibaldi, F. 2010b. Medusivorous fishes of the Mediterranean A coastal safety system against jellyfish bloom. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 17(1): 348-349.☆801☆所持未読
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◎ 佐々木 彰央・岡 有作.2010.硬骨魚類の骨格標本作製法.東海大学博物館研究報告:海・人・自然:10, 51-57.☆646☆
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△ Smith, K.A., Hammond, M. and Close, P.G. 2010. Aggregation and stranding of elongate sunfish (Ranzania laevis) (Pisces: Molidae) (Pennant, 1776) on the southern coast of Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 93: 181-188. ☆807☆
◎ 杉若圭一・神力義仁.2010.秋サケ定置網で混獲される魚種について.魚と水,(46-3): 1 - 5.☆43☆
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◎ Thomas, B. 2010. Ocean Sunfish, Mola mola. The IBIS, 35(4): 5. (書き方違うかも)☆307☆
◎ Trimm DL, Shenker J, Hirons A, Mochrie S. 2010. Occurrence of an ocean sunfish (Mola mola) larva in the Florida Current. Florida Scientist, 73(2): 101-104.☆1392☆所持未読
★ Todd, V. L. G. and J. G. Grove. 2010. First records of golden trevally ( Gnathodon speciosus, Carangidae), sharp-tail mola ( Masturus lanceolatus, Molidae) and evidence for white shark ( Carcharodon carcharias, Lamnidae) in the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador. Marine Biodiversity Records, 3: e104. ☆174☆
◎ 渡辺佑基.2010.マンボウの奇妙な形態と遊泳様式――ペンギンみたいに泳ぐ魚.生物の科学 遺伝,64(3),:25-30.☆268☆論文日本語ver
◎ 薬事・食品衛生審議会食品衛生分科会乳肉水産食品部会.2010.資料2−4 魚介類に含まれる水銀の調査結果(まとめ).薬事・食品衛生審議会食品衛生分科会乳肉水産食品部会(平成22年5月18日開催)配付資料一覧,11pp.☆1658☆
◎ Yamanaka, Y., Nakae, M., Fukuda, E. and Sasaki, K. 2010. Monophyletic origin of the dorsally arched lateral line in Teleostei: evidence from nerve innervation patterns. Ichthyol Res, 57: 49-61. ☆687☆
◎ 山野上祐介・馬渕浩司・澤井悦郎・坂井陽一・橋本博明・西田 睦.2010.マルチプレックスPCR法を用いた日本産マンボウ属2種のミトコンドリアDNAの簡易識別法.魚類学雑誌,57 (1): 27-34.☆620☆
◎△ 渡邊 俊.2010.7章 形態観察.Pages 73-86. in『魚類生態学の基礎』(塚本 勝巳 編).恒星社厚生閣,東京. (の81、82)☆404☆
◎ Weir, C. R., T. Collins, I. Carvalho and H.C. Rosenbaum. 2010. Killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Angolan and Gulf of Guinea waters, tropical West Africa. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 90(8): 1601-1611.☆363☆
◎★ 陳正平・邵廣昭・・榮桂・郭人維・陳靜怡.2010.墾丁國家公園海域魚類圖鑑(増修臺版).墾丁國家公園管理處.650pp. (Marine fishes in Kenting National Park(first revised edition) 台湾☆555☆所持未読
◎ 矢部キヨ.2010.村上の歳時記.矢部キヨ(自費出版),新潟県村上市,142pp.(鹿子(シカ)魚、30-31p)☆1409☆


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◎★ 石井 忠.2011.漂着物の四十年(玄界漂着譚)1968年−2010年.むなかた電子博物館紀要:(3), 40-53. 写真はヤリマンボウぽい☆647☆
◎ 尼岡邦夫・仲谷一宏・矢部衛.2011.北海道の全魚類図鑑.北海道新聞社,札幌,482 pp. (no p.431)☆1673☆
◎ 河野 博(監修)(加納光樹・横尾俊博編).2011.東京湾の魚類.平凡社,東京.374pp. A photographic guide to the fishes in Tokyo Bay.☆496☆
∴◎△★ 河野光久・土井啓行・堀 成夫.2011a.山口県日本海産魚類目録.山口県水産研究センター研究報告,(9) : 29-64.☆522☆
∴◎△★ 河野光久・土井啓行・堀 成夫.2011b.日本海産魚類目録(予報).山口県水産研究センター研究報告,(9) : 65-94.☆523☆
◎Kells V, Carpenter K. 2011. Field guide to coastal fishes: From Maine to Texas. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 448pp. (no 59, 426-427) ☆1257☆所持未読
◎ Kerckhof, F. 2011. Cis de strandjutter: De maanvis, een wel erg vreemde verschijning. De Grote Rede: Nieuws over onze Kust en Zee, (29): 25. ☆857☆所持未読
◎ 萩原義雄.2011.「しいら【鱪】」攷.駒澤日本文化,(5):15-87.☆963☆
△★ Huang, K.-M., S.-M. Liu, Y.-W. Huang, K.-L. Huang and D.-F. Hwang. 2011. Food Poisoning caused by sunfish Masturus lanceolatus in Taiwan. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis. 19(2): 191-196. ☆393☆
△ Jawad, L. A., Hussein, S. A. and Bulbil, F. 2011. Ranzania laevis (Pennant, 1776) (Tetraodontiformes, Molidae): a rare fish in marine waters of Iraq. J. Appl. Ichthyol., 27: 1116-1118.☆350☆
◎ Pirona, Giulio Andrea. 2011. 42. Commemorazione di Giandomenico Nardo (1802-1877) :In Michela Marangoni (ed). Commemorazione dei soci effettivi 1843-2010. I tomo. Da Palazzo Ducale a Palazzo Loredan (1843-1891). 319-350. 詳細後日☆902☆所持未読
◎ Potter, I. F. and W. H., Howell. 2011. Vertical movement and behavior of the ocean sunfish, Mola mola, in the northwest Atlantic. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 396(2): 138-146.☆245☆
◎ Potter, I. F., B. Galuardi and W. H. Howell. 2011. Horizontal movement of ocean sunfish, Mola mola, in the northwest Atlantic. Mar. Biol., 158(3): 531-540.☆246☆
◎ 佐藤克文.2011. マンボウも、やるときはやる.pp. 119-139.平凡社新書568,巨大翼竜は飛べたのか スケールと行動の動物学.平凡社,東京.☆274☆
◎★ Satapoomin, U. 2011. The fishes of southwestern Thailand, the Andaman Sea-A review of research and a provisional checklist of species. Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Res. Bull. 70: 29-77.☆391☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・山野上祐介・吉田有貴子・坂井陽一・橋本博明.2011.東北・三陸沿岸域におけるマンボウ属2種の出現状況と水温の関係.魚類学雑誌,58(2) :181-187.☆615☆
★ 聖籠町役場総務課(編).2011.マンボウが町海岸に漂着.広報せいろう,(416): 23.☆1638☆
◎ 白山義久.2011.海洋生物のセンサス:その成果と今後の展望.地球環境,16(1): 81-86.☆681☆
◎ 水産庁・水産総合研究センター.2011.メバチ インド洋.平成22年度国際漁業資源の現状,1-8.(過去の報告書も内容同じ)☆303☆
◎ 水産庁瀬戸内海漁業調整事務所.2011.平成22年 瀬戸内海の赤潮.水産庁瀬戸内海漁業調整事務所,神戸市.67 pp.☆1904☆
◎ リチャード・フォーティ(渡辺 政隆・野中 香方子 翻訳).2011. 乾燥標本収蔵1号室―大英自然史博物館 迷宮への招待.NHK出版,496pp.の45−47.☆761☆
◎ 上野輝彌・坂本一男.2011.日本水産魚譜.日本水産株式会社.350+XIVpp.☆474☆
◎ ウエスト4実行委員会編.2011.マンボウ.真鶴 in WEST4旅先案内人コンシェルジェ〜虎の巻〜 総集編II. 53pp. の38p☆655☆
∴◎△★ 沈世傑・吳高逸(編)2011.『臺灣魚類圖鑑』.國立海洋生物博物館.896pp.Fishes of Taiwan☆441☆
◎★ Zhu, J., Dai, X. and Chen, Y. 2011. Species composition and diversity of pelagic fishes based on a longline fishery catch in the North Pacific Ocean. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 29(2): 261-269.☆284☆
△ Vinod K, Ramamoorthy N. 2011. Slender sunfish landed at Chinnapalam (Pamban), the south-east coast of India. Cadalmin: CMFRI Newsletter, (131): 20.(ヒンディー語verもあり)☆1853☆
◎ 安延尚文Yasunobu.2011.ウシマンボウが確認された最新事情 君の知らないマンボウ物語.月刊ダイバー6月号,(360):116-117.☆286☆
◎★ 鄭 明修・黄 淑芳・林 マ佑.2011.翻車魚.in 『海洋台灣――生態保育特輯』.黄 淑芳(編).國立臺灣博物館.p.85. 説明はマンボウ、写真は間違ってヤリマンボウになっている。☆375☆
◎ 山元町役場総務課.2011.珍客に大興奮! 中浜小学校にマンボウがやってきた.広報やまもと,(378): 14.☆1784☆
◎△ Yamanoue Y, Miya M, Doi H, Mabuchi K, Sakai H, Nishida M. 2011. Multiple invasions into freshwater by pufferfishes (Teleostei: Tetraodontidae): a mitogenomic perspective. PLoS ONE, 6: e17410.☆406☆
◎ 吉村智範.2011.マンボウの標識放流調査.さかまた,(77): 5.☆1381☆
◎★ 邵廣昭 主編.2011.常見魚介貝類圖鑑.臺灣省漁會.232pp. 台湾☆554☆所持未読
◎ Wirtz P. 2011. Madeira-Kanaren-Azoren: Fischführer. Conchbooks, Hackenheim, Germany, 160 pp.ドイツ語ウシ☆1612☆


◎ Abe T., K. Sekiguchi, H. Onishi, K. Muramatsu and T. Kamito. 2012 .Observations on a school of ocean sunfish and evidence for a symbiotic cleaning association with albatrosses. Marine Biology. 159(5): 1173-1176. ☆390☆
◎ Abe, T. and Sekiguchi, K. 2012b. Why does the ocean sunfish bask? Communicative and Integrative Biology, 5(4): 395-398. ☆684☆
◎ Allen, G. R. and M. V. Erdmann. 2012. Reef fishes of the East Indies. Volumes III. Tropical Reef Research, Perth Australia. 857-1260.+α☆585☆
◎ Cardona L, Álvarez de Quevedo I, Borrell A and Aguilar A. 2012. Massive consumption of gelatinous plankton by Mediterranean apex predators. PLoSOne, 7: e31329.☆804☆所持未読
◎ Chanet B., Guintard C., Boisgard T., Fusellier M., Tavernier C., Betti E., Madec S., Richaudeau Y., Raphaël C., Dettaï A. and Lecointre G. 2012. Visceral anatomy of ocean sunfish (Mola mola (L., 1758), Molidae, Tetraodontiformes) an angler (Lophius piscatorius (L., 1758), Lophiidae lophiiformes) investigated by non-invasive imaging techniques. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 335: 744-752. ☆805☆胃あり
★ Das, B. Gopalakrishnan, A. and Saravanakumar, A. 2012. Rare catch of Masturus lanceolatus (Lienard, 1840) Gill, 1885 from Paragipettai coast, Tamilnadu. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 41(5): 489-490.☆816☆
◎ Domingo A., Pons M., Jiménez S., Miller P., Barceló C. and Swimmer Y. 2012. Circle hook performance in the Uruguayan pelagic longline fishery. Bulletin of Marine Science 88, 499-511.☆776☆
◎ Dybas, C.L. 2012. Ripple marks-The story behind the story. Oceanography, 25(4):10-14.☆690☆
◎ Fraser, G. J. Britz, R. Hall, A. Johanson, Z. and Smith, M. M. 2012. Replacing the first-generation dentition in pufferfish with a unique beak. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(21): 8179-8184. ☆811☆所持未読あまり重要じゃない
◎ 深光富士夫.2012.このプロジェクトを終え!シリーズ サンシャイン水族館 リニューアル大作戦.佼成出版社,東京,143pp. (マンボウは、大分県から二十一時間三十分かけて運んできた, pp. 30-34)☆1533☆所持未読
∴◎△★福井篤.2012.マンボウのなかま in 『講談社の動く図鑑MOVE 魚』.講談社,東京.pp.150-151.☆425☆
◎ 東紀州観光まちづくり公社.2012.まんぼうとうつぼ.東紀州の『旬』05号,東紀州観光まちづくり公社,三重.(※現在は東紀州地域振興公社に社名変更)☆1031☆
◎ 平井一行.2012.伊豆東岸定置網における主要魚種の平成23年下半期の漁況経過と平成24年上半期の見通し.伊豆分場だより,(328): 2-4(ページ番号無しだが最新号の傾向から見て).☆1668☆
◎ 飯島勲.2012.リーダーの掟 ― プーチン絶賛の仕事術(宮邸調査で判明した「生物と睡眠のナゾ」の章).プレジデント社,東京,209pp.☆938☆
◎ International Whaling Commission (IWC). 2012. Report of the Scientific Committee. Panama City, Panama. 11-23 June 2012.☆688☆
◎今瀬文也.2012.黄門料理.ふるさとの文化,(6): 60-76.☆1738☆
◎ 石川県水産総合センター.2012.ウシマンボウ?来遊.石川県漁海況情報,(229):1.☆395☆
◎ 伊東隆臣.2012.水族館魚類の臨床や保全に関する研究.日本野生動物医学会誌,17(3): 113-118.☆1794☆
◎ Jawad, L., J. Al-Mamry and L. Al-Kharusi. 2012. First record of Mola ramsayi from the Sea of Oman, Sultanate of Oman. Marine Biodiversity Records, 5: e63 (4 pages) .☆431☆
★ 川上 靖・一澤 圭.2012.鳥取県沿岸と周辺海域で記録された海洋動物(2010 年〜 2011 年),および大型ヤリマンボウ.鳥取県立博物館研究報告,49: 13-16.☆677☆
△ 川上達也.2012.第5章 マリアナ海域に出現する魚卵の種組成と分布.DNAを分類形質とした浮遊性魚卵の種査定と初期発生に関する研究.博士論文.東京大学.☆734☆
△ Konstantinidis, P. and Johnson, G. D. 2012a. A comparative ontogenetic study of the tetraodontiform caudal complex. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93: 98-114. ☆814☆所持未読
△ Konstantinidis, P. and Johnson, G. D. 2012b. Ontogeny of the jaw apparatus and suspensorium of the Tetraodontiformes. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93: 351-366. ☆815☆所持未読
◎ 越川敏樹.2012.松江市沿岸海域の魚類.松江市史研究,(3): 33-42.☆1859☆
◎ Lee, D.-S., Cho, H.-A., Yoon, N.-Y., Kim, Y.-K., Lim, C.-W. and Shim, K.-B. 2012. Biochemical Composition of Muscle from Tanaka's Eelpout Lycodes tanakae, Magistrate Armhook Squid Berryteuthis magister, and Ocean Sunfish Mola mola, Caught in the East Sea, Korea. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 15(2): 99-105.☆803☆所持未読
◎ Leeney, R.H., Witt, M.J., Broderick, A.C., Buchanan, J., Jarvis, D.S., Richardson, P.B. and Godley, B.J. 2012. Marine megavertebrates of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly: Relative abundance and distribution. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 92(8): 1823-1833.☆810☆所持未読
◎ Lloret, J., E. Faliex, G. E. Shulman, J.-A. Raga, P. Sasal, M. Muñoz, M. Casadevall, A. E. Ahuir-Baraja, F. E. Montero, A. Repullés-Albelda, M. Cardinale, H.-J. Rätz, S. Vila and D. Ferrer. 2012. Fish Health and Fisheries, Implications for Stock Assessment and Management: The Mediterranean Example. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 20(3): 165-180.☆637☆
◎ Mabee B.P., Balhoff J.P., Dahdul W.M., Lapp H., Midford P.E., Vision T.J. and Westerfield M. 2012. 500,000 fish phenotypes: The new informatics landscape for evolutionary and developmental biology of the vertebrate skeleton. Journal of Applied Icthyology, 28: 300-305.☆809☆所持未読
◎ 森 弘子・宮崎克則.2012.西海捕鯨絵巻の特徴 ―紀州地方の捕鯨絵巻との比較から―.西南学院大学 国際文化論集,26(2):117-155.☆971☆
◎ みなみじゅんこ.2012.ゆーらりーまんぼー.アリス館.東京,32pp.☆1708絵本☆
◎ 西源二郎.2012.水族館における海洋生物飼育技術の発展.静岡県博物館協会研究紀要,(36): 2-8.☆1423☆
△ Nogueira MM. Souza CS, Paulo Mafalda JR. 2012. The influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the composition of Tetraodontiforms larvae (Teleostei) along the Brazilian Northeast Exclusive Economic Zone (1°N - 14°S). Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 7(1): 10-20. ☆1487☆所持未読
△ Ramamurthy N, Vinod K, Gopakumar G. 2012. A note on the slender sunfish, Ranzania laevis (Pennant, 1776) landed at Chinnapalam (Pamban), south-east coast of India. Marine Fisheries Information Service Technical and Extension Series, (211): 10-11. ☆1854☆
◎ Ryan C. and Holmes J.M.C. 2012. Killer whale Orcinus orca predation on sunfish Mola mola. Marine Biodiversity Records, 5: e10. ☆789☆所持未読
◎ Saunders B. 2012. Discovery of Australia's fishes: a history of Australian ichthyology to 1930. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Australia, xii + 491 pp. (no 132, 4, 438, 133, 358) ☆1238☆
△★ Shimose, T., Yakawa, K., Saito, H. and K, Tachihara. 2012. Sexual Difference in the Migration Patteran of Blue Marlin, Makaira nigricans, Related to Spawning and Feeding Activities in the Western and Central Northe Pacific Ocean. Bulletin of Marine Science,88(2):231-250.☆434☆
◎ 下瀬 環・澤井悦郎.2012. アングラー高橋一郎 国内6ビルフィッシャーを目指して.BIGGAME. 7(2): 16-17. + ★下瀬 環. 2012. メカジキの潜水.BIGGAME. 7(2): 74-75. (通巻029号;発行日6月29日) ☆459☆
◎ Syväranta, J., C. Harrod, L. Kubicek5, V. Cappanera and J. D. R. Houghton. 2012. Stable isotopes challenge the perception of ocean sunfish Mola mola as obligate jellyfish predators. Journal of Fish Biology. 80(1):225-231.☆386☆
◎ 立川淳也・宮島尚貴.2012.第9章 魚類,pp. 1-59.佐伯市(編)第一次佐伯市自然環境調査報告書.佐伯市,佐伯. (佐伯市の海水魚, pp.45-59)☆1648☆
◎ 台灣觀光協會.2012.三国一餐庁 マンボウ料理の宴.台灣觀光月刊(日本語版), 529: 33. ☆978☆
◎ TYPE-MOON. 2012. 魔法使いの夜(伝奇ビジュアルノベルゲーム:水族館イベントより)☆421☆
∴◎△★ 山野上祐介・澤井悦郎.2012.マンボウ研究最前線―分類と生態,そして生物地理.in:松浦啓一(編)『黒潮の魚たち(叢書・イクチオロギア 2)』,東海大学出版会,pp. 165-182.☆658☆
◎ 山岸敦(監修).2012.色・形・大きさ、さまざま! たまご大図鑑 ダチョウからミジンコまで.PHP研究所.63pp.の34p.☆460☆
★ 山崎健・松井章(独立行政法人国立文化財機構奈良文化財研究所埋蔵文化財センター).2012.環境考古学10 魚類標本リスト.埋蔵文化財ニュース,(146): 1-54.☆1783☆
◎ Watanabe, Y. Y., Lydersen, C., Fisk, A.T., Kovacs, K. M. 2012. The slowest fish: Swim speed and tail-beat frequency of Greenland sharks. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 426-427: 5-11.☆659☆
◎ 黄宗国・林茂(主編).2012.中国海洋物种和图集(下巻) 中国海洋生物图集 第八册 动物界(6).海洋出版社,北京,440pp. (マンボウの図はヤリマンボウの間違い図8.265 in 273p.)☆951☆


△ Abu El-Regal, M.A. and El-Moselhy K. 2013. The first record of the slender sunfish Ranzania laevis from the Red Sea. Journal of Fish Biology, 83: 1425-1429.☆826☆所持未読
◎ Abd Rabou, A. N. (2013). Priorities of scientific research in the fields of marine environment and fishery resources in the Gaza Strip - Palestine. Priorities of Scientific Research in Palestine: Towards a National Directory of Scientific Research, March 25-26, 2013, Scientific Research Affairs, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine, 481-522.☆1548☆所持未読
△ Baldwin CC. 2013. The phylogenetic significance of colour patterns in marine teleost larvae. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 168(3): 496-563.☆1568☆
▲ Baensch F. 2013. Hawaii Larval Fish Project. Mola Larval Rearing. Slender Mola Culture (3 March 2013 updated). 孵化飼育☆1516☆
◎ Chanet B, Guintard C, Betti E, Gallut C, Dettaï A, Lecountre G. 2013. Evidence for a close phylogenetic relationship between the teleost orders Tetraodontiformes and Lophiiformes based on an analysis of soft anatomy. Cybium, 37(3): 179-198. ☆874☆
◎ Harrod, C. Syväranta, J. Kubicek, L. Cappanera, V. and Houghton, J.D.R. 2013. Reply to Logan & Dodge:‘Stable isotopes challenge the perception of ocean sunfish Mola mola as obligate jellyfish predators'. Journal of Fish Biology, 82: 10-16. ☆819☆所持未読
◎ 波戸岡清峰.2013.大阪湾の生き物リスト.附表1:大阪湾産魚類目録(予報).pp. 99-102.大阪市立自然史博物館(編)第44回特別展「いきものいっぱい大阪湾」解説書「大阪湾本」.大阪市立自然史博物館,大阪市.☆1899☆
∴◎△★ 波戸岡清峰・萩原清司.2013.マンボウ科.中坊徹次(編),pages 1746-1747, 2242-2243.『日本産魚類検索 全種の同定 第三版』.東海大学出版会,神奈川.(Fishes of Japan with pictorial keys to the species 3rd ed.).☆526☆
◎ 平戸市保健センター. 2013. 平戸市郷土料理レシピ集. 平戸市保健センター, 長崎県, 23pp. ☆1488☆所持未読
◎ 犬犬.2013.第4話:レスト・イン・マンボウ.深海魚のアンコさん(ほるぷ出版),1: 55-74.(漫画)☆1046☆
★Jawad, L. A., Al-Mamry J.M. and Al-Kharusi, L.H. 2013. A record of sharp-tail Mola, Masturus lanceolatus (Liénard, 1840) (Molidae) in the Sea of Oman. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 29: 242-244.☆732☆
◎ Jawad, L. A. 2013. First documented record of the ocean sunfish, Mola mola (Linnaeus), from the Sea of Oman, Sultanate of Oman (Teleostei: Molidae). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde A, Neue Serie. 6: 287-290. ☆634☆
◎ Joshi VP, Naik SD, Bhendarkar MP, Mohite SA. 2013. Occurrence of ocean sun fish, Mola mola (Linnaeus) in the coastal waters off Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. Fishing Chimes, 32(12): 55.☆1406☆所持未読
◎ Khalaf-Sakerfalke von Jaffa, N.A.B.A.T. (2013). An ocean sunfish or common mola (Mola mola, Linnaeus 1758) caught off the coast of Gaza: The first record from Palestine, East Mediterranean Sea. In Fauna Palaestina, Part III: Zoological studies in Palestine between 2005-2012 (pp. 265-285). Jerusalem, Palestine: Al-Jundi Publication House. ☆1549☆所持未読
◎ 岸上祐子.2013.動物たちのないしょの話 マンボウ.Sciencw Window,7(2)(通巻50号): 32-33. ☆1635☆
◎ Kishore, T. G., Suraj, K. S., Dhaneesh, K. V., Dinesh Kumar, S., Seetha, P. K., Nair, Rekha J. and Zacharia, P. U. 2013. Southern sun fish Mola ramsayi (Giglioli, 1883) recorded from Kochi, southwest coast of India. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical & Extension Series (218): 9-10.☆645☆
★Kottelat, M. 2013. The fishes of the inland waters of southeast Asia: a catalogue and core bibiography of the fishes known to occur in freshwaters, mangroves and estuaries. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement No. 27: 1-663.☆701☆
◎ Larson, H. K. , R. S. Williams and M. P. Hammer. 2013.An annotated checklist of the fishes of the Northern Territory, Australia. Zootaxa 3696 (no. 1): 1-293.☆702☆
◎ Lee, D.-W., Choi, J.-H. and Choi, K.-H. 2013. Catch Distribution of Ocean Sunfish Mola mola off Korean Waters. Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 46(6): 851-855.☆802☆所持未読
◎ Logan, J.M. and Godge, K.L. 2013. Comment on‘Stable isotopes challenge the perception of ocean sunfish Mola mola as obligate jellyfish predators'. Journal of Fish Biology, 82: 1-9. ☆812☆所持未読
★ Nair, Rekha J., Sijo Paul, and Dinesh Kumar, S. 2013. Record of a rare Sharp-tail sunfish, Masturus lanceolatus Liénard, 1840 (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) landing from South-west coast of India. Marine Fisheries Information Service; Technical and Extension Series, (218): 7.☆661☆
◎ 並木伸一郎.2013.UMA化したか……? 超巨大なマンボウたち.スーパー・ミステリー・マガジン ムー(7月号).(392): 156-157.( in「File01 驚天動地の巨大魚たち(p154-157)」in「ダイオウイカ、キャメル・スパイダー、ホグジラ――もはやUMA級の異形モンスター 驚愕!!世界の巨大生物(p153-167)」)☆628☆
◎★△ 南部久男.2013.文献による富山湾産魚類目録.富山県科学博物館研究報告,(37): 153-162.☆1436☆所持未読
★ Nomura, H. 2013. Peixes Brasileiros descritos no século XIX e biografia dos seus descritores (parte 1). Boletim Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia, (108): 14-31. の30p目 人物☆926☆
◎ 岡 弥生.2013.魚類学のスタンダードが刷新 日本産魚類検索第三版 改訂のポイント集.月刊ダイバー5月号,(383):100-103.☆621☆
∴◎△★ Page, L. M. , H. Espinosa-Pérez, L. D. Findley, C. R. Gilbert, R. N. Lea, N. E. Mandrak, R. L. Mayden and J. S. Nelson. 2013. Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Seventh Edition. American Fisheries Society, Special Publication 34, Bethesda, USA. I + xii + 1-384 pp.  の191ページ☆636☆
◎ Praveen, N.D. Krupesha Sharma, S. R. and Philipose, K. K. 2013. A note on the ocean sunfish, Mola mola (Linnaeus, 1758) landed at Karwar, west coast of India. Marine Fisheries Information Service Technical and Extension Series, (217): 31-32.☆887☆
◎△★ Quigley, DT. 2013. Sunfishes (Family: Molidae) in Irish and North-East Atlantic Waters. Sherkin Comment, (56): 8. ☆1434☆所持未読dekka
◎△ Santini, F., Sorenson, L. nad Alfaro, M. E. 2013. A new phylogeny of tetraodontiform fishes (Tetraodontiformes, Acanthomorpha) based on 22 loci. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 69: 177-187.☆643☆
∴◎△★Sheiko BA. 2013. On family-group names of extant fishes and fish-like vertebrates of the world. Issledovaniya fauny morey [Explorations of the fauna of the seas], Zoological Institute RAS, St. Petersburg, 74(82): 1-204. ☆1479☆
△ Shimose,T., K. Yokawa and K. Tachihara. 2013. Occurrence of slender mola Ranzania laevis (Pennant, 1776) in stomach of blue marlin Makaira nigricans Lacépède, 1802. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, xx-xx.☆524☆
△★ Smith-Vaniz, W. F. & B. B. Collette. 2013. Fishes of Bermuda, aqua. International Journal of Ichthyology, 19(4): 165-186. の182ページ  ☆703☆
◎ Thys, T. M., J. Whitney, A. Hearn, K. C. Weng, C. Peñaherrera, L. A. Jawad, J. Alfaro-Shigueto, J. C. Mangel and S. A. Karl. 2013. First record of the southern ocean sunfish, Mola ramsayi, in the Galápagos Marine Reserve. Marine Biodiversity Records v. 6: 1-4.☆633☆
◎ Thys, T. and Williams, R. 2013. Ocean sunfish in Canadian Pacific waters: Summer hotspot for a jelly-eating giant? OCEANS 2013, IEEE(CFP13OCE-POD), 308-312. 会議資料ぽい☆797☆所持未読
★White WT, Last PR, Dharmadi, Faizah R, Chodrijah U, Prisantoso BI, Pogonoski JJ, Puckridge M, Blaber SJM. 2013. Market fishes of Indonesia. ACIAR Monograph No. 155. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, 438 pp. (no 360-361, 389) ☆1260☆所持未読
◎ 氏家友枝.2013.大瀬崎でマンボウ!!.SDCファンダイビングマガジン,(58): 11.☆1808☆

◎ Wirtz, P., Brito, A., Falcón, J.M., Freitas, R., Fricke, R., Monteiro, V., Reiner, F. & Tariche, O. 2013. The coastal fishes of the Cape Verde Islands ? new records and an annotated check-list. Spixiana, 36(1): 113-142. の137ページ☆635☆


◎ Chanet B, Guintard C and Lecointre G. 2014. The gas bladder of puffers and porcupinefishes (Acanthomorpha: Tetraodontiformes): phylogenetic interpretations. Journal of Morphology, 275(8): 894-901. ☆806☆所持未読
◎△ Clarke, S., M. Sato, C. Small, B. Sullivan, Y. Inoue and D. Ochi. 2014. Bycatch in Longline Fisheries for Tuna and Tuna-like Species: a Global Review of Status and Mitigation Measures. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper. I4017?: 1-226. 正確な書き方後日☆1073☆
★ Das, P. Singh, P. Bhargava, A.K. and Nagpure, R.S. 2014. New locality of sharp-tail sunfish (Masturus lanceolatus) in Indian waters. Marine Biodiversity Records, 7: e75. ☆832☆所持未読
◎ Friedlander AM, Golbuu Y, Caselle JE, Ballesteros E, Letessier TB, Meeuwig JJ, Gouezo M, Olsudong D, Turchik A, Sala E. 2014. Marine biodiversity and protected areas in Palau: Scientific report to the government of the Republic of Palau.☆1039☆所持未読
∴◎△★ 藤田矢郎・松浦啓一.2014.マンボウ科.Pages 1534-1539 in 沖山宗雄(編).日本産稚魚図鑑 第二版.東海大学出版会,神奈川. (Fujita Shirou and Matsuura Keiichi. 2014. Molidae. Pages 1534-1539 in Okiyama Muneo ed. An Atlas of Early Stage Fishes in Japan Second Edition. Tokai University Press, Kanagawa.)☆650☆
◎? 東四柳 祥子.2014.明治期における中国料理の受容.梅花女子大学食文化学部紀要.(3): 33-46.☆1069☆ 浮亀がマンボウか? 
◎ 伊串祐紀.2014.富山のさかな.魚津水族館,富山,181pp. (Igushi Y. 2014. Fish of Toyama. Uozu Aquarium, Toyama, 181pp.) ☆1008☆所持未読
◎△★ 河野光久・三宅博哉・星野 昇・伊藤欣吾・山中智之・甲本亮太・忠鉢孝明・安澤 弥・池田 怜・大慶則之・木下仁徳・児玉晃治・手賀太郎・山崎 淳・森 俊郎・長M達章・大谷徹也・山田英明・村山達朗・安藤朗彦・甲斐修也・土井啓行・杉山秀樹・飯田新二・船木信一.2014.日本海産魚類目録 . 山口県水産研究センター研究報告, 11: 1-30.☆1608☆
◎加藤昌一.2014.ネイチャーウォッチングガイドブック 改訂新版 海水魚 ひと目で特徴がわかる図解付き:1000種+幼魚、成魚、雌雄、婚姻色のバリエーション.誠文堂新光社,東京,383pp.(の373p)☆1769☆
◎ 小林由美・小林万里・桜井泰憲・藤森康澄・駿河秀雄・成ケ沢重一・白石智泰・石川昭.2014.秋サケ定置網におけるマンボウMola spp.を中心とした海洋生物の偶発的捕獲.えりも研究,(11): 31-34.☆1494☆
◎ Kelly RP, Port JA, Yamahara KM, Crowder LB. 2014. Using Environmental DNA to Census Marine Fishes in a Large Mesocosm. PLoS ONE 9(1): e86175.☆871☆所持未読
◎ 紀北町観光協会.2014.ゆらゆらマンボウ.きほくのお土産図鑑.東紀州地域振興公社,2-4.☆1072☆
◎ 北藤真人.2014.その後の堺水族館と大阪湾.かいゆう,17: 1-16.☆756☆
◎ Kooijman S. A. L. M. and Lika K. 2014. Resource allocation to reproduction in animals. Biological Reviews, 89(4): 849-859.☆791☆所持未読
◎ 小林元康.2014.魚の体表に学ぶ防汚性:高分子電解質ブラシによるアプローチの動向.PEN(Public Engagement with Nanobased emerging technologies), 5(8): 24-28.☆996☆
◎ Leitão, F., V.Baptista, D. Zeller, K. Erzini. 2014. Reconstructed catches and trends for mainland Portugal fisheries between 1938 and 2009: implications for sustainability, domestic fish supply and imports. Fisheries Research, 155: 33-50.☆654☆
◎ 水戸商工会議所.2014.黄門料理〜医食同源・元禄時代の料理〜.水戸商工会議所会報,633: 37.☆1071☆
★ 長澤和也・片平浩孝・新田理人.2014.島根・鳥取県産魚類の寄生虫目録(1924-2014年) .ホシザキグリーン財団研究報告,(17): 237-251.☆1437☆所持未読
◎ 長澤和也・上野大輔.2014.日本産魚類・鯨類に寄生するヒジキムシ科(新称)Pennellidaeカイアシ類の目録(1916-2014年).生物圏科学:広島大学大学院生物圏科学研究科紀要,53: 43-71.☆1845☆
◎ Nakamura, Itsumi and Sato, Katsufumi. 2014. Ontogenetic shift in foraging habit of ocean sunfish Mola mola from dietary and behavioral studies. Marine Biology, 161(6): 1263-1273.☆651☆
◎ Nesteruk I. Passoni G. and Redaelli A. 2014. Shape of aquatic animals and their swimming efficiency. Journal of Marine Biology, 2014: Article ID 470715. ☆788☆所持未読
◎ 西尾市岩瀬文庫.2014.珍獣アクアリウム.珍獣動物園へようこそ〜江戸時代の本に見えるふしぎなイキモノたち〜.西尾市岩瀬文庫,西尾,6-7p(全15pp)☆1386☆
. ◎ Perrault JR, Buchweitz JP, Lehner AF. 2014. Essential, trace and toxic element concentrations in the liver of the world's largest bony fish, the ocean sunfish (Mola mola). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 79: 348-353.☆785☆所持未読
△ Purushottama G, Anulekshmi B, Ramkumar C, Thakurdas S, Mhadgut B. 2014. A rare occurrence and biology of the Slender sunfish, Ranzania laevis (Actinopterygii: Tetraodontiformes: Molidae), in the coastal waters of Mumbai, North-West Coast of India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 43(8): 1554-1559.☆827☆所持未読著者わかりづらいけどこれが正解
△Romanov, Evgeny V., Sharp, Alan and Bach, Pascal. 2014. Amputation of a major propulsor would not be an insuperable obstacle for survivorship of the slender sunfish Ranzania laevis (Molidae:Tetraodontiformes). Marine Biodiversity Records, 7, e20.☆727☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・松井 萌・ダルママニ ヴィジャイ・柳 海均・桜井泰憲・山野上祐介・坂井陽一.2014.北海道初記録のウシマンボウ Mola sp. A.魚類学雑誌,61(2): 127-128. (Sawai, E., Matsui, H., Vijai, D., Yoo, H. K., Sakurai, Y., Yamanoue, Y. and Sakai, Y. 2014. First record of a molid fish, Mola sp. A from Hokkaido, Japan. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 61(2): 127-128.)☆739☆
◎ 制野友衣.2014.マンボウ 小さな発見-ミュージアムコンパニオン-.自然博物館ニュース A・MUSEUM,79:4.☆699☆
◎ 鳥居久雄.2014.食材研究(2) : 翻車魚(マンボウ)の料理.名古屋文化短期大学研究紀要.39, 41-48.☆925☆
∴◎△★ Van der Laan, Richard., Eschmeyer, William. and Fricke, Ronald. 2014. Family-group names of Recent fishes. Zootaxa, 3882(2): 1-230. 科レベルの分類☆748☆
◎ 渡辺佑基.2014.第二章 泳ぐ――遊泳の技巧はサメに習う in ペンギンが教えてくれた 物理のはなし.河出書房新社,東京.pp. 57-97.☆657☆
◎ 山中智之・伊藤欣吾.2014.改訂青森県産魚類目録補訂−T.青森県産業技術センター水産総合研究所研究報告,(8): 1-10.☆697☆
◎Yasemi, M. and Nazari Bejgan, A.R. 2014. The first record of southern ocean sunfish, Mola ramsayi from Northern Oman Sea, Iran. Iranian Jornal of Fisheries Sciences, 13(1): 242-246.☆671☆
◎ 横須賀市自然・人文博物館.2014.マンボウ漂着.自然教育園だより,7(2): 4.☆1594☆
◎ ゆあさん社員.2014.波乱まんぼう記〜まんぼうは二度と言わず何度も死ぬ〜.月刊コミックアライブ(2014年11月号),(101):1039-1046.(四コマ漫画)☆1318☆


◎ Ahuir-Baraja, A. E., Fraija-Fernández, N., Raga, J. A. and Montero, F. E. 2015. Molecular and Morphological Differentiation of Two Similar Species of Accacoeliidae (Digenea): Accacladocoelium macrocotyle and A. nigroflavum from Sunfish, Mola mola. Journal of Parasitology, 101: 231-235.☆980☆
◎Ahuir-Baraja AE, Padrós F, Palacios-Abella JF, Raga JA, Montero FE. 2015. Accacoelium contortum (Trematoda: Accacoeliidae) a trematode living as a monogenean: morphological and pathological implications. Parasites & Vectors, 8: 540.☆1327☆所持未読
∴◎△★Ω Arcila, D., R. A. Pyron, J. C. Tyler, G. Ortí and R. Betancur-R. 2015. An evaluation of fossil tip-dating versus node-age calibrations in tetraodontiform fishes (Teleostei: Percomorphaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 82: 131-145.☆765☆
◎ Bagarinao TU. 2015. Marine biodiversity at the SEAFDEC/AQD research stations in Iloilo and Guimaras, Philippines. In: Romana-Eguia, M.R.R., F.D. Parado-Estepa, N.D. Salayo, & M.J.H. Lebata-Ramos, (eds.), Resource Enhancement and Sustainable Aquaculture Practices in Southeast Asia: Challenges in Responsible Production of Aquatic Species: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Resource Enhancement and Sustainable Aquaculture Practices in Southeast Asia 2014 (RESA). Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines. pp. 261-281.☆1534☆
◎ Bennema, F.P. and Rijnsdorp, A.D. 2015. Fish abundance, fisheries, fish trade and consumption in sixteenth-century Netherlands as described by Adriaen Coenen. Fisheries Research, 161: 384-399. ☆858☆
◎ Bouchet PJ, Meeuwig JJ. 2015. Drifting baited stereo-videography: a novel sampling tool for surveying pelagic wildlife in offshore marine reserves. Ecosphere 6(8):137 (1-29pp.).☆1036☆所持未読
◎★ぼうずコンニャク 藤原昌高.2015.美味しいマイナー魚介図鑑,株式会社マイナビ,東京,320pp.(の71p.)☆1043☆
Ω Gagnaison C, Dechamps M, Cossard B. 2015. Un nouveau fossile d'Orthagoriscus (Mola) lathanicus (Gagnaison & Bouilly, 2009) dans les faluns miocènes de l'Anjou (France). Bulletin de la Société d'Études Scientifiques de l'Anjou, 27: 29-33. ☆1857☆
◎ Garibaldi F. 2015. by-catch in the mesopelagic swordfish longline fishery in the Ligurian Sea (Western Mediterranean). Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 71(3): 1495-1498.☆1037☆所持未読
◎ Gurdek Bas, R., W. Serra, R. Trinchin, V. Leoni, L. Rubio, L. Sampognaro, G. Nagy, A. Cravino and A. Acuña. 2015. Confirmation of Mola mola (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) and historical records of ocean sunfishes (Mola sp.) in the coastal area of Uruguay. Marine Biodiversity Records, 8: e21.☆775☆
◎ Jing, L., Zapfe, G., Shao, K.-T., Leis, J.L., Matsuura, K., Hardy, G., Liu, M., Robertson, R. and Tyler, J. 2015. Mola mola. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T190422A1951231.☆1027☆
◎ Hays, G. C. 2015. New insights: animal-borne cameras and accelerometers reveal the secret lives of cryptic species. Journal of Animal Ecology, 84: 587-589.☆904☆所持未読
∴◎△★ 池田博美・中坊徹次.2015.マンボウ科.Page 256, 257, 541, 542.南日本太平洋沿岸の魚類.東海大学出版部,秦野(神奈川).597pp. (Ikeda H, Nakabo T (2015) Molidae. Fishes of the Pacific coasts of southern Japan. Tokai University Press, Hadano, pp. 256, 257, 541, 542)☆932☆
◎ Kang MJ, Baek HJ, Lee DW, Choi JH. 2015. Sexual Maturity and Spawning of Ocean Sunfish Mola mola in Korean Waters. Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 48(5):739-744. ☆1034☆
◎ 北藤真人.2015.水族館で学ぶ鰭の話.かいゆう,18:26-38.☆937☆
◎ 小林由美・増渕隆仁・蔵本洋介・藤森康澄・駿河秀雄・成ヶ沢重一・白石智泰・小林万里・桜井泰憲・石川昭.2015.秋サケ定置網における海洋生物の偶発的捕獲2014.えりも研究,(12): 15-19.☆1495☆
△ Leis, J. M. 2015. Taxonomy and systematics of larval Indo-Pacific fishes: a review of progress since 1981. Ichthyological Research, 62: 9-28.☆771☆
◎ マリーンパレス50周年記念誌編纂委員会.2015.株式会社マリーンパレス50周年記念誌 海に魅せられた50年.株式会社マリーンパレス,大分,123pp. ☆1550☆
◎ McClain CR, Balk MA, Benfield MC, Branch TA, Chen C, Cosgrove J, Dove ADM, Gaskins L, Helm RR, Hochberg FG, Lee FB, Marshall A, McMurray SE, Schanche C, Stone SN, Thaler AD. 2015. Sizing ocean giants: patterns of intraspecific size variation in marine megafauna. PeerJ, 3: e715. ☆916☆所持未読
∴◎△★ Matsuura, K. 2015. Taxonomy and systematics of tetraodontiform fishes: a review focusing primarily on progress in the period from 1980 to 2014. Ichthyological Research, 62: 72-113. ☆769☆
∴◎△★ 宮内 諭.2015.生き物のふしぎ マンボウ.Newton,35(5): 136-139.☆881☆
∴◎△★ 本村浩之.2015.学研の図鑑LIVE・魚.学研教育出版,東京,248pp. (マンボウ類は182,183,193)☆930☆※ヤリマンボウの写真がウシマンボウと誤表記されている
◎ Moeliker K. 2015. Het is bijna een jaarlijks terugkerend fenomeen, het aanspoelen van een maanvis. Deze grote, tot de verbeelding sprekende zeebewoners blijven niettemin zeldzaam in de Noordzee. Maanvis. (35): 40-41. ☆1035☆所持未読
∴◎△★ 中坊徹次・平嶋義宏.2015.マンボウ科.Page 275.日本産魚類全種の学名:語源と解説.東海大学出版部,秦野(神奈川). (Nakabo T, Hirashima Y (2015) Molidae. Scientific names of Japanese fishes: Etymology. Tokai University Press, Hadano, p. 275)☆886☆
◎ Nakamura I., Goto Y. and Sato K. 2015. Ocean sunfish rewarm at the surface after deep excursions to forage for siphonophores. Journal of Animal Ecology. 84, 590-603.☆784☆
◎ 中村乙水.2015.冷たい深海でクラゲを食べるマンボウ.in:佐藤克文, 青木かがり, 中村乙水, 渡辺伸一『野生動物は何を見ているのか―バイオロギング奮闘記 (キヤノン財団ライブラリー)』,丸善プラネット,東京,pp. 53-80. ☆1369☆
◎ 中山光.2015.コイウレエルマンボウ.月刊アクション2015年12月号:509-538.☆1029☆
◎ 恩田紀代子・伊東隆臣.2015.硬骨魚類におけるハズバンダリートレーニングの有効性.かいゆう,18:14-25.☆936☆
◎★ Phillips, ND, Harrod, C, Gates, AR, Thys, TM and Houghton, JDR. 2015. Seeking the sun in deep, dark places: mesopelagic sightings of ocean sunfishes (Molidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 87: 1118-1126. ☆939☆
◎★ Pinheiro HT, Mazzei E, Moura RL, Amado-Filho GM, Carvalho-Filho A, Braga AC, Costa PAS, Ferreira BP, Ferreira CEL, Floeter SR, Francini-Filho RB, Gasparini JL, Maceira RM, Martins AS, Olavo G, Pimentel CR, Rocha LA, Sazima I, Simon T, Teixeira JB, Xavier LB, Joyeux J-C. 2015. Fish biodiversity of the Vitória-Trindade Seamount Chain, Southwestern Atlantic: An updated database. Plos One 10(3): e0118180. ☆1116☆所持未読
★ Prakash, S. Kumar, T.T.A. and Thangaraj, M. 2015. DNA Barcoding of Sharp Tail Sunfish Masturus lanceolatus Lienard, 1840 (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae). Proceedings of the Zoological Society. online first.☆880☆
◎△ Psomadakis P.N., Osmany H.B., Moazzam M. 2015. Field identification guide to the living marine resources of Pakistan (FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. 386pp. (340p)☆1065☆
◎ Putra, M.I.H., Indrayanti, E., Zainuri, M. 2015. Variabilitas suhu dan kecepatan arus kaitannya terhadap keberadaan Ikan matahari (Mola ramsayi) di perairan kepulauan Nusa Penida. Jurnal Oseanografi. 4(3):545-555. (In Indonesian). (Variability of Temperature and Ocean Current Speed Directed Towards The Sighting of Mola ramsayi in The Waters of The Islands of Nusa Penida. in English)☆1001☆
◎ Raykov V S, Barreiros J P. 2015. Records of predatory, con-specific and human induced mauls on fish from the Northeast Atlantic and Black Sea. Journal of the Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment. 21(3): 264-277.☆1040☆所持未読
◎ 澤井悦郎・山野上祐介・坂井陽一.2015a.九州初記録のウシマンボウ.魚類学雑誌,62(2) :201-202.(Sawai E, Yamanoue Y, Sakai Y. 2015a. First record of a molid fish, Mola sp. A from Kyushu, Japan. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 62(2): 201-202.)☆1002☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・山野上祐介・望月利彦・坂井陽一.2015b.日本国内の博物館関連施設に保管されているマンボウ属の大型剥製標本に関する形態学的知見について.茨城県自然博物館研究報告.(18): 65-70. ☆575☆所持未読
∴◎△★  Stewart AL, Struthers CD 2015. Family Molidae. In: Roberts CD, Stewart AL, Struthers CD (eds) The fishes of New Zealand. Te Papa Press, Wellington, pp 1745-1748.☆1158☆
◎水産庁.2015.水産物の放射性物質の検査に係る報告書. (平成 23 年3月〜平成 27 年1月) . 164pp.☆1328☆所持未読
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◎ Thys TM, Ryan JP, Dewar H, Perle CR, Lyons K, O'Sullivan J, Farwell C, Howard MJ, Weng KC, Lavaniegos BE, Gaxiola-Castro G, Bojorquez LEM, Hazen EL, Bograd SJ. 2015. Ecology of the Ocean Sunfish, Mola mola, in the southern California Current System. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 471: 64-76.☆946☆所持未読
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◎寄生 Fernández I, Oyarzún C, Valenzuela A, Burgos C, Guaquĺn V, Campos V. 2016. Parásitos del pez luna Mola mola (Pisces: Molidae). Primer registro en aguas de la costa centro sur de Chile. Gayana, 80(2): 192-197.☆1334☆所持未読
∴◎△★ Fourriére M, Reyes-Bonilla H, Ayala-Bocos A, Ketchum J, Chávez-Comparan JC. 2016. Checklist and analysis of completeness of the reef fish fauna of the Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico. Zootaxa 4150(4): 436-466.☆1320☆
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◎ 橋本邦彦.2016.渡島半島東岸部旧椴法華村の漁業方言語彙について〜西岸部せたな町との比較の視点から〜.北海道言語文化研究, (14): 119-145.☆1652☆
∴◎△★ Katayama E, Matsuura K. 2016. Fine structures of scales of ocean sunfishes (Actinopterygii, Tetraodontiformes, Molidae): another morphological character supporting phylogenetic relationships of the molid genera. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series A, 42(2): 95-98.☆1104☆所持未読
◎寄生: 城戸美紅・恩田紀代子・宮側賀美・北谷佳万・伊東隆臣・浅川満彦.2016.大阪・海遊館の飼育魚類から得られた寄生虫(第3報).酪農学園大学紀要. 自然科学編, 41(1): 101-105.☆1325☆
△ Horn TS, Machado R, Weiss CVC, Giora J, Malabarba LR. 2016. Analysis of an astounding aggregation of Ranzania laevis (Molidae: Actinopterygii) in the tropical south-western Atlantic. Journal of Fish Biology. 89: 2212-2218.☆1311☆所持未読
◎ 丸山貴史(今泉忠明 監修).2016.おもしろい!進化のふしぎ ざんねんないきもの事典.高橋書店,175pp.(「マンボウの99.99%はおとなになれない」150-151pp)☆1365☆
★ 小枝圭太・興 克樹・本村浩之.2016.奄美大島から得られたマンボウ科の稀種ヤリマンボウMasturus lanceolatus.Nature of Kagoshima, 42: 339-342. ☆1103☆
∴◎△★ Matsuura, K. 2016. Molidae. In: Carpenter KE, Angelis ND (eds) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Eastern Central Atlantic. Volume 4. Bony fishes part 2 (Perciformes to Tetradontiformes) and Sea turtles. FAO, Rome, pp 3080-3081. ☆1313☆
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◎ 中塚美紀子・安藤靖浩.2016.北海道近海産マイナー魚28種の脂質特性.北海道大学水産科学研究彙報, 66(2): 69-76.☆1793☆
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∴◎△★ Nelson JS, Grande TC, Wilson MVH. 2016. Fishes of the world, 5th edition. John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey. xli + 707 pp.(no 524) ☆1307☆
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◎ 澤井悦郎.2016a.鹿児島大学総合研究博物館に保存されていたマンボウ属魚類標本の形態的種同定.Nature of Kagoshima, 42: 343-347.
◎ 澤井悦郎.2016b.マンボウ属魚類の分類形質として有効な鱗の部位の探索.Nature of Kagoshima, 42: 349-352. ☆1102☆
◎ 澤井悦郎.2016c.正宗文庫蔵『備陽記』にみられた日本最古と考えられるマンボウの絵に関する考察.Biostory, 26: 97-101.☆1322☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・山野上祐介.2016a.神奈川県小田原沖にて冬期に漁獲されたウシマンボウ.魚類学雑誌,63(1): 54-56. ☆1100☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・山野上祐介.2016b.マンボウとウシマンボウと日本におけるマンボウ研究.海洋と生物,38(4): 451-457.☆1319☆
△ 島しょ農林水産総合センター大島事業所.2016.沖ノ鳥島で見られた多様な魚.大島事業所トピック,(371): 1. ☆1744☆
◎ 塩谷 亨.2016.青森県における魚類等の方言名について.北海道言語文化研究,(14): 93-118.☆1560☆
◎ Sousa LL, Queiroz N, Mucientes G, Humphries NE and Sims DW. 2016. Environmental influence on the seasonal movements of satellite-tracked ocean sunfish Mola mola in the north-east Atlantic. Animal Biotelemetry, 4:7:1-19.☆1078☆所持未読
◎Sousa LL, Raquel X, Costa V, Humphries NE, Trueman C, Rosa R, Sims DW, Queiroz N. 2016. DNA barcoding identifies a cosmopolitan diet in the ocean sunfish. Scientific Reports 6.☆1330☆所持未読
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◎ Thys T, Ryan JP, Weng KC, Erdmann M, Tresnati J. 2016. Tracking a Marine Ecotourism Star: Movements of the Short Ocean Sunfish Mola ramsayi in Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia. Journal of Marine Biology. 2016 (2016):1-6.☆1309☆


◎ Ahuir-Baraja AE, Yamanoue Y, Kubicek L. 2017. First confirmed record of Mola sp. A in the western Mediterranean Sea: morphological, molecular and parasitological findings. Journal of Fish Biology. 90(3): 1133-1141. (First published: 19 January 2017)☆1331☆
◎? Arcila D, Tyler JC. (2017) Mass extinction in tetraodontiform fishes linked to the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 284: 20171771.☆1456☆所持未読
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◎ Breen P, Cañadas A, Cadhla OO, Mackey M, Scheidat M, Geelhoed SCV, Rogan E, Jessopp M. 2017. New insights into ocean sunfish (Mola mola) abundance and seasonal distribution in the northeast Atlantic. Scientific Reports 7(2025): 1-9.☆1357☆所持未読
◎ Chang C-H, Shao K-T, Lin H-Y, Chiu Y-C, Lee M-Y, Liu SH, Lin PL. 2017. DNA barcodes of the native ray-finned fishes in Taiwan. Molecular Ecology Resources 17(4): 796-805.(これに使われた標本で、実際のデータは「冷凍遺傳物質典藏中心之營運與遺傳物質之收取」)☆1363☆
◎ Frafjord K, Bakken T, Kubicek L, Rønning A-H, Syvertsen PO. 2017. Records of ocean sunfish Mola mola along the Norwegian coast spanning two centuries, 1801-2015. Journal of Fish Biology, 91: 1365-1377.☆1366☆
◎ Guinness World Records. 2017. Guinness World Records 2018: meet our real-life superheroes. Guinness World Records Limited, London.("Heaviest..." in 104-105 p) ☆1368☆所持未読
◎ Grémillet D, White CR, Authier M, Dorémus G, Ridoux V, Pettex E. 2017. Ocean sunfish as indicators for the 'rise of slime'. Current Biology, 27(23): R1263-R1264. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.09.027.未入手☆1378☆所持未読
◎ Hahlbeck N, Scales KL, Dewar H, Maxwell SM, Bograd SJ, Hazen EL. 2017. Oceanographic determinants of ocean sunfish (Mola mola) and bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) bycatch patterns in the California large mesh drift gillnet fishery. Fisheries Research, 191: 154-163.☆1342☆
◎ 橋本邦彦.2017a.渡島半島東岸部と西岸部における魚名方言語彙の比 較.室蘭工業大学紀要,(66): 99-116.☆1655☆
◎ 橋本邦彦.2017b.渡島半島東岸部椴法華村と西岸部せたな町の漁業方言語彙の比較について.北海道言語文化研究, (15): 109-134.☆1654☆
◎ 姫路市立水族館(西松洋一郎).2017.はりまの海水魚(姫路市立水族館図録6).姫路市立水族館,姫路市,58pp.(の53ページに瀬戸内海マンボウ)☆1512☆
△ 堀越和夫・鈴木創・安藤温子・ 小村健人.2017.絶滅危惧海鳥の域内保全手法の開発と飼育技術確立のための食性の解明.環境省環境研究総合推進費終了研究等成果報告書:小笠原諸島の自然再生における絶滅危惧種の域内域外統合的保全手法の開発(4-1402) 平成26年度〜平成28年度.pp. 82-97.☆1809☆
◎★ 伊藤 靖.2017.台湾東海岸に設置されている大型定置網漁業の視察報告.漁港漁場漁村研報,42: 22-25.☆1600☆
◎ 岩坪洸樹・本村浩之(編).2017.火山を望む麑海 鹿児島湾の魚類.鹿児島水圏生物博物館,鹿児島市・鹿児島大学総合研究博物館,鹿児島市.302 pp. (no 291p)☆1924☆
◎ Iwatsuki, Y., H. Nagino, F. Tanaka, H. Wada, K. Tanahara, M. Wada, H. Tanaka, K. Hidaka and S. Kimura. 2017. Annotated checklist of marine and freshwater fishes in the Hyuga nada area, southwestern Japan. The Bulletin of the Graduate School of Bioresources, Mie University, (43): 27-55. (岩槻幸雄・投野隼斗・田中文也・和田英敏・棚原奎・和田正昭・田中宏幸・日高浩一・木村清志.2017.西南日本日向灘水域の魚類目録.三重大学大学院生物資源学研究科紀要, (43): 27-55.) ☆1554☆
★ 木村祐貴・日比野友亮・三木涼平・峯苫健・小枝圭太(編).2017.緑の火山島 口永良部島の魚類.鹿児島大学総合博物館,鹿児島市,200pp.(Kimura Y, Hibino Y, Miki R, Minetoma T, Koeda K(eds.).2017. Field guide to fishes of Kuchinoerabu-jima Island in the Osumi Group, Kagoshima, sourthern Japan. The Kagoshima University Museum, Kagoshima, 200pp.) ☆1383☆所持未読
◎ 高知県水産試験場.2017.資料V−1 高知県で水揚げされるその他魚種の漁獲時期,pp. 98-111.高知県海域における漁海況と主要魚種の資源生態.高知県水産試験場,高知.☆1602☆
◎△ Lucena-Frédou F, Kell L, Frédou T, Gaertner D, Potier M, Bach P, Travassos P, Hazin F, Ménard F. 2017. Vulnerability of teleosts caught by the pelagic tuna longline fleets in South Atlantic and Western Indian Oceans. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 140: 230-241.☆1799☆
∴◎△★ 松浦啓一.2017a.したたかな魚たち.KADOKAWA,東京,251pp(42-45,78,152,212,)☆1340☆
∴◎△★ 松浦啓一.2017b.マンボウ科 in 日本産フグ類図鑑.東海大学出版部,平塚市,87-97(127pp.)☆1336☆
◎ 宮本倫好.2017.世界の窓から(19) マンボウはひき臼に似る.全水卸 : 生産と消費を結ぶ水産物流通情報誌,360: 50-53.☆1732☆
◎ 三浦しをん.2017.ぐるぐる♡博物館.実業之日本社,東京.250 pp.(第7館 石ノ森萬画館 p.154-155)☆1921☆
◎ 長澤和也・上野大輔.2017.日本産魚類に寄生するサメジラミ科カイアシ類の目録 (1898-2017年).生物圏科学:広島大学大学院生物圏科学研究科紀要,56: 87-104.☆1832☆
★ 中村乙水.2017.台湾ヤリマンボウ.日本バイオロギング研究会会報,(135): 2-3.☆1433☆
◎ 成島悦雄 (監修).2017.最強の生物(ポプラディア大図鑑WONDA アドベンチャー(2)).ポプラ社,東京,135pp. (成島悦雄 (監修).2017.3億もの卵をもつ子だくさんのママ マンボウ.In:『最強の生物(ポプラディア大図鑑WONDA アドベンチャー(2))』.ポプラ社,東京,pp. 82-83.)☆1335☆
◎ 野田サトル.2017.第115話:蝗害.ゴールデンカムイ(ヤングジャンプコミックス),11: xxx-xxx.(漫画)☆1339☆
△ Nyegaard M, Loneragan N, Santos MB. 2017. Squid predation by slender sunfish Ranzania laevis (Molidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 90(6): 2480-2487.☆1347☆
◎ 岡 弥生.2017.マンボウが知りたい!(いきもの倶楽部Vol.1).DIVER(December 2017),(438):87-92.☆1373☆
◎ Palsson J, Astthorsson OS. 2017. New and historical records of the ocean sunfish Mola mola in Icelandic waters. Journal of Fish Biology. 90(3): 1126-1132.☆1332☆所持未読
◎ Phillips ND, Reid N, Thys T, Harrod C, Payne NL, Morgan CA, White HJ, Porter S, Houghton JDR. 2017. Applying species distribution modelling to a data poor, pelagic fish complex: the ocean sunfishes. Journal of Biogeography, xx: xx-xx.☆1358☆所持未読
◎★寄生 Philippe V.A, Alain de Chambrier, Tomáš Scholz, José L. Luque. 2017. Annotated checklist of fish cestodes from South America. ZooKeys, 650:1-205.(引用のみ)☆1450☆所持未読
◎ Reed JR, Kerwath SE, Attwood CG. 2017. Analysis of bycatch in the South African midwater trawl fishery for horse mackerel Trachurus capensis based on observer data. African Journal of Marine Science, 39(3): 279-291.☆1814☆所持未読
◎△★ Roberts CD, Stewart AL, Struthers CD, Barker JJ, Kortet S, 2017. Checklist of the fishes of New Zealand: online version 1.0. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. 1-176.☆1486☆所持未読
◎ 澤井悦郎.2017a.マンボウの現代民俗―ネットロア化した「マンボウの死因」に関する考察.Biostory, 27: 89-96.☆1355☆
∴◎△★ 澤井悦郎.2017b.マンボウのひみつ.岩波書店.東京,208pp.(英語ver: Sawai E. 2017b. The mystery of ocean sunfishes. Iwanami Shoten,Publishers. Tokyo, 208 pp.)☆1360☆
★ 澤井悦郎・山田守彦.2017a.鹿児島県産ヤリマンボウ Masturus lanceolatus 若魚の外部形態.Nature of Kagoshima, 43: 249-252. ☆1352☆
★ 澤井悦郎・山田守彦.2017b.鹿児島県産ヤリマンボウ Masturus lanceolatus 若魚の成熟度および食性に関する若干の知見.Nature of Kagoshima, 43: 253-255.
△ 澤井悦郎・山田守彦.2017c.鹿児島県産クサビフグ Ranzania laevis 若魚の形態に関する若干の知見.Nature of Kagoshima, 44: 5-8.
◎ Sawai E, Yamanoue Y, Jawad L, Al-Mamry J, Sakai Y. 2017. Molecular and morphological identification of Mola sunfish specimens (Actinopterygii: Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) from the Indian Ocean. Species Diversity, 22 (1):99-104.☆1354☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・山野上祐介・木村知晴・稲村修.2017b.日本海から2例目(富山県初記録)のウシマンボウ.魚類学雑誌,64(2): 191-193.(Sawai E, Yamanoue Y, Kimura T, Inamura O. 2017b. A second record of Mola sp. A (Ushi-manbo), from the Sea of Japan and first record from Toyama Prefecture, Japan. Japan. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 64(2): 191-193.)☆1372☆
◎ Thys TM, Hearn AR, Weng KC, Ryan JP, Peñaherrera-Palma C. 2017. Satellite Tracking and Site Fidelity of Short Ocean Sunfish, Mola ramsayi, in the Galapagos Islands. Journal of Marine Biology, 2017: 7097965.☆1343☆
◎ Tito CK, Susilo. 2017. The correlation of upwelling phenomena and ocean sunfish occurrences in Nusa Penida, Bali. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 55(1):1-9.☆1337☆所持未読
◎ 植田和美・江戸梢・後藤月江・渡邊幾子・三木章江.2017.徳島県における魚の利用状況について.食品科学教育協議会会誌,8(1): 33-40.☆1604☆


△ Ali AH, Adday TK, Khamees NR. 2018. Catalogue of marine fishes of Iraq. Biological and Applied Environmental Research, 2(2): 298-368.☆1428☆所持未読
★ 粟生恵理子・澤井悦郎.2018.長崎県江迎川下流域におけるヤリマンボウ(マンボウ科)の 未成魚の打ち上げ記録.日本生物地理学会会報,72:1-4.(Awau E, Sawai E. 2018. Rare stranding record of a immature Masturus lanceolatus (Molidae, Tetraodontiformes) in the lower region of the Emukae River in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, 72:1-4.)☆1400☆
◎★△Chang C-T, Chih C-H, Chang Y-C, Chiang W-C, Tsai F-Y, Hsu H-H, Wu J-H, Ho Y-H. 2018. Seasonal Variations of Species, Abundance and Size Composition of Molidae in Eastern Taiwan. Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research, 26 (1): 27-42.☆1420☆所持未読
◎★△ Ceccarelli DM, Wini-Simeon L, Sullivan J, Wendt H, Vave-Karamui A, Masu R, Nicolay-Grosse Hokamp A, Fernandes L. 2018. Biophysically special, unique marine areas of the Solomon Islands. MACBIO (GIZ, IUCN, SPREP): Suva, Fiji, 202pp.☆1750☆
◎ CLAMP・ST/講談社・NEP・NHK.2018.第7話「さくらとお庭でおにごっこ」(2018年2月18日放送)/ 第9話「さくらのドキドキ水族館」(2018年3月4日放送).カードキャプターさくら クリアカード編(アニメ).☆1384☆
◎ Crespo JE. 2018. Presence of Mola mola (Tetraodontiformes, Molidae) in Guamblin Island (44°50' S, 75°07' W), Chonos Archipelago, Southern Chile. Historia Natural (Tercera Serie). 8(2): 89-92.☆1498☆実はカクレ
◎ Davenport J, Phillips ND, Cotter E, Eagling LE, Houghton JDR. 2018. The locomotor system of the ocean sunfish Mola mola (L.): role of gelatinous exoskeleton, horizontal septum, muscles and tendons. Journal of Anatomy. 233(3): 347-357.☆1407☆
◎ 江上幹幸・小島曠太郎.2018. インドネシア・ラマレラ捕鯨文化の四半世紀.アジア地域研究, (1): 35-59.☆790☆
◎寄生  Figueiredo NCde, Lima JTAXde, Freitas CI, Silva CGda. 2018. Check List of the parasites of the ocean sunfish (Mola mola: Molidae) fish in the world. Pubvet: medicina, veterinaria e zootecnia, 12(3)a42, 1-9.☆1449☆所持未読
△ Fricke R, Mahafina J, Behivoke F, Jaonalison H, Léopold M, Ponton D. 2018. Annotated checklist of the fishes of Madagascar, southwestern Indian Ocean, with 158 new records. Fishtaxa 3(1): 1-432.☆1416☆
∴◎△★ 萩原清司.2018.マンボウ科.中坊徹次(編・監修),page 485.『小学館の図鑑Z 日本魚類館〜精緻な写真と詳しい解説〜』.小学館,東京.(The Natural History of the Fishes of Japan)☆1401☆ウシマンボウ学名初収録
◎★ 日比野友亮.2018.志摩半島前島半島部における海産魚類の地方名目録.三重県総合博物館研究紀要,(4): 9-29.☆1929☆
★ 一澤圭・太田悠造・田邉佳紀・榊山匠・川上靖.2018.鳥取県沿岸と周辺海域で記録された海洋動物(2014年〜2017年)―鯨類,鰭脚類,ウミガメ類,その他特筆すべき海洋動物について―.鳥取県立博物館研究報告,55: 9-15.☆1440☆所持未読
◎★△Jawad LA. 2018. Dangerous fishes of the Eastern and Southern Arabian Peninsula. Springer International Publishing, Gewerbestrasse (Switzerland), XII+322pp. (Poisonous Fishes, p.155-229)☆1447☆midoku
◎寄生虫 Kazachenko VN, Matrosova IV, Shakhova YaA. 2018. Representatives of parasitic crustaceans (crustacea) of lune-fish molidae (tetraodontiformes). Scientific works of Dalrybvtuz(ロシア語で雑誌名もしかしたら違うかも), 2(45): 5-19.☆1485☆所持未読
◎ 河野光久・國森拓也・馬場俊典.2018.山口県瀬戸内海産魚類目録(予報).山口県水産研究センター研究報告,(15): 35-43.☆1766☆
◎★ 小枝圭太.2018.フグ目マンボウ科.In:小枝圭太・畑晴陵・山田守彦・本村浩之(編).黒潮あたる鹿児島の海 内之浦漁港に水揚げされる魚たち. 鹿児島大学総合研究博物館, 鹿児島市.494-496. (全520 pp., 1059 figs.)☆1439☆所持未読
◎ 小西英人.2018.マンボウ科.570p. In: 写真探索・釣魚1400種図鑑.KADOKAWA,東京(全847pp. 他18, 80, 89, 97, 681, 720, 739, 742, 783, 788, 792, 802, 805, 809, 833)☆1542☆
◎△★ 日本魚類学会(編).2018.魚類学の百科事典.丸善出版,東京,718pp.(篠原現人.2018.体形と遊泳.pp. 84-87 In 日本魚類学会(編).魚類学の百科事典.丸善出版,東京.// 大橋慎平.2018.硬骨魚類の脊柱と尾骨.pp. 118-119 In 日本魚類学会(編).魚類学の百科事典.丸善出版,東京.// 松沼瑞樹.2018.固有種と広分布域種.pp. 176-177 In 日本魚類学会(編).魚類学の百科事典.丸善出版,東京.// 大橋優季.2018.魚の大きさ.p. 161 In 日本魚類学会(編).魚類学の百科事典.丸善出版,東京.// 小嶋純一.2018.仔稚魚の形態.p. 422-423 In 日本魚類学会(編).魚類学の百科事典.丸善出版,東京.)☆1424☆
◎ Guinness World Records. 2018a. Guinness World Records 2019. Guinness World Records, London, 256 pp. (US ver. 2018.8.28 published)☆1422☆
◎ MacLeod ID, Moore GI, Gomez S. 2018. Glycerol impregnation of a formaldehyde fixed bump-head sunfish Mola alexandrini. Records of the Western Australian Museum, 33(Part 2): 171-180.☆1448☆midoku
◎ 増田修.2018.うまいもの自慢 姫路の地魚 食彩図鑑.姫路市水産漁港課,姫路市,139pp.(の89ページに瀬戸内海マンボウ)☆1513☆
◎★△ 公益財団法人鹿児島市水族館公社.2018.〜かごしま水族館が確認した〜鹿児島の定置網の魚たち 増訂版.公益財団法人鹿児島市水族館公社,鹿児島.335 pp.(マンボウ科.pp.304-305) (Kagoshima City Aquarium Foundation. 2018. Fishes collected with set nets in Kagoshima and confirmed by Kagoshima City Aquarium. Second edition. Kagoshima City Aquarium Foundation, Kagoshima, 335 pp.)☆1405☆
◎ Main D. 2018. Fishy behemoth: World's largest bony fish was previously misidentified. Scientific American, 318(3): 12.☆1391☆
◎ 森一行.2018.鴨川シーワールドアルバム マンボウの「クーキー」.さかまた,92: 6.☆1551☆
◎ Moritz T, Augustin CB, Winkler HM, Pagel H-J. 2018. Records of the Ocean Sunfish (Mola mola, Tetraodontiformes) in the German Baltic Sea. Bulletin of Fish Biology, 17(1/2): 45-51. 澤井種判別使用☆1415☆
★ Nakae, M., H. Motomura, K. Hagiwara, H. Senou, K. Koeda, T. Yoshida, S. Tashiro, B. Jeong, H. Hata, Y. Fukui, K. Fujiwara, T. Yamakawa, M. Aizawa, G. Shinohara and K. Matsuura. 2018. An annotated checklist of fishes of Amami-oshima Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Memoirs of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, (52): 205-361. =小枝ら(2016)の引用のみ☆1555☆
◎ 西田和夫.2018.マンボウの飼育展示の取組についてアクアワールド茨城県大洗水族館.日本水産学会誌,84(5): 968.☆1593☆
◎ Nyegaard M, Sawai E, Gemmell N, Gillum J, Loneragan NR, Yamanoue Y, Stewart A. 2018a. Hiding in broad daylight: molecular and morphological data reveal a new ocean sunfish species (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) that has eluded recognition. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 182: 631-658.☆1359☆新種カクレマンボウ
◎★ Nyegaard M, Loneragan N, Hall S, Andrew J, Sawai E, Nyegaard M. 2018b. Giant jelly eaters on the line: Species distribution and bycatch of three dominant sunfishes in the Southwest Pacific. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 207: 1-15.☆1403☆
◎★ Nyegaard M, Sawai E. in press. Species identification of sunfish specimens (Genera Mola and Masturus, Family Molidae) from Australian and New Zealand natural history museum collections and other local sources. Data in Brief, 19: 2404-2415. (doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.07.015)☆1408☆
◎ 岡 弥生.2018.ウシマンボウの学名が決定!.DIVER(February 2018),(440):128.☆1382☆
◎ Phillips ND, Kubicek L, Payne NL, Harrod C, Eagling LE, Carson CD, Cappanera V, Houghton JDR. 2018. Isometric growth in the world's largest bony fishes (genus Mola)? Morphological insights from fisheries bycatch data. Journal of Morphology, 279(9): 1312-1320.☆1421☆
◎ ぽんとごたんだ.2018.28食め:水族館のヤツ!?.桐谷さん ちょっそれ食うんすか!?(双葉社),5: 99-132.(漫画)☆1552☆
◎ Ravi V, Venkatesh B (2018) The divergent genomes of teleosts. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences, 6: 47-68. ☆1454☆所持未読
◎ ロニット ソレック・産経新聞社(編).2018.生誕120年 イスラエル博物館所蔵 ミラクル エッシャー展.産経新聞社・フジテレビジョン,239pp. (no 26p) ☆1874☆
◎ 澤田拓海.2018.初めてのマンボウ放流調査.日本バイオロギング研究会会報,(147): 5-6. ☆1622☆
◎ 澤井悦郎.2018a.高知県須崎市沖で漁獲された四国初記録のウシマンボウ.日本生物地理学会会報,73:187-189. ☆1457☆所持未読
◎ 澤井悦郎.2018b.「マンボウは3億個の卵を一度に産むが泳ぎが遅くて2匹しか生き残らない」という話は本当か?(第38回TSA特別講座).Toba Super Aquarium.(74): 14-15. ☆1458☆所持未読
◎ Sawai E, Chang YC. 2018. A rare record of the bump-head sunfish, Mola alexandrini (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) with a 117 kg ovary from Hualien, Taiwan. Biogeography, 20: 73-77. ☆1459☆所持未読
◎ Sawai E, Yamanoue Y, Sonoyama T, Ogimoto K, Nyegaard M. 2018b. A new record of the bump-head sunfish Mola alexandrini (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) from Yamaguchi Prefecture, western Honshu, Japan. Biogeography, 20: 51-54. ☆1460☆所持未読
◎ Sawai E, Yamanoue Y, Nyegaard M, Sakai Y. 2018. Redescription of the bump-head sunfish Mola alexandrini (Ranzani 1839), senior synonym of Mola ramsayi (Giglioli 1883), with designation of a neotype for Mola mola (Linnaeus 1758) (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae). Ichthyological Research, 65(1):142-160.☆1375☆
◎ Scientific American (=Main D).2018.我こそ最大 最大の硬骨魚はウシマンボウ.日経サイエンス,48(5)=(通巻563号): 23.☆1404☆
◎ 塩垣優.2018.東奥日報紙上に見られた水産関係記事の再録集.青森県産業技術センター水産総合研究所,青森,524 pp. (no p.144)☆1665☆
△ Shono T, Thiery AP, Kurokawa D, Britz R, Fraser GJ. 2018. Evolution and developmental diversity of skin spines in pufferfish. bioRxiv. xx: xx-xx.☆1425☆
△ Spier D, Gerum HLN, Bornatowski H, Contente R, Mattos NAS, Vilar CC, Spach HL. 2018. Ichthyofauna of the inner shelf of Paraná, Brazil: checklist, geographic distribution, economic importance and conservation status. Biota Neotropica, 18(2): 1-23 (e20170385).☆1427☆所持未読
◎鈴木香里武.2018.海でギリギリ生き残ったらこうなりました。 進化のふしぎがいっぱい!海のいきもの図鑑.KADOKAWA,東京,159pp.☆1690☆
◎★ 立川(たつかわ)淳也・宮島尚貴.2018.第9章 魚類 海水魚:佐伯市沿岸で記録された魚類目録,pp. 381-405 + エクセルデータ付表.佐伯市自然環境調査研究会(編)佐伯の豊かな自然〜佐伯市自然環境調査報告書〜.佐伯市生活環境課,佐伯.☆1789☆
△ 大和茂之.2018.南方熊楠顕彰館所蔵のクサビフグの標本について.南紀生物, 60(1): 24-26.☆1729☆
◎ 吉郷英範.2018.広島県から記録されている海産魚類目録. 比和科学博物館研究報告, (59): 127-193 + 5 pls.☆1748☆


◎ Amer MA, El-Sadek A, Fathallah A, Omar HA, Eltoutou MM. 2019. First record for the sunfish Mola mola (Molidae: Tetradontiformes) from the Egyptian coasts, Aqaba Gulf, Red Sea, with notes on morphometrics and levels of major skeletal components. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 23(2): 563-574.☆1528☆ 生殖腺の判断ミス
◎ Arahata T. 2019. Forty years of ingenuity at the Sunshine Aquarium. pp. 16-19 In: 10th International Aquarium Congress 2018 Fukushima(第10回世界水族館会議2018福島). Aquamarine Fukushima, Marine Science Museum, Fukushima Pref, Japan, 194pp.☆1717☆
◎ 青木雄一郎.2019.究極の最適設計で次世代の航空機材料を生み出す技術.JAXA航空マガジン FLIGHT PATH.(23): 4-6.☆1577☆所持未読
◎ Baptista M, Couto A, Paula J, Raimundo J, Queiroz N, Rosa R. 2019a. Seasonal variations in the abundance and body size distribution of the ocean sunfish Mola mola in coastal waters off southern Portugal. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 99(5): 1197-1203.☆1452☆
◎ Baptista M, Azevedo O, Figueiredo C, Paula JR, Santos MT, Queiroz N, Rosa R, Raimundo J. 2019b. Body size and seasonality influence elemental distribution in tissues of ocean sunfish Mola mola juveniles. Chemosphere. xx: xx-xx.☆1496☆
◎ Bazán JJ, i Palmer M. 2019. Ocean Sunfish Mola mola parasite removal by Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis in the Balearic Sea. Anuari Ornitològic de les Balears, 34: 58-60.(カタルーニャ語海鳥寄生虫除去)☆1610☆
◎△★ Carneiro M, Martins R, Reiner F, Batista I. 2019. Ichthyofauna of Portugal: Taxonomic diversity, common and scientific names of marine fishes. Volume 1. Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera. Lisboa, Portugal, 376 pp. ☆1636☆
◎ 知花いづみ. 2019.第13回 フィリピン――最北の島で食す海と人の幸. アジア経済研究所『IDEスクエア』:続・世界珍食紀行. 巻号無し: 1-5.☆1671☆
◎△ Eagderi S, Fricke R, Esmaeili HR, Jalili P. 2019. Annotated checklist of the fishes of the Persian Gulf: Diversity and conservation status. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology, 6(Suppl. 1): 1-171.☆1644☆
△ Ergüden D, Gürlek M, Ergüden SA. Ayas D, Altun A. 2019. Presence of Ranzania laevis (Pennant, 1776) in Iskenderun Bay, Turkey. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences. xx: xx-xx.☆1517☆
◎ Francis FT, Howard BR, Berchtold AE, Branch TA, Chaves LCT, Dunic JC, Favaro B, Jeffrey KM, Malpica-Cruz L, Maslowski N, Schultz JA, Smith NS, Côté IM. 2019. Shifting headlines? Size trends of newsworthy fishes. PeerJ, 7:e6395.☆1469☆
◎ Guinness World Records. 2019. Guinness World Records 2020. Guinness World Records, London, 256 pp. (US ver. 2019.9.3 published)世界最重量硬骨魚がウシマンボウに初変更☆1502☆
◎ グレンディ クレイグ(編).2019.ギネス世界記録2020.角川アスキー総合研究所, 東京,J-22+250pp(272pp.).(no 最も重い硬骨魚 p.40) 世界最重量硬骨魚がウシマンボウに初変更☆1501☆
★△ Hellenbrecht LM, Freese M, Pohlmann J-D, Westerberg H, Blancke T, Hanel R. 2019. Larval distribution of the ocean sunfishes Ranzania laevis and Masturus lanceolatus (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) in the Sargasso Sea subtropical convergence zone. Journal of Plankton Research, 41(5): 595-608. ☆1515☆
◎ 本田優子.2019.キナポーマンボウー.ゆうことみゆきのなるほどアイヌ文化のエッセイ ソンコdeソンコ.THE JR Hokkaido(JR北海道車内誌), 89(8月号): 23.☆1570☆
◎ 北海道観光振興機構アイヌ文化分科会ワーキンググループ(編).2019.アイヌ文化・ガイド教本.公益社団法人 北海道観光振興機構,札幌市,133 pp.☆1661☆
◎ 稲垣栄洋.2019.生き物の死にざま.草思社,東京,207 pp. (無数の卵の死の上に在る生魚――マンボウ p. 77-82. )☆1686☆
◎ 石垣幸二(監修).2019.美しすぎる海洋生物の世界(エイムック 4428).竢o版社,東京, 144p.(の128-129 古文献)☆1504☆
∴ 厚生労働省医薬・生活衛生局・農林水産省消費・安全局・水産庁.2019.対EU輸出水産食品の取扱要領 令和元年6月.153pp.☆1760☆科レベル毒
◎★ Mangel JC, Pajuelo M, Pasara-Polack A, Vela G, Segura-Cobeña E, Alfaro-Shigueto J. 2019. The effect of Peruvian small-scale fisheries on sunfishes (Molidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 94: 77-85.☆1453☆
△ 三木涼平.2019.クサビフグ.pp. 196-197. In: 村瀬敦宣・三木涼平・和田正昭・瀬能宏(編).2019.宮崎県のさかなのまち 門川の魚図鑑.宮崎大学農学部附属フィールド科学教育研究センター延岡フィールド,延岡.(全208 pp.)(Murase A, Miki R, Wada M, Senou H. 2019. Coastal and market fishes around Kadogawa Bay, northern part of Miyazaki Prefecture, southern Japan. Nobeoka Marine Science Station, Field Science Center, University of Miyazaki, Nobeoka, 208pp.)☆1650☆
◎ Mosnier A, Gosselin J-F, Lawson J, Plourde S, Lesage V. 2019. Predicting seasonal occurrence of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in eastern Canadian waters from turtle and ocean sunfish (Mola mola) sighting data and habitat characteristics. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 97(5):464-478.☆1543 midoku☆
◎ Nyegaard M, Andrzejaczek S, Jenner CS, Jenner M-NM. 2019. Tiger shark predation on large ocean sunfishes (Family Molidae) - two Australian observations. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 102(12): 1559-1567.☆1523☆
◎ 尾崎幸司.2019.「江戸前の海」が「サンゴ礁の海」になる?東京湾生物の不思議・最前線.つり人社,東京,160 pp.(p. 3, 12-13, マンボウと一緒に泳ごう=44-45)☆1659☆
◎△★ Psomadakis PN, Thein H, Russell BC, Tun M. 2019. Field identification guide to the living marine resources of Myanmar. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. FAO and MOALI, Rome, 840 pp. (no p. 269, 628-629)☆1529☆
◎ Ray D, Mohapatra A, Ghorai M, Tudu PC, Mishra SS. 2019. First record of a rare sunfish, Mola mola (Linnaeus, 1758) from coastal waters of West Bengal, India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 119(1): 81-84.☆1481☆
◎ Riawan IMO, Setiabudi GI, Merdana M, Mariasa IPM, Wirasastra KT. 2019. First molecular identification of sunfish in north Bali water. Advances in Tropical Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 3(1): 12-16.☆1508☆
◎ 澤井悦郎.2019.マンボウは上を向いてねむるのか: マンボウ博士の水族館レポート.ポプラ社.東京,207pp.(英語ver: Sawai E. 2019. Rearing and research of ocean sunfishes in aquariums in Japan. Poplar Publishing. Tokyo, 207 pp.)☆1506☆
★ Sawai E, Hibino Y, Iwasaki T. 2019b. A rare river stranding record of sharptail sunfish Masturus lanceolatus in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Biogeography, 21: 27-30.☆1507☆
★ 澤井悦郎・氷厘亭氷泉.2019.マンボウ類の古文献の再調査から見付かった江戸時代におけるヤリマンボウの日本最古記録.Biostory, 31: 80-89. (Sawai E, Korintei H. 2019. The earliest Japanese record of sharptail sunfish Masturus lanceolatus in the Edo period found from examination of old literature of ocean sunfishes. Biostory, 31: 80-89.)☆1497☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・瀬能宏・竹嶋徹夫.2019.神奈川県立生命の星・地球博物館に展示されていたウシマンボウの剥製標本.神奈川県立博物館研究報告(自然科学),(48): 37-42. (Sawai E, Senou H, Takeshima T. (2019). A mounted specimen of Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) exhibited in the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History. Bulletin of the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum (Natural Science) 48, 37-42.)☆1492☆
★ Sawai E, Yoshida M. 2019. Marine and terrestrial food chain links: the case of large-billed crows Corvus macrorhynchos eating stranded sharptail sunfish Masturus lanceolatus in Fukui Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of the Fukui City Museum of Natural History,(66): 57-62.☆1531☆
★ 澤田拓海.2019.台湾におけるヤリマンボウの行動調査.日本バイオロギング研究会会報,(159): 2-3.☆1623☆
◎ 澤田拓海.2019.2度目のマンボウ放流調査.日本バイオロギング研究会会報,(159): 4-5.☆1624☆
◎鈴木香里武.2019.わたしたち、海でヘンタイするんです。 海のいきもののびっくり生態図鑑.世界文化社,東京,159pp.☆1691☆
◎△ Yapici S. 2019. New and additional records of rare fish species from the anatolian coasts of Turkey. Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, 5(1): 13-16. ☆1509☆
★ 吉田麻里子・澤井悦郎.2019.2019年正月に敦賀市気比の松原海岸に座礁したヤリマンボウとそれを食べるハシブトガラスについて.日本野鳥の会福井県会報つぐみ,(190): 13.☆1500☆
◎ Wirtz P, Biscoito M. 2019. The distribution of Mola alexandrini in the Subtropical Eastern Atlantic, with a note on Mola mola. Bocagiana, 245: 1-6.☆1503☆
◎ Zajonz U, Lavergne E, Bogorodsky SV, Saeed FN, Aideed MS, Krupp F. 2019. Coastal fish diversity of the Socotra Archipelago, Yemen. Zootaxa, 4636: 1-108.☆1537☆


◎ Abd Rabou, AFN. 2020. The Palestinian marine and terrestrial vertebrate fauna preserved at the Biology Exhibition, Islamic University of Gaza, bombarded by the Israeli Army in December, 2008. Israa University Journal of Applied Science, 4(1): 9-51.☆1598☆
◎ Abd Rabou AFN, Al Agha MR, Abd Rabou MA, Abualtayef MT, Elnabris KJ, Elkahlout KE, El Bashiti TA, Abu Amra HE, Attallah AJ, Abu Hatab HG, Aboutair MA. 2020. On the ocean sunfishes (Mola mola, Linnaeus 1758) by-caught off the Mediterranean coast of the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 29(4): 22624-22632.☆1545☆
◎ 尼岡邦夫・仲谷一宏・矢部衞.2020.北海道の魚類 全種図鑑.北海道新聞社,札幌市,590pp.(フグ目[マンボウ科].p.536.)(Amaoka K, Nakaya K, Yabe M. 2020. Pictorial Guide to the Fishes of Hokkaido. The Hokkaido Shimbun Press, Sapporo, 590pp.)☆1556☆
◎ 荒山千恵・石橋孝夫.2020.新たに見つかった石狩川の2種の鮭漁具について.いしかり砂丘の風資料館紀要,10: 39-56.☆1670☆
◎★△ Arostegui MC, Braun CD, Woodworth-Jefcoats PA, Kobayashi DR, Gaube P. 2020. Spatiotemporal segregation of ocean sunfish species (Molidae) in the eastern North Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 654: 109-125.☆1563☆所持未読
◎ Chang C-T, Lin S-J, Chiang W-C, Musyl MK, Lam C-H, Hsu H-H, Chang Y-C, Ho Y-S, Tseng C-T. 2020. Horizontal and vertical movement patterns of sunfish off eastern Taiwan. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 175: 104683.☆1505☆
◎ Frafjord K, Bakken T, Caldera E, Kubicek L, Syvertsen PO, Thys TM. 2020. About sunfishes along the Norwegian coast and the first record of the giant ocean sunfish Mola alexandrini. Fauna, 73 (1-2): 24-33. (ノルウェー語 Frafjord K, Bakken T, Caldera E, Kubicek L, Syvertsen PO, Thys TM. 2020. Om månefisker langs kysten av Norge og første funn av kjempemånefisk. Fauna, 73 (1-2): 24-33.)☆1562☆所持未読
◎ 藤原昌.2020.ぼうずコンニャクの全国47都道府県うますぎゴーゴー! : 水産物研究家が市場巡りで見つけた全国のうますぎ店.マイナビ出版,東京.237 pp. (no 119p.)☆1621☆中途半端
◎ Guinness World Records. 2020. Guinness World Records 2021. Guinness World Records, London, 256 pp. のHeaviest bony fish (57p.) (US ver. 2020.9.17 published)ウシマンボウ継続☆1546☆ ◎ 木村知晴・西馬和沙・不破光大・稲村 修.2020.2008-2018年に富山湾で新たに記録した魚類.魚津水族博物館年報,(29): 49-78.☆1559☆
◎★ 小枝圭太.2020.フグ目マンボウ科.In:小枝圭太・畑晴陵・山田守彦・本村浩之(編).大隅市場魚類図鑑. 鹿児島大学総合研究博物館, 鹿児島市.594-596. (全633 pp.)☆1573☆
◎ 黒史郎.2020.波に横たう禁忌の怪魚「万歳楽」の不気味/黒史郎の妖怪補遺々々.ウェブマガジン「ムーCLUB」(2020年7月29日配信). ☆1544☆
◎ 松原始・伊勢優史・ぽんとごたんだ .2020.じつは食べられるいきもの事典.宝島社,東京,159 pp.(マンボウの身は水っぽい, 64-65)☆1745☆
★ Moreno-Méndez A., Campos-León S., Béarez P. 2020. First record of a stranded specimen of the sharptail mola, Masturus lanceolatus (Actinopterygii: Tetraodontiformes: Molidae), from the central coast of Peru. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 50(1): 103-106.☆1532☆
◎△★ 本村浩之.2020.日本産魚類全種目録.これまでに記録された日本産魚類全種の現在の標準和名と学名.鹿児島大学総合研究博物館,鹿児島.560 pp. (2020年5月13日ver. 1)☆1535☆
◎ Phillips ND, Elliott Smith EA, Newsome SD, Houghton JDR, Carson CD, Alfaro-Shigueto J, Mangel JC, Eagling LE, Kubicek L, Harrod C. 2020. Bulk tissue and amino acid stable isotope analyses reveal global ontogenetic patterns in ocean sunfish trophic ecology and habitat use. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 633: 127-140.☆1525☆
 属レベル ◎ Psomadakis, P., H. Thein, B. C. Russell and M. T. Tun 2020.Field identification guide to the living marine resources of Myanmar. FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Rome: i-xvii + 1-694, pls. 1-58.☆1567☆所持未読
◎ ラクストン,グレイム・D(日向やよい訳).2020.世界一の巨大生物.エクスナレッジ,東京,224pp. (Ruxton GD. 2019. Nature's giants: The biology and evolution of the worls's largest lifeforms. Quarto Publishing (Japanese translation). (no p. 86-87, 157) ☆1687☆
◎ Santoro M, Palomba M, Mattiucci S, Osca D and Crocetta F. 2020. New Parasite Records for the Sunfish Mola mola in the Mediterranean Sea and Their Potential Use as Biological Tags for Long-Distance Host Migration. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7: 579728. ☆1558☆所持未読
★ 澤井悦郎.2020.写真に基づく青森県初記録および北限記録更新のヤリマンボウ.Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 3: 5-9.(Sawai E. 2020. First and northernmost records of Masturus lanceolatus (Molidae) based on photographs from Aomori Prefecture, northern Japan. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 3: 5-9.)☆1565☆
◎ Sawai E. and Nakamura I. 2020. New locality record of the bump-head sunfish Mola alexandrini (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) from Nagasaki Prefecture, western Japan. Biogeography, 22: 65-67.☆1877☆
◎ Sawai E, Yamada M. 2020. Bump-head sunfish Mola alexandrini photographed in the north-west Pacific Ocean mesopelagic zone. Journal of Fish Biology, 96: 278-280.☆1522☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・吉原もも乃.2020.昔の漁村における子供の遊び文化の再現―マンボウの軟骨から作られたボールの検証.Biostory, 33: 102-107.(Sawai E, Yoshihara M. 2020. Reproduction of children's play culture in an old fishing village: testing the ball made from the cartilage of ocean sunfish. Biostory, 33: 102-107.)☆1538☆
◎ Schoeman RP, Patterson-Abrolat C, Plön S. 2020. A global review of vessel collisions with marine animals. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7: 292. ☆1747☆
◎★△ 園山貴之・荻本啓介・堀成夫・内田喜隆・河野光久.2020.証拠標本および画像に基づく山口県日本海産魚類目録.鹿児島大学総合研究博物館研究報告,(11): 1-152.☆1524☆
◎ 東北電力株女川原子力発電所総務部広報グループ.2020.「東北電カクリスマスドリーム」を開催しました.発電所だより(1月号).ページ数無し.☆1698☆
◎△ Walker HJ, Hastings PA, Hyde JR, Lea RN, Snodgrass OE, Bellquist LF. 2020. Unusual occurrences of fishes in the Southern California Current System during the warm water period of 2014-2018. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 236: 106634.☆1530☆
  ◎ 渡邊幾子・後藤月江・三木章江・植田和美.2020.未利用魚の利用状況および有効活用.四国大学紀要 Ser.B 自然科学編,(50): 43-54.☆1603☆

1章 Carnevale, G., L. Pellegrino, J. C. Tyler. 2020. Evolution and fossil record of the ocean sunfishes, pp. 1-17. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.☆1816☆
2章 Sawai, E., M. Nyegaard, Y. Yamanoue. 2020. Phylogeny, taxonomy and size records of ocean sunfishes, pp. 18-36. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.☆1817☆
3章 Caldera, E. J., J. L. Whitney, M. Nyegaard, E. Ostalé-Valriberas, L. Kubicek, T. M. Thys. 2020. Genetic insights regarding the taxonomy, phylogeography and evolution of the ocean sunfishes (Molidae: Tetraodontiformes), pp. 37-54. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.☆1818☆
4章 Bemis, K. E., J. C. Tyler, E. J. Hilton, W. E. Bemis. 2020. Overview of the anatomy of ocean sunfishes (Molidae: Tetraodontiformes), pp. 55-71. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.☆1819☆
5章 Watanabe, Y. Y., J. Davenport. 2020. Locomotory systems and biomechanics of ocean sunfish, pp. 72-86. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.☆1820☆
6章 Forsgren, K., R. S. McBride, T. Nakatsubo, T. M. Thys, C. D. Carson, E. K. Tholke, L. Kubicek, I. Potter. 2020. Reproductive biology of the ocean sunfishes, pp. 87-104. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.☆1821☆
7章 Thys, T.M., M. Nyegaard, J.L. Whitney, J.P. Ryan, I. Potter, T. Nakatsubo, M. Freese, L. M. Hellenbrecht, R. Kelly, K. Tsukamoto, G. Shinohara, T. Mowatt-Larssen, L. Kubicek. 2020a. Ocean sunfish larvae: Detections, identification and predation, pp. 105-128. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.☆1822☆
8章 Sousa, L. L., I. Nakamura, D. W. Sims. 2020. Movements and foraging behavior of ocean sunfish, pp. 129-145. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.☆1823☆
9章 Phillips, N. D., E. C. Pope, C. Harrod, J. D. R. Houghton. 2020. The diet and trophic role of ocean sunfishes, pp. 146-159. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.☆1824☆
10章 Ahuir-Baraja, A. E. 2020. Parasites of the ocean sunfishes, pp. 160-185. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.☆1825☆
11章 Baptista, M., C. Figueiredo, C. Lopes, P. R. Costa, J. Dutton, D. H. Adams, R. Rosa, J. Raimundo. 2020. Biotoxins, trace elements, and microplastics in the ocean sunfishes (Molidae), pp. 186-215. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.☆1826☆
12章 Nyegaard, M., S. García-Barcelona, N. D. Phillips, E. Sawai. 2020. Fisheries interactions, distribution modeling and conservation issues of the ocean sunfishes, pp. 216-242. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.☆1827☆
13章 Howard, M. J., T. Nakatsubo, J. P. Correia, H. Batista, N. Baylina, C. Taura, K. S. Ydesen, M. Riis. 2020. Sunfish on display: Husbandry of the ocean sunfish Mola mola, pp. 243-262. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.☆1828☆
14章 Thys, T. M., M. Nyegaard, L. Kubicek. 2020b. Ocean sunfishes and society, pp. 263-279. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.☆1829☆
15章 Hays, G. C., J. D. R. Houghton, T. M. Thys, D. H. Adams, A. E. Ahuir-Baraja, J. Alvarez, M. Baptista, H. Batista, N. Baylina, K. E. Bemis, W. E. Bemis, E. J. Caldera, G. Carnevale, C. D. Carson, J. Pedro Correia, P. Reis Costa, O. Daly, J. Davenport, J. Dutton, L. E. Eagling, C. Figueiredo, K. Forsgren, M. Freese, S. García-Barcelona, C. Harrod, A. Hearn, L. Hellenbrecht, E. J. Hilton, M. J. Howard, R. Kelly, L. Kubicek, C. Lopes, T. Mowatt-Larssen, R. McBride, I. Nakamura, T. Nakatsubo, E. Nixon, M. Nyegaard, E. Ostalé-Valriberas, L. Pellegrino, N. D. Phillips, E. C. Pope, I. Potter, J. Raimundo, M. Riis, R. Rosa, J. P. Ryan, E. Sawai, G. Shinohara, D. W. Sims, L. L. Sousa, C. Taura, E. Tholke, K. Tsukamoto, J. C. Tyler, Y. Y. Watanabe, K. C. Weng, J. L. Whitney, Y. Yamanoue, K. S. Ydesen. 2020. Unresolved questions about ocean sunfishes, Molidae: A family comprising some of the world's largest teleosts, pp. 280-296. In: Thys, T. M., G. C. Hays and J. D. R. Houghton (eds.) The ocean sunfishes: Evolution, biology and conservation. CRC Press, Boca Raton.☆1830☆


◎ 文藝春秋.2021.江戸の世から伝わるマン延ボウ止等重点措置.週刊文春(2021年4月22日号),63(16): 140.☆1739☆
◎ Chang CT, Chiang WC, Musyl MK, Popp BN, Lam CH, Lin S-J, Watanabe YY, Ho Y-H, Chen J-R. 2021. Water column structure influences long-distance latitudinal migration patterns and habitat use of bumphead sunfish Mola alexandrini in the Pacific Ocean. Scientific Reports, 11(1): 21934.☆1641☆
◎ Ergüden D, Ayas D. 2021. Confirmed occurrence of Mola mola (Linnaeus, 1758) from Mersin Bay (Northeastern Mediterranean). Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, 36(1): 11-14.☆1597☆
◎ Iosilevskii G. 2021. A foraging ocean sunfish and the ‘nearest neighbor’ problem. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 520: 110679.☆1609☆Nakamura etal.(2015)再解析
◎△ 平凡社(編).2021.新版 魚貝もの知り事典.平凡社,東京,392pp.☆1846☆
◎ 橋村修.2021.江戸時代の日記・随筆にみる各地の魚の利用―― 地域研究教育の教材の視点 ――.東京学芸大学紀要. 人文社会科学系II,72: 73-92.☆1925☆
★ Hegde S, Tyler JC, Stearns W, Bemis KE. 2021. Live coloration and schooling behavior of juvenile sharptail mola, Masturus lanceolatus (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae), off South Florida. Southeastern Naturalist, 20(4): N102-N107.☆1696☆
◎ 石川秀幸.2021.第6話「開ける少女」.マグロ少女 2巻.BUNCH COMICS(新潮社),pp5-38(たぶん).☆1595☆所持未読
◎ 小泉武夫.2021.肝を喰う.東京堂出版,東京,268 pp. (p. 133-134 マンボウ(翻車魚)の肝揉)☆1900☆
◎ 紀北町企画課.2021.水産コラム vol. 7 マンボウ.広報きほく(1月号),(183): 2.☆1646☆
◎ 氷厘亭氷泉.2021.朝里樹(監修) 日本怪異妖怪事典 関東.笠間書院,東京,533pp(no pp.276, 310).☆1722☆
◎△ Kovačić M, Lipej L, Dulčić J, Iglesias SP, Goren M. 2021. Evidence-based checklist of the Mediterranean Sea fishes . Zootaxa, 4998 (1): 1-115. ☆1640☆
◎△ Love, M. S., J. J. Bizzarro, A. M. Cornthwaite, B. W. Frable, K. P. Maslenikov. 2021. Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Zootaxa, 5053(1): 1-285.☆1835☆
◎ 宮崎祐介.2021.珍魚ファイル File. 81 世界記録は2.3トン! ウシマンボウ.釣り情報,44(17): 162. (通巻では1032号) ☆1625☆
◎★△ 村上隆保.2021.「まん防」も「マンボウ」も、詳しいことがよくわからない。そこで……「大きさはどれくらい?」「何種類いる?」「食べるとどんな味がする?」まずは「マンボウ」大解剖!.Weeklyプレイボーイ.56(15)=(No.17: 2021年4月26日号): 38-39.☆1579☆所持未読
△村瀬敦宣.2021.クサビフグ.pp. 246-247. In: 村瀬敦宣・緒方悠輝也・山ア裕太・三木涼平・和田正昭・瀬能 宏(編).2021.新・門川の魚図鑑 ひむかの海の魚たち.宮崎大学農学部附属フィールド科学教育研究センター延岡フィールド,延岡.(全358pp.+付録29pp.)☆1692☆
◎ 中村乙水.2021a.マンボウは防寒できる?.日本バイオロギング研究会会報,(183): 4-5.☆1733☆
◎ 中村乙水.2021b.マンボウ調査はコロナの波の合間に浮かぶように.日本バイオロギング研究会会報,(183): 8-9.☆1734☆
★△ 御前(Misaki)洋.2021.定置網で捕獲された魚種について(15)2010年1月〜2020年12月.串本海中公園マリンパビリオン,50(5): 4-5.☆1718☆
△ Santín A, Aguilar R, Akyol O, Begburs CR, Benoit L, Chimienti G, Crocetta F, Dalyan C, De La Linde Rubio A, Dragičeviċ B, Dulčiċ J, Giglio G, Gönülal O, Kebapcioglu T, Kesici NB, Kiparissis S, Kousteni V, Mancini E, Mastrototaro F, Menut T, Montesanto F, Peristeraki P, Poursanidis D, Renoult JP, Sanchez-tocino L, Sperone E, Tiralongo F. 2021. New records of rare species in the Mediterranean Sea (March 2021). Mediterranean Marine Science, 22(1): 199-217. ☆1599☆
◎ 澤井悦郎.2021a.茨城県波崎海岸に打ち上げられたマンボウの記録.Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 8: 19-23.(Sawai E. 2021a. A stranding record of Mola mola (Molidae) on the beach at Hasaki in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 8: 19-23.)☆1675☆
◎ 澤井悦郎.2021b.写真に基づく三重県初記録のウシマンボウ,およびマンボウ属の新たな分類形質.Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 8: 31-36.(Sawai E. 2021b. First records of Mola alexandrini (Molidae) from Mie Prefecture, Japan based on photographs and the new taxonomic key characters of the genus Mola. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 8: 31-36.)☆1676☆
◎★ 澤井悦郎.2021c.写真に基づく徳島県からのヤリマンボウ,ウシマンボウ, およびマンボウ(マンボウ科)の記録.Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 10: 1-6.(Sawai E. 2021c. Records of three molid species, Masturus lanceolatus, Mola alexandrini and Mola mola, from Tokushima Prefecture, Japan, based on photographs. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 10: 1-6.)☆1677☆
◎★ 澤井悦郎.2021d.現代および明治時代の石川県で確認されたヤリマンボウとマンボウ属魚類の記録.Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 10: 39-43.(Sawai E. 2021d. Records of Masturus lanceolatus and Mola cf. mola from Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, based on recently stranding specimen and the Meiji-era literature. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 10: 39-43.)☆1678☆
∴◎△★ 澤井悦郎.2021e.2000-2020年の12県における定置網によるマンボウ科魚類の漁獲データ.Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 10: 49-59.(Sawai E. 2021e. Catch data for ocean sunfishes (family Molidae) by set nets in 12 prefectures, Japan, from 2000 to 2020. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 10: 49-59.)☆1679☆
◎ 澤井悦郎.2021f.写真に基づく福井県初記録のウシマンボウ.Nature of Kagoshima, 48: 119-122.(Sawai E. 2021f. First record of Mola alexandrini (Molidae) from Fukui Prefecture, Japan, based on photographs. Nature of Kagoshima, 48: 119-122.)☆1684☆
◎ 澤井悦郎.2021g.マンボウの令和民俗―新型コロナウイルス感染症に対するまん延防止等重点措置の略称「まん防」とそのイメージの変遷に関する考察.Biostory, 36: 101-109.(Sawai, E. 2021g. Living folklore of ocean sunfishes in the Reiwa era: notes on the evolving notion of "manbō" during the COVID-19 pandemic. Biostory, 36: 101-109.)☆1685☆
◎★ Sawai E. 2021h. Species re-identification based on photographs of ocean sunfishes (family Molidae) from Philippine waters, including reconfirmation of Mola alexandrini. Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology, 15(1): 1-11. DOI: 10.26757/pjsb2021a15004.☆1720☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・安部 奏・横地和正・前里 馨.2021.横浜・八景島シーパラダイスの半野生環境下で撮影された水面でミズクラゲを捕食するマンボウ.Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 13: 13-17.(Sawai E, Abe S, Yokochi K, Maezato K. 2021. Mola mola feeding on Aurelia coerulea on the sea surface recorded in the semi-wild environment of Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 13: 13-17.)☆1682☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・池田瑛真.2021.初めて動画撮影された飼育下のマンボウによる排尿.Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 14: 1-4.(Sawai E, Ikeda Y. 2021. First video evidence of urination by a captive ocean sunfish, Mola mola. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 14: 1-4.)☆1683☆
★ 澤井悦郎・杉山弘樹.2021a.志摩マリンランドにおけるヤリマンボウの希少な飼育記録.Nature of Kagoshima, 48: 61-65.(Sawai E, Sugiyama H. 2021a. Rare rearing records of Masturus lanceolatus at Shima Marineland, Mie Prefecture, Japan. Nature of Kagoshima, 48: 61-65.)☆1680☆
◎★ 澤井悦郎・杉山弘樹.2021b.マンボウ科(ヤリマンボウ,ウシマンボウ)とコバンザメ科(ナガコバン属)の共生関係に関する一考察.Nature of Kagoshima, 48: 79-82.(Sawai E, Sugiyama H. 2021b. A study on the symbiotic relationship between families Molidae (Masturus lanceolatus, Mola alexandrini) and Echeneidae (Remora sp.). Nature of Kagoshima, 48: 79-82.)☆1681☆
△ 清水孝昭.2021.愛媛県宇和海沿岸より得られたフグ目魚類4種の記録.徳島県立博物館研究報告,(31): 7-12.☆1580☆所持未読
 下瀬環.2021.沖縄さかな図鑑(Commercial Fishes and Shellfishes of Okinawa).沖縄タイムス社,那覇.207 pp.☆1666☆マンボウ類無し
◎ 鈴木夏海・伊藤このみ・山下佳苗・宮側賀美・北谷佳万・木龍太・浅川満彦.2021a.大阪・海遊館で剖検されたマンボウMola mola から検出された吸虫類と条虫類.大阪市立自然史博物館研究報告,(75): 35-39.☆1581☆所持未読
◎ 鈴木夏海・松倉未侑・伊藤寛恵・浦和茂彦・浅川満彦.2021b.襟裳岬沖産マンボウ(Mola mola)から得られた寄生虫標本の分類と魚病学教育への応用.北海道獣医師会雑誌, 65(2): 6-9.☆1582☆所持未読


◎ Britz R. 2022. Comments on the holotype of Orthragoriscus alexandrini, Ranzani 1839 (Teleostei: Molidae). Zootaxa, 5195(4): 391-392. ☆1764☆
◎ Brunken H and Woltmann I. 2022. Some remarkable fish findings from the southern North Sea coast. Bulletin of Fish Biology, 20: 23-27.☆1743☆
◎Baptista M, Braga AC, Rosa R, Costa PR. 2022. Does ocean sunfish Mola spp. (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) represent a risk for tetrodotoxin poisoning in the Portuguese coast?. Marine Drugs, 20(10): 594.☆1758☆
◎ 知花いづみ. 2022.フィリピン 最北の島で食す海と人の幸. pp. 47-52. In: 山田七絵(編)世界珍食紀行.文藝春秋,東京.(全245 pp.)☆1923☆
◎ 福井栄一.2022.幻談水族巻−いちばん近くにある異世界の住人たち.工作舎,東京,221 pp.(の134-137)☆1843☆
∴◎△★ Grove JS, Long DJ, Robertson DR, Victor BC. 2022. List of Fishes of the Galapagos Archipelago, Ecuador. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 39: 14-22.☆1908☆
◎★ 久志本鉄平・柿野敦志・下村菜月.2022.マンボウとヤリマンボウにおける体表模様による個体識別の可能性.Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 19: 1-7.☆1693☆
★ 廣瀬祐志(編).2022.日本昭和トンデモ事件大全 (タツミムック).辰巳出版,東京,160pp.(no p.64)☆1756☆
◎△ Karalić, E. 2022. Additional record of the ocean sunfish, Mola mola (Linnaeus, 1758) (Actinopterygii: Tetraodontiformes) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Prilozi fauni Bosne i Hercegovine, 18: 57-62.☆1791☆
∴◎△★ 小枝圭太.2022.マンボウ科,pp. 313.岩坪洸樹・伊東正英・山田守彦・本村浩之(編)薩摩半島沿岸の魚類.鹿児島水圏生物博物館,枕崎市・鹿児島大学総合研究博物館,鹿児島市.☆1913☆
◎ 小宮輝之・瀧靖之(監修).2022.ひとりでよめるずかん「どうぶつ」.学研プラス,東京,96pp. (no 77p)☆1688☆
◎ Nakamura I, Yamada M. 2022. Thermoregulation of ocean sunfish in a warmer sea suggests their ability to prevent heat loss in deep, cold foraging grounds. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 546: 151651.☆1639☆
◎ 中村乙水.2022.行動的体温調節の観点から見た海産魚の採餌戦略.日本生態学会誌,72: 85-94.☆1725☆
◎ 佐藤長明・関勝則・宗原弘幸.2022.北の磯魚生態図鑑.北海道大学出版会,札幌市,372pp.(の336-337p)☆1770☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・山田和彦.2022.日本国内で初めて確認されたウシマンボウの座礁記録.Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 18: 6-10. (Sawai E, Yamada K. 2022. First stranding record of a giant sunfish, Mola alexandrini (Molidae), in Japan. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 18: 6-10.)☆1772☆
◎★ Sawai E, Nyegaard M. 2022. A review of giants: examining the species identities of the world's heaviest extant bony fishes (ocean sunfishes, Family Molidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 100(6): 1345-1364.☆1773☆
★ 澤井悦郎・峯水亮.2022.日本近海で初めて撮影されたイカ類との相互作用を示す 生きたヤリマンボウ幼魚の記録.Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 20: 44-50.(Sawai E, Minemizu R. 2022. The first photographic records of a live juvenile Masturus lanceolatus in Japanese waters, showing its interaction with squids. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 20: 44-50.)☆1774☆
★ 澤井悦郎・石井陽凪・近藤美友・近藤敏康.2022.ヤリマンボウの形態異常個体(短縮した臀鰭)の記録と水中ロボットによる臀鰭の形態が遊泳に及ぼす影響の検討.Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 22: 21-25.(Sawai E, Ishii H, Kondo M, Kondo T. 2022. A morphologically abnormal example (shortened anal fin) of Masturus lanceolatus from Japan and testing its effect on swimming ability by underwater remote control robot. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 22: 21-25.)☆1775☆
◎ 澤井悦郎.2022a.マンボウ属と船舶の衝突事例:スクリュープロペラによって重傷を負ったウシマンボウの打ち上げ記録.Nature of Kagoshima, 49: 65-67.(Sawai E. 2022. Collision cases between ocean sunfishes and ships: a Japanese stranding record of Mola alexandrini with major injuries caused by the screw propeller. Nature of Kagoshima, 49: 65-67.)☆1776☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・石黒智大.2022.北海道3例目および青森県初記録のウシマンボウ.Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 25: 27-33.(Sawai E, Ishikuro T. 2022. Third record of Mola alexandrini (Molidae) from Hokkaido, and first record from Aomori Prefecture, northern Japan. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 25: 27-33.)☆1777☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・氷厘亭氷泉.2022.コロナ禍で注目された「疫病除けマンボウ」の木版画および「まん延防止等重点措置」の余波.Biostory, 38: 80-84. (Sawai E, Korintei H. 2022. A woodblock print of "the ocean sunfish with the inscription fend off plagues" that attracted attention during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the aftermath of "the measure to prevent the spread"(英題無しなのでこれを使う). Biostory, 38: 80-84.)☆1778☆
◎ 澤井悦郎.2022b.写真に基づく島根県初記録のウシマンボウ.Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 27: 1-3.(Sawai E. 2022. First record of Mola alexandrini (Molidae) based on photographs from Shimane Prefecture, Japan. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 27: 1-3.)☆1779☆
◎ 澤井悦郎.2022c.海を越えた連携プレー カクレマンボウ.in: 馬場友希・福田宏 (編)新種発見! 見つけて、調べて、名付ける方法.山と溪谷社,東京,112-119(全224pp).☆1780☆
◎★ 下関海洋科学アカデミー(編).2022.2001-2021 海響館20周年記念誌.下関海洋科学アカデミー,下関市,129pp.(のpp.10-11, 20, 109, 121, 122)☆1757☆
◎ 寺西政洋.2022.翻車魚[まんぼう].pp. 478-479. In: 朝里樹(監修) 日本怪異妖怪事典 東北.笠間書院,東京,608pp.☆1723☆


★ 芦屋町役場企画政策課広報情報係.2023.生き物と地球のために今ぼくができること.広報あしや,(1002): 7.☆1811☆
◎ Gomes-Pereira, J.N., Pham, C.K., Miodonski, J., Santos, M.A.R., Dionísio, G., Catarino, D., Nyegaard, M., Sawai, E., Carreira, G.P., Afonso, P. 2023. The heaviest bony fish in the world: a 2744 kg giant sunfish Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) from the North Atlantic. Journal of Fish Biology, 102(1): 290-293. ☆1781☆
◎ Guinness World Records. 2023. Guinness World Records 2024. Guinness World Records, London, 256 pp (no 44-46). (US ver. 2023.9.12. published)☆1805☆
◎ Hernandez MM, Schwartz M, Campodónico S, Bastida J, Seco Pon JP. 2023. Is there a symbiotic cleaning association between ocean sunfish and pelagic seabirds in the Patagonian Shelf?. Symbiosis, 90: 355-360.☆1855☆
◎ Insacco G, Gavanelli G, Zava B, Corsini-Foka M. 2023. An overlooked finding of Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1839) in the Adriatic Sea. Annales: Series Historia Naturalis, 33(2): 221-228.☆1813☆
◎★ Nyegaard M, Karmy J, McBride L, Thys TM, Welly M, Djohani R. 2023b. Rapid physiological colouration change is a challenge - but not a hindrance - to successful photo identification of giant sunfish (Mola alexandrini, Molidae). Frontiers in Marine Science. 10: 1179467.☆1806☆
◎ Nyegaard M, Braun CD, Welly M, Djohani R, Arostegui MC. 2023c. Overcoming challenging telemetry data of giant sunfish Mola alexandrini (Molidae) in Bali, Indonesia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 722: 157-175. ☆1815☆
∴◎△★ Phillips N, Nyegaard M, Sawai E, Chang C-T, Baptista M, Thys T. 2023. The ocean sunfishes (family Molidea): Recommendations from the IUCN molidae review panel. Marine Policy, 155: 105760. ☆1798☆
∴◎△★ 澤井悦郎(共同編集).2023c.大洋を羽ばたくマンボウ.pp.50-53. In: 中村真哉(編)こんなにすごい!ふしぎな動物超図鑑:身近な動物も知らない動物もおどろきの能力にせまる.ニュートン別冊.ニュートンプレス,東京.(全176pp)☆1797☆
∴◎△★ 澤井悦郎.2023d.フグなどのなかまB.pp. 254-255.In:本村浩之(監修) 学研の図鑑LIVE 魚 新版.Gakken,東京.(296pp.)☆1796☆
◎ Sawai, E., Nyegaard, M. 2023. Response to Britz (2022) regarding the validity of the giant sunfish Mola alexandrini (Ranzani, 1834) (Teleostei: Molidae). Zootaxa, 5383 (4): 561-574. ☆1812☆
◎ 吉野万理子・黒須高嶺.2023.おはなしサイエンス バイオミメティクス(生物模倣技術):マンボウ、空を飛ぶ.講談社,東京,80pp.☆1786☆


◎△ Bilecenoğlu M. 2024. Diversity of fishes along the coast of Türkiye. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 48(6): 589-616.☆1909☆
◎ 川口凛.2024.それゆけ!マンボウ調査隊.日本バイオロギング研究会会報,(219): 5.☆1926☆
∴◎△★ 本田康介・瀬能宏・和田英敏.2024.相模湾産魚類目録(改訂).神奈川県立博物館研究報告(自然科学),(53): 127-218.☆1912☆
◎ 鎌形慎太郎.2024.博覧会水族館の水族収集にみる水産組織の関与―大正・戦前期小樽の事例を中心に―.國學院大學博物館學紀要,48: 45-70.☆1350☆
∴◎★△ 大西 遼.2024.串本海中公園センターで記録された魚類.串本海中公園マリンパビリオン特別号,(15): 1-24. ☆1934☆
◎ 澤井悦郎.2024a.小笠原諸島から得られた日本最小記録を更新するウシマンボウ.Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 41: 13-16.(Sawai E. 2024a. Japan's smallest record breaking Giant Sunfish (Mola alexandrini, Molidae) from the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands. Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan, 41: 13-16.)☆1891☆
◎ 澤井悦郎.2024b.三重県沖で新たに漁獲されたウシマンボウとそのマスメディア報道について.Nature of Kagoshima, 51: 35-38.(Sawai, E. 2024b. Newly caught Mola alexandrini (Molidae) off the coast of Mie Prefecture and its mass media coverage. Nature of Kagoshima, 51: 35-38.)☆1892☆
◎ 澤井悦郎.2024c.写真に基づく北木島(笠岡諸島,岡山県)から得られたマンボウの確かな記録.Nature of Kagoshima, 51: 55-58.(Sawai, E. 2024c. Reliable record of Mola mola (Molidae) based on photographs from Kitagishima Island (Kasaoka Islands, Okayama Prefecture), Japan. Nature of Kagoshima, 51: 55-58.)☆1893☆
★ 澤井悦郎.2024d.写真に基づく佐賀県からのヤリマンボウの確かな記録.Nature of Kagoshima, 51: 145-148. (Sawai, E. 2024d. Reliable records of Masturus lanceolatus (Molidae) based on photographs from Saga Prefecture, Japan. Nature of Kagoshima, 51: 145-148.)☆1894☆
◎ 澤井悦郎.2024e.写真に基づく大阪府からのマンボウの確かな記録.Nature of Kagoshima, 51: 163-166. (Sawai, E. 2024e. Reliable record of Mola mola (Molidae) based on photographs from Osaka Prefecture, Japan. Nature of Kagoshima 51: 163-166.)☆1905☆
★ 澤井悦郎.2024f.ヤリマンボウにおける京都府からの確かな記録と伊豆諸島北部海域産個体でみられた舵鰭突出部の個体変異.Nature of Kagoshima, 51: 177-180.☆1910☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・相原岳弘.2024a.静岡県大瀬崎におけるマンボウ属の出現状況. Nature of Kagoshima, 50: 127-130.(Sawai, E. and T. Aihara. 2024a. Occurrence status of the genus Mola (Molidae) off Osezaki, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Nature of Kagoshima, 50: 127-130.)☆1847☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・相原岳弘.2024b.静岡県大瀬崎で観察されたマンボウとシラコダイの掃除共生.Nature of Kagoshima, 50: 131-134.(Sawai, E. and T. Aihara. 2024b. Cleaning symbiosis between Mola mola (Molidae) and Chaetodon nippon (Chaetodontidae) observed off Osezaki, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Nature of Kagoshima, 50: 131-134.)☆1848☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・相原岳弘.2024c.マンボウ属の掃除魚の再検討:静岡県大瀬崎で確認された新しい掃除魚.Nature of Kagoshima, 50: 135-139.(Sawai, E. and T. Aihara. 2024c. Review of the cleaner fishes of the genus Mola: new cleaner fishes confirmed off Osezaki, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Nature of Kagoshima, 50: 135-139.)☆1849☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・池田瑛真.2024.打ち上げられたマンボウ死骸の自然下での腐敗・移動の観察.Nature of Kagoshima, 50: 177-180.(Sawai, E. and Y. Ikeda. 2024. Observation of putrefaction and movement of a stranded ocean sunfish carcass (Mola mola, Molidae) under natural conditions. Nature of Kagoshima, 50: 177-180.)☆1895☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・大池明.2024a.写真に基づく中ノ島(隠岐諸島)から得られたマンボウの確かな記録.Nature of Kagoshima, 51: 15-18.(Sawai, E. and A. Ooike. 2024. Reliable record of Mola mola (Molidae) based on a photograph from Nakanoshima Island (Oki Islands, Shimane Prefecture), Japan. Nature of Kagoshima, 51: 15-18.)☆1896☆
◎ 澤井悦郎・大池明.2024b.中ノ島(島根県・隠岐諸島)からのマンボウの追加記録.Nature of Kagoshima, 51: 39-40.(Sawai, E. and A. Ooike. 2024b. Additional record of Mola mola (Molidae) from Nakanoshima Island (Oki Islands, Shimane Prefecture), Japan. Nature of Kagoshima 51: 39-40.)☆1897☆
◎ 高品南(編).2024.ハッピーセット×小学館の図鑑NEO特別版 水族館にいこう 海の生物クイズつき.中国(China),19 pp.☆1881☆


・Bailly, N. 2015. Masturus lanceolatus (Lienard, 1840). In: Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. (2015) FishBase. World Register of Marine Species. Accessed 30 Mar 2015.
・Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2015. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication., version (02/2015).
・Eschmeyer WN (ed) (2015) Catalog of fishes. Electronic version, updated 3 February 2015. Accessed 12 February 2015


瀬能 宏.2002.標準和名の安定化に向けて.青木淳一・奥谷喬司・松浦啓一(編),pp. 192-225.虫の名,貝の名,魚の名―和名にまつわる話題.東海大学出版会,東京.※n2※

松田裕之.2002.絶滅リスクの評価手法と考え方.In:矢原徹一・川窪伸光(編)『保全と復元の生物学 野生生物を救う科学的思考』.文一総合出版,東京,pp 39-57.※レッドリスト※

Lychakov, D.V., Rebane, Y.T. 2005. Fish otolith mass asymmetry: morphometry and influence on acoustic functionality. Hear. Res. 201: 55-69.※n7※耳石

Lewis, G. 2012. The debt of John Ray and Martin Lister to Guillaume Rondelet of Montpellier. Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 66(4): 323-339. 断片的・未読 【人物】  ※n1※所持未読


# 水産庁生産部海洋㐧二課.1959.北大西洋まぐろ漁場開発調査並びに欧州.中近東.東南アジア水産市場調査報告書.水産庁生産部海洋㐧二課,510pp.  (モリキタ航海)☆10000x☆
◎ 水産研究所.XXX. 瀬戸内海産魚類目録.内海区水産研究所笠岡支所,xxxpp.ページ数無し、書かれた年代不明☆1026☆所持未読
△ 小笠原支庁産業課水産係.2003未完成. クサビフグ. 小笠原島魚帳. p.76. ☆x1☆

◎ 水銀☆x2☆

◎ 榊原 茂.不明.マンボウの飼育記録365日.不明: 15.☆x3☆
◎ 末広恭雄・堤 俊夫(不明)マンボウの飼育について.不明,40-42.(末広恭雄・堤 俊夫(1973)マンボウの飼育について.京急油壺マリンパーク水族館年報,5-6,12-15.)☆x4☆

◎ National Geographic(1996-2010). Mola (Sunfish) . National Geographic News,☆x5☆

◎ Walsten, D. M.(ed) 1977. "What's the Weight, by the way, of a quarter-trillion locusts ? ".Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, 48 (1): 12-14. (※著者はSlatick, E. R.? 自信無し作者不明。データはギネスブックからと記述あり)☆x6☆

Ω Pat Young and Jim Bourdon. 2004. Mola(Linnaeus, 1758). Lee Creek Teleosts(書き方適当)☆x7☆画像

◎ 沖縄☆x8☆画像

◎ divequest☆x9☆画像

◎ Bali Scuba☆x10☆

◎ 鹿児島県 水産技術開発センター 2002?☆x11☆

◎ 三重県のHP.2010(?).第一章・主菜 まんぼうの酢味噌和え.48p.☆x20☆


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【Lo Bianco Salvatore,:"Fauna e Flora del Golfo di Napoli"4to.Napoli『ナポリ湾海洋研究所紀要』 『勇私東斯(ヨンストンス)魚譜(オランダ語)』(大槻玄沢 訳) 神田玄泉『日東魚譜』 『福州府志』 何喬遠『閩書』南産志 松浦静山1821−1841『甲子夜話』 →1977−1978(中村幸彦・中野三宇敏 校訂)全6巻 東洋文庫 平凡社 栗本丹洲 1825『翻車考』手稿本 国立国会図書館 『書言字考節用集』 山崎美成.1850.『提醒紀談』 人見必大.1697『本朝食鑑』(島田勇雄 訳1976−1981)東洋文庫 平凡社 全5巻 ビュフォン『一般と個別の博物誌』詳細あり 稲生若水1693−1715『庶物類纂』 更科源蔵・更科光.1976.『コタン生物記』II 野獣・海獣・魚族篇 法政大学出版局 季時珍.1596.『本草網目』 宇井縫蔵.1924.『紀州魚譜』大阪 →1932近代文藝社 春亭.『魚譜 1巻』 プシェ1841『教科動物学』 詳細あり ドノヴァン,E 英国産魚類誌 詳細あり 】 →荒俣(1989)の引用元

(遊覧記  松森胤保 )

(宝暦現来集 山田桂翁,天保2年自序,翻刻,続日本随筆大成,別巻6・7,吉川弘文館,1982年)

(翻車考,栗氏魚譜B20 栗本丹洲,文政8年成 国会図書館,別11−29:「翻車」はマンボウ)

(南楼随筆,小野蘭山,東洋文庫,三Jaろ―25 自筆本)


(備陽記, 石丸定良,享保6年序:影印本,日本文教出版、1965年)

(常陸物産志16 木内政章:「錦窠魚譜13」より引用)



(随観写真・魚部 後藤梨春,1757年序,20巻完本は東京国立博物館のみ 魚部は転写本多し)

(査魚志,原 南陽,内閣文庫,197−153)



(錦窠魚譜13 伊藤圭介編,32冊,国会図書館,別11−11)



1.『書言字考節用集  著者不詳  文明年間(1469〜1487)』  

2.『料理物語  著者不詳  寛永20年(1643)』

3.『毛吹草  松江重頼  正保2年(1645)』

4.『梅村載筆  林羅山  万治2年(1659)』

5.『本朝食鑑  人見必大  元禄10年(1697)』

7.『和漢三才図会  寺島良安  正徳3年(1713)』

8.『備陽記  石丸正良  享保6年(1721)』

9.『御領内産物留  著者不詳  文文元年(1736)』

10.『日東魚譜  神田玄泉  寛保元年(1741)』

11.『阿蘭陀本草和解  野呂元丈  寛保元年(1741)』

12.『採薬使記  阿部照任  宝暦8年(1758)』

13.『海乃幸  勝 竜水  宝暦12年(1762)』

14.『雑説嚢話  林自見  明和元年(1764)』

15.『随観写真  後藤棃春  明和8年(1771)』

16.『料理伊呂波包丁  著者不詳  安永2年(1773)』

17.『雪のふるみち  津村淙庵  天明8年(1788)』

18.『料理早指南  著者不詳  享和元年(1801)』

19.『筆のすさび  橘泰  文化3年(1806)』

20.『飲膳摘要  小野蘭山  文化3年(1806)』

21.『水府志料  小宮山楓軒  文化6年(1809)』

22.『占春斎魚品  曽槃  文化6年(1809)』

23.『桃洞魚譜  小原良貴  文化11年(1814)』

24.『日養食鑑  著者不詳  文政3年(1820)』

25.『甲子夜話  松浦静山  文政〜安政年間(1821〜1857)』

26.『兎園小説  滝沢馬琴  文政8年(1825)』

27.『翻車考  栗本丹州  文政8年(1825)』

28.『新編常陸国誌  中山信名  天保年間(1829〜1844)』

29.『魚鑑  武井周作  天保2年(1831)』

30.『江戸流行料理通  著者不詳  天保5年(1834)』

31.『紀伊続風土記物産  仁井田好古  天保10年(1839)』

32.『魚貝能毒品物図考  浪華青苔園  嘉永元年(1848)』

33.『熊野物産初志  畔田伴存  嘉永元年(1848)』

34.『水族志 畔田伴存  嘉永2年(1849)』

35.『提醒紀談  山崎美成  嘉永3年(1850)』

36.『魚仙水族写真  奥倉辰行  安政2年(1855)』

37.『因伯産物薬効録  平田景順  万延元年(1865→※1860が正しい)』

38.『加能越三州山海異品  著者不詳  慶応元年(1865)』

39.『水産小学  河原田盛美  明治15年(1882)』

40.『水産図解  藤川三溪  明治22年(1889)』









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